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达内培训 课程学时详论文


  1. 达内培训 课程学时详:7月20日第二模块第2学时课程视频


   (An Introduction of Undergraduate Core Courses in

   China Youth University for Political Sciences)

   目 录

   一,青少年工作系本科核心课程简介 1

   二,法律系本科核心课程简介 5

   三,社会工作学院本科核心课程简介 10

   (一)社会工作专业本科核心课程简介 10

   (二)劳动与社会保障专业本科核心课程简介 16

   (三)社会学专业本科核心课程简介 22

   四,经济系本科核心课程简介 28

   (一)经济学专业(金融学方向)本科核心课程简介 28

   (二)国际经济与贸易专业本科核心课程中文简介 30

   (三)财务管理专业本科核心课程简介 32

   (四)数学类本科核心课程中文简介 34

   五,新闻与传播系本科核心课程简介 36

   (一)新闻学专业本科核心课程简介 36

   (二)广播电视新闻学专业本科核心课程简介 44

   六,公共管理系本科核心课程简介 50

   七,中国语言文学系本科核心课程简介 52

   八,外国语言文学系本科核心课程简介 59

   一,青少年工作系本科核心课程简介(Youth Work Department)

   1,发展心理学 Developmental Psychology


   该课程旨在使学生掌握人类心理发展,特别是儿童青少年阶段心理发展的基本规律和年龄特征,并学会从事发展心理学的研究方法和技能技巧.Compulsory course, 2 credits, 32 hours.

   This course aims at enabling the students to grasp the basic laws and age-related features of psychological development of human beings, especially children and teenagers. Students will learn the prerequisite research methods and skills for further study or relative careers. This course focuses on developmental psychology theories and research methods and covers the following aspects concerning children and teenagers: elements of individual development, physical development, cognitive development, emotion, temperament and attachment development, self-concept and social cognition, sexual difference and sexual role development.

   2,社会调查方法 Methods of Social Survey



   Compulsory course, 2 credits, 32 hours.

   This course plays a very important role in cultivating students' research capacity and exploratory spirit. The whole course consists of theme determination, research scheme, specific methods, document filing, primary statistical analysis and final report. According to the basic procedure of social survey, this course covers the preparation for the theme to be chosen, data collection in detail and writing the final report.

   3,青年学 The Science of Youth



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   This course aims at laying a solid theoretic basis for students and cultivating their unique perspectives in applying theories to real phenomena and problems. Its content covers the deconstruction and reconstruction of the concept "youth", driving mechani论文范文 of youth development, theories and methods of research on youth as well as psychological, physical and social development of youth. The last part is further divided into five parts concerning youth: socialization, education, jobs and career, love and marriage as well as social involvement.

   4,教育学 Pedagogy



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours

   Based on pedagogy theories and basic conceptions, this course attempts to present the problems and dilemma in education at home and abroad, thus broadening the visions of students and laying a solid academic foundation for them. Its content covers the concept of education and pedagogy, its historical development and purposes. Getting started on the functions and systems of education, this course elaborates on the status quo, crisis and dilemma of modern education as well as the tendency of educational reform.

   5,思想政治教育学原理 Theory on Ideology and Politics Education



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours

   This course belongs to an applied discipline which is supported by multiple disciplines. Ideology and politics education is a theoretic system centering on the formation and development of individual beh论文范文iors as well as the laws of moral education for individuals and groups. It involves the following aspects: the theory and object of moral education, the basic range, nature and features of moral education, also the educator, process, content, mechani论文范文, principles, methods, environment and management of moral education.


   English Course: Political Socialization and Citizen Education


   政治社会化是引导人们认可公民身份和国家政治文化理念的过程,是社会政治文化在人们内心的内化,也是国家政治文化传承和政治体系良性运转的关键因素.公民教育是指培育人们有效地参与国家和社会公共生活,培养明达公民的各种教育手段.Compulsory course, 2 credits, 32 hours.

   Political socialization is the process in which people are led to recognize their citizenship and national culture and politics. It is the internalization of social culture and politics in people's minds. Citizen education refers to various means to guide people to take part in national and social public life as well as cultivate responsible citizens. Through providing materials about citizen education abroad, this course broadens students' visions on political and social systems and enhances their political involvement, in order to provide an all-round knowledge of the western politics and value for students.


