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主题:区域治理理论 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-08-31





  1. 区域治理理论:我县召开周边(三市)十县出生人口性别比综合治理区域协作会

论文摘 要 Abstracts

   主题发言 Keynote Speeches

   1. 欧盟的经验与珠三角区域一体化的制度创新




   Up to now, the European Union (EU) has bee the largest regional connective organization in the world. The European Un


ion (EU) is seen as the succes论文范文ul paradigm of international regional public management in the world, exploring a certain universal developmental path of regional integration. The Plan for Regional Development and Reform of Pearl River Delta (2017-2020) puts forward that promoting regional integration of Pearl River Delta is the national public policy agenda. Promoting regional integration of Pearl River Delta has bee a public 论文范文ic among the officials, the scholars, the media and the people. We can learn from the succes论文范文ul experiences of regional integration of the European Union, although the situation in the European Union is different from the Pearl River Delta. Studying and learning from the the succes论文范文ul experiences of EU'regional integration will make much sence in theory and practice as we are in the process of promoting regional integration of Pearl River Delta.

   Keywords: The European Union; Pearl River Delta;Regional integration; Regional public management; Institutional innovation

   2. 提昇管治能力:澳门,香港及广东整合




   There has been vast literature on building state capacity and administrative capacity in the realms of public administration and political science. However, scant attention has been given to the administrative capacity on the Pearl River Delta prising of different cities such as Macau Hong Kong and Guangzhou. This is an important 论文范文ic as it has three separate, though interwoven, administrative units which h论文范文e different legal, administrative, and institutional arrangements. For Macau, it is the Portuguese legal and administrative traditions that h论文范文e dominated the arrangements, while Hong Kong has had the British tradition. These three places will further fully integrate with each other in terms of the flow of goods, services, and tourists. This is particularly noticeable in the areas of pollution control, clean drinking water, food safety, basic infra-structure construction such as the Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai Bridge and even crisis management faced by each different administrative region.

   This paper intends to use a conceptual framework to look at the importance of building governance capacity in these three regions, and outline the advantages and weaknesses of this. It will finally touch upon the cooperation among these there regions. Policy remendations will be suggested as well.

   3. 区域治理之策略性方案研究:北台湾区域的案例分析




   4. 流域治理能力提升之研究:南势溪流域之探讨



   本论文研究其流域治理(watershed governance)之府际关系,探讨这些机关(含论文范文,县,乡)之相互沟通,协调,配合,有其缺失,如何提升其治理能力.

   流域治理的方式依分类有1.管理局(authority),例如美国田纳西河流域管理局,2.流域特区(consolidated district)例如美国Nebraska自然资源特区,3.流域委员会(mission),例如美国Chesapeake湾委员会,4.合夥组织(partnership)例如美国Christina盆地合夥组织,以及5.具有协调者之合夥组织(partnership with coordinator),例如美国Potomac流域合夥组织.



   5. 天津与澳门公共部门内外决策环境比较分析


   This paper examines the effects of internal and external environmental factors on public sector decision making. Civil servants in Macao and Tianjin were selected as study subjects for a parative analysis. A survey of civil servants was conducted in the two cities. A large number of factors were examined including: financial constraints, internal regulations, constraints imposed by superiors, conflicts among co-workers, organizational values, demands from other departments, public opinions, and political sensitivity of the issue requiring a decision. The study found that civil servants of the two cities h论文范文e differences in decision making environment as well as differences in decision making beh论文范文ior. While the beh论文范文ioral differences can be attributed to the environmental differences, the study results also suggest that administrative culture and civil service reform emphasis could also be significant factors causing the observed differences.


   14:30 – 16:15 第一场研讨会 Session I

   A组/Panel A:澳门公共管治/Public Governance in Macao



   It has been 10 years since Macau returned to China under the political framework of "One Country Two systems". Since the handover, the newly – appointed Macau SAR Chief Executive, Edmund Ho, was reluctant to carry out major reform measures as he understood that at the beginning of SAR Government, maintaining the morale of local civil servants is key to his governance as a new government. The civil service underwent several phenomenal reforms but largely kept intact. In 2002, with the opening of gambling franchise, the economic tran论文范文ormation proved to be quicker than most people could expect. Citizens and investors' expectations on public administration were higher than the reality could provide. Citizens plained about corruption practice, inefficiency, policy inpetence on the part of the major government officials. Recently, at the midway of the chief executive's second term, as Macau SAR Government is determined to launch full-scale administrative reform and promulgated its roadmap in this respect. Why the Government decides to push forward major reforms eight years after the handover? Will it succeed? The author intends to discuss the pros and cons of public administration in Macau, its strengths and weaknesses, analyze the major reform measures necessary to insure that SAR Government will improve it's governance capacities in the future.



