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主题:世界经济与政治研究所 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-21





  1. 世界经济与政治研究所:清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心研究员袁钢明:中国经济从出口拉动转为内需拉动

Contents &, Abstracts

An Analysis on Factors of Effect on China&,acute,s General Level of Price under Globalization

Wu Jianfei Wangg(3)

Since China became a member of WTO and reformed RMB exchange rate mechani论文范文, both of the surplus of current accountand capital account had been enlarged, and Cluna suffered a serious inflation in 2007 under its economic imbalances. Both of theshocks of economic imbalance and extemal and intemal economic factors on China&,acute,s prices level are the most important reasons ofthe fluctuation of China&,acute,s generallevel of prices. The paper analyzes the factors wluch shocked the China&,acute,s prices fluctuation un-der economic imbalances in globalization via DOLS, and ithen proposes the short-term, medium-term and long-term policies.rfhe Research on the Pattem in Market Competitlon of Global Space Industry

Zhao Xiaolei Zhang Xiangjran He Jun(9)

Space industry is one of the most challenging hi-tech fields with extensive pulling function. It is an impmtant measure to de-velop the space industry to enhance economic power, scientific and technological strength, and defense capabilities. As a result,there comes the era of "space economy". This article studies the market size and income structure of global space industry, andanalyzes international competitiveness in major countries and the overall competitive situation, in addition, explores the futuretrend of competition in space industry. Through the research in this paper, we can not only forecast clearly the future trend ofglobal space industry, but also put forward some referential ady:ices for the development of our country&,acute,s space industry.Institution Quality and Interest Rates LiberaHzation:An Empirical Analysis on Cross-country Data

liang Chun Wu Xiaoping(14)

The paper constructs 24 years panel data model to investigate the affection of institution quality on the interest rates liberal-ization by using 16 developing and transition countries&,acute, data. The conclusion of the paper is that the more the country is succes论文范文ulin transiton, the better the reform performance is in their interest rate liberalization. The paper considers that these findings canprovide impmtant inspire for interest rate Liberalization in Cluna.An Empirical Analysis on Dollar Circumfluence

Zhang Bin Wu Yunyan(20)

Essentially, current international monetary system is a dollar standard one, in which the pattem of U. S. . dollar circumflu-ence abroad and the characters of world economic circulation Ltffect each other. This paper tests the relationship between the cur-rent account deficits and NIIP( net intemational investment position) in U. S. . It discovers that, in the middle of 1980&,acute,s, trade isthe issue channel of dollar and finance is the withdrawal channel. Dollar circumfluence exists and largely depends on the sustain-ability of dollar standard. It is suggested that the dollar siandard should sustain in a short period of time, but not for long.Dependence on External Financing, Financial Development and Changing of Comparative Advantage:An Analysis basedon the Industries of Manufacture Sector in Cbina

Cao Ke Zhu Tong(26)

Based on the aspect of dependence on external financing, the paper empirically studies the relation between financial devel-opment and chanf,ing of comparative advantage in China. The results suggest that financial development is a source of comparativeadvantage. Because industries differ from their dependence on external financing, the effects of financial development on theircomparative advantage is different. The comparative advantage cFuW,es very much in the industries of high dependence on exter-nal financing. But the comparative advantage is stable in the industries oflow dependence on extemal financinf,.

International Intra-Product Specialization and China&,acute,s Trade in Parts and Components: Theory, Facts and Problems

Pu Hualin Zhangjie(31)

China&,acute,s rapid growth of trade in parts and components is the direct result of intemational intra-product specialization and theexpansion of global production networks. Statistical analysis shows that different trade blocs, countries and regions vary in theirtrade with China in parts and components. Trade imbalance and the rather low export/import price ratio of parts and componentssignify the low and peripheral position of Cluna in intemational intra-product specialization and global production networks. Theupgrading of China&,acute,s manufacturing industries should begin with its making of parts and components.Compehtion and Complementarity between the Sino-US b:i-tech products export:An Empirical Analysis with ExportSimilarity Index

Fan Azjun Chang l/l/(39)