   Selected Readings of Karl Marx's Works



   Compulsory course, 2 credits, 32 hours.

   This course aims at enhancing students' ability to read original works, which deepens their understanding of Marxi论文范文 and helps them with Marx's basic principles and methods of analyzing and solving problems. Thus the students can apply the theories and methods in Marxi论文范文 to practical problems, which lays foundation for their theoretic innovation and confirm their faith in developing Chinese characteristic sociali论文范文.


   The History of People's Republic of China



   Compulsory course, 2 credits, 32 hours.

   This course aims at enabling students to learn about the history and concrete condition of People's Republic of China. Its content includes the construction and achievements of Chinese characteristic sociali论文范文, which deepens the understanding of historical lessons and experience, the Party's basic line and policies at present. The students can know more about moral education and be better prepared to apply the historical knowledge to analyze and solve problems.

   9,政治学 Politics



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   Politics studies the political phenomenon centering on public authority and serves as the foundation of social sciences. It bears significant meaning to promoting political development and harmonious society. This course sticks to the principle of bing theories and practice and teaches the basic concepts, theories and analyzing methods to students. Through the process of forming political mind, students develops in citizen awareness, political analysis ability and political participation, which makes them better serve the construction of socialist political civilization. The content of this course covers the following aspects: the meaning and development of politics, the theoretic models and research methods of politics, public power and citizen rights; the concept, types, functions and institutions of nation, parties and interest group, social culture and socialization, social involvement; political development and political democratization.

   二,法律系本科核心课程简介(Department of Law)

   1,法理学 Jurisprudence



   Compulsory course: 3 credits, 48 total hours.

   Basic objectives: obtain a systematic knowledge of basic theories and views concerning essence of law, its characteristics and function, and basic legal concepts; get to know about the evolution and development of law; know, understand and interpret operating principles of the legal framework; grasp rudimentary methods and principles of legal interpretation and argumentation.

   2,公司企业法 Corporation & Enterprise Law



   Compulsory course: 4 credits, 64 total hours.

   Basic objectives: grasp a prehensive and systematic knowledge of the rudiments of corporation and enterprise law; master and understand related legal provisions to solve problems in legal practice; analyze insufficiency of Chinese corporation and enterprise legislation through discussion of difficulties encountered in legal practice; provide evidence for possible improvement in Chinese corporation and enterprise law by drawing on experience of foreign legislation.

   3,国际法 International Law



   Compulsory course: 3 credits, 48 total hours.

   This course mainly focuses on the development, basic theories, contention among different theoretical schools and the status quo of international law, and selectively introduces some sub-disciplines of international law so as to lay a foundation for further studies.

   4,国际经济法 International Economic Law



   Compulsory course: 4 credits, 64 total hours.

   Basic objectives: understand systematically and prehensively the history of development, system and basic principles of international economic law; get to know about its theories, and the basic concept of sub-disciplines such as international trade law, international investment law, WTO law, international moary and financial law, international tax law as well as international economic dispute settlement system. This course also cultivates students' ability to analyze and address international economic legal issues using their knowledge of international economic law, international trade treaty and international trade practice through teachings of basic theories and application of international economic law.

   5,国际私法 Private International Law



   Compulsory course: 4 credits, 64 total hours.

   This course is taught bilingually. It aims at equipping students with the knowledge concerning private international law and the ability to solve and analyze foreigners-related civil and mercial cases through teachings of basic principles, fundamental norms, conflict law, uniform substantive law and international civil litigation and arbitration. Students should learn and grasp essential knowledge of private international law, and use it as a legal means to protect rights and interests of the state and of Chinese and foreign parties, and promote the development of international economic, technological and cultural cooperation and exchanges.

   6,行政法与行政诉讼法学 Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law



   Compulsory course: 4 credits, 64 total hours.

   Basic objectives: understand the basic role and function of administrative law and administrative litigation law in China's political and social life; obtain a good knowledge of basic theories, conceptual tools and the general system structure, and on such a basis, get familiar with China's major administrative law and administrative litigation law as well as related theories; be capable of analyzing relevant practical problems using what has been learned in this course.

   7,经济法 Economic Law



   Compulsory course: 3 credits, 48 total hours.

