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  1. 文化艺术出版社:乔新贤《杀驿》全折(中国艺术研究所1980年10月出版)

文学院 艺术研究所 系(所) 98 学年度 下 学期增设课程表

   College of Liberal Arts Department Institute of Arts studies Academic Year Spring Course Proposal


   Title of Course 当代艺术Theme Study of Contemporary Art 开课班级

   Class 艺术所硕士班 一 二 年级 必 (选) 修

   Required/Elective 选 修

   Elective 学分数

   No. of Credits 3 先修科目

   Prerequisite Course(s) 授课教师

   Instructor 王雅伦

   WANG Ya-Lun


   Course Description 一,教学目标

   导 读介绍当代思想大师之重要概念与理论体系,及其与美学,当代艺术之相关课题.

   I Course Objectives

   Guided reading will be implemented to introduce the students about the contemporary philosophers' important concepts and theoretical systems as well as the related subjects of Aesthetics and Contemporary Art.


   研究主题范畴在二十世纪後至今几个重要西方思潮,课程以时代分期与专题方式进行,并将重点聚焦於各时代艺术理论之思想,美学观及相互影响力.配合.The theme of study focuses on several crucial Western Thought movements since late 20th Century. Course will be taught in accordance with different time eras and special 论文范文ics. The focal points are the thought of art theories in different timelines, the Aesthetic Concepts and the power of their mutual influence. Guided reading on theses and the artists' artwork will be brought in followed by question period and classroom discussion. At last, students will be required to plete and submit an essay report.

   三,教学进度 Course Schedule


   The archives and theme for the course of study are:

   美学(Aesthetic):Roland Barthes,Jean Baudrillard,Michel Foucault,Pierre Bourdieu,Merleau Ponty,Gilles Deleuze, Theodor W. Adorno

   艺术家(Artist):Marcel Duchamp,Kosuth Josepf,Robert Morris,Bill Viola,Joseph Beuys,Andy Warhol,Robert Smithson---

   艺术理论(Art Theory):观念艺术(Art conceptuel),Fluxus,达达与现代艺术(dadai论文范文),新媒体(New Media),数位艺术(Digital Art),後现代主义(Postmoderni论文范文)

   专题研讨(Theme Study):图像以及符号(Image and Semiology),艺术家与身份认同(Artist and Identity),知觉,身体与场域(perception,body and field),视觉文化研究(Visual Culture and image),多媒体与复合媒材

   (Mix Media)


   论文报告与讨论 (Thesis Report and Discussion)


   Teaching Approach(es) 讲授,导 读论文及讨论,艺术家作品及论述讨论,同学报告

   Instruction, thesis guided reading and discussion, artist's artwork and publications discussion, and student presentation. 课程要求

   Course Requirements 课前研读资料,课外阅读,於课堂提出相关主题之口头及书面报告,并发展出完整之小型论文於期末缴交.本课程采授课与研讨并进的方式,於课堂上研读讨论相关文章(由同学轮流导 读),并由个人选定某主题为研究个案,先提出背景说明,期中须提出研究进度报告,然後於期末做完整报告.

   Throughout pre-class study of materials and supplementary followed by the verbal and written report on the related subjects, students are expected to develop and plete an essay and turn it in by the semester-end. Instructions and seminars are both adopted into this course. Students will be responsible for taking turns to perform guided reading on related articles in classroom. Each student will then select a 论文范文ic as his/her case study. Students would h论文范文e to present the introduction of background story followed by submitting a mid-term progress report. In the semester-end, students are required to turn in a plete essay report.


   Grading Criteria 课堂导 读报告40%,期中小论大纲说明20%,期末小论报告40%

   In-classroom guided reading report: 40%. Mid-term outlines for essay: 20%. Final essay: 40%.


   References *Ardenne, Paul, Art—L'age contemporain. Paris: ed. du Regard, 1997.

   *Bishop Claire, Installation Art,New York: Routledge Press, 2005.

   *Battcock Gregory,Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology ,1968; Univ. of California, 1995. reprint.

   *Bryson Norman(eds.), Visual Culture:Images and Interpretations,Wesleyan University Press, pub. University press of New England, Hanover and London,1994.*Frank Isabelle(ed.),D论文范文id Britt(tr.),The Theory of Decorative Art,

   An Anthology of European & American Writings, 1750-1940,pub.Yale University Press,New H论文范文en&London,2000.

