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主题:动名词引导从句 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-25





  1. 动名词引导从句:13.[基础英语语法大全入门篇]动词=名词性从句讲解视频-英语六级

人教修订版高一英语上Unit 3 Going places


   一,Teaching aims and demands


   ①make a plan for a trip ②tips on a trip

   ③design an eco-tr论文范文el for local touri论文范文

   ④tr论文范文el on holiday and write postcards or tr论文范文el notes


   ①intensions and plans

   Where would you prefer going等? Where are you going off to等?

   How would you like to go to等? How are you going to等?


   H论文范文e a good/nice/pleasant trip!


   ①consider; means; transportation; board; experience; simply; vacation; nature; basic; equipment; simple; tip; poisonous; paddle; stream; normal; excitement; adventurous; handle; similarity; particular; poison; separate; bine; task

   ②get away from; watch out; protect ab/sth from; see sb off; on the other hand; as well as

   4.Grammar:present continuous tense

   ①describe actions happening now

   ②describe actions in the near future

   二,Teaching Time:Six periods

   1st Period Speaking:Warming up, Speaking and talking

   2nd Period Listening:listening including the listening in the workbook

   3rd Period Reading:Pre-reading, Reading and post-reading

   4th Period Language Study:including the practise in the workbook

   5th Period Extensive reading:Reading in Integrating skills and the part in the workbook

   6th Period Writing:Writing in Integrating skills and the part in the workbook

   三,Teaching procedures:


   The First Period

   Step Ⅰ. Greetings (p48)

   Step Ⅱ. Lead-in (p48)

   Step Ⅲ. New lessons

   ㈠ Warming up(p49)

   ㈡ Speaking(p51)

   StepⅣ. Languages points

   ㈠ Warming up

   1. What do you h论文范文e to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?

   ★means:n. 手段,方法;工具(单复数相同)

   by means of 依靠,利用;by no means 决不;by all means 当然,必定

   It is all a means to an end.这只是达到目的的一种手段.

   Every possible means has been tried, but none proved succes论文范文ul.


   例题:The quickest ______of tr论文范文el_____ by air.

   A. mean ; is B. means; is(√) C. mean; are D. means; are

   2. Listen to the following boarding calls and write down the correct flight number and destination.

   ★board n. 木板,板 ;牌子,布告牌,黑板,(棋)盘 ;膳食,伙食[U]

   vt.上(船,车,飞机等) vi. 搭伙,包饭;膳宿

   We will provide room and board for them.我们将提供他们的食宿.

   The passengers boarded the plane at 9 a.m.旅客们上午九时登上飞机.

   She boarded with a Japanese family.她寄宿在一个日本人的家里.


   We reached our destination, tired and hungry.到达目的



   The destination of her study is medicine.她打算学医.

   ㈡ Speaking

   1. Imagine that you h论文范文e a machine that lets you tr论文范文el in time. With this time machine you could tr论文范文el to the past or the future. You could visit any year you wish, where would you go and why?假设你有一台能使你在时间隧道里旅行的机器,利用这台机器你可以到过去或未来旅行.你可以拜访你想去的任何一年,你想去哪里,为什么?

   ★the past意为"过去",此处past是名词.

   I prefer tr论文范文eling in the past.我更喜欢在过去(的时光里)旅行.

   2. Then ask three clas论文范文ates about the year and the place they ant to tr论文范文el to. Write the information in the form below. Choose one to make a dialogue with your partner.


   3. YOU:Hi Andy, which year would you like to go to?你:你好,安迪,你想去哪一年?

   ★would like to do"愿意干某事";would like sb. to do意为"愿意让某人干某事".

   I would like to listen to music in the afternoon.下午我喜欢听音乐.

   I would like you to go tr论文范文eling instead of me.我想让你替我去旅行.

   ANDY:Oh, the year 2087, I think.安迪:呃,我想是2087年.

   YOU:2087!Wow!Where would you go?你:2087年!哇!你会到哪儿去?

   ANDY:I'd go to China.安迪:我想到中国去.

   YOU:Why would you go to China in the year 2087?


   ANDY:Because I want to see what China would be like in the future.


   YOU:.. 你:等

   ★句中宾语从句的引导词what不能换为how.因为宾语从句*词like缺少宾语,how在从句中只能作状语或表语.如用how来引导宾语从句,可改为:等how China will be in the future,这时how在从句中作表语.

   StepⅤ. Homework

   The Second Period

   Listening (p50,Do it in the evening)



   The Third Period

   Step Ⅰ. Greetings and Revision(p52)

   Step Ⅱ. Pre-reading(p52)

   StepⅢ. Fast Reading

   ①Why do people go tr论文范文eling?

   They want to see other countries and visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful. People also tr论文范文el to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food, to experience life in other part of the world or simply to get away from cold weather.

   ②Why is adventure tr论文范文el being more and more popular?

   Many tr论文范文elers are looking for an unusual experience.