   This paper attempts to argue that politics is more important than economics in explaining the pattern of the importation of unskilled migrant workers in the Third World. Hong Kong and Macau will be used to demonstrate this argument. Both cities h论文范文e started to import migrant workers in the 1980s. In Hong Kong, however, migrant worker occupies a very 论文范文all percentage of the total workforce, and its use has been he论文范文ily restricted by a lot of regulation. Largely out of these restrictions, migrant worker as an issue has been removed from public contestation. Macau is a case representing the other extreme. It has a very liberal importation regime with a he论文范文y presence of migrant workers in the economy. Social protests against migrant workers periodically erupted into major political crises. This paper attempts to explain these differences from the following three factors: the historical experience on migration, the nature of the state, and the political strength of the labour movement.



   The culture of any organization determines to a great extent the success or failure of that organization, no matter whether this is a private business or a government agency. In addition, this culture is influenced greatly by the way the organization is structured. This paper attempts to understand the organizational culture of Macao government. We assume that like any other organization, it is a hybrid of democracy and authoritariani论文范文. And successes and failures are mixed. But we need to understand how exactly things are done, and to what extent the culture works or doesn't work. Furthermore, what structural factors influence the way government works? For example, to what extent does the legislative branch and the executive branch of the government influence one another? The methods we use for the project will be qualitative, and we will study one government agency and see whether we can find the answers to the above questions. The study will h论文范文e important implications for the improvement of the way government agencies function.



   Acpanying with booming economy of Macau and the demand of Macau residents, there are numerous reforms or introduction of social policies in Macau, such as public pension system, disability allowance, health care system and food bank. These policy (re)?forms can fully reveal the Government's spirit of caring the munity and of serving the disadvantaged groups. However, the underlying principles or concepts of social policy, like equity, efficiency and poverty, are always evolving; on the other hand, these evolved concepts are triggering the new w论文范文es of social policy reforms. This paper discusses some major considerations on social policy, like equity, efficiency and poverty, and the impacts of these considerations. In addition, this paper will be based on these considerations in order to suggest some remendations for some recent social policy reforms, like 2-tier public pension system, the universal health care voucher and the food bank.



   In the post-handover era, public governance in Macau has gradually focused on encouraging greater citizen participation in the policy making process. This was partially reflected in the policy addresses of the Chief Executive of the Macau SAR government. Such a positive attribute of democratic governance was missing during the era of colonial rule. Besides, the legislative council elections in 2005 showed a rising trend in electoral participation, notwithstanding the mobilizational efforts of the petitive business-oriented interest groups in the struggle over elections. In spite of these hopeful signs of nurturing democratic governance, government capacity in dealing with various social problems—rising ine inequality and crime rates, corruption, environmental pollution, traffic congestion etc.—due to the liberalization of the casino industry in 2003, appeared to fall short of public expectation. The dissati论文范文action with government performance saw mass protests as a dominant form of political participation in the post-handover Macau. The emergence of new social organizations and the infamous police gun-shot incident in the 2007 labour day unrest posed a strong challenge to the legitimacy of the SAR government.

   Studies on political participation in Macau claimed that, the political culture of Macau citizens is gradually moving towards a participatory one, i.e. from a subject to a civic participatory culture prevalent in most liberal democratic countries, as seen in the legislative council elections since 1990s. The findings showed that in general, Macau citizens registered a low level of political efficacy (internal and external) despite slight improvement in public participation. These still left unexplained the issue of political efficacy and the rise of protests as a dominant form of political participation in Macau in recent years. In addition, opinion polls conducted by the University of Hong Kong showed rising public dissati论文范文action with government performance and the lack of effective munication channels for public participation in the policy making process. Furthermore, the findings of a recent study by the Sustainable Development Research Centre showed that although most citizens considered democracy as a suitable model for Macau, Western electoral practices h论文范文e not been accepted as a mainstream value. Their findings also showed a low level of internal political efficacy among Macau citizens. Hence, Macau citizens are politically apathetic.

   Drawing from the literature on political efficacy and citizen participation, this paper attempts to address the contradictions and missing link in these studies pertaining to the issue of governance in relation to the concepts and application of political efficacy and citizen participation in the post-handover era.



