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商务英语翻译论文提纲模板 商务英语翻译论文提纲怎样写有关写作资料

主题:商务英语翻译 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-22




  1. 五、案例教学法在高职商务英语翻译教学中的应用论文提纲
  2. 四、论高职商务英语翻译教学中学生跨文化交际意识的培养论文提纲范文
  3. 三、从功能对等角度看商务英语翻译论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、从功能角度研究商务英语翻译的原则和策略论文提纲范文
  5. 一、从目的论的角度下看商务英语翻译论文提纲范文





List of Tables

Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Background of the Study

1-2 Significance and Purpose of the Study

1-3 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 The Overall Review of Case Method

2-1-1 Definitions of Case

2-1-2 The Standards of a Good Case

2-1-3 Definitions of Case Method

2-1-4 Features of Case Method

2-1-5 Functions of Case Method

2-1-6 Implementation process of Case Method

2-2 Theoretical Basis of Case Method

2-2-1 Constructivism Learning Theory

2-2-2 Reflective Theory

2-2-3 Pragmatism Theory

2-3 Studies of Case MethodAbroad and at Home

2-3-1 StudiesAbroad

2-3-2 Studies at Home

Chapter Three Methodology

3-1 Research Questions

3-2 Research Participants

3-3 Research Instruments

3-3-1 Test

3-3-2 Questionnaires

3-3-3 Interview

3-4 Experimental Procedures

3-4-1 Pre-test

3-4-2 Pre-questionnaire

3-4-3 Procedures of Implementation

3-4-4 Post-test

3-4-5 Post-questionnaire

3-4-6 Interview

3-5 Data Collection

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4-1 Results of the Pre-test and Post-test