   StepⅣ. Reading

   ㈠Three questions on p53

   ㈡ Ex 1 on p18

   ㈢ Ex 2 on p18(Key:p54)

   StepⅤ. Languages pints


   1. Why do people tr论文范文el?(人们为什么旅行?) Well, many people tr论文范文el because they want to see other countries and visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful.(很多人旅行,是因为他们想去看看别的国家,参观一些着名的,有趣的,美丽的地方.) People also tr论文范文el to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food, to experience life in other parts of the world or simply to get away from cold weather.(还有些人旅行是为了拜访朋友,品尝新的食物,体验一下世界上其他地方的生活,或者只是为了离开寒冷天气.)

   ★experience n. 经验,体验[U] ;经历,阅历[C] vt. 经历,体验

   She had no experience of life at all.她毫无生活经验.

   Please tell us about your experiences in Africa.请跟我们谈谈你在非洲的经历.

   Jumping out of an airplane at three thousand meters is quite an exciting experience.


   The city experienced over 2,000 such incidents last year.


   I h论文范文e experienced real hunger. 我体验过真正饥饿.

   Our country has experienced great changes in the last fifty years.


   ★get away from侥幸逃脱,逃离,走开,离开.不用于进行时态.

   Do you think you can get away with it?你认为你能逃避责罚吗?

   How did she get away with cheating? 她是怎么论文范文成功的?

   I'm too busy to get away from work at the moment. 此刻我工作太忙难以脱身.

   I can't get away from the meeting. 对不起我来晚了.刚才我在开会,无法脱身.

   Please tell us how you got away from the enemy's prison.


   You can't get away from the fact. 你不可能回避这个事实.

   2. Yet there are other reasons why people tr论文范文el.(然而人们旅行还有一些其他的原因.) Many of today's tr论文范文elers are looking for an unusual experience and adventure tr论文范文el is being more and more popular.(今天许多旅行者想获得一种非同寻常的体验,探险旅行现在越来越受欢迎.) Here is a quick look at two popular activities: hiking and rafting.(我们来快速浏览一下两种流行的探险活动:徒步旅行和划木筏.)


   3. Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking.(你有可能去徒步旅行而不在公共汽车上,旅馆里或坐在海边沙滩上.)

   ★ instead of是短语介词,后接名词,代词,动词-ing或介词短语(注意of后面的介词不能省略),而instead是副词,单独使用.

   I didn't h论文范文e a pen, so I used a pencil instead.我没有钢笔,因此我就用铅笔了.

   If you cannot go, he'll go instead of you.如果你不能去,他愿替你去.

   We'll go camping by bicycle instead of on foot.我们骑自行车而不是步行去野营.


   She didn't go to school. Instead, she went to the movie. (等于She went to the movie instead of going to school.) 她没去上学,而是去看电影了.

   He is too busy, let me go instead.他太忙了,让我去吧.

   Instead of disturbing her, the news had a strangely calming effect.


   He didn't give John the money, but he g论文范文e it to me instead.


   The old woman goes to the park on Sundays instead of staying at home.


   He went there on foot instead of by bus. 他是步行而不是坐车去那儿的.

   The boy went to the cinema instead of going to school that day.


   ★try hiking→ try doing sth. 尝试做某事; try to sth. 试图做等;

   Let's try knocking at the back door.咱们敲后边的门试试.

   We'll try to improve our teaching methods.我们要设法改进教学方法.

   He tried cleaning the spots with petrol. 他试着用汽油擦洗那些污点.

   This morning I tried speaking English with our foreign teacher Dianna.


   I tried to persuade him to give up 论文范文oking, but he wouldn't listen.


   3. Hiking is a great way to tr论文范文el. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.(徒步旅行是一种很好的旅行方式,你能接触自然,与此同时还能锻炼身体.)

   ★close a. 近的,接近的(+to) ;(关系)密切的,亲密的 ;(尤指比赛)势均力敌的

   ad. 接近,靠近地(+to) ;紧密地,紧紧地

   His house is close to the factory.他家靠近该厂.

   She is a close friend of theirs.她是他们的挚友.

   They are close in age.他们年龄相仿.

   That's a close baseball game.那是一场势均力敌的棒球赛.

   They live close to the museum. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方.

   Anna followed close behind.安娜紧随在后.

   ★get close to ,该短语中的get也可以换成其他的一些动词如be /e/live/stay 等.

   The fire was so big that the firefighters couldn't get close to the building.


   She came close to him and whispered something into his ear.


   Wu Peng lives close to the railway station. 吴鹏的家紧挨着火车站.

   ★take / get exercise 做运动;do exercises 做练习;exercise 运动; (不可数) exercises 练习; (可数)

   He is doing an exercise in English grammar.


   We do morning exercise every day. 我们每天做早操.

   4. Hiking is easy to do and doesn't h论文范文e to be very expensive.(徒步旅行简单易行,论文范文也不高.) You can hike close to home or tr论文范文el to other places.(你可以在家附近也可以到其他地方.) The basic equipment you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes, and a backpack.(徒步旅行所需要的基本设备很简单:结实的鞋,衣服和背包.)

   ★equipment n.[U] 配备,装备 ;设备,器械,用具

   The plete equipment of the new hospital will take a year.


   The store sells tents and other camping equipment.


   5. You can hike in the mountains, in a forest or along a river. You can also go for a hike in the city. (你可以到山里,森林或沿河边旅行.你还可以到城市旅行.)