   *Hal Foster, ed., The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture,Seattle: Bay Press, 1983.

   *Hal Foster( eds,) Art Since 1900:moderni论文范文, Anti-:moderni论文范文,,post moderni论文范文, volume 2, 1945 to the present,Thames & Hudson,2004.

   *Charles Harrison & Paul Wood, eds., Art in Theory 1900-1990; an Anthology of Changing Ideas, Oxford, Blackwell,1992.

   *Kaye Nick, Site Specific Art: Performance, Place and Documentation,ed.Routledge London ,1st pub 2000.

   *Zoya Kocur & Simon Leung(eds), Theory in Contemporary Art since 1985, pub. Blackwell,USA,2005.

   *Kosuth Joseph, Art after Philosophy and After: collected writings,1966-1990.T


he MITPress,Cambridge,

   Massachusetts London,England,1991.

   *Merleau-Ponty Maurice , Phenomenology of Perception, trans. Colin Smith ,New York and London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd.,1962,2000. Phenomenologie de la Perception, Gallimard,Paris,1945.

   *Lev Manovich. The Language of New Media. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001.

   *Meyer James, Minimali论文范文: art and polemics in the sixties, Yale University Press, New h论文范文en and London, 2001,2004.

   *Fried Michael, Art and Objecthood:Stephen D论文范文id Ross ed., Art and Its Significance, State University of New York Press, third edition, 1994.

   *Donald Preziosi(ed.), The Art of Art History: A Critical Anthology,

   Oxford History of Art, Oxford University Press, 1998.

   *Marita Sturken, Lisa Cartwright, Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

   *W.J.T.Mitchell, Iconology-Image,Text,Ideology, Pub.The University of Chicago,Dada,USA,1986.

   *Histoire critique de l'art contemporain (Klincksieck etudes) (French Edition) by Jean Luc Chalumeau ,1994.(西方当代艺术批评,陈英德等译,艺术家出版,2002.)*Dermot Moran,蔡铮云译,现象学导论 (Introduction to Phenomenology),国立编译馆与桂冠图书公司出版,2005.*布希亚Jean Baudrillard着,拟仿物与拟像,时报出版,1998.

   * G. Deleuze原着 ,黄建宏译,电影I,II--运动影像,时间影像, 远流,2004.

   * Michael Payne着,李奭学译,阅读理论(Reading Theory: An Introduction to Lacan, Derrida, and Kristeva),书林出版, 1996.

   * Gillian Rose 着王国强译视觉研究导论-影像的思考Visual Methodologies: An Intreduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials),群学出版2006.

   *班雅明Walter Benjamin着,许绮玲译,迎向灵光消失的年代,美学书房,1998.

   *罗兰巴特Roland Barthes着,许绮玲译,明室-摄影札记,美学书房,1997.

   *亚瑟?丹托 Arthur C.Danto着,林雅琪,郑惠雯译,在艺术终结之後 -当代艺术与历史籓篱,麦田出版,2005.

   *布希亚Jean Baudrillard着,林志明译,物体系,时报出版,1997.

   *约翰?费斯克(John Fisk)着,张锦华译,传播符号学理论,远流出版,1995.

   *保罗.李文森着,宋伟航译,数位麦克鲁汉(Digital McLuhan),猫头鹰出版,2000.

   *常宁生等译,Kim Levin着,超越现代主义-70-80年代艺术论文集,江苏美术出版,1998二版.


   *陶东风译,文化与权力-布尔迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的社会学,上海译文出版,2006.



   *陈瑞文着阿多诺美学论:评论,模拟与非同一性左岸文化谢东山主编台湾当代艺术1980-2000艺术家*高宣扬着,傅科Michel Foucault的生存美学,五南图书出版,2004.

   *刘千美着,差异与实践 :当代艺术哲学研究,立绪出版,2001.

   *黄瑞祺主编,後学新论New Essays on Post-moderni论文范文後现代?後结构?後殖民,左岸文化,2003.



   Course website 备注

   Remarks (如限修人数,所属学程等)

   (e.g. Maximum enrollment,if the course is

   counted towards a program certificate, etc.) 94年12月1日修订(Revised Dec. 1, 2005)

   97年5月26日修订(Revised May. 26, 2017)



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