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主题:创业 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-01-27


《Tips for New Graduates Who Want to Be Their Own Boss 毕业生自主创业小贴士》


Make the most of networking opportunities

Get to those networking events and talk, talk, talk. “There is value in every conversation you he, you never know where your next piece of work may come from. Changing the mindset to professionali and saying, ‘I am a graphic designer’ rather than ‘I am a graduate’ is very important,” says Lydia Wakefield, education and training manager at the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed.

Know your worth

It’s hard to persuade people to pay for your work if you’re willing to give it away. “Value your worth from the beginning. A lot of people feel the pressure to work for nothing or charge a really low rate if they’ve been studying. Clients are willing to pay for the quality of the work that you do,” says Wakefield.

Set up with the tools to get paid

Register for self-assesent1 and file those tax returns. “Make sure you he contracts and invoice templates in place,” says Wakefield. It doesn’t hurt to get some advice from a professional, says Jeff Skinner, of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the London Business School. “Find an accountant or someone doing something similar and ask them for commercial advice,” he says.

Manage expectations

Know the limits to your capabilities. “You can feel the need to say yes to every project. He a self-awareness of how much work you can take on at any time and manage expectations,” says Wakefield.


Wakefield highlights the importance of hing a thick skin. “If you get a no, don’t take it to heart. Keep going, you will find your next client,” she says, “ask for feedback, you can always use it for testimonial.” And, remember that you’re not alone. “It really is emotional highs and lows for any entrepreneur in early stages. But you’re in a network with other people on the same journey as you,” says Skinner.














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