   Comprehensive, theoretical, informative and pragmatic, this course covers teachings of economics, other legal studies, sociology and so on. It equips students with prehensive and systematic knowledge and understanding of basic economic law theories and legal system of economics, and cultivates students' ability to analyze real problems based on what has been learned about economic law. It not only lays a solid foundation for later professional studies, but also facilitates students' adaptation to social and economic development in future life.

   8,民法(总论,分论) Civil Law (General Principles and Specific Provisions)



   Compulsory course: 6 credits, 96 total hours.

   Basic objectives: obtain a prehensive and systematic knowledge of basic concepts and theories of civil law; understand and familiarize with China's current structure of civil law system and specific law regime; can proficiently analyze and solve problems encountered in real life, and conduct certain civil law practice.

   9,民事诉讼法 Civil Procedure


   该课程所依托的民事诉讼法是国家为数不多的重要基本法,在整个民事程序法律体系中处于核心和基础性地位.通过课程的教学,不仅有助于增强学生的公正理念和规则意识,塑造合格的法官,检察官和律师等法律职业者,促进公正司法和公正执法,而且基于该课程所具有的操作性和应用性强的突出特点,还对培养学生的综合素质,创新精神和实践能力有着特殊作用.Compulsory course: 4 credits, 64 total hours.

   The civil procedure law, the basis of this course, is one of China's few important basic laws and a core and fundamental part of the civil procedure law system. Teachings of this course help raise students' awareness of justice and discipline, cultivate qualified legal practitioners including judges, procurators and lawyers, and promote judicial and law enforcement justice. Moreover, since this course is highly operative and applicable, it also nurtures students' overall quality, innovation spirit and ability of practice.

   10,宪法学 Constitutional Law



   Compulsory course: 3 credits, 48 total hours.

   Basic objectives: prehensively and systematically understand the essence, contents and characteristics of constitutional law; gain a preliminary understanding of research methods of constitutional law, especially the method of constitutional hermeneutics; get to know about the right and power theory, constitutional system and relevant elementary knowledge; develop the habit of legal thinking.

   11,刑法总论 General Principles of Criminal Law



   Compulsory course: 3 credits, 48 total hours.

   Basic objectives: obtain a prehensive and systematic understanding about crimes, criminal responsibilities, criminal punishment, legislation and judicial practice; grasp basic principles, and generalizations and specifications of criminal law, crime and criminal punishment.

   12,刑法分论 Specific Provisions of Criminal Law



   Compulsory course: 3 credits, 48 total hours.

   Basic objectives: obtain a prehensive and systematic understanding about crimes, criminal responsibilities, criminal punishment, legislation and judicial practice; grasp similarities of the ten types of crimes specified in the specific provisions of criminal law, their criminal standards, and relevant theoretical and practical issues.

   13,刑事诉讼法 Criminal Litigation Law



   Compulsory course: 3 credits, 48 total hours.

   Criminal litigation law is one of the world's most important departmental laws, which specifies series of regulations and institutions that the state should ply with when holding citizens responsible for criminal offence. The course of criminal litigation law is an important course that focuses on the study of criminal litigation law. It mainly involves the following contents: norms of criminal litigation law, judicial practice, theories, as well as norms, practice and theories of criminal litigation law in history and abroad.

   14,知识产权法 Intellectual Property Law



   Compulsory course: 4 credits, 64 total hours.

   Basic objectives: gain a prehensive and systematic knowledge about the scope of IP protection and characteristics of intellectual property law, its origin and evolution, as well as future development trends; understand the object, subject and attribution of rights of different works and inventions as regards copyright, trademarks and patents, contents of copyright, trademarks and patent, as well as generation methods and processes of rights, application and constraints and management; gain insight into the harm done by IP infringement and its legal responsibility; know the general approach to detecting IP infringement.

   15,中国法制史 History of Chinese Legal Systems



   Compulsory course: 3 credits, 48 total hours.

   Basic objectives: gain a prehensive and systematic understanding about the background, guiding ideology, Contents and essence of legal systems in the course of China's history, and basic information of judicial activities in ancient China; grasp characteristics, development and evolution of Chinese legal system in different historical periods; know about the theoretical basis and evolvement laws of traditional Chinese law; grasp the tran论文范文ormation of traditional Chinese law from ancient China to modern China so as to lay a foundation for further studies in jurisprudence and department laws.