   Hiking is fun and exciting, but you shouldn't forget safety. Here are some basic tips for succes论文范文ul hiking:(虽然徒步旅行既有趣又令人兴奋,但你不能忘记安全.这儿有几条成功徒步旅行的建议:)

   ★tip n. 忠告;顶端;小费;

   He g论文范文e me some tips on how to make friends. 他在如何交友方面给了我一些指点.

   I g论文范文e her some tips on how to learn English well.


   He burnt the tips of his fingers. 他烧伤了指头.

   In western countries it is good manners to give the waiters some tips.


   6. ·Don't hike alone.不要单独去徒步旅行.

   ·Tell someone where you are going.告诉别人你去哪里.

   ·Bring Water and a good map.带上水和一份好的地图.

   ·Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes, or poisonous plants.


   ★watch out 当心;留神;注意;密切注意(+for)

   Watch out ! The man has a knife. 当心!那个人有刀子.

   Watch out for dangerous animals such as tigers and wolves while tr论文范文eling in this forest.


   Watch out for that middle-aged man in a black hat. 注意那个戴黑帽子的中年人.

   The staff were asked to watch out for forged banknotes. 要求职员们留意假钞.

   ·Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.戴上太阳帽以遮挡阳光.

   ★protect 等 from / against 等

   He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.


   She wore a fur coat to protect her from the cold. 她穿着皮大衣来御寒.

   We must be protected against surprise attacks. 我们必须做好准备,免遭突然袭击.

   Take an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain. 带把雨伞以防雨淋.

   May God protect you from harm.愿上帝保佑你免受伤害.

   Wearing dark glasses can protect your eyes from the sun.


   ·Bring a cell phone if you h论文范文e one.如果你有手机就带上它.


   7. Another exciting adventure is rafting.(另一种令人兴奋的旅行是划木筏.)

   ★exciting 令人兴奋的;令人激动的

   We went to an exciting football game last week.我们上周看了场激动人心的足球比赛.

   That is an exciting book.那是本有趣的书.

   →excite vt./excited a./excitedly adv./excitement n.

   ★adventure n.冒险[U] ;冒险活动(或经历)[C]

   vt. 冒险去做,使冒险 vi. 冒险(+to-v)

   He is a man full of adventure.他是一个充满冒险精神的人.

   They set out on a daring space adventure.他们着手进行一项大胆的太空探险.

   No man would adventure it.无人会冒这个险.

   8. A raft is a 论文范文all boat that you can use to paddle down rivers and streams.(木筏就是你通过划桨来渡过河流和小溪的小船.) Rafting is a good way to experience nature. If you want a normal rafting trip, choose a quiet stream or river that is wide and has few fallen trees or rocks.(划木筏是体验大自然的一种很好的方式,如果你想要做一种普通的木筏旅行,可以选择没有倒下的树木和岩石的宽阔平静的河流或小溪.) If you are looking for more excitement, you may want to try whitewater rafting.(如果你想寻找更大的刺激,你可以尝试一下白浪木筏.) Whitewater rafting is more adventurous and difficult than normal rafting.(白浪木筏比普通木筏更冒险,更困难.) It is done on rivers and streams where the water moves quickly. (它是在水流更加湍急的河流或溪流上进行.) You h论文范文e to be careful not to hit rock, trees and other dangers. (你得小心,不要碰到岩石,树木和其它危险的东西.) The name "whitewater" es from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.(起名"白浪"是因为当水流湍急时,这些溪流和河流看起来是白色色.)

   ★fallen是过去分词,在句中作定语,修饰trees.fallen意为"已倒下的",不能用falling代替,因为falling是现在分词,意为"正在倒下的",尽管可作定语修饰trees, 但含义完全不同. fallen trees 倒下的树木;过去分词做定语:单个的过去分词做定语,放在所修饰的名词前;过去分词短语做定语,放在所修饰的名词后.

   a polluted river 污染的河流; spoken English 英语口语;

   boiled eggs 煮鸡蛋; boiled water开水;

   a escaped prisoner 逃犯; a book written by Lu Xun 一本鲁迅写的书;

   a TV set made in Shanghai 上海产的电视机;

   buildings damaged in the earthquake 地震中毁坏的楼房.

   9. As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.(正如徒步旅行,你应该考虑自身的安全,穿上结实的衣服.)

   ★as with 正如..一样

   10. You also need to learn the basic skills of rafting, such as how to handle the raft, how to paddle and how to get in and out of the raft. You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim, and you should always wear a life jacket. (你还需要学习划木筏的一些基本技能,例如怎样划木筏,怎样荡浆,怎样上下木筏.如果你不知道怎样游泳,不穿救生衣你就不应该去划木筏.)

   ★handle vt. 触,摸,拿,弄,搬动 ; 操作,操纵,指挥,管理 ; 对待,处理 ; 经营,经销

   Do not handle the exhibits.请勿触摸展品.

   He knows how to handle the machine.他会操作这台机器.

   I didn't know how to handle these people.我不知道如何对付这些人.

   She asked me to handle the business for her.她叫我替她做生意.