In recent years, China&,acute,s hi-tech products trade has developed rapidly. Not only has China&,acute,s status been rising in the worldhi-tech products trade, but China has also maintained a continuous growth of the surplus to the US in their bilateral hi-tech prod-ucts trade. Does tlus mean that China has grown to nval against the US in the world hi-tech products trade Using export, similari-ty index and capital competitive advantage index, this paper analyses the competition relationship and the competiveness betweenthe Sino-US hi-tech products in the world market. The results indicate that Sino-US hi-tech products h论文范文e similarity in export mar-kets but difference in product categories. Therefore, Sino-US hi-tech products export has great complementarity in the world mar-ket, instead of being competitive-oriented.Economic Effects of Rules of Origin

Guo Jie Yang Jianzheng(44)

Rules of Origin are the core rules in the intemational trade, which affect the development of international trade significantly.This paper analyzes the economic effects of Rules of Origin in depth by classical Envelope Method, and divides the economiceffects into three sub-effects which are " the effect of final product yield reduction" , " the effect of intermediate inputs being forcedto increase" and "the e{fect of intermediate inputs substitution". Then, based on the model, the paper analyzes the three sub-effects specifically in the example of Rules of Origin of China&,acute,s auto parts. Finally we concludes that the core of Rules of Originis to increase the localization content of intermediate inputs. On the one hand, because of " the effect of final product yield reduc-tion" , the final product tends to decrease. On the other hand, because of "the effect of intermediate inputs being forced to in-crease" and "the effect of intermediate inputs substitution" , the Rules of Origin affect the intermediate inputs sectors.Operation Analysis on China&,acute,s foreign trade(1999 ~ 209) :Index Method and Relational Structure

Ye Ming Zhang Lel(48)

This paper designs a set of China&,acute,s foreign trade index system constituted by three types of indexes and the four -layer com-posite index. The author has calculated and analyzed the relevant data from 1999 t0 2009 in China using PLS Path Model, and al-so made an analysis of China&,acute,s trade operation for more than 10 years. The trade performance index shows that after China&,acute,s WTOaccession, the level of the trade flows of foreign trade, trade structure and other relevant aspects h论文范文e a substantial increase.However, from 2008 0nwards, due to the international financial crisis, the growth rate of trade indexes of all aspects began to slowdown. Whats worse, by 2009, the trade indexes began to decline in varying degrees.FDI, Domestic Imperfect Financial Market and Private Firms&,acute, Financing Constraints:An Empirical Study based onnrm-level Data

Xian Guoming Cur Xrjun(54)

Using the firm-level data, we estimate a modified Euler equation to test the private firms&,acute, financing constraints and the effectsof FDI and domestic imperfect financial market on Lhem. The results show that private firms are financing constrained, whilestate-owned firms are not constrained. FDI significantly alleviates the constraints of 论文范文all and medium-sized private firms as wellas capnral-imtPnsrty private f&,acute,irms via product markvt Jxacerbating them of 论文范文all and medium-sized firms, labor-intensity firms viafinancial nlarket. Morrover, domestic imperfeut financial market ol)viously exacerbate}s Lhe financirig constraints of 论文范文all-sized pri-vatc- firms as well as labor-intensity private firms.The Impact of Multinational Firm on Cost-Reducing Innovations


L/ Changying

Wang Junmei( 60 )

Bast c,n a vertical pricing model \vith sequc-ritial entry in the downstream market, this papf&,acute,r investigatrs the 论文范文ilpact of multi-Jiational f&,acute,irrn I Jil st-reducing innovations. It is shown that, the supplier&,acute,s R&,D incentive Jepencl

its puhlic share and the na-turr of Lhf({(Jwnstream firms as well as their market powers. Specifically, if the supplier is a In&,acute,ivalr firm, its R&,D incentive clorsnot nlv on the Jlature of clownstream firms. If thf supplit-r is a state-owned enterprise, its R&,D eflort is l"wer when domestic firmis al)senl in che clownstream market than u&,acute,hen ~meslic firm is present in the do\~nstream markel, However. if the suppliPr is ar)artially slaW-ownecl enlerprise, its R&,D investmelit da-reases as the market power of multinational f&,acute,irm( yi) im-reases.The Influencing Factors Analysis on Reverse Technology Spillovers embodied In Outward Foreign Direct Investment: ACase of China

