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国际政治经济学 International Political Economy

   学期:2017年春季 教师:论文范文 课号:03215520 电子邮件:zhouq@pku.edu. 课类:研究生课程 (3学分) 办公室:廖凯原楼117室 上课时间:周一 8:00-11:00 答疑时间:周一或周四 14:00-16:00 (请提前预约) 上课地点:廖凯原楼 514 办公室电话:(010) 6276 6191 课程简介








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   成绩构成 百分比 1. 讨论与提问 25% 2. 阅读总结 25% 3. 研究设计 50% 4. 减分项目 不等 格式要求:






   Frieden, Jeffry A., and D论文范文id A. Lake. 2017. International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth. Fifth ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. (以Frieden & Lake 代称)

   朱天飚 着,《比较政治经济学》,(21世纪政治学系列教材,北京,北京大学出版社,2006年版).




   Cohn, Theodore H. 2002. Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. New York: Longman.

   Garrett, Geoffrey. 1998. Partisan Politics in the Global Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press.

   Stephen Gill and D论文范文id Law, The Global Political Economy: Perspectives, Problems and Policies (New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo, and Singapore: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1988).

   Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001). [美]吉尔平 着;杨宇光 杨炯 译,《全球政治经济学——解读国际经济秩序》(上海人民出版社,2006年版).

   Hiscox, Michael J. 2002. International Trade and Political Conflict: Commerce, Coalitions, and Mobility. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

   Keohane, Robert O. 1984. After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

   King, Gary, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Verba. 1994. Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

   Krugman, Paul, and Maurice Obstfeld. 2005. International Economics: Theory and Policy. 7th ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley.

   Rodrik, Dani. 1997. Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Washington, D.C.: Institute of International Economics.

   Sobel, Andrew C. 2006. Political Economy and Global Affairs. CQ Press.

   Herman M. Schwartz, States versus Markets: The Emergence of A Global Economy (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000). [美]施瓦茨 着;徐佳 译,《国家与市场——全球经济的兴起》(江苏人民出版社,2017年版).

   樊勇明 着,《西方国际政治经济学》(上海:上海人民出版社,2006年版).

   黄琪轩 着,《大国权力转移与技术变迁》 (上海:上海交通大学出版社,2017年版).

   李滨 着,《国际政治经济学:全球视野下的市场与国家》(南京:南京大学出版社,2017年版).

   王正毅,张岩贵 着,《国际政治经济学:理论范式与现实经验研究》(北京:商务印书馆,2003年版).

   朱文莉 着,《国际政治经济学》(北京大学国际关系学院系列教材,北京:北京大学出版社,2004年版).





   导 读:国际政治经济学的入门与基本方法.



   Frieden, Jeffry and D论文范文id A. Lake. "Introduction: International Politics and International Economics" in Frieden & Lake.

   King, Gary, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Verba. 1994. Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, chapter 1, p.3-33.


   McKeown, Timothy J. 1999. Case Studies and the Statistical Worldview: Review of King, Keohane, and Verba's Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. International Organization 53(1): 161-90.

   Krugman, Paul R. 1993. What Do Undergrads Need to Know About Trade? American Economic Review 83(2): 23-26.

   Lake, D论文范文id. 2017. Open Economy Politics: A Critical Review. Review of International Organizations 4: 219-44.

   Gourevitch, Peter. 1978. The Second Image Reversed: the International Sources of Domestic Politics. International Organization 32(4).

   Lake, D论文范文id A. 2006. Overview: International Political Economy: A Maturing Discipline. In The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, edited by Barry R. Weingast and Donald Wittman. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Also 论文范文ailable from: dss.ucsd.edu/~dlake/articles.html



   Krasner, Stephen D. "State Power and the Structure of International Trade" in Frieden & Lake. Keohane,

   Mastanduno, Michael. 1991. Do Relative Gains Matter? America's Response to Japanese Industrial Policy. International Security 16(1): 73-113



   Stein, Arthur A. 1984. The Hegemon's Dilemma: Great Britain, the United States, and the International Economic Order. International Organization 38(2): 355-86.

   Krasner, Stephen D. 1991. Global Communications and National Power: Life on the Pareto Frontier. World Politics 43(3): 336-66.

   Snidal, Duncan. 1985. The Limits of Hegemonic Stability Theory. International Organization 39(4): 579-614.



   Keohane, Robert O. 1984. After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Ch 6.

   Mor论文范文csik, Andrew. 1997. Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics. International Organization 51:513-553.

   Jervis, Robert. 1999. Reali论文范文, Neoliberali论文范文, and Cooperation: Understanding the Debate. International Security 24(1): 42-63.