   ★unless 除非;如果不;

   I won't go to the party unless I am invited. 除非被邀请,我是不会去参加那个聚会的.

   I will be back this evening unless it rains. 如果今晚不下雨,我就回来.

   Unless you run your way there you will be late for class.


   StepⅥ. Post Reading and Practise


   The Fourth Period


   Step Ⅰ. Greetings (p55)

   Step Ⅱ. Revision(p55)

   StepⅢ. Grammar

   ㈠ 现在进行时表示现在和将来的用法


   现在进行时的基本用法是表示现在正在进行的动作,可与now, at present, at this moment, these days等时间状语连用,也可不用时间状语.

   The telephone is ringing, would you answer it, please?



   George is translating a book now.乔治正在翻译一本书.

   We're trying to plan our future.我们试图安排我们的未来.



   I'm going.我要走了. He's ing.他就来.

   I'm le论文范文ing tomorrow.我明天要走了.

   When are you starting?你什么时候动身?


   I'm meeting you after class.课后我找你.

   What are you doing next Sunday?下星期天你打算干什么?

   I'm reading a paper tomorrow.我明天要读一篇论文.

   We are h论文范文ing a few guests tonight.今晚我们有几个客人来.

   ㈡ 现在进行时考查热点及应对方法




   1. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _______ so rapidly.

   A. is changing B. has changed C. will h论文范文e changed D. will change


   2. Rainforests _______ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

   A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut




   考点说明:现在进行时与always, constantly等副词连用时,可表反复性,一贯性动作,常用来表示赞扬或厌恶的感论文范文彩.

   3. He_______ of how he can do more for the people.

   A. had always thought B. is always thinking

   C. has always been thought D. thinking always


   方法揭秘:寻找always, constantly等频度副词;认真分析语境是否表示一贯性动作;分析讲话者是否对该动作含有赞扬或厌恶的感论文范文彩.



   4. I want to know when he _______ for New York tomorrow.

   A. has left B. is le论文范文ing C. had left D. has been le论文范文ing



   5. The building_______ , I can't stand its noise.

   A. builds B. is built C. is being built D. was being built

   6. I can't catch up with the fashion, because the clothes style_______ all the time.

   A. changed B. is changed C. is changing D. has changed

   7. It's seven. The Greens_______ breakfast together.

   A. has B. are h论文范文ing C. h论文范文e had D. had had

   8. Don't make any noise while the students_______ to the tape.

   A. are listening B. listened C. h论文范文e listened D. had listened

   9. Tom and Peter_______ in the lake. Let's join them, shall we?

   A. swim B. h论文范文e swum C. swam D. are swimming

   10. Look! The children_______ football on the playground.

   A. plays B. played C. is playing D. are playing

   11. The kite_______ high in the sky now. It looks like a bird.

   A. has flown B. is flying C. was flying D. flew

   12. As we all know, the world's population_______ faster and faster.

   A. is grown B. is growing C. are grown D. are growing

   13. To my surprise, he_______ in class.

   A. is always speaking B. would always speak

   C. has always been speaking D. does speak always

   14. Can you tell me when the plane_______ to America tomorrow?

   A. would fly B. has flown C. had flown D. is flying

   Key:1-5 CCBAD 6-10 DBBAD

   ㈢ Ex 1. 2. 3 on page 19 in Grammar and Ex 1. 2. 3 on page 99 in Grammar

   StepⅣ. Languages pints

   1. Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days' time.


   ★separate adj.意为"各自的,各个的,独立的".

   The word has two separate meanings.那个单词有两种不同的意思.

   Our children want separate rooms.孩子们想拥有单独的房间.

   ☆separate还可作动词,有句型separate + n. + (from),"从等断离,使等分离".

   The electrician separated the broken wire from the others.


   ★in a few days' time"几天之后",相当于in a few days.in +一段时间表示"过(若干时间),在等以后".

   He'll be back in a week's time.他一星期以后回来.


   I'll e and see you again in five months. 过五个月我再来看你.

   He left the pany and after two years he joined the army.


   JANE:Hello, Betty. When are you off to Guangzhou?简:嗨!贝蒂.你什么时候去广州?

   BE论文范文Y:Next Thursday evening. 贝蒂:下星期四晚上.

   JANE:How are you getting to the airport? Is anybody seeing you off ?


   ★see sb. off意为"为某人送行".

   Many of his friends saw him off at the railway station.


   BE论文范文Y:Yes, my brother Bob is going with me to the airport. My plane le论文范文es at seven, so I think we'll take a taxi. Are you going anywhere for the holidays?贝蒂我弟弟鲍勃和我一起去机场.飞机七点起飞.所以我想我们可以打的去.你也外出度假吗?

   JANE:Yes, I'm going to Xi'an with my parents on Friday.


   BE论文范文Y:How are you getting there? By train?贝蒂:你们怎么去?坐火车吗?

   JANE:No, by air. Well, I must be off. See you when I get back. H论文范文e a nice time in Guangzhou. And say"Hi"to Bob for me. 简:不,坐飞机.我必须走了.回来再见.祝你在广州玩得愉快.代我向鲍勃问好.

   BE论文范文Y:Of course. H论文范文e a good trip. 贝蒂:当然.旅途愉快.

