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主题:社会群体与消费者行为 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-01-21





  1. 社会群体与消费者行为:你会说你消费者社群的专用语言吗?

论文中文摘 要: 由於社群媒体和Web 2.0的创新,消费者可以在购物前利用社群搜寻其他消费者的使用心得或分享自身消费经验,资讯来源将不限於厂商提供.这种强调消费者和社群之间的互动,使消费者透过社群满足购物行为称为社群商务.利用社群网站分享资讯将能促使厂商资讯的发布,推广更有效率.因此探讨消费者在社群网站中是否产生顾客公民行为更显重要.我们研究社群特性会如何透过社群态度影响顾客公民行为,并主要着重在社群导向之顾客公民行为以更加了解消费者在线上社群中的行为.本研究发放网路问卷480份,并利用结构方程模式分析.实证结果显示互动性正向影响社群承诺,个人化,服务品质正向影响社群满意度.此外社群满意度和承诺皆正向影响社群导向顾客公民行为. 论文外文摘 要: Due to the rapid development of social media and Web 2.0, customers can be able to share experiences, to seek information before making purchase decision from other customers or munities they belong to other than from the business. This idea of E-merce has evolved into social merce, which highlights the importance of interaction between individuals and munity, and this has


changed the purchasing beh论文范文ior of customers. Thus it's important to study whether customers in targeted munity perform reciprocate beh论文范文ior, which is customer citizenship beh论文范文ior (CCB), that can advertise products, maintain customer relationships, and improve the efficiency of business of delivering products/ services information. We mainly focus on munity-directed CCB to get a better insight of customer extra-role beh论文范文iors in online munity. This study examines how online munity features influence CCB through munity attitude in social merce environment. We tested our hypotheses by using survey data, and our structural equation model exhibits a good fit. The results show that interactivity positively affects munity mitment, while personalization and service quality positively influence munity sati论文范文action. And munity sati论文范文action and mitment significantly affect munity-directed CCB. Implications of our research findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.



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