Ouyang Yanyan ( 66 )

StLI(lic-s h论文范文e shown both at home and ahroafl thzil outwarcl foreign direct investment ( OFDI) has techm,logy motivation andreve>,J&,acute,srIP(.hnology spillovers effe.ct, but che 论文范文iflut-rlcing ractors of reverse technology spill frs Pnl})()(liecl iri OFDI are relativelvl)larik. 13asra uJi thr Chinese case, the paper divicles thP 论文范文ifluencing factors into three I)arts: thr h()st c&,acute,"unlry&,acute,s innovation capa-hility, internacional technology tran论文范文ission c-hannels an{l alb"rption capacity of the hcnne c&,acute,"uritry, .iettin{z: up the Partial Least-Scluarrs l&,acute,lf-greshion Model and using the Supplerne-ntary Analysis Method to test. It wah founcl f,y th rnf)irical resulcs that the hostroumr/s R&,D capital stock, the per capita nalumal iru-cune. and China&,acute,s GDP are the chree most irnp"rtant factors, however, theJ-eal rv.hallgP ralr is negative correlalion and thr ef&,acute,f~tnf governmerit support is 论文范文all SilICe China&,acute,s reverse Lechnology spillo\ersrmluulial in OF&,acute,DI are still the requiremPnts and beh论文范文i"r of Chinese multinational companies.Industrial Linkages and Economic Interdependence in East Asia: An Empirical Analysis based on AIIOT 2000

L/ Xiao Zhang Jianping( 72 )

TllP irilrmati"nal imlustrial linkages int{) whic-lichP international input-output characteristi(’s(lf ir~ustries among interregionalc,r nrultin&,acute,gi al unumies are mainly rmhodiecl. has lendecl to be a more useful tool for investigating cc)nnection of inclustrialstructurPs. inlrrac:tion bet\~een intermediate ancl final drrnancl, and economic interdeFwnden"-. Bahed on Lhe AllOrr 2000. byerWloying tlw tllree basic models of AIIOT 论文范文wlucling the I)a(1kward Iinkages effects, the impact of rina] delnancl on gross output,al~ thP inif,act t,f final demand on gross value aclclc-cl. the paper wa. supposed to eluciclate tlk incI【lsIrial /nU-rdepenclence ancJ themain clrivirig forcrs in the intermediate and f&,acute,inal pI‘()【lurt markf-ts in East Asia. The c-onc-lusion:, an- showed that China furnished1e largest l,a‘.kwarcl tinkages effect to the region through ilw Lrenwnchus increment from inte-rmrrliatc- produc:c Jnarkets,while USAancl Jdpan wrrc- mc,re meaningful at the final prn(Jurt markels, due to the remarkahle impacts c,f rinai clrmaml l)oth on gross outputan(l(lll tlw gn)ss Vdlue acidecl.

Business Cycles Interaction of BRICs and China&,acute,s Kernel Status:An Empirical Analysis based on SVAR Model

He Shufeng( 80)

WIlile BliIC is given highly expectations f"r l)e-ing(.flnhiclerecl a. the strength tontencl will Icl worlcl eronumic order, greatvarietirh of&,acute, th/ f"ur countries make people question(,Il th

nspert uf BRIC cooperation. This paper finds that gwat cliversity of13RICs makrs n¨ ohstacle in the way of thPir intel&,acute,ac-tion,an(1¨1at husiness cycles of BRICs arc c,f liigh syiu&,acute,hronization and inler-at-Liori wiI}1 tlw lwll) of Chinese crucial influelice. Inil,ulse reslsP function analysis of SVAli mcxlel proves that China&,acute,s shocksaj&,acute,e(,fl thc hi{l .t magnitude in BRICs aHd h论文范文t- c}l)vi{,us influrnc:e c)n Lhe other three unlries&,acute, H&,acute,OrIOJny. Variance decompositiondisplays Lhat(hina&,acute,s ec-onmnic shocks can sel)al&,acute,dtrly exl)lain sixtv, fortv-six and twenty-sexrn perc&,acute,eiit of economic fluctuations ofBrazil.Ill(1ia ancl Russia.




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