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外贸英语翻译论文大纲模板 外贸英语翻译论文提纲怎样写有关写作资料

主题:外贸英语翻译 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-11




  1. 五、应用语域理论分析外贸英语的写作技巧论文提纲
  2. 四、语域理论与外贸函电英语翻译论文提纲范文
  3. 三、外贸英语的特点与翻译模式论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、外贸英语函电特点与翻译刍议论文提纲范文
  5. 一、外贸英语特点及其翻译标准研究论文提纲范文






1-1 The Importance of Foreign Trade English in International Trade

1-2 The Purpose of the Thesis

1-3 The Methodology and Arrangement of the Thesis

1-3-1 The Methodology of This Thesis

1-3-2 The Arrangement of the Thesis

Ⅱ-Literature Review

2-1 The Study Situation of FTE

2-2 A Preliminary Study on International Trade

2-3 The Introduction to FTE

2-3-1 The Concept of FTE

2-3-2 The Relationship between BE and FTE

2-4 The Notion of Functional Grammar and Register Theory

2-4-1 An Overview on Systemic Functional Grammar

2-4-2 An Introduction to the Theory of Register

2-4-2-1 The Concept of Register

2-4-2-2 Metafunctions

2-4-2-3 Relationship between the Three Variables and Metafunctions

2-4-2-4 The Feature of Predictability of Register

Ⅲ-The Linguistic Analysis on Foreign Trade English

3-1 A General Analysis on FTE from the Perspective of Register

3-2 The Linguistic Analysis on Foreign Trade Correspondence

3-2-1 The Field of FTE and the Language Features Predicted

3-2-2 The Tenor of FTE and the Language Features predicted

3-2-3 The Mode of FTE and the Language Features Predicted

3-3 Writing Requirements of FTE

3-3-1 The Requirements of 3Cs

3-3-2 Prediction of the Writing Requirements from the Register Theory

Ⅳ-Studies on the Writing Skills of FTE Based on the Register Theory

4-1 The Lexical Level

4-1-1 Frequent Employment of Abbreviations

4-1-2 The Changing of the Meaning of Some Common Words

4-1-3 The Frequent Use of Phrases

4-1-4 Frequently-Used Formal Words or Phrases

4-1-5 The Frequent Use of Business Terminology

4-2- The Syntactical Level

4-2-1 The Mixed Use of the Long Sentences and the Short Sentences

4-2-2 The Tense Used in FTE

4-2-3 The Voice Is Used Discriminately

4-2-4 The Clauses of Condition

4-2-5 The Elliptical Sentence

4-2-6 The Preference to Declarative Sentences

4-3 The Textual Level

4-3-1- Short Letters with Short Paragraphs

4-3-2- The Layout of a Foreign Trade Letter

4-3-3- The Text Structure of Foreign Trade Letter

Ⅴ- Conclusion

5-1 Conclusion

5-2 Limitations of the Thesis






Abstract in English

Abstract in Chinese

Chapter One Introduction

1-1 General description

1-2 Significance of thesis

1-3 Purpose and methodology

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Brief review of systemic functional grammar

2-1-1 The history and notion of register

2-1-1-1 Three variables

2-1-1-2 Metafunctions

2-2 Relationship between three variables and metafunctions

2-3 Text and context

2-3-1 Meaning and text

2-3-2 Text and situation

Chapter Three A Preliminary Study

3-1 The Introduction of FTC

3-2 Writing features of English for FTC

3-2-1 Function of English for FTC

3-2-2 Writing requirement of English for FTC

3-3 Stylistic features of English for FTC

3-3-1 lexical level

3-3-2 Grammatical level

Chapter Four The Main Study

4-1-Register theory applied in English translation for FTC

4-1-1-Relationship between register and English translation of FTC

4-1-2 Lexical level

4-1-3 Syntactic level

4-1-4 Textual level

4-2 English Translation of TFC

4-2-1 The purpose and principle in the English translation of FTC

4-2-2 Requirement of English translation of FTC

4-3 Register analysis in translation equivalence

4-3-1 Translation equivalence

4-3-2 The equivalence of ideational function

4-3-3 The equivalence of interpersonal function

4-3-4 The equivalence of textual function

Chapter Five Conclusion



Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Purpose of the thesis

1-2 Arrangement of the thesis

Chapter Two Introduction to Foreign Trade English

2-1 Current situation of Foreign Trade English in China

2-2 Introductions to Foreign Trade English, Business English and their relations

2-3 Classification of Foreign Trade English

2-4 Requirements for translators in foreign trade

Chapter Three Features of Foreign Trade English

3-1 Linguistic features of Foreign trade English

3-1-1 Lexical features of Foreign Trade English

3-1-2 Syntactic features of Foreign Trade English

3-2 Writing features of Foreign Trade English

3-2-1 Stylistic features of Foreign Trade English

Chapter Four Study of Foreign Trade English translation

4-1 Definition of Translation and Translation theory

4-2 Criteria of translation

4-2-1 Criteria of Foreign Trade English translation

4-3 Translation process

4-4 Roger T- Bell's translation model

4-4-1 Analysis stage (reading the source language text)

4-4-2 Synthesis stage (writing the target language Text)

4-5 Using the process to do some FTE translation

4-5-1 Analysis stage

4-5-2 Preparing to translate

4-5-3 Synthesis stage

Chapter Five Conclusion




有关论文范文主题研究: 关于外贸英语翻译论文提纲范文文献 大学生适用: 3000字在职论文、2000字电大论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 216 写作解决问题: 论文提纲怎样写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文设计 职称论文适用: 核心期刊、初级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 外贸英语翻译方面 论文提纲推荐度: 优质提纲




1- 引言

2- 外贸英语函电特点

2-1 用词特点

2-1-1 频繁使用贸易术语

2-1-2 正确理解普通词汇

2-1-3 精确传达数量概念

2-2 行文特点

2-2-1 简洁精练,严谨准确

2-2-2 朴实平易,开门见山

2-2-3 措辞委婉,语气柔和

3- 外贸英语函电翻译标准

3-1 忠实原文,准确完整

3-2 顺畅达意,通俗易懂

3-3 地道规范,译名统一

4- 外贸英语函电翻译要点

4-1 术语及固定句型翻译

4-2 根据语境确定词义

4-3 保持原文风格,精确传译原文

5- 结语







第1章 绪论

1-1 外贸英语的重要性

1-2 外贸英语翻译的发展现状

1-3 本论文的研究内容与意义

第2章 外贸英语特点

2-1 外贸英语的含义

2-2 外贸英语的分类

2-3 外贸英语语言特点

2-3-1 词汇特点

2-3-2 句法特点

2-3-3 文体特点

第3章 外贸英语翻译现状

3-1 外贸英语翻译的作用和重要性

3-2 外贸英语翻译的研究现状

3-3 外贸英语翻译标准的研究现状

第4章 外贸英语翻译的标准

4-1 忠实

4-2 精确

4-3 习惯

4-4 得体






[1] 外贸英语翻译方向论文题目 外贸英语翻译论文题目怎样定
[2] 外贸英语翻译论文大纲模板 外贸英语翻译论文提纲怎样写
[3] 外贸英语翻译论文摘要怎么写 外贸英语翻译论文摘要范文参考
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