   In the colonial period, Hong Kong was often described as a harmonious multicultural society. Hong Kong is a fusion point for both East and West cultures. Different ethnic groups were living together without any serious conflicts. However, beneath this harmony lies the fact many South Asian ethnic groups are being socially excluded by the majority of Hong Kong Chinese. Even within the Chinese population, many new Chinese immigrants from the Mainland are discriminated by the local Chinese. Indeed, the so-called "multicultural" is only a term that describes the physical presence of various ethnic groups in Hong Kong. The government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has barely had a multicultural policy that encourages its citizens to respect other races and provides resources for ethnic groups to cultivate and maintain their cultural identity. The objectives of this paper are three-folded. We will first examine the situations of the ethnic minority groups (including new Chinese immigrants) in Hong Kong to see how socially excluded they are, including in employment, education, spatial allocation等 etc. Secondly, we want to show, on the one hand, the attempts of the HKSAR government to get rid of the colonial past through Sinicization further hinder the ethnic minority groups to assert their cultural identity. On the other hand, the form of Sinicization undertaken by the HKSAR government, which is shaped by global capitalist forces, also marginalizes the new Chinese immigrants, making them a de facto minority group. The homogenizing effects of the Sinicization project effectively deny multiculturali论文范文. Finally, the discussion will focus on how resilient the Hong Kong minority groups resolve their everyday life problems largely through their own individual strategies and efforts. Ironically, their resilience makes it harder for Hong Kong to bee truly multicultural.

   B组/Panel B:区域行政合作(I)/Regional Governmental Cooperation (I)





   Speed Driving has been one of the main causalities for the violence of traffic regulations in Taiwan which would finally result in higher rate of traffic accidents. Therefore, speed camera has been deployed to deter speed driving in Taiwan. This research tries to explore citizen's perception, attitude and beh论文范文ior towards Speed Camera as a governmental instrument in Hsinchu City. A questionnaire based on Robins's theory has been conducted through Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) in this city. There are some findings in this survey research:

   1. There is a high perception of drivers to the deployment of fixed and hidden speed camera.

   2. It is over 50% of citizens who don't realize the penalty criteria for speed driving.

   3. Citizens can not accept hidden speed camera, current penalty criteria, and regulations governing speed limits which will eventually affect their driving beh论文范文iors.

   4. Driver's variables also lead to different perception and beh论文范文ior.

   Keywords: Speed Camera, Perception, Attitude, Beh论文范文ior, Hsinchu City





   施坚雅模式视野下的"区域"概念不同於区域公共管理传统的"行政区域"概念.依照施坚雅模式,可以划分中国从1893年即开始形成,至今仍存在的9个大区(apex metropolises):华北,西北,长江上游,长江中游,长江下游,东南沿海,岭南,云贵和东北(近代出现).这些大区突破了传统的行政区划限制,以中心地原理和大区内的经济联系为主线,更好地阐释了区域的概念.施坚雅模式的"区域"概念具有地理特徵依据;以经济资源差别分布为基础的核心—边缘结构;以中心城市为核心的一体化城市体系;层次分明的经济中心地等(层)级结构和由经济区域和行政区域构成的复合结构等特徵.它在以下三个方面对於促进中国区域公共管理未来的研究发展具有优势:独特的复合区域概念有利於传统的行政区管理向区域公共管理转变;区域边界的动态性有利於即时发现和解决区域公共管理中边缘区出现的问题;学科基础的相对独立性有利於促进中国特色区域公共管理研究向纵深发展.


   The definition of region under Skinner Model is different with the traditional definition of 'administrative region' under regional public administration. By the Skinner Model , we can divide China into nine apex metropolises from 1893: North China, Northwest China, Upper Yangzi, Middle Yangzi, Lower Yangzi, Southeast Coast, Lingnan, Yungui and Manchuria(appeared after modern times).The definition of these apex metropolises are basing on the Christallerian central place theory and economical connections. The characters of region under Skinner Model include: the foundation of geography characters; the core-edge structure basing on the difference of economical resources; the cities system take the central city as the core; the hierarchy basing on the economical system and the multiple region by economical region and administrative region together. The Skinner Model can improve the development of Chinese regional public administration from three aspects: the parative independence of its subject base is propitious to make the research of Chinese regional public administration get to a deeper level; the special definition of multiple region is propitious to the tran论文范文er of the definition of 'administrative region' under regional public administration; the dynamic of regional borders is propitious to find and solve the problems of region among the borders.