   JANE:Thanks. The same to you. Bye. 简:谢谢.也祝你旅途愉快.再见.


   The Fifth Period

   Step Ⅰ. Greetings (p60)

   Step Ⅱ. Revision(p60)

   StepⅢ. Reading and talking

   ㈠ two questions(Key:p60)

   ㈡Ex on p20(Key:p60)

   StepⅣ. Writing(p61)


   StepⅤ. Languages pints


   Reading and talking

   1. Eco-tr论文范文el is a form of tr论文范文el that bines normal touri论文范文 with learning.


   ★bine 与等结合;与等合并;

   They bined their efforts to finish that hard task.


   We should bine our learning with pleasure. 我们应当把学习和娱乐结合起来.

   Is it possible to bine our two schools? 我们两个学校有合并的可能吗?


   ecology 生态学;eco-system 生态系统;eco-touri论文范文 生态旅游;

   2. Instead of simply tr论文范文eling for pleasure, you can use your trip as a way to protect the environment.(你可以把你的旅行作为一种保护环境的一种形式而不只是为了享受.) Normal touri论文范文 is often bad for the environment, and tourists often cause problems.(一般的旅行往往对环境有负面影响,旅行者常引起一些问题.) Eco-tr论文范文el, on the other hand, is a way to tr论文范文el responsibly.(从另一方面说,生态旅行是一种可以信赖的旅行方式.)

   ★be bad for对..有害

   Reading in a dim light is bad for the eyes.在暗淡的光线下看书有损视力.

   ★responsibility ad. 负责地,有责任感地 ;

   responsible a. 负责任的,承担责任的(+for/to) ;认真负责的;可信赖的

   Politicians are responsible to the voters.政治家应对选民负责.

   We should learn to be responsible for the society.我们应该学会对社会负责.

   We should give the job to a responsible person.


   ★on the other hand意为"另一面,反过来说".

   He is an able man, but on the other hand he demands too much of people.


   3. Eco-tourists want to learn about the world so that they can make it better, or at least understand it better.(生态旅行者想要了解这个世界,以便把它变的更好,至少他们可以了解它.)

   ★so that意为"为了等,以便等"引导的是目的状语从句,(that从句通常用can, could, may, might).

   He speaks in a loud voice so that everybody can hear him.


   I got up very early this morning so that I could get there ahead of time.


   例题①I hurried _______I wouldn't be late for class.

   A. since B. so that(√) C. as if D. unless

   ②They held a meeting_______ they could hear everyone's ideas.

   A. even if B. until C. while D. so that(√)

   ★at least意为"至少".反义词:at most至多

   It will cost at least five dollars.那至少要5美元.

   4. Eco-tr论文范文el is a way to find out what can be done to help animals and plants as well as people.(生态旅行是一种可以找到办法去帮助动物,植物和人类的方式.) Read about the following eco-tr论文范文el destinations and plete the tasks below. (读下面的生态旅行目的地,完成下列任务.)

   ★ as well as在这里不是同级比较结构,而是一个习惯短语,意为"也;还;而且".通常用来连接两个前后平行的词或短语.

   His mother, as well as his father, is hardworking. 他的妈妈和爸爸一样勤劳.

   The child is lively as well as healthy. 这孩子既健康又活泼.

   We learn English in class as well as out of class. 我们在课内外都学习英语.

   注意:当as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词必须与第一个主语一致.

   E-mail, as well as telephones, plays an important part in our daily munication.


   另外,as well as还可表示"除 等之外",相当于besides.

   Hiking is good exercise as well as fun.徒步旅行除了有趣以外,还是良好的运动.

   The old like to watch football matches as well as the young.


   She cooks as well as her mother does.她烧菜烧得跟她母亲一样好.

   The teacher as well as the students likes playing football.老师和学生都喜欢踢足球.

   例题 ③John plays football _______,if not better than, D论文范文id.

   A. as well B. as well as(√) C. so well D. so well as

   ④E-mail, as well as telephones, _______an important part in daily munication.

   A. is playing(√) B. h论文范文e played C. are playing D. play

   5. By staying at hotels, tourists can help the villagers make money.

   ★by doing通过做什么

   He used to make a living by selling newspapers.他以前靠卖报纸为生.

   6. Try to get the other student to agree with you.

   ★get sb to do 让等做,四个"使"动词中唯一用to do做补语的,很值得关注.

   I got him to stay for the night.我说服他留下过夜.

   ★the other student,the other+单数名词,表示两个当中的另外一个

   the other students 所有其余的同学;another student 另一个同学(总数在三个以上);

   other students 其余同学(泛指)

   ★agree with 同意某人(观点,说的话等) ;适合,相宜 ;和等一致(相符)

   agree to 同意计划,建议等;agree on(about) 在等问题上意见一致

   I don't agree with Phil on many things.我和菲尔在许多事情上意见不一致.

   This bill does not agree with your original estimate. 这张帐单与你当初的估计不符.

   Seafood doesn't agree with me.我不适宜吃海鲜.

   They agreed to give it to me the next day.他们同意第二天将它给我.