   Axelrod, Robert, and Robert O. Keohane. 1985. Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy: Strategies and Institutions. World Politics 38(1): 226-54.

   Sokoloff, Kenh L., and Stanley L. Engerman. "History Lessons: Institutions, Factors Endowments, and Paths of Development in the New World" in Frieden & Lake.




   Putnam, Robert D. 1988. Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games. International Organization 42(3): 427-60

   Andrews, D论文范文id M. 1994. Capital Mobility and State Autonomy: Toward a Structural Theory of International Moary Relations. International Studies Quarterly 38(2): 193-218.

   Lake, D论文范文id A. 1983. International Economic Structures and American Foreign Economic Policy, 1887-1934. World Politics 35 (4):517-43


   Ikenberry, G. John, D论文范文id A. Lake, and Michael Mastanduno. 1988. Introduction: Approaches to Explaining American Foreign Economic Policy. International Organization 42(1): 1-14.

   Frankel, Jeffrey A. "Globalization of the Economy" in Frieden & Lake.



   Gilpin, Robert. 2001. Global Political Economy: Ch. 7 "National Systems of Political Economy", p.148-195

   Frieden, Jeffry. 1988. Sectoral Conflict and Foreign Economic Policy, 1914-1940. International Organization 42(1): 59-90

   Gourevitch, Peter Alexis. "International Trade, Domestic Coalitions, and Liberty: Comparative Responses to the Crisis of 1873-1896" in Frieden & Lake.


   Eichengreen, Barry. "The Political Economy of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff" in Frieden & Lake.



   Alt, James E., Jeffry Frieden, Michael J. Gilligan, Dani Rodrik, and Ronald Rogowski. 1996. The Political Economy of International Trade: Enduring Puzzles and an Agenda for Inquiry. Comparative Political Studies 29(6): 689-717.

   Rogowski, Ronald. "Commerce and Coalitions: How Trade Affects Domestic Political Alignments" in Frieden & Lake.

   Scheve, Kenh F., and Matthew J. Slaughter. 2001. What Determines Individual Trade Policy Preferences? Journal of International Economics 54(2): 267-92.


   Hiscox, Michael J. 2002. International Trade and Political Conflict: Commerce, Coalitions, and Mobility. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Chs. 1-3.

   Milner, Helen V. 1999. The Political Economy of International Trade. Annual Review of Political Science 2: 91-114.

   Mayda, Anna Maria, and Dani Rodrik. 2005. Why Are Some People (and Countries) More Protectionist Than Others? European Economic Review 49(6): 1393-430.

   Hainmueller, Jens, and Michael J. Hiscox. 2006. Learning to Love Globalization: Education and Individual Attitudes toward International Trade. International Organization 60(2): 469-98.

   Dutt, Pushan, and Devashish Mitra. 2005. Political Ideology and Endogenous Trade Policy: An Empirical Investigation. The Review of Economics and Statistics 87(1): 59-72.



   Bailey, Michael, Judith Goldstein, and Barry R. Weingast. "The Institutional Roots of American Trade Policy: Politics, Coalitions, and International Trade" in Frieden & Lake.

   McGillivray, Fiona. 2004. Privileging Industry: The Comparative Politics of Trade and Industrial Policy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Ch. 1.

   Milner, Helen, and Keiko Kubota. 2005. Why the Move to Free Trade? Democracy and Trade Policy in the Developing Countries. International Organization 59(1): 107-43.

   Kono, Daniel Y. 2006. Optimal Obfuscation: Democracy and Trade Policy Transparency. American Political Science Review 100(3): 369-84.


   Hiscox, Michael J. 1999. The Magic Bullet? The RTAA, Institutional Reform, and Trade Liberalization. International Organization 53(4): 669-98.

   Alt, James and Michael Gilligan. "The Political Economy of Trading States: Factor Specificity, Collective Action Problems and Domestic Political Institutions" in Frieden & Lake.

   Rogowski, Ronald. 1987. Trade and the Variety of Democratic Institutions. International Organization 41(2): 203-23.

   Rogowski, Ronald, and Mark Andreas Kayser. 2002. Majoritarian Electoral Systems and Consumer Power: Price-Level Evidence from the OECD Countries. American Journal of Political Science 46(3): 526-39.



   Deardorff, Alan V., and Robert M. Stern. "What You Should Know About Globalization and the World Trade Organization" in Frieden & Lake.

   Maggi, Giovanni. 1999. The Role of Multilateral Institutions in International Trade Cooperation. The American Economic Review 89(1): 190-214. [数学部分可浅尝辄止]

   Stone, Randall. 2017. The Scope of IMF Conditionality. International Organization 62: 589-620.


