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英语科技论文提纲格式范文 英语科技论文提纲怎样写有关写作资料

主题:英语科技 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-05




  1. 五、错误分析理论指导下中国学者英语科技论文写作中的错误研究论文提纲
  2. 四、翻译美学视角下英语科技新闻汉译论文提纲范文
  3. 三、英语科技新闻翻译实践报告论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、论英语科技论文修辞诉求论文提纲范文
  5. 一、顺应论视角下英语科技语篇的汉译论文提纲范文







List of Tables

List of Figures

Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 Background and significance

1-2 Rationale of the study

1-2-1 EST (English for Science and Technology)

1-2-2 Error analysis theory

1-3 Outline of the Study

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 Study of EST writing abroad

2-2 Study of EST writing in China

2-3 Study of error analysis abroad

2-4 Study of error analysis in China

Chapter 3 Research Design

3-1 Methodology of the study

3-2 Research questions

3-3 Data collection

Chapter 4 Study of Errors in EST Writing

4-1 Procedure of the study

4-2 Levels of the error

4-3 Classification of the errors

4-4 Frequency of the errors

Chapter 5 Discussion

5-1 Mother-Tongue Influence: Interlingual Errors

5-1-1 lnterlingual factors on lexical errors

5-1-2 lnterlingual factors on syntactic errors

5-1-3 Interlingual factors on grammatical errors

5-1-4 lnterlingual factors on discourse errors

5-1-5 lnterlingual factors on substance errors

5-2 Target language causes: intralingual errors

5-2-1 Overgeneralization

5-2-2 Ignorance of rule restriction

5-2-3 Incomplete application of rules

5-2-4 False concepts hypothesized

Chapter 6 Conclusion

6-1 Main findings

6-1-1 High proportion of lexical and grammatical errors

6-1-2 High proportion of interlingual errors

6-2 Implications

6-2-1 Reinforce the input of English

6-2-2 Cultivate English ways of thinking

6-2-3 Establish working relationship between general teachers and subject specialists