   三,社会工作学院本科核心课程简介(School of Social Work)

   (一)社会工作专业本科核心课程简介(Social Work)

   1,普通心理学 General Psychology



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   As a theoretical foundation and instruction course, it systematically illustrates the general rule of psychological activities of human being, and introduces the basic theories and knowledge in psychological science. The content consists of three parts: introduction (introducing the physiological objects, tasks, developmental history, theoretical schools and major research methodology), physiological process ( including cognitive process, emotional process, will process, holistically presenting the basic concepts from sensing to thinking, from unconsciousness to consciousness, from cognition to emotion which further leads to will), individual psychology (including individual inclination and individual physiological traits, and illustrate the motives, abilities, temperament and personalities, reflecting the differences among individuals.

   2,社会学 Sociology



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course introduces concept, perspectives and methods, and enables students to understand and master the fundamental rationale and basic knowledge, cultivate their abilities to observe, analyze and solve the practical problems in their work and life from the angle of sociology. It also prepares them with professional knowledge for their further study on other subjects. The content includes human socialization, social role, social beh论文范文ior, social organizations and bureaucracy, social intervention, social stratification and mobility, social system, social change and modernization, etc.

   3,社会心理学 Social Psychology


   该课程在介绍社会心理学的发展历史,研究方法的基础上,系统地阐述了社会心理学几个重要的研究领域,包括态度及其改变,人际关系,社会认知,侵犯行为,亲社会行为,群体中的相互作用,从众,服从,依从等,并将理论,研究与我们联系在一起.ompulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course starts with introduction on the developmental history and research methodology, and systematically illustrates the key research themes in the field, which include attitude and attitude changing, interpersonal relationship, social cognition, violating beh论文范文ior, pro-social beh论文范文ior, group interaction, conformity, obedience etc. and integrate the theoretical research with the practical life.

   4,社会工作导论 Social Work Introduction



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course aims to help students master the fundamental principle, the core value of social work discipline as well as the social foundation for its emergence and development in a certain social context. It further helps students understand its social functions, clarifies its discipline structure and prehends the relations of different key elements within the discipline. Its content mainly covers the essence, history, rationale, method and practice, social work education and its professional development.

   5,社会统计学 Social Statistics



   Compulsory course, 4 credits, 64 hours.

   The course bines mathematical statistics and social research. Based on social phenomenon, it systematically covers the content of the statistical description and statistical deduction. It holistically illustrates various statistical techniques of single and double variables from the angle of the four-level variables (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio). Statistic description mainly deals with data collection categorization, simplification or traits studies, and statistical deduction mainly covers parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, linear, regression, contingency, analysis of variance, rank correlation and other statistical techniques.

   6,个案工作 Case Work



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   Through lecturing and lab training, the course helps students to master basic theory, practical operation skills and lays a foundation for future case work in real life. The content consists of three parts: static study (introducing the meaning, characteristics, functions, applications fields, value underpinnings, evolving history and the qualification and requirements of professionals), dynamic studies( analyze the basic and concrete techniques, working procedures, and establishment of professional links), models introduction ( in Chinese context, introduction the major models i.e. psychological model, beh论文范文ior modification model, reason and emotion model, crisis intervention model and family therapy)

   7,人类行为与社会环境 Human Beh论文范文ior and Social Environment



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course helps students holistically understand the all-life psychology, beh论文范文ior and social development rule. It gives explanations on the human development and beh论文范文ior form the cross disciplinary angle of psychology and sociology, providing knowledge and capability in understanding human development from the angle of longitude (life development) and transverse (social environment). It illustrates the psychology, beh论文范文ior and social development law in different stages of human life from infancy, childhood, youth, adulthood, middle age, elderly period, as well as how they are affected by social environment such as family, munity and culture and others.

   8,社会保障概论 Social Security Introduction



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course mainly covers the concept, characterless, policy frames and development history of social security, enabling students to master the current state stipulations, to make deep analysis on the phenomenon and problems, and to preliminarily grasp basic practical skills regarding social security field. The content covers the 论文范文ics of historical emergence and development, models theoretical foundations, social aid, old-age insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, industrial injury insurance, social welfare and social special care.

   9,社会研究方法 Social Research Method



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course takes the survey method as the main content. Following the need of the program, it also covers experimentation, literature review, field work and other research methods. Featuring practicality, it encourages students to form research group, design questionnaire and do independent analysis, conducting 论文范文all-scale survey on campus or off campus, so that students could master social research procedures and techniques at the operational level.