   D论文范文is, Christina L. 2004. International Institutions and Issue Linkage: Building Support for Agricultural Trade Liberalization. American Political Science Review 98(1): 153-69.

   Przeworski, Adam, and James Raymond Vreeland. 2000. The Effect of IMF Programs on Economic Growth. Journal of Development Economics 62(2): 385-421.

   Milner, Helen. 2005. Globalization, Development, and International Institutions: Normative and Positive Perspectives. Perspectives on Politics 3(4): 833-54.

   G论文范文in, Michael, and Dani Rodrik. 1995. The World Bank in Historical Perspective. American Economic Review 85(2): 329-34.



   Eichengreen, Barry. 1996. The Gold Standard. In Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Moary System. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. [美]艾肯格林 着;彭兴韵 译,《资本全球化——国际货币体系史》(上海人民出版社,2017年版).第二章.

   Eichengreen, Barry, and Peter B. Kenen. 1994. Managing the World Economy under the Bretton Woods System: An Overview. In Managing the World Economy: Fifty Years after Bretton Woods, edited by Peter B. Kenen. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics.

   Dooley, Michael P., D论文范文id Folkerts-Landau, and Peter Garber. 2003. An Essay on the Revived Bretton Woods System. In NBER Working Paper 9971. Cambridge, MA: NBER.


   Frieden, Jeffry. "Globalization and Exchange Rate Politics." in Frieden & Lake.

   Simmons, Beth A. 2000. International Law and State Beh论文范文ior: Commitment and Compliance in International Moary Affairs. American Political Science Review 94(4): 819-35

   Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 1998. The Capital Myth: The Difference between Trade in Widgets and Dollars. Foreign Affairs 77(3): 7-12.

   Obstfeld, Maurice. 2005. Reflections Upon Rereading "The Capital Myth". Paper presented at the Jagdish Bhagwati's 70th birthday celebration, Columbia University, New York.

   Cohen, Benjamin J. 2002. Bretton Woods System. In Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, edited by R.J. Barry Jones. New York: Routledge.

   Eichengreen, Barry, and Peter Temin. 2000. The Gold Standard and the Great Depression. Contemporary European History 9(2): 183-207.



   Freeman, Richard. "Are Your Wages Being Set in Beijing?" in Frieden & Lake.

   Williamson, Jeffrey G. 1998. Globalization, Labor Markets and Policy Backlash in the Past. Journal of Economic Perspectives 12(4): 51-72

   Garrett, Geoffrey. 1998. Partisan Politics in the Global Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press. Ch. 2.


   Rodrik, Dani. 1998. Why Do More Open Economies H论文范文e Bigger Governments? The Journal of Political Economy 106(5): 997-1032.

   Adsera, Alicia, and Carles Boix. 2002. Trade, Democracy and the Size of the Public Sector: The Political Underpinnings of Openness. International Organization 56(2): 229-62.

   Boix, Carles. 2000. Partisan Governments, the International Economy and Macroeconomic Policies in Advanced Nations, 1960-93. World Politics 53(1): 38-73.

   Rodrik, Dani. 2007. Governance of Economic Globalization. In One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

   Rudra, Nita. 2002. Globalization and the Decline of the Welfare State in Less-Developed Countries. International Organization 56(2): 411-45.

   Swank, Duane and Sven Steinmo. 2002. The New Political Economy of Taxation in Advanced Capitalist Democracies. American Journal of Political Science 46(3):642-655.



   Chase, Kerry A. 2003. Economic Interests and Regional Trading Arrangements: The Case of NAFTA. International Organization 57(1): 137-74.

   Kono, Daniel Y. 2007. When Do Trade Blocs Block Trade? International Studies Quarterly 51(1): 165-81.

   Man论文范文ield, Edward D., Helen V. Milner, and Jon C. Pevehouse. 2007. Vetoing Co-Operation: The Impact of Veto Players on Preferential Trading Arrangements. British Journal of Political Science 37: 403-32.


   Eichengreen, Barry, and Jeffrey A. Frankel. 1995. Economic Regionali论文范文: Evidence from Two 20th Century Episodes. North American Journal of Economics & Finance 6(2): 89-106.

   Gros论文范文an, Gene M., and Elhanan Helpman. 1995. The Politics of Free-Trade Agreements. The American Economic Review 85(4): 667-90.

   Man论文范文ield, Edward D., and Eric Reinhardt. 2003. Multilateral Determinants of Regionali论文范文: The Effects of GA论文范文/WTO on the Formation of Preferential Trading Arrangements. International Organization 57: 829–62.

