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商务英语口语论文大纲范本模板 商务英语口语论文框架如何写有关写作资料

主题:商务英语口语 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-27




  1. 五、任务型教学法在高职商务英语口语中的实证研究论文提纲
  2. 四、目标导向任务型教学法在高职商务英语口语教学中的应用论文提纲范文
  3. 三、多模态话语分析之应用研究论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、情景教学在中国高职院校商务英语口语教学中的应用研究论文提纲范文
  5. 一、任务型教学法在商务英语口语教学中的应用论文提纲范文





第一章 绪论

1-1 研究背景

1-2 研究目的和意义

1-2-1 研究目的

1-2-2 研究意义

1-3 论文结构

第二章 文献综述

2-1 任务型教学的基本理论

2-1-1 任务的定义

2-1-2 任务型语言教学

2-1-2-1 任务型语言教学的概念

2-1-2-2 任务型语言教学的特点

2-1-2-3 任务的设计原则

2-1-2-4 任务型教学法的实施步骤

2-2 任务型语言教学的理论基础

2-2-1 建构主义理论

2-2-2 输入假说

2-2-3 输出假设

2-3 国内外任务型教学法的研究现状

2-3-1 国外相关研究

2-3-2 国内相关研究

2-4 高职商务英语任务型口语教学在国内的研究现状

第三章 研究设计

3-1 研究问题

3-2 研究对象

3-3 研究工具

3-3-1 标准化测试

3-3-2 问卷调查

3-4 研究过程

3-5 对照班的教学模式

3-6 数据分析

第四章 数据分析与讨论

4-1 实验结果分析

4-1-1 标准化测验的结果分析

4-1-2 问卷调查的结果分析

4-2 讨论

4-2-1 标准化测验结果的讨论

4-2-2 问卷调查结果的讨论

第五章 结语

5-1 主要研究发现

5-2 对教学的启示

5-3 本研究的不足和对未来教学的建议













List of Tables

List of Figures

Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 General Research Background

1-2 Purpose of the Study

1-3 Significance of the Study

1-4 Research Methodology

1-5 Structure of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 A General Review of BE and BOE

2-1-1 Review of Business English

2-1-2 Business Oral English

2-2 Studies on the Teaching Methods for the BOE Course

2-2-1 Traditional “PPP” Teaching Method

2-2-2 Task-based Teaching Approach

2-2-3 Goal-oriented Teaching and its Application in BOE Teaching

2-3 Theoretical Foundation of the Study

2-3-1 Constructivism

2-3-2 Goal Setting Theory

2-3-3 Motivation Theory

2-4 Summary

Chapter 3 Research Design

3-1 Research Questions

3-2 Research Subjects

3-3 Instruments

3-3-1 Test Paper

3-3-2 Motivation Questionnaires

3-3-3 Interviews

3-3-4 Statistical Software

3-4 Procedure of the Experiment

3-5 Teaching Methods Adopted in the Control Class (CC) and Experimental Class (EC)

3-5-1 Teaching Method Adopted in the Control Class (CC)

3-5-2 Teaching Method Adopted in the Experimental Class (EC)

3-5-3 Comparison of the PPP and GOTBA

3-6 Summary

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion

4-1 Analysis of the Result of Pre-experiment

4-1-1 Analysis of the Result of Pre-oral Test in the EC and CC

4-1-2 Analysis of the Result of Pre-motivation Questionnaires

4-1-3 Summary

4-2 Analysis of the Result of Oral Test during the Experiment

4-2-1 Mid-test Result Comparison between the EC and CC

4-2-2 Post-test Result Comparison between the EC and CC

4-2-3 Comparison of the Result within the EC in Different Stages

4-2-4 Comparison of the Result within the CC in Different Stages

4-3 Analysis of the Result of Motivation Questionnaires during the Experiment

4-3-1 Analysis of the Result of Motivation Questionnaire in the Initial Stage

4-3-2 Analysis of the Result of Motivation Questionnaire in the Middle Stage

4-3-3 Analysis of the Result of Motivation Questionnaire in the Final Stage

4-3-4 Comparison of the Motivation Result within the EC

4-3-5 Comparison of the Motivation Result within the CC

4-4 Relationship of Motivation and Oral Test Result in the EC

4-5 Analysis of the Interview

4-6 Discussion of the Questions

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Main Findings of the Study

5-2 Implications of the Study

5-3 Limitations and Recommendation for the Further Study



Appendix I: BOEC Test Paper (Intermediate Level)