   10,社会学理论 Sociological Theories



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course acts not only as a foundation of theories and practices of the major but also as an extension for the course of Social Work Introduction, and it play a role in forming the professional field regarding its broadness and depth. Its content mainly covers social theories of the classic socialists such as Durkheim, Max Weber; modern theoretical schools of sociology, such as Conflict Theory, Functionali论文范文, social exchange theory etc.; the new development of sociology, such as systems theory, phenomenology etc.

   11,小组工作 Group Work


   该课程是社会工作的一种专业方法系统地介绍了小组工作的概念,类型,功能,小组工作的*守则,小组工作的理论基础和主要模式,重点介绍了小组发展的历程,小组领导者的角色,领导技巧以及对小组活动的评估等内容.ompulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course as one of the professional method of social work, systematically introduces its concept, types, functions, ethical rules and the theoretical foundations and key modes. The content emphasizes the development history, the role of group leader, group leader skills and asses论文范文ent on group activities.

   12,社区工作 Community Work



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course aims to help students understand the basic theories, its meaning, key modes and practical skills in the process, contemporary status quo of munity work in China in a parison to western countries, and further discuss the development prospect in China.

   13,社会福利理论 Social Welfare Policy



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course takes the thoughts, perspectives and theories regarding social welfare issue in the various social theory schools since the Industrial Revolution as the objects of study, revealing the different social contest that produces different social welfare theories, further leading to the different impact on national social welfare policy and practice. It aims to help students understand the different perspectives of different social welfare theories, critically analyzes the current social policy and social welfare system and practices according to the theories. The main content covers the 论文范文ics of social welfare theoretical fundamentals, different theoretical school and mainstream perspectives, its historical development and impact on relevant countries.

   14,社会政策分析 Social Policy Analysis



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course focuses on an important aspect of indirect (macroscopic) social work practice. It refers to a method based on social welfare (social policy) theory to address social problems through the process of formulation, implementation, evaluation and modification of social policy. It also provides background frames and policy underpinnings for social work administration and other direct (microscopic) social work practice. The content mainly covers the concept, fundamental rationale, and major areas of social policy.

   15,社会工作行政 Social Work Administration



达内培训 课程学时详:7月20日第二模块第2学时课程视频


   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course is concerned with one of the indirect service methods. It requires student to h论文范文e a deep understanding on the basic knowledge and theories on social work administration, master the operational procedure, implementation measures and developmental trend, analyzing both macroscopical and microscopic level administrative problems in the social welfare field, particularly those regarding management issue of the social work agencies. The concept mainly covers the concept, process and implementation method, as well as the working mode, Human resources management, supervision and council ling in social work organizations.

   (二)劳动与社会保障专业本科核心课程简介(Social Security)

   1,社会学 Sociology



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course introduces concept, perspectives and methods, and enables students to understand and master the fundamental rationale and basic knowledge, cultivate their abilities to observe, analyze and solve the practical problems in their work and life from the angleangle of sociology. It also prepares them with professional knowledge for their further study on other subjects. The content includes human socialization, social role, social beh论文范文ior, social organizations and bureaucracy, social intervention, social stratification and mobility, social system, social change and modernization, etc.

   2,微观经济学 Microeconomic



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course focuses on single economic unit and illustrates how the price mechani论文范文 allocates the resources based on the researches on their economic beh论文范文ior and the relevant numerical value of economical variables. Microeconomics also offers insights on the social welfare issue and researches on the interaction of the supply-demand relations of different produces. The content of the course includes price theory, consumer beh论文范文ior theory, producer beh论文范文ior theory, distribution theory, and the General Equilibrium Theory and Welfare Economics, market failure and microeconomic policies.

   3,社会统计学 Social Statistics



   Compulsory course, 4 credits, 64 hours.

   The course bines mathematical statistics with social research. Based on social phenomenon, it systematically covers the content of the statistic description and statistic deduction. It holistically illustrates various statistic techniques of single and double variables from the angleangle of the four-level variables (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio). Statistic description mainly deals with data collection categorization, simplification or traits studies, and statistic deduction mainly covers parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, regression, contingency, variance, rank correlation and other statistic techniques

   4,社会保障概论 Social Security Introduction



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course mainly covers the concept, character, policy frames and development history of social security and it enables students to master the current state stipulations, to make deep analysis on the phenomenon and problems, and to preliminarily grasp basic practical skills regarding social security field. The content covers the 论文范文ics of historical emergence and development, models theoretical foundations, social aid, old-age insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, industrial injury insurance, social welfare and social special care.

