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Magic gloves let famous Brazilian pianist play again 神奇手套让巴西钢琴家再现琴技

主题:钢琴家 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-02




Brazilian piano player Joao Carlos Martins invited his friends to a bar near his home. He wanted to show them the best gift he had received in many years: a new pair of gloves. They are not ordinary gloves, however. The specially made bionic devices let the 79?year?old play with both hands for the first time in more than 20 years.

Martins had undergone 24 medical procedures to try to reduce pain caused by a progressive disease and a series of accidents. His limitations had forced him to work mostly as a musical conductor since the early 2000s. But recently, his friends returned to his home and listened to him once again bring his forite classical music back to life on his piano.

Martins health problems date back to 1965. He became known for coming back from every struggle he faced. For example, he suffered nerve damage in his arm from a soccer injury. While he was on tour, a robber hit him over the head with a metal pipe in Bulgaria. Even his close friends believed that he would end his days as a pianist. However, a designer believed Martins retirement had come too early. That designer, Ubirata Bizarro Costa, created special bionic gloves for Martins hands. The gloves help move his fingers up after they press on the piano keys.

Costa said he created early models based on images of Martins hands. But he said those models were “far from ideal”. He then decided to tell Martins about his efforts. Costa and Martins then spent several months testing different models. The perfect match cost only $125 to build.

Martins has received more than 100 devices in the last 50 years as possible solutions to his hand problems. None worked well or long enough. The new gloves he given Martins a new goal. He is already set to conduct a concert celebrating the 60th anniversary of his first appearance there.


1. Why did Martins invite his friends to a bar?

A. To conduct a concert.

B. To show them his new gloves.

C. To express his gratitude to them.

D. To share his new life with them.

2. What did Martins mainly do after the early 2000s?

A. He played the piano.

B. He wrote some songs.

C. He worked as a musical conductor.

D. He learned classical music.

3. What can we know about the magic gloves?

A. They are expensive to make.

B. They seem helpful to learn music.

C. They cost Costa several months.

D. They will help Martins fully recover.



Martins has received more than 100 devices in the last 50 years as possible solutions to his hand problems. 在过去的50年里,马丁斯已经收到了100多个设备,用于解决他手部的问题.

【信息提取】句中“in the last+一段时间”与现在完成时态连用.




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