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学术英语论文大纲格式模板 学术英语论文大纲如何写有关写作资料

主题:学术英语 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-11




  1. 五、顺应论视角下的英语学术文献的汉译论文提纲
  2. 四、学术英语风格再现与重构论文提纲范文
  3. 三、非英语专业研究生英语学术论文写作的学习需求分析研究论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、非英语专业博士生学术英语写作中的元认知因素研究论文提纲范文
  5. 一、理工科硕士研究生学术英语需求分析—生态路径论文提纲范文







1- 任务描述

1-1 研究背景

1-2 任务简介

1-3 研究意义

2- 任务过程

2-1 译前准备

2-1-1 了解学术文献文体的范畴

2-1-2 分析一般学术文献的特点

2-1-3 选定学术文献的类型并查阅有关资料

2-2 翻译过程

2-2-1 细抓原文,对原文信息有整体性把握

2-2-2 反复把握逻辑结构,准确传递原文信息

2-2-3 反复校验修改,确保原文信息功能的实现

2-3 译后工作

2-3-1 自行校订

2-3-2 请心理学专业背景的学生进行部分试阅

3- 理论基础

3-1 顺应论的主要内容

3-1-1 语境关系的顺应

3-1-2 语言结构的顺应

3-1-3 顺应的动态性

3-1-4 顺应交际过程的意识突显性

3-2 顺应论在学术文献英汉翻译中的运用

3-2-1 学术翻译是不断作出选择的过程

3-2-2 学术翻译的过程是动态顺应的过程

4- 案例分析

4-1 概述

4-2 具体案例分析

4-2-1 通用学术词汇的翻译

4-2-2 名词化结构的翻译

4-2-3 长难句的翻译

4-2-4 被动句的翻译

5- 实践总结





Lexis and Creativity in Translation--A Corpus-based Study(Chapter 2)原文及译文



1- 引言

2- 学术英语(academic English)的语言特征与风格

2-1 学术英语的定义

2-2 学术英语的语言特征与风格

2-3 Lexis and Creativity in Translation -- A Corpus -based Study第二章的语言特征与风格

3- 学术英语风格再现与重构的原则与方法

3-1 学术英语风格再现与重构的原则

3-2 学术英语风格再现与重构的方法

4- Lexis and Creativity in Translation -- A Corpus-based Study第二章语言风格再现与重构

4-1 词汇

4-2 句子

4-3 语篇

5- 结语








1- Research Background

2- Purpose and Significance of the Research

3- Organization of the Thesis

Chapter One Literature Review

1-1 ESP and EAP

1-2 Course Design

1-2-1 Designing Approaches to Course Design

1-2-2 Defects of Present Course Design in China

1-3 The Brief Introduction to Needs Analysis

1-3-1 The Definition of Needs Analysis

1-3-2 The Function and Purpose of Needs Analysis

1-3-3 The Models of Needs Analysis

1-4 Learning Needs and Learning Needs in English Academic Writing

1-4-1 Learning Needs

1-4-2 Learning Needs in English Academic Writing

1-5 Previous Studies Abroad and at Home

1-5-1 Previous Studies Abroad

1-5-2 Previous Studies at Home

Chapter Two Methodology

2-1 Research Questions

2-2 Subjects

2-3 Instruments

2-3-1 Questionnaire Design

2-3-2 Interviews

2-4 Research Procedure and Data Collection

Chapter Three Results and Discussion

3-1 The Quantitative Study of Learning Needs in English Academic Writing

3-1-1 Academic Writing Purposes

3-1-2 Language Needs

3-1-3 Rhetoric Needs

3-1-4 Culture and Discipline Knowledge Needs

3-1-5 Writing Resources Needs

3-1-6 The Summary of the Quantitative Study about Learning Needs in English Academic Writing

3-2 The Qualitative Study of Learning Needs in English Academic Writing

3-2-1 Comparison between Pre-interview and Post-interview in Academic Writing Purposes

3-2-2 Comparison between Pre-interview and Post-interview in Language Needs

3-2-3 Comparison between Pre-interview and Post-interview in Rhetoric Needs

3-2-4 Comparison between Pre-interview and Post-interview in Culture and Discipline Knowledge Needs

3-2-5 Comparison between Pre-interview and Post-interview in Writing Resources Needs

3-2-6 The Summary of the Qualitative Study about Learning Needs in English Academic Writing