   5,组织行为学 Organizational Beh论文范文ior



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course is an important part of modern management theory and also a major subfield of beh论文范文ior science, drawing from psychology, sociology, economics, cultural anthropology and political sciences etc. It focuses on the analysis of factors that influence organizational performance from individual, group and organizational level. It reveals the nature of working beh论文范文ior and enhances the senior managers' prediction, coordination and control ability over people, thus can inspire working passion, bring human potential into full play and effectively attain organizational goals.

   6,人口学 Demography



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course focuses on the demographic theory, which fundamentally guides the whole discipline. It mainly deals with the developmental law of population and essential connections among the phenomenon in politics, society, economics, and environment. The content covers introduction, Marxist thought on population, population reproduction and tran论文范文ormation, population quality, distribution, immigration, urbanization, population and sociality, population and economics, etc.

   7,社会调查方法 Social Survey Method



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course is about a science on social cognition theories, approaches and process, and it is a methodological, integrative and pragmatic science. It focuses on social survey fundamentals, logical strategy and scientific process. From the three levels of general methodology, research approach and concrete research methods as well as the qualitative and quantitative ways, it covers procedures in data collection, analysis, discussion and evaluation. It aims to enable students to systematically master the fundamental theories and mon methods of social survey. So as to design, investigate, collect and analyze data.

   8,社会工作概论 Social Work Introduction



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course aims to help students master the fundamental rationale, the value underpinning of social work discipline as well as the social foundation for its emergence and development in a certain social context. It further helps students understand its social functions, clarifies its discipline structure and prehends the relations of different key elements within the discipline. Its content mainly covers the essence, history, rationale, method and practice, social work education and its professional development.

   9,公共经济学 Public Economics



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   Public Economics is a pioneering multidisciplinary subject studying the various phenomena caused by economic activities in the public sector, and it has high practical values. It centers on the economic beh论文范文iors of government in a market economy as government is the predominant segment of the public sector. Moreover, it is necessary to study the economic beh论文范文iors of various social organizations, the third sector and public enterprises that serve for the public.

   10,劳动法和社会保障法 Labor Law & Social Security Law



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   Starting from the fundamentals of labor rights, this course focuses on the origins and developments of labor law and social security law as well as their links and differences. Divided into two sections, the course introduces the legal framework of China's labor law and the circumstances as well as the development trends of the national social security system. The labor law section features the fundamentals of labor law and 论文范文ics on labor relations, labor standards, labor supervision and security as well as the legal responsibilities of the labor law. The social security law section centers on the development of the social system in China, the condition and deficiencies of current legislation, and the legal relations in social security laws. This part also discusses social insurance law, social assistance law and social welfare law.

   11,社会保险学1 Social Insurance I



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The Social Insurance I includes a social insurance overview and focuses on old-age insurance and unemployment insurance. The overview includes the definition, nature and history of social insurance and other knowledge, such as fund administration. The old age pension section includes basic theories, models, reforms of China's pension system and current policies. The unemployment insurance section includes the economic theories of unemployment insurance and reforms of the China's unemployment insurance scheme and current policies. Combining theory and practice, this course emphasizes on the teaching of both basic concepts, methods and the ability to analyze practical issues using the basic methods; on the learning of basic theories and the practices in actual workplace.

   12,社会保险学2 Social Insurance II



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   Social Insurance II introduces the fundamentals and other basics of health insurance and industrial injury insurance. The health insurance part covers the definition, nature, features and functions of health insurance; the origins and developments of the health insurance scheme; different schools of thought; system models; funding and operation; delivery of benefit; and health insurance system. The industrial injury insurance part covers the definition, nature, features and functions of industrial injury insurance; the origins and developments of the industrial injury insurance scheme; different schools of thought; funding and operation; delivery of benefit; and asses论文范文ent of occupational injury and disability. This course requires students to fully understand China's health insurance and industrial injury insurance schemes.