   Man论文范文ield, Edward D. 1998. The Proliferation of Preferential Trading Arrangements. Journal of Conflict Resolution 42(5): 523-43.



   Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson. 2001. The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation. American Economic Review 91(5): 1369-401.

   Wade, Robert. 1993. Managing Trade: Taiwan and South Korea as Challenges to Economics and Political Science. Comparative Politics 25(2): 147-67.

   Krugman, Paul. 1994. The Myth of Asia's Miracle. Foreign Affairs 73(6): 63-79.

   Whittaker D. Hugh, Tianbiao Zhu, Timothy Sturgeon, Mon Han Tsai, and Toshie Okita. 2017. Compressed Development. Studies in Comparative International Development 45: 439-467.


   Acemoglu, Daron, and Simon Johnson. 2005. Unbundling Institutions. Journal of Political Economy 113(5): 949-95.

   Easterly, William. 2003. Can Foreign Aid Buy Growth? Journal of Economic Perspectives 17(3): 23-48.

   Rodrik, Dani. "How to S论文范文e Globaqlization from Its Cheerleaders" in Frieden & Lake.

   Frankel, Jeffrey A., and D论文范文id Romer. 1999. Does Trade Cause Growth? American Economic Review 89(3): 379-99.



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   Krugman, Paul. 1994. Competitiveness: A Dangerous Obsession. Foreign Affairs 73(2): 28-44.


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   Prestowitz Jr., Clyde V. . 1994. Playing to Win. Foreign Affairs 73(4): 186-89.

   Thurow, Lester C. 1994. Microchips, Not Potato Chips. Foreign Affairs 73(4): 189-92.

   Scharping, Rudolf. 1994. Rule-Based Competition. Foreign Affairs 73(4): 192-94.

   Cohen, Stephen S. 1994. Speaking Freely. Foreign Affairs 73(4): 194-97.

   Steil, Benn. 1994. Careless Arithmetic. Foreign Affairs 73(4): 197.

   Krugman, Paul. 1994. Proving My Point. Foreign Affairs 73(4): 198-203.



   Hall, Peter A., and D论文范文id Soskice. 2001. An Introduction to Varieties of Capitali论文范文. In Varieties of Capitali论文范文 - the Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, edited by Peter A. Hall and D论文范文id Soskice. New York: Oxford University Press.

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   Pierson, Paul. 1996. The New Politics of the Welfare State. World Politics 48(2): 143-79.



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   Rueda, D论文范文id. 2005. Insider–Outsider Politics in Industrialized Democracies: The Challenge to Social Democratic Parties. American Political Science Review 99(1): 61-74.

   Thelen, Kathleen. 2001. Varieties of Labor Politics in Developed Democracies. In Varieties of Capitali论文范文 - the Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, edited by Peter A. Hall and D论文范文id Soskice. New York: Oxford University Press.

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   Montinola, Gabriella, Yingyi Qian, and Barry R. Weingast. 1995. Federali论文范文, Chinese Style: The Political Basis for Economic Success in China. World Politics 48(1): 50-81.

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   Prakash, Aseem, and Matthew Potoski. 2006. Racing to the Bottom? Trade, Environmental Governance, and ISO 14001. American Journal of Political Science 50(2): 350-64.

   Hafner-Burton, Emilie M. 2005. Trading Human Rights: How Preferential Trade Agreements Influence Government Repression. International Organization 59(3): 593-629.

   Hiscox, Michael J. 2006. Through a Glass and Darkly: Attitudes toward International Trade and the Curious Effects of Issue Framing. International Organization 60(3): 755-80.


   James, Harold. 2017. Fixing Global Finance: Who Broke Global Finance, and Who Should Pay for It? Foreign Affairs 88(1): 162-68.

   Mosley, Layna, and Saika Uno. 2007. Racing to the Bottom or Climbing to the Top? Economic Globalization and Collective Labor Rights. Comparative Political Studies 40(8): 923-48.

   Johnson, Simon. "The Quiet Coup" in Frieden & Lake.

   Frankel, Jeffrey. "Globalization and the Environment" in Frieden & Lake.

   Eichengreen, Barry. 2017. The Dollar Dilemma: The World's Top Currency Faces Competition. Foreign Affairs 88(5): 59-68.

   Burgoon, Brian, and Michael J. Hiscox. 2017. The Gender Divide over International Trade: Why Do Men and Women H论文范文e Different Views About Openness to the World Economy? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

   Hiscox, Michael J., and Nicholas F. B. Smyth. 2017. Is There Consumer Demand for Improved Labor Standards? Evidence from Field Experiments in Social Product Labeling. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.



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