3-3 Summary


1- Major Findings

2- Pedagogical Implication

3- Limitations of This Study

4- Suggestions for Further Research




有关论文范文主题研究: 学术英语论文提纲相关范文 大学生适用: 8000字硕士论文、2000字电大论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 316 写作解决问题: 论文框架怎样写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文设计 职称论文适用: 期刊发表、职称评初级
所属大学生专业类别: 学术英语科目 论文提纲推荐度: 免费提纲




List of Tables and Figures


Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Research Background

1-2 Significance of the Research

1-3 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Metacognition

2-1-1 Definition of Metacognition

2-1-2 Classification of Metacognition

2-1-3 Metacognition Research on EFL Writing

2-2 English Academic Writing

2-2-1 English for Academic Purposes

2-2-2 English Academic Writing and Its Features

2-2-3 Previous Research on English Academic Writing

2-3 Connection between Metacognition and Doctoral Candidates’ English Academic Writing

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3-1 Research Questions

3-2 Participants

3-3 Instruments

3-3-1 Questionnaire

3-3-2 Samples of English Academic Writing

3-4 Data Collection Procedure

3-5 Data Analysis

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4-1 State of Non-English-Major Doctoral Candidates in Metacognitive knowledge of English Academic Writing

4-1-1 Average Level of Metacognitive Knowledge of English Academic Writing of all the Participants

4-1-2 Differences of Metacognitive Knowledge of all Participants of Different Majors

4-2 Influences of Metacognitive Control of Non-English-Major Doctoral Candidates on English Academic Writing

4-2-1 State of Non-English-Major Doctoral Candidates in Metacognitive Control

4-2-2 Relationship Between Metacognitive Control and the Quality of English Academic Writing

4-3 Types of Metacognitive Experience of Non-English-Major Doctoral Candidates and Their Influences on English Academic Writing

4-3-1 Types of Metacognitive Experience of Non-English-major Doctoral

4-3-2 Relationship Between Metacognitive Experience and the Quality of English Academic Writing

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Main Findings of the Study

5-2 Implications for English Academic Writing

5-3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study









List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Acronyms

Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 Background of the Study

1-2 Purposes of the Study

1-3 Scope of the Study

1-4 Structure of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Basis

2-1 An Overview of EAP

2-1-1 The Concept of EAP

2-1-2 The Development of EAP

2-1-3 Teaching and Learning Principles in EAP

2-1-4 EGAP & ESAP

2-2 Needs Analysis

2-2-1 Definitions of Needs

2-2-2 Classifications of Needs

2-2-3 Needs Analysis Triangle

2-2-4 Needs Analysis Framework

2-3 EAP and Its Needs Analysis Research in China

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

3-1 Introduction

3-2 Participants

3-3 Instruments

3-3-1 Design of Questionnaires

3-3-2 Personal Interview

3-4 Research Procedures

3-5 Data Collection and Treatment

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

4-1 Questionnaire I

4-1-1 Target Situation Analysis

4-1-2 Subjective Needs

4-1-3 Language Information about Learners

4-1-4 Learners’ Lacks

4-1-5 Learning Needs

4-2 Questionnaire II

4-2-1 Objective Needs in Target Situation

4-2-2 Supervisors’ Evaluation of Postgraduates’ Current Skills

4-2-3 Postgraduates’ Lacks in Academic English Skills

4-2-4 Postgraduates’ Objective Needs for EAP courses

4-3 EAP Teachers’ Personal Interview

4-3-1 Reasons of Students’ Lacks

4-3-2 Content, Materials and Activities of Current EAP Courses

4-3-3 Cooperation between Subject Teachers and Language Teachers

4-3-4 Teachers’ Opinion about Functions of EGAP

4-3-5 Environment Improvement for EAP Courses

4-4 Open-ended Questionnaire

4-4-1 Postgraduates’ Attitude Toward all-EAP English Curriculum

4-4-2 Significance of Learner Autonomy and Promoting Factors

4-4-3 Arrangement of Different EAP Courses

4-4-4 Preferred Teaching Activities and Materials

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Summary of Major Findings

5-2 Pedagogical Implications

5-2-1 Establishing an All- EAP Curriculum

5-2-2 Establishing Academic English Evaluation System

5-3 Limitations of the Present Research

5-4 Advice for Future Research



Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D




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