6-2-4 Organize professional training workshop & CIPSE

6-3 Limitation of the study and suggestions for further research








Part 1 Introduction

1-1 The Problem

1-2 Research Questions and Objectives

1-3 Type of Research and Hypotheses

1-3-1 The type of research

1-3-2 Hypotheses

Part 2 Theoretical Framework and Literature Review

2-1 Theoretical Framework

2-1-1 Definition of aesthetics

2-1-2 Translation aesthetics

2-1-3 Aesthetic translation theories in the west and at home

2-1-4 English technical news

2-2 Literature Review

2-2-1 Aesthetic translation theories study abroad

2-2-2 Main scholars’ achievements on translation aesthetic theories study abroad

2-2-3 Aesthetic translation theories study in China

2-2-4 Main scholars’ achievements on translation aesthetic theories in China

Part 3 Method

3-1 Introduction

3-2 Material Collection

3-3 Research Design

3-4 Research Procedures

Part 4 Results

4-1 Introduction

4-1-1 Definition of English technical news

4-1-2 The role of the translator

4-1-3 The role of audience

4-2 Lexical Features

4-2-1 Aesthetic features of terms in English technical news translation

4-2-2 Aesthetic features of words in English technical news translation42

4-2-3 A brief summary

4-3 Sentence Features

4-3-1 Aesthetic features of titles in English technical news translation

4-3-2 Aesthetic features of sentences in English technical news translation

4-3-3 A brief summary

4-4 Aesthetic Features of Texts in English Technical News Translation

4-5 Summary

Part 5 Discussion

5-1 Introduction to Translation Aesthetics

5-1-1 Definition of translation aesthetics

5-1-2 Western translation aesthetics and Chinese translation aesthetics

5-2 Translation Aesthetics in English Technical News Translation

5-2-1 Aesthetic criteria of English technical news translation

5-2-2 Aesthetic values of English technical news translation

5-3 Significance of This Study

5-3-1 Theoretical significance

5-3-2 Practical significance

Part 6 Conclusion

6-1 Summary

6-2 Validity and Reliability

6-3 Limitations and Further Research


Published Paper





第一章 引言

l-1 研究背景

1-2 研究现状

1-3 研究方法

1-4 研究意义

1-5 论文结构

第二章 任务完成过程

2-1 译前准备

2-1-1 获取背景文本资料

2-1-2 翻译辅助工具的选择

2-1-3 科技新闻翻译基本原则

2-2 理解与表达

2-3 译后修改

第三章 英语科技新闻的文本特点

3-1 英语科技新闻词汇特点

3-1-1 使用简短小词

3-1-2 专业词汇居多

3-1-3 新词不断涌现

3-2 英语科技新闻句法特点

3-2-1 众多被动语态句

3-2-2 大量长句、复杂句

3-2-3 经常使用名词化结构

3-2-4 频繁使用非限定性动词

3-2-5 广泛使用后置定语

3-2-6 诸多直接引语与间接引语

第四章 案例分析

4-1 词汇翻译方法

4-1-1 直接查找法

4-1-2 目的语增补法

4-1-3 缩略语展开法

4-2 长句翻译方法

4-2-1 顺序法

4-2-2 逆序法

4-2-3 分译法

4-2-4 加括号法

4-3 翻译技巧

4-3-1 增译法

4-3-2 词类转换法

4-3-3 巧用四字格

第五章 结论




有关论文范文主题研究: 关于英语科技论文提纲范文集 大学生适用: 2000字专升本毕业论文、2500字电大毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 315 写作解决问题: 论文大纲怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 标准论文格式、论文题目 职称论文适用: 期刊目录、职称评副高
所属大学生专业类别: 英语科技科目 论文提纲推荐度: 经典提纲





Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 General Description of the Study

1-2 Significance of the Study

1-3 Overall Structure of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 Studies on Scientific Writing Abroad

2-2 Studies on Scientific Writing at Home

2-3 Necessity for Further Study on Scientific Writing

Chapter 3 Introduction of Rhetorical Theory

3-1 Overviews of Rhetoric

3-1-1 Definition of Rhetoric

3-1-2 Brief History of Rhetoric

3-1-3 Three Means of Persuasion

3-2 Audience Theory

3-2-1 Perelman's Audience Theory

3-2-2 Other Rhetoricians' Audience Theory

Chapter 4 Rhetorical Analysis of Scientific Writing

4-1 Definition and Classification of Scientific Writing

4-2 Logic and Reasoning Appeal

4-2-1 Using Transitional Words and Phrases

4-2-2 Caution about Using Pronouns

4-2-3 Using Topic Sentences

4-2-4 Following the Subject as Closely as Possible by its Verb

4-2-5 Describing Sections Logically

4-2-6- Arranging Whole Paper Compactly

4-3 Expressive Appeal

4-3-1 Using the Active Voice

4-3-2 Using Nonsexist Language

4-3-3 Demonstrating Truths through Objective Data

4-3-4 Avoiding Emotional Language

4-4 Stylistic Appeal

4-4-1- Accuracy and Precision

4-4-1-1 Being Accurate in Wording

4-4-1-2 Using Proper Tenses

4-4-1-3 Being Specific, Definite and Concrete

4-4-2 Conciseness and Brevity

4-4-2-1 Using Acronyms, Initialisms and Other Abbreviations

4-4-2-2 Shortening Wordy Phrases

4-4-2-3 Avoiding Cliche

4-4-2-4 Cutting out Extra Words

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Conclusion

5-2 Limitations of the Study



Papers Published During the Study for M- A- Degree





1- 任务描述

1-1 引言

1-2 文献综述

1-3 任务简介

1-4 研究意义

2- 翻译过程

2-1 译前准备

2-1-1 了解科技语篇的范围

2-1-1-1 语篇类型与科技英语

2-1-1-2 科技语篇与科普语篇

2-1-2 了解科技语篇的特点

2-1-2-1 词汇特点

2-1-2-2 句法特点

2-1-2-3 文体特点

2-1-3 熟悉汽车领域相关专业知识

2-2 翻译过程

2-2-1 查找术语译名

2-2-2 理清原文语法及逻辑关系

2-2-3 准确表达原文内容

2-3 译后工作

2-3-1 自行校订

2-3-2 请汽修专业的教师校订译稿

3- 理论基础——顺应论

3-1 语言的三大特性

3-2 语言描写与解释的四个维度

4- 案例分析

4-1 科技语篇翻译过程中对语境关系的顺应

4-2 科技语篇翻译过程中对语言结构的顺应

4-2-1 词汇层面

4-2-1-1 词汇歧义

4-2-1-2 词汇意义转移

4-2-1-3 四字结构

4-2-2 句法层面

4-2-2-1 被动语态

4-2-2-2 定语结构

4-2-2-3 复杂长句

4-2-3 语篇层面

4-2-3-1 衔接的处理

4-2-3-2 隐性逻辑关系显化

5- 实践总结





[1] 英语科技学论文选题 英语科技毕业论文题目如何定
[2] 英语科技论文集 英语科技参考文献怎么写
[3] 英语科技论文提纲格式范文 英语科技论文提纲怎样写
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