   13,社会福利与社会救济 Social Welfare & Social Support



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   This course focuses on the fundamentals and forms of social welfare and social support, and has an overview on some major areas such as funding and legislation. Divided into two parts, the course features the origins, developments and reform trends of social welfare and social support programs as well as study of relevant legal issues. It introduces the fundamentals, features and other major facts on both social welfare and social support. Main forms of welfare and support are covered, such as old age benefit, child benefit, life benefit, poverty support, old age support, medical support, unemployment support and legal aid. Also, the course covers theories and practices on some major areas like funding, administration and legislation of social welfare and social support.

   14,人力资源管理 Human Resources Management



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   This course centers on human resources development and management and has high practical values. It concerns various aspects of human resources management like strategies, job analysis, recruitment, employee incentives and training, salary system, team performance evaluation and career management.

   15,劳动经济学 Labor Economics



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   This course studies the performance and outes of labor market and features theories on labor demand, labor supply, human capital investment, labor force flow, labor market discrimination, wage, unemployment and so on. It equips students with the tools and approaches to analyze various issues on labor market and labor resources management such as labor market, human capital investment, employment and unemployment.


   1,普通心理学 General Psychology



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   As a theoretical foundation and instruction course, it systematically illustrates the general rule of psychological activities of human being, and introduce the basic theories and knowledge in psychological science. The content consists of three parts: introduction (introducing the physiological objects, tasks, developmental history, theoretical schools and major research methodology), physiological process ( including cognitive process, emotional process, will process, holistically presenting the basic concepts from sensing to thinking, from unconsciousness to consciousness, from cognition to emotion which further leads to will), individual psychology (including individual inclination and individual physiological traits, and illustrate the motives, abilities, temperament and personalities, reflecting the differences among individuals.

   2,社会心理学 Social Psychology



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   The course starts with introduction on the developmental history and research methodology, and systematically illustrates the key research themes in the field, which include attitude and attitude changing, interpersonal relationship, social cognition, violating beh论文范文ior, prosocial beh论文范文ior, group interaction, conformity, obedience etc. and integrate the theoretical research with the practical life.

   3,社会学概论 Sociology Introduction



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   Concept, perspectives and methods, enable students to understand and master the fundamental rationale and basic knowledge, cultivate their abilities to observe, analyze and solve the practical problems in their work and life from the angle of sociology. It further prepares them with professional knowledge for their further study on other subjects. The content includes human socialization, social role, social beh论文范文ior, social organizations and bureaucracy, social intervention, social stratification and mobility, social system, social change and modernization, etc.

   4,社会统计学 Social Statistics



   Compulsory course, 4 credits, 64 hours.

   The course bines mathematical statistics and social research. Based on social phenomenon, it systematically covers the content of the statistical description and statistical deduction. It holistically illustrates various statistical techniques of single and double variables from the angle of the four-level variables (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio). Statistic description mainly deals with data collection categorization, simplification or traits studies, and statistical deduction mainly covers parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, linear, regression, contingency, analysis of variance, rank correlation and other statistical techniques.

   5,文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology



   Compulsory course, 2 credits, 32 hours.

   As a branch of anthropology, this course examines the nature of human culture by studying cultures created by various peoples. It uses the methods, concepts and data in archaeology, ethnography, ethnology, folklore and linguistics to describe and analyze diverse peoples round the world. Also, it introduces research methods and concepts of various schools of thought, such as evolution, historical particulari论文范文, diffusioni论文范文, functionali论文范文, French structurali论文范文 and structural functionali论文范文.

   6,中国社会思想史 History of Chinese Social Theories



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   Developed from the basis of Marxi论文范文, Maoi论文范文, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represents" theory, this is a basic course analyzing the Chinese traditional social thought with historical materiali论文范文. It studies various major aspects of social theories originated at the turn of the 20th century, such as their origins, arguments and content, effects and outes, and limitations. Aiming to train high-quality sociological professionals, this course develops students' ability to analyze issues using historical materiali论文范文, and deepens their knowledge about contemporary social theories.

   7,西方社会思想史 History of Western Social Theories



   Compulsory course, 3 credits, 48 hours.

   A theoretical course, which tries to examine the causes of various social theories, their fragmentation and fate from the relationships between social theories and cultural spirits, social institutions, historical contexts as well as social trends. Setting out from theories in ancient Greece to the ones in the post-modern era, this course examines the historical contexts and impacts of these theories, or "the charms of thought and the rhyme of history," and presents a theoretical evolution spanning 2500 years.

   8,社会学理论 Sociological Theories




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