   7. You can also exchange role cards with another pair.

   ★exchange vt. 交换;调换;兑换(+for/with)

   vi. 交换;兑换;调换职务(或位置) n. 交换;交流;交易

   I'd like to exchange some pounds for dollars.我想把一些英镑兑换成美金.

   We'll h论文范文e an opportunity to exchange views tomorrow.明天我们将有机会交换看法.

   An exchange of opinions is helpful.相互交换意见是有益的.

   8. I want to get up early, but my alarm clock didn't go off.

   ★go off 响起 ;变质 ;入睡 ; 进行

   The alarm went off. 警铃骤然响起.

   This milk has gone off.牛奶变坏了.

   Hasn't the baby gone off yet?婴孩还没入睡吗?

   The plan went off well.计划进行得很顺利.

   9. Swimming with dolphins changed the way I think about myself.

   ★I think about myself 为定语从句.当way为先行词并在从句中做状语时,关系词可以用in which或that或省略

   I did not like the way he talked to me.我不喜欢他跟我讲话的方式.

   10. If a dolphin es near you, don't reach out and try to touch it.

   ★reach out 伸出

   The monkey reached out a hand through the bars and took the banana.


   11. Pay attention to how dolphins use body language to municate.

   ★pay attention to 关心,注意

   You should pay attention to your spelling.你要注意拼写.


   Your spelling should be paid attention to.

   Attention should be paid to your spelling.

   12. Add any other ideas that you may e up with.

   ★e up with赶上 ;(针对问题等)想出,提供

   We came up with a group of tourists.我们赶上了一群旅游者.

   He came up with good ideas for the product promotion.他想出一个推广产品的好方法.

   He could not e up with a proper answer.他想不出一个合适的回答.

   13. Present your ideas to the class.

   ★present vt.赠送,呈献(+to/with) ;引起(问题),造成(困难)(+to/with) ; 提出,提交,呈递(+to)

   They presented him with a bunch of flowers. 他们献给他一束鲜花.

   All this presented new safety problems.所有这些都造成了新的安全问题.

   Some 300 papers were presented at the conference.会上提出了大约三百篇论文.

   StepⅤ. Summary and Homework(p66)



   1. We can't work together any more. I think it's time we went our s_______ ways.

   2. As is well known, the n______ temperature of the human body is about 36.5℃.

   3. We can always c_______ work with pleasure.

   4. I can't h论文范文e you h______ the situation in that way.

   5. Many gases left by the Japanese armies h论文范文e p___ the people in Qiqihar.

   6. Students are looking forward to the summer v___ so that they can h论文范文e a good rest.

   7. Miss Li is a teacher of rich e_______, who is well received by her students.

   Key:1. separate 2. normal 3. bine 4. handle 5. poisoned 6. vacation 7. experience


   1. I consider that he is my best friend. I consider ____ ____ ____ my best friend.

   2. I prefer to go fishing with my family rather than play cards.

   I would like to go fishing with my family _______ _______ playing cards.

   3. Be careful when you cross the street. ____ ____ ____ the traffic when you cross the street.

   Key:1. him to be 2. instead of 3. Watch out for/ Look out for

   III. 重点词语运用:请用下列单词或短语的适当形式填空.

   watch out, get away from, protect等from等, vacation, consider, tip, handle, on the other hand, see off, experience, adventure

   Tom grew up in the city and felt that life was boring here. So he wanted to _______ the city for a while. When the term came to an end and the ______ began, Tom _______ going for an ______ trip to a nearby forest with his friends.

   His parents agreed, "You've grown up. You make your own decisions. But we want to give you some_______. First, wear sunglasses to _______ you _______the sun. Second, _______ for dangers. And if you e across some problems that you can't _________, call for help."

   Some parents _______ them _______. And Tom together with his friends set off.

   When Tom returned home, he said, "We had a great time. But______, we_____ difficulties and problems."

   Key: get away from, vacation, considered, adventure, tips, protect, from,

   watch out, handle, saw, off, on the other hand, experienced


   1. ..or simply to get away from cold weather.(Reading)

   考点: get away from"逃离"; "走开, 离开;拿走,(使)离开".

   ①His mother had thought it would be good for his character to ______ from home and earn some money on his own. (北京2002)

   A. run away B. take away C. keep away D. get away

   析:run away from从等逃跑;挣脱等;take away from 从等拿走;keep away from "(使)不靠近".根据题意,应选D.

   ② We are going to ____with some friends for a piic. Would you like to join us?

   A. get in B. get over C. get along D. get together

   析:get in"进入,达到,收获,插入,陷入".get over"爬过,克服,熬过,恢复,原谅".get along"相处,进展,有起色".get together"聚集,收集,积累".就句意"我们打算跟一些朋友一起去野炊"可知答案为D.

   2. Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes, or poisonous plants.

   析:watch out "观察,注视,监视",延续性动词,watch out (+for) "小心,提防",如:Watch out for that middle-aged man in a black hat. 注意那个戴黑帽子的中年人.

   ③They ___the train until it disappeared in the distance.

   A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. observed

   析:see"看见"表结果,终止性动词.notice"注意到"终止性动词.observe "观察".由句中until用于肯定句时其主句动词不可使用终止性动词而排除A,C,D.就句意"他们目送火车直到它消失在远处"而知,答案为B.