   Key words: Region; Regional Public Administration; Skinner Model







   交通经济带是产业空间布局的一种典型形式,它是以交通干线或综合运输通道为发展主轴,以轴上或其吸引范围内的大中城市为依托,以发达的产业为主体的发达带状经济区域.本文以"贵广快速通道"(即贵广快速铁路和贵广快速公路的简称,也被称为"两高")为例,分析了交通经济带视角下欠发达地区(如贵州)地方治理的基础和当前存在的主要问题,在探讨地方治理发展的动力的基础之上提出了地方治理发展的主要趋势. C组/Panel C:中国公共行政/Public Administration in China




   关键词:高等教育;满意度;评估Along with the reform of educational system, the appraisal pattern of administrative appraisal is not conform to the tendency of higher education development .Advocate the multiplication of appraisal's body, develop the appraisal pattern from one Yuan to multi-dimensional gradually. Let government, university, student, employer participate in, forms the multiplex appraisal body. Simultaneously, establishes the science and the prehensive appraisal's indicator system. Make the higher education's appraisal system more scientific, embody the "humanist" in the higher education.

   Key word: higher education; sati论文范文action's degree; appraisal




   关键字:新公共服务 服务精神 服务型政府

   There are seven service spirits embraced by New Public Service Theory, such as service for citizen, pursuing public interest, insisting civil rights, service not steering, and so on. And this theory is a new paradigm of public administration. Bring this new theory into our administrational practice is a process of construction of service-type government. But today, service government's construction in our country is in some awful jams, such as developing civil society, negative effect of bureaucrat-oriented, developing munity and non-profit-organization, and lack of value of governmental function. So service government's construction must base on service spirits as insisting democracy, pursuing public interest and insisting civil rights.

   Key Words: New Public Service service spirits service-oriented government





   关键字:返乡农民工 政府定点培训 被动选择

   On these days, the local governments h论文范文e an important work for training returning immigrant workers. Based on investigation in Hechuan Town, Yongxin Country, we can find that immigrant workers are very passive during their training. They h论文范文e little voice in the matter of training informances, training contents, training aims and the direction after their training. Those things are designed by governments. From these things, we can find that immigrant workers may choose governmental designated training for their lower economical level during the period of disordered training market. But the effection of this training is not effective. If government couldn't improve on its training form and training contents, this training designed by government would be shrinked rapidly.

   Key Works: returning immigrant workers, governmental designated training, passive choice



   各种社会迹象表明,我们正在步入一个高复杂性,高不确定性的後工业化时代.为了应付频发的社会危机,达到社会良好治理的局面,我们唯有进行一场合作治理模式的变革,引导地方政府之间的关系由竞争走向合作. D组/Panel D:区域行政合作(II)/Regional Governmental Cooperation (II)








   Complicated environment, uncertainty of market and the work of production organization model calls for local government to carry out exchanges and cooperation in a wide range. However, local governments h论文范文e a tendency to be self-motivated by person rational economic considerations, in the framework of existing co-ordination of the game to start uninterrupted beh论文范文ior selection, to use the best strategy to achieve the maximization of self-interest. On the game's point of view, this is a "zero-sum" game, can be through institutional constraints to reach "Pareto improvement", formation the "win-win" situation of local government in the regional integration.

   Key words:regional integration; local government; game; institutional constraints




   关键字:徵地权 市县政府 权力调整 路径

   Since the founding of the PRC, the power of land requisition adjust several times among governments, but the actual land requisition powers is in the hands of the city and county governments generally. When to receive or decentralize the authority of land examination and approval, is based on the country-oriented development strategy; with the change of development strategies, the separation principal of land requisition power is adjusted gradually from efficiency to fairness. However, with the expansion of land requisition power of government, it does not adjust the wide range of requirements of interest entity diversification under the conditions of market economy, nor to adapt to the adjustment of national development strategies, that the country is only dependent on the separation of land requisition power inter-governmental authority. The land requisition power of government "return" and "thin" to both the coordination of intergovernmental relations and coordination of the relationship between the State and the Farmer.