Appendix II: CNBEC Test Paper (Level one)

Appendix III: Motivation Questionnaire A and Motivation Questionnaire B

Appendix IV: Interview






Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 Background of the Present Study

1-2 Rationale of the Research

1-3 Objectives and Significance of the Present Study

1-3-1 Research Objectives

1-3-2 Significance

1-4 Research Questions

1-5 Structure of this Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 Overview of Multimodal Discourse Analysis

2-1-1 Introduction

2-1-2 Definition of Modality and Multimodality

2-2 Application of Multimodal Discourse Analysis

2-2-1 Introduction

2-2-2 Multimodal Discourse Analysis Abroad

2-2-3 Multimodal Discourse Analysis at Home

2-2-4 Approaches to Analyze Multimodal Discourse

2-3 Application of Multimodal Discourse Analysis in Pedagogy

2-3-1 Application of Multimodal Discourse Analysis in Pedagogy Abroad

2-3-2 Application of Multimodal Discourse Analysis in Pedagogy at Home

2-3-3 Approaches for Multimodal Teaching

2-4 Enlightenments on Oral English Teaching at Vocational Colleges

2-5 Summary

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework

3-1 Theory of Multimodal Discourse Analysis

3-1-1 The Emergence of Multimodal Discourse Analysis

3-1-2 Theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics

3-1-3 Different Modalities in Teaching

3-2 The Principles of the Relationships of Different Modalities

3-2-1 The Principles of Multimodalities

3-2-2 The Relationship of Unity and Parts

3-2-3 The Relationship of Enhancement

3-2-4 The Relationship of Background and Foreground

3-3 The formats of Media

3-3-1 Verbal Media

3-3-2 Non-verbal Media

3-3-3 PPT as Multimedia Teaching Format in Classroom

Chapter 4 Problems of Traditional Oral business English Teaching atVocational Colleges

4-1 Introduction

4-2 Current Situation of English Teaching at Vocational Colleges

4-3 Students' English Proficiency

4-4 Some Teachers 'Outdated Concepts and the Single Teaching Mode

4-5 Lack of Business Circumstances and Poor Teaching Effect

Chapter 5 Multimodal Discourse Analysis and Oral Business EnglishTeaching at Vocational Colleges

5-1 Introduction

5-1-1 Multimodal Discourse Analysis in Oral English Teaching at Vocational Colleges

5-1-2 Application of Different Modalities in oral English teaching

5-1-3 Construction of Multimedia Teaching Network System

5-1-4 Interactions on These Modalities in Vocational English Teaching

5-2 Multimodal teaching

5-2-1 Factors of Multimodal English Teaching System

5-2-2 Application of Principle Modalities and vice-modalities

5-3 Application of Multimodal Teaching Mode in Oral Business English Classroom

5-4 Solutions for oral English classroom

5-4-1 Basic Characteristics of Oral English Teaching

5-4-2 Teachers' Strategies

5-4-3 Basic features of oral English teaching

5-4-4 Pedagogies and their principles

5-4-5 Evaluation on these approaches

5-5 Research Methods

5-5-1 Test

5-5-2 Questionnaire

Chapter 6 Conclusion

6-1 Summary and New Ideas

6-2 Contributions,Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research




有关论文范文主题研究: 关于商务英语口语论文提纲范文检索 大学生适用: 10000字专升本论文、3000字本科毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 367 写作解决问题: 论文框架怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文选题 职称论文适用: 刊物发表、初级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 商务英语口语方面 论文提纲推荐度: 最新提纲






Chapter One Teaching Business Oral English

1-1 Speaking in Business English

1-1-1 Definition of Business English

1-1-2 Speaking in Business English

1-1-3 A Shift to Teaching Speaking in Business English at Vocational Colleges in China

1-2 Teaching Business Oral English (BOE)

