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翻译美学论文提纲格式范本 翻译美学论文提纲如何写有关写作资料

主题:翻译美学 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-02




  1. 五、从翻译美学角度看张培基英译散文《故都的秋》论文提纲
  2. 四、从翻译美学看《简爱》两中译本的审美再现论文提纲范文
  3. 三、从翻译美学的角度看张培基《英译中国现代散文选》(三辑)的审美再现论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、翻译美学视角下的外宣翻译-《舌尖上的中国》英法译版对比研究论文提纲范文
  5. 一、从翻译美学角度看李清照词英译意境美的传递论文提纲范文





Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 Background of the Study

1-2 Significance of the Study

1-3 Layout of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 Previous Studies

2-2 Theoretical Basis

2-2-1 The Aesthetic Process of Literary Translation

2-2-2 Aesthetic Criteria of Prose Translation

Chapter 3 Prose Translation and Translation Aesthetics

3-1 Definitions of Prose

3-2 Characteristics of Prose

3-3 An Overview of the Study of Translation Aesthetics

3-3-1 Aesthetics and Translation

3-3-1-1 What is Aesthetics

3-3-1-2 Aesthetics in Translation

3-3-2 The Theory of Translation Aesthetics

3-4 The Study of Aesthetic Subject and Object in Translation

3-4-1 Aesthetic Subject

3-4-1-1 Definition of Aesthetic Subject

3-4-1-2 Attributes of Aesthetic Subject

3-4-2 Aesthetic Object

3-4-2-1 Definition of Aesthetic Object

3-4-2-2 Attributes of Aesthetic Object

Chapter 4 Zhang Peiji and His Translation of Autumn in Peiping

4-1 Zhang Peiji the Translator

4-1-1 Zhang Peiji's Achievements

4-1-2 Zhang Peiji's Views on Translation

4-2 Zhang Peiji's Translation of Autumn in Peiping

4-2-1 The Background of the Prose Autumn in Peiping

4-2-2 Zhang Peiji's Translation Strategies in Autumn in Peiping

Chapter 5 Aesthetic Representation of Autumn in Peiping English Version

5-1 Aesthetic Representation

5-2 Aesthetic Representation of Formal Aesthetic Values

5-2-1 Beauty of sound

5-2-1-1 End rhyme

5-2-1-2 Alliteration

5-2-1-3 Interjection

5-2-2 Beauty of Lexis

5-2-2-1 Simile

5-2-2-2 Metaphor

5-2-2-3 Personification

5-2-2-4 Change part of speech

5-2-2-5 Translation of color words

5-2-3 Beauty of Syntax

5-2-3-1 Parallelism

5-2-3-2 Rhetorical Questions

5-3 Aesthetic Representation of Non-formal Aesthetic Values

5-3-1 Beauty of Image

5-3-2 Beauty of Culture

5-3-3 Beauty of Artistic Conception

Chapter 6 Conclusion

6-1 Major Findings

6-2 Limitations of This Thesis and Suggestions for Future Research






List of Abbreviations


Research Background

Structure of the Thesis

Methodology and Objectives of the Study

CHAPTER ONE Literature Review

1-1 The Origins of Translation Aesthetics

1-2 Previous Studies on the Theories of Translation Aesthetics

1-3 Previous Studies on the Application of Translation Aesthetics

CHAPTER TWO Liu Miqing's Major Theories on Translation Aesthetics

2-1 Brief Introduction to Liu Miqing

2-1-1 Liu's General Thoughts on Traditional Chinese Translation Theories

2-1-2 Liu's General Thoughts on Translation in the Perspective of Aesthetics

2-2 Major Theories on Translation Aesthetics

2-2-1 Aesthetic Subject of Translation

2-2-2 Aesthetic Object of Translation

2-2-3 Aesthetic Representation

2-2-4 Translation Aesthetics of Literature

CHAPTER THREE Case Study:Aesthetic Representation of Jane Eyre

3-1 The Case:Jane Eyre

3-1-1 Brief Introduction of Jane Eyre

3-1-2 Representative Translators and Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre

3-2 Aesthetic Representation in the Formal System

3-2-1 At the Phonetic Level

3-2-2 At the Lexical Level

3-2-3 At the Syntactic and the Textual Level

3-3 Aesthetic Representationin the Non-Formal System

3-3-1 Emotion and Intention

3-3-2 Image and Symbol



Limitations and Suggestions



List of Publications




Abstract in Chinese

Abstract in English


1-1 Research background

1-2 Significance of the study

1-3 Layout of the paper

2-Theoretical Basis

2-1 An overview of the study of translation aesthetics

2-2 Aesthetic object and subject

2-2-1 Aesthetic object

2-2-2 Aesthetic subject

2-3 Aesthetic makeup of aesthetic object

2-3-1 Formal aesthetic system

2-3-2 Non-formal aesthetic system

2-4 The aesthetic process of literary translation

2-4-1 Aesthetic comprehension

2-4-2 Aesthetic transformation

2-4-3 Aesthetic improvement

2-4-4 Aesthetic representation

2-5 Aesthetic criteria of essay translation

2-5-1 Faithfulness

2-5-2 Expressiveness

2-5-3 Beauty

3-Zhang Peiji and His Translation of Modern Chinese Essays

3-1 Zhang Peiji the translator

3-2 Zhang Peiji's views on translation

3-3 Zhang's translation of modern Chinese essays

4-Aesthetic Representation of Selected Modern Chinese Essays

4-1 Aesthetic representation of the formal aesthetic values

4-1-1 Beauty of sound

4-1-1-1 Onomatopoeia

4-1-1-2 Alliteration and end rhyme

4-1-2 Beauty of lexis

4-1-2-1 Lexical rhetoric

4-1-2-2 Color words

4-1-3 Beauty of Syntax

4-1-3-1 Clauses

4-1-3-2 Syntactic rhetoric

4-1-3-3 Sentence order

4-2 Aesthetic representation of the non-formal aesthetic values

4-2-1 Beauty of image

4-2-2 Beauty of culture

4-2-2-1 Material culture

4-2-2-2 Social culture

4-2-3 Beauty of artistic conception



有关论文范文主题研究: 关于翻译美学论文提纲例文 大学生适用: 2000字学位论文、8000字学院学士论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 494 写作解决问题: 论文框架怎样写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文任务书、论文设计 职称论文适用: 刊物发表、高级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 翻译美学科目 论文提纲推荐度: 最新大纲






1- 选题背景和研究意义

2- 主要研究的问题及创新之处

3- 论文结构

第一章 文献述评

1-1 外宣翻译

1-1-1 外宣翻译概念界定

1-1-2 外宣翻译的标准和要求

1-2 纪录片翻译

第二章 《舌尖上的中国》及翻译美学原理

2-1 《舌尖上的中国》主题内容

2-2 《舌尖上的中国》文案特点

2-2-1 音韵美

2-2-2 意境美

2-2-3 文化美

2-3 翻译美学原理

第三章 《舌尖上的中国》英译本与法译本对比

3-1 音韵美

3-2 意境美

3-3 文化美


1- 本研究总结

2- 本研究的局限性与前景展望







Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Research Background

1-2 Objectives and Significance of the Study

1-3 Organization of the Paper

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Studies on Translation Aesthetics

2-2 Studies on Artistic Conception Beauty Transfer

2-3 Studies on Translation of Li Qingzhao's Ci Poems

2-3-1 Foreign Studies on Translation of Li Qingzhao's Ci Poems

2-3-2 Domestic Studies on Translation of Li Qingzhao's Ci Poems

2-3-3 Different Schools of Li Qingzhao's Ci Poems Translation

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework and Research Design

3-1 Translation Aesthetics

3-1-1 Aesthetic Object

3-1-1-1 Presentation elements

3-1-1-2 Non-presentation elements

3-1-2 Aesthetic Subject

3-1-2-1 The translator

3-1-2-2 The target reader

3-1-3 Aesthetic Reproductive Strategies

3-2 Artistic Conception

3-2-1 Ideas about Artistic Conception

3-2-2 Factors Affecting the Transfer of Artistic Conception

3-2-2-1 Aesthetic subject:the translator's aesthetic and reproductive ability

3-2-2-2 Aesthetic object: the linguistic and cultural differences

3-3 Research Design

Chapter Four Analysis of Anistic Conception Transfer of Li Qingzhao's Ci Poems from Translation Aesthetics Perspective

4-1 Artistic Conception Beauty of Li Qingzhao's Ci poems

4-1-1 Blend of Feelings and Scenery

4-1-2 Coexistence of Fiction and Reality

4-1-3 Lingering Charm

4-2 Transfer of Artistic Conception in Li Qingzhao's Ci Poems Translation

4-2-1 Transfer of Blend of Feelings and Scene

4-2-1-1 Ru Meng Ling

4-2-1-2 Zui Hua Yin

4-2-2 Transfer of Coexistence of Fiction and Reality

4-2-2-1 Sheng Sheng Man

4-2-2-2 Yu Jia Ao

4-2-3 Transfer of Lingering Charm

4-2-3-1 Dian Jiang Chun

4-2-3-2 Ru Meng Ling

4-3 Suggestions for the Translation of Li Qingzhao's Ci Poems

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Major Findings of the Study

5-2 Implications of the Study

5-3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research

Works Cited




[1] 热门翻译美学论文题目 翻译美学专业论文题目如何拟
[2] 关于翻译美学的论文参考文献 翻译美学外文文献怎么找
[3] 翻译美学论文提纲格式范本 翻译美学论文提纲如何写
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