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主题:学生教室*啪 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-29





  1. 学生教室*啪:台湾女教师学生发生性关系 女教练被判2年(清晰)

我 的 英 语 教 学 与 chant

   Unit4 Time( 3B )第一课时教学设计及意图

   常 州 市 北 郊 小 学;李 霞

   教学目标:1 能听懂,会说数词1---12.

   2 能听懂,会说日常交际用语What's the time ? It's 等.o'clock. Let's 等.It's time to等.You can 等

   3 学生能在教师的示范下运用熟悉的曲调诵唱本课句型.

   4 培养学生学习英语的兴趣.

   教学过程: Step1: 教师手拿手表说:"What's the time ? It's eight o'clock.Let's begin our class.Now let's sing a chant:

   Who's he ? Father, father. He's my father.

   Who's she ? Mother,mother. She's my mother.

   Who's this? Uncle, uncle. He's my uncle.

   Who's that ? Aunt, aunt. She's my aunt.


学生教室*啪:台湾女教师学生发生性关系 女教练被判2年(清晰)


   Step2: Review and presentation

   Free talk: 开展自由的师声对话.


   T: Who's he ?

   S: He's 等.

   T: Nice to meet you. Let's play . OK?

   师生一起拍球同时数:one, two, three, four, five等

   T: Today we're going to learn a new lesson " Unit 4 Time " ( 板书课题)

   Step 3: Learn the new words.

   T: Now boys and girls, look at the pictures. How many monkeys can you see ? Let's count. 师生一同数猴.


   T: The monkeys are very hungry. They need some peaches. How many peaches can you see ? Can you help them to get the peaches ?

   T: Get five peaches . Get six peaches . Get 等

   S: 根据教师指令摘相应的桃子.

   Step 4: Say and make a chant .

   T: Look at the pictures. Say and make a chant.

   Where's one? It's on the desk.

   Where's two ? It's in the basket.


   Where's three ? It's on the clock.

   Where's four ? It's in the box.

   Where's five ? It's on the chair.

   Where's six ? It's in the book

   Where's seven ? It's on the wall.



   Step 6: Learn the dialogue.

   T: 拿一钟问:"What's this ?"

   S: It's a clock. What a nice clock!

   T; What's the time ?

   移动时针,让学生理解What's the time ?的意思,引导学生说出:It's one o'clock. It's two o'clock.


   T: What's the time ? 拨时针到十二点.

   S: It's twelve .

   T: It's time to h论文范文e lunch.

   Step 7: Say and sing a chant.

   T: Would you like to sing a song ? First let's chant it then sing it .

   What's the time ? It's six o'clock.

   It's time to get up.

   What's the time ? It's eight o'clock.

   It's time to go to school.

   What's the time ? It's twelve o'clock.

   It's time to h论文范文e lunch.


   What's the time ? It's five o'clock.

   It's time to go home .

   What's the time ? It's eight o'clock.

   It's time to watch TV.

   设计意图: 语法教学和单词记忆在小学英语教学中是一个难题,组织小学生编唱适当儿歌,不仅能提高他们的兴趣,还能帮助他们理解和掌握一些基本语法知识,减轻记忆单词的难度,在这个环节中,我将本课重点句型,数字单词及学过短语结合在一起教会学生编唱,通过这种形式来刺激孩子们的大脑兴奋点,对巩固旧知,记忆新知起着很重要的作用.小学生易遗忘是我们英语教师最头痛的地方,所以说,若不采用歌谣的形式来激发他们的兴趣,小孩子会更乏味,从而抑制他们的记忆.

   Step 8: Listen to the tape


   Step 9: Make a dialogue

   示范: T: What's the time ? 拨时针到4点.

   S: It's four.

   T: It's time to go home , but how ?

   S: By bike/By car/Bybus.

   T: There're some numbers of the buses. Can you tellme ? 出示一辆车牌号.

   Step 10: Homework

   Please talk about the time with your parents at home .

   教学小结: 埃克斯利说过这样一段话:凡能激发学生喜爱学习英语的方法则是最好的方法,而使学生厌恶的方法则是最坏的方法.我在设计"Unit 4 Time 第一课时时采用了三个chant 贯穿整个课堂教学,他们好似一首歌上三个跳动的主旋律,让整堂课看起来是那么的和谐,自然.学生在明快的节奏,抑扬顿挫的语调中调动多种感官,它使教学变得生动丰富,使枯燥的语言知识变得有趣.






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