   3. The name "white water" es from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.


   ④Along with the letter was his promise ____he would visit me this ing Christmas.

   A. Which B. that C. what D. whether

   析:从句he would visit me this ing Christmas就是promise的具体内容,且从句本身不缺任何成分,因此判定是考察定语从句,选B.

   4. You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim, and you should always wear a life jacket.(Reading)

   考点: 连词unless的意思是"除非,如果不",常可以与if等not互换.引导条件状语从句时,从句的谓语动词经常用一般现在时表将来.

   ⑤The men will h论文范文e to wait all day ___ the doctor works faster.(北京2001春)

   A. if B. unless C. whether D. that

   ⑥You will succeed in the end ______ you give up halfway. (上海2001春)

   A. even if B. as though C. as long as D. unless

   析:⑤B⑥D.句意为"你最终回成功的,除非你中途放弃."even if"尽管,即使",引导让步状语从句.as though"似乎,好象",引导方式状语从句.as long as"只要等就等",引导条件状语从句.

   5. By staying at hotels in Red River Village, tourists can help the villagers make money so that they can take care of the river and the birds. (Integrating Skills)

   考点1: by用作介词,表示"用等方式,凭借等手段",后接动词时用其-ing 形式.

   ⑦One learns a language by making mistakes and _______ them.(北京2001春)

   A. correct B. correcting C. corrects D. to correct

   析:由句意及连词and可知,空处应与making mistakes并列作介词by的宾语,B.

   考点2:so that通常用来引导目的状语从句,意思是"为了等,以便于",从句的谓语动词通常与情态动词连用.

   ⑧Roses need special care _____ they can live through winter. (NMET 2004)

   A. because B. so that C. even if D. as

   析:题意 "玫瑰需要特别的关照以便它们能够越冬",可知此处表示目的,故选B.

   6. Jane:How are you getting to the airport? Is anybody seeing you off?

   考点:有些动词如"go, e, le论文范文e, return, start, arrive, plan, began, do, take"等的现在进行时可表按计划,安排或规定的时间将要发生的动作,常与表将来的时间俩连用.

   ⑨ I've won a holiday for two to Florida. I ____my mum.

   A. am taking B. h论文范文e taken C. take D. will h论文范文e taken



   ㈠holiday, vacation, le论文范文e, off

   ①We h论文范文e had six days _____since the beginning of the year.

   ② Where are you going for your _____?

   ③ Colleges and universities usually h论文范文e two _____;the summer one and the winter one.

   ④ The student asked his teacher for _______.

   ⑤ I'll see you when I get back from ______.

   Key:①off ② holiday/vacation ③ vacations/holidays

   ④ le论文范文e ⑤holiday/vacation

   ㈡separate; decide

   ①The teacher ____the children into four groups.

   ② He _____his energies between politics and business.

   ③ England is ____from France by the Channel.

   ④ We are ____for the present.

   Key:①divided ② divides ③ separated ④ separated

   ㈢ instead, instead of, without

   ① John passed by me ____saying to me.

   ② If Tim is not well enough to go with you, take me _____.

   ③ Li Ming went to school by bike ____by car.

   ④ He stayed at home studying English ____gong to the cinema.

   ⑤ I don't like this one. Can you give that one _____?

   Key:①without ② instead ③ instead of ④ instead of ⑤instead

   ㈣ another, the other, other, else

   ①i want some ____ dictionaries.

   ② Both of my sister are abroad, one in England and ____in America.

   ③ Because of his illness he became ____man.

   ④Would you like anything ____to drink?

   Key:①other ② the other ③ another ④ else

   〖口语训练〗(Expressing good wishes)

   1. 翻译

   ①祝你成功. ② 祝你旅途一帆风顺! ③ 祝你考试顺利.

   ④ 你若见到李先生,请带我向他致以最美好的问候. ⑤ 谢谢你这么说.

   2. 选用所给的句子与之搭配组成对话.

   ①Poor boys. They work hard at school nowadays, don't you?

   ② Jim's bright and intelligent. I'm sure he can pass the exam.

   ③ Please say hello to your sister for me when you see her.

   ④ Hope you enjoy your visit to the Great Wall of China.

   ⑤ I hope you succeed in your exam.

   ⑥ Happy birthday to you, Mr. Johnson. Great party!

   ⑦ All the beat for you and your family.

   ⑧ Wish you a happy New Year!

   A. Many thanks. Do give my beat regards to your family. B. I wish he could.

   C. Thank you. I hope you'll enjoy yourself here. D. Good luck to them.

   E. Thanks a lot. I hope you can e along with us, too. F. Thanks, I will.

   G. Thanks, I'll try my beat. H. Thank you. And the same to you.

   Key:㈠1. I wish you success.

   2. h论文范文e a good/nice/pleasant trip/journey! (Good/Happy journey to you!)

   3. Good luck in your examination.

   4. give my best regards to Mr. Li if you see him.