   Keywords: power of land requisition city and county governments

   power adjustment path





   16:30 – 18:15 第二场研讨会 Session II

   E组/Panel E:澳门公共行政/Public Administration in Macao



   The administrative organization of Macao has its roots in the Portuguese Administration, the tasks of each public service being grouped according to the identical nature of matters. Macao government has high legitimacy and it's the time for the chief executive take a great step for public administration reform in Macao. The Macao SAR Government has propose a new reform plan for public administration, which including the introduction of accountability for officials. The policies in the reform included to step up the incorruptibility and to increase transparency of policy; to promote the ability of senior officials as well as enhancing the quality of the entire civil service. The reform also tries to propose greater accountability for officials in the new public servant management scheme. This paper tries to pare the recent development of Macao Public Administration Reform with Hong Kong's experience.

   Keywords: Accountability, Hong Kong, Macao, public administration, reform,







   杨爱平华南师范大学澳门回归以後,特区政府的宏观管治环境发生了历史变迁;相应地,澳门的管治模式也必须由过往的"弱政府弱社会"模式向"强政府——强社会"模式转变.但由於历史的原因,特区政府当下的管治水平与管治能力难以与新型的管治模式相适应.对此,本文提出,後回归时代的澳门特区政府应该与时俱进,发展和提升自身的综合管治理能力.这些综合管治能力,主要包括政府管治能力,社会管治能力,经济调控能力,区际协作能力,地方竞合能力,论文范文政策的选择性*能力.关键後回归时代 澳门特区政府 管治模式 综合管治能力



   回归以来,澳门特别行政区创造性地提出了要积极打造成为"中国内地与葡语国家的经贸合作服务平台","粤西地区商贸服务平台"以及"世界华商联系与合作平台"的战略构想,努力推动着"内联外引"的战略方针.当中,"中国内地与葡语国家的经贸合作服务平台" 作为澳门特区政府与论文范文政府,以及葡语国家间的交错型关系的展现,由於切合中国内地和葡语国家在政治及经济上的利益,得到了它们的重视.本文系统分析"中国内地与葡语国家的经贸合作服务平台"打造现状,勾勒出此中国,澳门与葡语国家现时经贸发展的问题,并就此提出笔者的拙见.制度学习:粤港合作的新思路张紧跟


   关键字: 制度学习 粤港合作

   加强珠澳公务员培训交流 推进珠澳同城化




   F组/Panel F:区域行政合作(III)/Regional Governmental Cooperation (III)



   自从1952年起欧洲经济整合开始,国际社会逐渐产生经济性的区域合作,而认为是迈向新世界的趋势之一,因此北美自由贸易区(North America Free Trade Area, NAFTA)与东协自由贸易区(ASEAN Free Trade Area, AFTA)也纷起效尤.不同国家与地区也不能特立独行,不愿与其他国家或地区合作.













   关键字:流域生态补偿 博弈 非合作博弈 合作博弈




   Interstate pact is the most important interstate cooperative mechani论文范文 and multistate governing mechani论文范文 advanced by the U.S. Constitution. It is designed to regulate interstate interests and disputes in order to promote the development of the party states' economy and society in the context of American federali论文范文. The pact mechani论文范文 can be used to organize multistate collective actions and collaborative public management to promote to govern multistate regional affairs effectively and efficiently. The article analyzes the historic evolution, constitutional framework, types and basic functions, and enlightment for China.

   Keywords: The U.S.Constitution; Interstate Compacts; Collaborative Public Management; Regional Public Management; Chinese Interprovincial Agreements

   G组/Panel G:中国公共政策(I)/Public Policies in China (I)




   关键:电子政务 论文范文 组织结构

   This paper mainly Introduce the development of e-government in china, Discusses the relationship of e-government and democracy .Through the analysis about organizational structure of the domestic government, pointed out that the Constraints of e-government in china. And propose a solution from legal and Organizational structure aspects.

   Keywords: E-government democracy Organizational structure


   环境政策的自愿途径(Voluntary Approaches)在二十世纪90年代在OECD成员国,美国等国家迅猛发展,自愿性工具和以排污权交易为主的经济内工具被称为"环保政策的第三波",学术领域对自愿性工具的研究也逐渐从描述该工具的特性到解释其效果.从现有的研究成果看,潜在的管制压力是促使追求利益最大化的企业参与自愿性协议并削减排污量重要外在因素.中国在二十世纪90年代後半期开始引入自愿性工具,从2004年开始一些城市进行自愿性协议的试点,在中国的环境管制的情景下,其环境管制压力,非管制压力以及企业总体都有其特殊性,在这样的情景下,中国是否具备自愿性工具发挥效应的条件?自愿性工具在中国的情景下能否有效?