1-2-1 Studies on the Teaching Content of the BOE course

1-2-2 Studies on the Teaching Methods for the BOE course

1-2-3 Summary

Chapter Two Situation-based Method for Teaching BOE

2-1 A Brief History of Situation-based Teaching

2-2 Application of the Situation-based Method to BOE Teaching

2-2-1 Principles of Teaching

2-2-2 Incorporation of Situations into Teaching

2-2-2-1 Selecting Appropriate Situations for Teaching

2-2-2-2 Making Use of Multimedia to Present Situations

2-2-2-3 Designing Simulation Games for Practice

2-3 Theoretical Framework

2-3-1 The Constructivist Theory

2-3-2 The Input Hypotheses

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3-1 Research Questions

3-2 Subjects

3-3 Instruments and Procedures

3-3-1 Classroom Observation

3-3-2 Survey

3-3-3 Interview

Chapter Four Discussions of Research Findings

4-1 Findings on the Current Situation of BOE Teaching at Suzhou Vocational University (SVU)

4-1-1 Classroom Observation of BOE Teaching

4-1-1-1 Teaching Approach

4-1-1-2 Teaching Materials

4-1-1-3 Classroom Activities

4-1-2 Survey Results about BOE Teaching

4-2 Findings on the Difficulties with the Implementation of the Situation-based Method in BOE teaching

4-2-1 Analysis of Teachers

4-2-2 Analysis of Students

Chapter Five Implications

5-1 Conducting Needs Analysis for Course Design

5-1-1 Gathering Information about Target Needs

5-1-2 Gathering Information about Learning Needs

5-1-3 Setting up Needs Database

5-2 Designing Proper Tasks for BOE Teaching

5-2-1 Task-based Learning

5-2-2 Engaging Students in Classroom Learning

5-2-3 Engaging Students in After-class Learning

5-3 Emphasizing Teacher Professional Development



Appendix I: 商务英语口语课程课堂教学情况调查问卷

Appendix II: 教师访谈提纲

Appendix III: 商务英语口语课程课堂教学情况调查统计结果




Chapter One Introduction

1-1 The Background of the Study

1-1-1 The Significance of Learning Business Oral English

1-1-2 The Present Situation of Students’Business Oral English in China

1-1-3 The Present Situation of the Teaching of Business Oral English in China

1-1-4 Reason for TBA’s Application to the Teaching of Business Oral English

1-1-5 Present Research on the Application of TBA in the Teaching of Oral English

1-2 Significance of the Study

1-3 Outline of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 The Introduction to Task and TBA

2-1-1 Definition of Task

2-1-2 Components of Task

2-1-3 Framework of TBA

2-2 Theoretical Rationale for TBA

2-2-1 Constructivism Perspective

2-2-2 Input Hypothesis

2-2-3 Interaction Hypothesis

2-2-4 Output Hypothesis

2-2-5 The Affective Filter Hypothesis

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3-1 Experimental Objectives

3-2 Experimental Subjects

3-3 Experimental Instruments

3-3-1 Pretest and Posttest

3-3-2 Pre-questionnaire and Post-questionnaire

3-3-3 Interviews

3-3-4 SPSS Software

3-4 Teaching Procedures in the Experimental Class

3-4-1 Introducing TBA and Business Oral English to the Students

3-4-2 Setting Tasks

3-4-3 Performing Tasks

3-4-4 Assessing Tasks

3-4-5 A Sample Teaching Plan

3-5 Teaching in the Control Class

Chapter Four Results and Discussions

4-1 Data Collection and Analysis

4-1-1 Data Collection from the Pretest

4-1-2 Analysis of the Data from the Pretest

4-1-3 Data Collection from the Posttest

4-1-4 Analysis of the Data from the Posttest

4-1-5 Data Collection from the Pre-questionnaire and the Post-questionnaire

4-1-6 Analysis of the Data from the Questionnaires

4-1-7 Analysis of the Interviews

4-2 Summary

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Findings of the Study

5-1-1 The Advantages of TBA

5-1-2 Potential Disadvantages of TBA

5-2 Implications of the Study

5-3 Limitations of the Study

5-4 Recommendations for Further Studies




Published Paper



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