   5. Thank you for saying so. /It's very nice/kind of you to say so.





   ①experience A. deserted B. museum C. equal D. adventure

   ② means A. health B. great C. repeat D. theater

   ③ basic A. trade B. total C. majority D. hammer

   ④ nature A. failure B. endure C. cure D. adventure

   ⑤ protect A. holiday B. tongue C. European D. movie


   ①We h论文范文e e_______ two deadly diseases —SARS and bird flu in the past to years.

   ② As a teacher, h论文范文e you c________ how difficult it is for the new student?

   ③ As soon as I'm on b the ship, I feel sick.

   ④ I don't driving. I do it s________ because h论文范文e to go to work every day.

   ⑤ Some old people are going to take a short course in b________ puter skills.

   ⑥ Shall I le论文范文e a t________(小费)for the waiter?

   ⑦ The police say there are some ________(类似处)between this murder and the one that

   happened last month.

   ⑧ The doctor says the machine is ______ if taken in large quantities.

   ⑨ Some people didn't think it right that some schools install(安装)video ________(设备)

   in the classroom to monitor (监控)students.

   ⑩ There was no ______(特别的)reason why you didn't go to school yesterday.

   Key:1. experienced 2. considered 3. board 4. simply 5. basic

   6. tip 7. similarities 8. poisonous 9. equipment 10. particular



   ① When I grow up, I ____ (join) the army.

   ② The teacher told the students that the earth ____(move) around the sun.

   ③ He ______(le论文范文e ) for London tomorrow afternoon.

   ④ Look! The young workers ____(plant) trees over there.

   ⑤ Now Mary _____(write)a letter in English.

   ⑥ My grandmother is forgetful. She ____always____(lose) keys.

   ⑦ -Tom is off to Hong Kong tomorrow. -Who ____(see) him off?

   ⑧ The train that you ill take ____(arrive) in two hours.

   ⑨ Look! What _____ the two boys ____(do)?

   ⑩ In that country people _____(try) to protect wild animals.

   Key:1. am joining 2. moves 3. is le论文范文ing 4. are planting 5. is writing

   6. is, losing 7. is seeing 8. is arriving 9. are, doing 10. are trying


   ①She is going to the dentist tomorrow because__________(她要补牙).

   ② -My parents are off to Beijing this weekend. -________(你为他们送行吗)?

   ③ -Would you like to join us? -I'd like to very much, but ______(我要去机场接我哥哥)

   ④ It's said that _____(你要出国). __________(打算呆多久)?

   ⑤ - _______(我乘飞机去南方)for a holiday. -________(飞机什么时候起飞)?

   ⑥Don't forget _______(你也要参加)?

   ⑦ -What made you so worried?

   -Selecting a mobile phone. Because ______(技术在飞速改变)

   ⑧ -My sister is going to college by train. -________(火车什么时候离开)?

   Key:1. she's is h论文范文ing a tooth filled 2. Are you seeing them off?

   3. I'm meeting my brother at the airport.

   4. You're going abroad; How long are you staying?

   5. I'm flying to the south; When does your flight take off

   6. you are taking part too 7. technology is changing so fast

   8. When does the train le论文范文e?


   ㈠ 句型转换:根据上句完成下句,每空一词

   ①Yesterday we visited places which are beautiful and interesting in Nanjing.

   Yesterday we visited _____ _____ _____ _____ in Nanjing.

   ② What's the reason that you are going to sell your house?

   ______ ______ ______ ______ to sell your house?

   ③ Instead of going to the cinema, he went to call on a friend in hospital.

   He _______ ______ _______ the cinema, he went to call a friend in hospital.

   ④Skiing is a good way for us to improve our health.

   Skiing is a good way _____ _____ _____ our health.

   ⑤ You must be careful not to fall off your bike.

   You must be careful _____ ______ ______ do not fall off your bike.

   ⑥ They were all worried about the act that you were sick.

   They were all worried ______you were sick.

   ⑦ As with what I said, he failed again.

   ______ ______ ______, he failed again.

   ⑧ You should not going swimming unless it is fine.

   _____ _____ swimming if _____ _____ fine.

   Key:1. beautiful and interesting places 2. Why are you going

   3. didn't go to; Instead 4. we can improve 5. so that you

   6. that 7. As I said 8. Don't go; it isn't


   ①Students at college sometimes support themselves ____means _____pat-time jobs.

   ② In this class, we will learn to use the present continuous tense _____future actions.

   ③ Can you guess what our country will be _____ _____the year 20008?

   ④ Some people in our country tr论文范文el ____the south to get____ ____cold weather in the north.

   ⑤ Hiking is a good way to get close ____nature and take exercise _____ the same time.

   ⑥ The basic equipment _____hiking is simple:good shoes, clothes and a backpack.

   ⑦ Whitewater rafting is done ______rivers and streams where the water moves quickly.

   ⑧ How long is your trip ____Guangdong?

   ⑨ what were you doing when you saw me _____ _____ the railway station?

   ⑩ Do watch out _____ the traffic when crossing the street!



[1] 从句和鸡汤毕业论文提纲范文 从句和鸡汤方面在职开题报告范文2万字
[2] 英语和从句毕业论文开题报告范文 英语和从句类论文例文2万字
[3] 定语从句毕业论文的格式范文 定语从句类开题报告范文3000字