4-1-1 Comparison of the Pre-test and Post-test within a Group

4-1-2 Comparison of the Pre-test and Post-test between Groups

4-2 Results of the Questionnaires

4-3 Analysis of the Interview Questions

4-4 Discussion

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Major findings

5-2 Pedagogical Implications

5-3 Limitations of the Research

5-4 Suggestions for Further Study


AppendixⅠ Questionnaire

AppendixⅡ Pre-test Paper

Appendix III Post-test Paper

Appendix Ⅳ Pre-Questionnaire

Appendix Ⅴ Post-Questionnaire

Appendix VI Interview Questions






第一章 引言

1-1 写作目的

1-2 论文结构

1-3 研究手法

第二章 文献综述

2-1 国外关于外语教学中跨文化交际的研究

2-2 国内关于外语教学中跨文化交际的研究

第三章 高职商务英语教学中存在的问题

3-1 学生方面存在的问题

3-1-1 高职院校学生的基本现状

3-1-2 当前高职商务英语专业学生存在的问题

3-1-3 跨文化交际意识测试研究及分析

3-2 教师方面存在的问题

3-2-1 高职院校外语教师的现状

3-2-2 解决问题的方案

3-3 教材方面存在的问题

3-3-1 商务英语翻译课程的教学目标

3-3-2 翻译教材存在的问题

3-3-3 解决问题的方案

第四章 高职商务英语教学中跨文化交际意识的培养

4-1 跨文化交际内涵

4-2 语言和文化的关系

4-3 文化与翻译的关系

4-4 在高职商务英语教学中培养跨文化交际意识的必要性

4-4-1 高职商务英语教学任务

4-4-2 高职商务英语教学目的

第五章 商务英语翻译教学中注重跨文化交际意识的培养

5-1 中西文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响

5-1-1 地理环境

5-1-2 历史文

5-1-3 宗教文化

5-1-4 思维方式

5-1-5 价值观

5-1-6 风俗习惯

5-2 文化差异下的翻译策略

5-2-1 直译

5-2-2 意译

5-2-3 音译

5-2-4 借用

5-2-5 套用

第六章 商标翻译教案设计

6-1 商标翻译教案头

6-2 商标翻译教学设计

6-3 商标翻译教案讲义

6-3-1 案例一

6-3-2 案例二

6-3-3 案例三

6-3-4 案例四

6-3-5 作业布置

第七章 结束语


附录 1 Cross-cultural Communication Test Paper

附录 2 上海工会管理职业学院人文艺术系 商务英语翻译课程实训教学大纲

附录 3 张新红等编著的《商务英语翻译(英译汉)》目录

附录 4 丁小丽,程华主编的《商务英语翻译》目录

附录 5 谢金领主编的《世纪商务英语翻译教程》目录

附录 6 车丽娟等主编的《商务英语翻译教程》目录

附录 7 汤静芳主编的《商务英语翻译》目录

附录 8 张培基等编著的《英汉翻译教程》目录




1- 引言

2- 功能对等及其对商务英语翻译的指导作用

2-1 功能对等理论

2-2 功能对等理论对商务英语翻译的指导作用

3- 商务英语的语言特征

3-1 频繁使用专业词汇和套语

3-2 用词简洁明确

3-3 构句规范严谨

4- 商务英语翻译中的功能对等

4-1 语义层面的功能对等

4-1-1 词汇层面的对等

4-1-2 句子层面的对等

4-1-3 篇章层面的对等

4-2 风格层面的功能对等

5- 结论




有关论文范文主题研究: 关于商务英语翻译论文提纲范文数据库 大学生适用: 5000字函授毕业论文、2500字高校毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 334 写作解决问题: 论文大纲怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文提纲、论文结论 职称论文适用: 职称评定、中级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 商务英语翻译方面 论文提纲推荐度: 最新大纲




Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Necessity of Researching on Business English Translation

1-2 Current Studies of Business English Translation

Chapter Two Literary Background of Functionalism

2-1 Development of Functionalism and Skopos Theory

2-2 Other Functional Theories

Chapter Three Stylistic Characteristics of Business English

3-1- Lexical Level

3-1-1 Business Terms

3-1-2 Professional terms

3-1-3 Abbreviations

3-1-4 Archaisms and those from other languages

3-2 Syntactic Level

3-2-1 Prominence of Long Sentences

3-2-2 A Large Amount of Sentences with Established Formats

3-3 Textual level

3-3-1 Settled format

Chapter Four Principles and Strategies Applied in Business English Translation

4-1 Functional Theories Applied in Translating Business English

4-1-1 Skopos Theory Applied in Business English

4-1-2 Newmark’s Communicative Translation Theory Applied in Business English translation

4-1-3 Nida’s “Function Equivalence”Theory Applied in Business English Translation

4-2 Principles and Strategies for Business English Translation

4-2-1 Selecting Adequate Information

4-2-2 Achieving Functional Equivalence

4-3 Strategies and Techniques for Business Translation

4-3-1 Conversion

4-3-2 Addition and Amplification

4-3-2-1 Adding the Subject

4-3-2-2 Adding the Object

4-3-2-3 Adding Conjunctions

4-3-2-4 Adding the Preposition

4-3-3 Reiteration

4-3-4 Omission

4-3-4-1 Omitting the Abstract Words

4-3-4-2 Omitting the Words Whose Meanings Have Been Indicated in the Target Language

4-3-5 Avoiding

4-3-5-1 Avoiding the Repetition of Nouns

4-3-5-2 Avoiding the Repetition of Verbs

4-3-5-3 Avoiding the Repetition of Adjectives

4-3-6 Inversion

4-3-7 Combination

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Summary

5-2 Practical Significance of the Thesis






Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Research significance and objective

1-2 Literature review

1-3 Theoretical framework and the structure of the thesis

Chapter Two The overview of Business English translation

2-1 The definitions of business English

2-2 The features of business English translation

2-2-1 Functional feature of business English

2-2-2 Lexical features of business English translation

2-2-3 Syntactic level

2-2-4 Textual level

2-3 Functions of business texts and purpose of business translation

2-4 The intension of Business English translation in the perspective of “Skopos”

2-4-1 The intension of selecting adequate information

2-4-2 The intension of achieving Skopos

Chapter Three Application of Skopos in Business English Translation

3-1 Business English translation guiding by the three rules in the perspective of “Skopos” theory

3-1-1 Guided by “Skopos” rule

3-1-2 Guided by “coherence” rule and “fidelity” rule

3-2 The evaluation of “Skopos” applicable to Business English translation

3-2-1 The effects of readers

3-2-2 The effects of translators

Chapter Four Strategies for business English translation under the guidance of Skopos

4-1 Principles of business translation

4-1-1 Exactness

4-1-2 Conciseness

4-2 Strategies and Techniques for Business Translation

4-2-1 Some problems in business English translation

4-2-2 Strategies and Techniques for Business Translation

4-2-2-1 Adjustment

4-2-2-2 Division

4-2-2-3 Omission

4-2-2-4 The usage of rhetorical devices

Chapter Five Conclusion



Academic Achievements



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