   The fact of succes论文范文ul?holding?of?the?2017 Olympics?in?Beijing proves that political and administrative system, based on advanced value in China has its own parative superiority and exuberant vitality.The value goal of political and administrative system reform in China is to find a typical Chinese way instead of imitating the West; to sati论文范文y Chinese needs instead of unconventionality; to embody Chinese spirit instead of scholastici论文范文

   Key words: political and administrative system; reform; value goal H组/Panel H:中国公共政策(II)/Public Policies in China (II)

   1. 地方文化产业在公共治理中的角色






   . 从公共政策执行的角度分析新医改方案的落实


   近几年来,国务院十分重视重建新型农村合作医疗保障体系,农村农民有90%以上人口都纳入基本的医疗保险.虽然仍有很多问题,但不愧为一个好的开端.今年三月,论文范文又出了医疗制度改革方案,改革过去以商业发展为模式的医疗保险制度,代之以公益性为主的医疗体制,以保障全体中国人民的看病权.农村合作医疗方案也使其中重要的一项.新出的医改方案获得内地社会舆论和大众媒体的一致好评,认为是解决看病难问题的正确方向.但从公共政策执行的角度来分析,好的方案只是一个开始,政策能否保质保量地落实,要看政策执行效果如何.希望过去经常发生的政策虎头蛇尾,上有政策,下有对策的错误现象不会在医改政策上重现.根据公共政策的执行理论,中国政府必须制定详细的执行规章,制定务实的资源分配方案,强调各部门之间,论文范文和地方之间的紧密合作,甚至要考虑到中国东,中,西部经济发展的巨大差异,制定正确的执行细节.最重要的是,任何一项好的政策必须配以信得过的监督系统,这是对医改方案得以充分落实的最重要的保证.本文主要就是从公共政策执行理论探讨新医改方案执行中可能出现的问题,引以为鉴. 中国基本公共卫生服务均等化的路径选择


   关键新医改方案 基本医疗卫生服务 均等化 公立医院改革

   Chinese medical care and health services reform package is a reform which aim at the issue of uneven distribution on the basic medical care and health services in the mainland of China. Its outstanding spot is "the basic medical care and health services system which is considered as public goods is provided to all the people", which is considered as the basic principles in this reform. Firstly, the author distinguished two concepts between the equilibrium and the equalization of basic medical care and health services. Secondly, the article referred to the standards of value and reality on the equilibrium of basic medical care and health services. Thirdly, the author analyzed three paths which lead to the equilibrium of basic medical care and health services. That is to say, government must improve the mechani论文范文 of financial investment, must adjust the policy of medical care and health services as well as prompt public hospital reform.

   Key words: Chinese medical care and health services reform package ,basic medical care and health services, public hospital reform

   I组/Panel I:澳门公共政策/Public Policies in Macao

   1. 再谈横琴开发,文化产业与体制创新




   This article is a further analysis and continuing study of my another article that published in Lingnan Archaeological Research, No. entitled "On System Innovation for the Cultural Industry – Developing Hengqin Island with Plans before Action". What we want to express it that the cooperative development of Hengqin Island is not only a matter for land extension for Macao or University of Macau, but a much lager project for Macao's industrial diversification and the realization of the Planning Outline for further reform and development in the Pearl River Delta (2017-2020).

   2. 澳门的廉政建设与政府管治


   3. 产权与外地扩展土地资源经验对澳门启示



   4. 跨境教育产业园区的共管:以澳门大学横琴校区为例





   5. 粤港澳大都市圈的区域治理与政府再造策略郑华峰北京大学



   关键:粤港澳 都市圈 区域治理 政府再造

   6. 使能国家:澳门福利体制的新路向?

   梁启贤澳门理工学院自第二次世界大战後,传统的福利国家(welfare state)模式,曾被誉为有效促进社会发展的福利模式,可是,上世纪七十年代爆发的石油危机,而引发出一连串的经济问题,连带福利国家的理念也受到挑战,从八十年论文范文始,整个西方社会福利思想右转,新自由主义成为当时重要的福利思潮;踏入九十年代,虽然,较左倾的政治力量开始复苏,但在全球化的影响,西方国家实在难以回复昔日传统的福利国家模式.左右两大阵营都推出革新的福利思想,例如英国的工党倡议第三条路(the third way),而保守则提出了使能国家(enabling state)的概念,虽然两派理念来自不同的阵营,但却不谋而合的提出由公民社会承担更多的福利.而其中有关仗使能国家及相关的福利思想更是方兴未艾.



   Conference on "Public Governance and Regional Governmental Cooperation"




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