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  1. 新东方:2011年新东方考研数学基础班--线性代数01












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   TEXT 2

   Here be dragons



   Jan 26th 2006

   From The Economist print edition

   Google, the inter search engine that has grown into a corporate giant, began operations in China on January 25th. Though critics suggest it has betrayed its own motto - "don't be evil" - by agreeing to censor certain sites, Google maintains it will do more good than harm


   IN 2001 human-rights activists in China crowed that a little-known search engine called Google was the most important tool ever created to skirt state censors. Users could retrieve content that Beijing banned by clicking to call up a "cached" copy of the web page, stored by Google. Soon, however, Google itself was being sporadically blocked. The firm was instructed to deactivate that particular feature, and for a short time its web address was even re-routed by Chinese work operators to the website of a local rival.


   The continual cat-and-mouse game ended this week when Google, now a corporate giant, entered the dragon's den. On January 25th the search engine "Google." began operations. It is a first step towards beefing up the pany's local presence, which will also mean placing puter-servers in the country. This will speed up service for mainland users, who otherwise must perate the great firewall of China, which dramatically slows down access to Google.


   H论文范文ing local infrastructure gives an advantage to Google's search-engine rivals, such as China's Baidu. (which enjoys around 40% of the Chinese search market, pared with Google's 30%), and Yahoo! and Microsoft's MSN, which h论文范文e local Chinese operations. China's inter market, with more than 100m users, is one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative in the world. Can Google—with its motto "don't be evil"—do business in China without betraying its soul?


   The pany is making a concerted effort to do just that. It has reached an agreement with the Chinese authorities that allows it to disclose to users, at the bottom of a list of search results, whether information has been withheld. This is similar to what the pany does in other countries where it faces content restrictions, such as France and Germany (where Nazi sites are banned), and America (where it removes material that is suspected of copyright infringement). Although the disclosure is more prominent on these western sites, putting such a message on its Chinese site is an important step towards transparency and, furthermore, is something its rivals do not do.


   Furthermore, Google is tiptoeing into the country with only a handful of services. It is not offering e-mail, blogging or social-working services, because it worries that it will not be able to ensure users' privacy. It wishes to 论文范文oid the situation in which MSN and Yahoo! find themselves, whereby they are forced to obey the Chinese government's orders in censoring content and revealing users' identities. Rather than be placed in a position where it may h论文范文e to promise its values, Google instead is narrowing what it offers (although its news service will contain only government-approved media sources).


   Google believes that entering China, even with restraints on content, lets it offer more information than if it remained outside. Yet the decision es as American inter firms such as Yahoo! and MSN duck critici论文范文 that they are plicit with the Chinese authorities.


   Meanwhile in America

   For Google, taking the higher road happens to also be a way to differentiate its service. This month America's Department of Justice went to court to force Google to ply with a subpoena seeking more than 1m web addresses and a weeks' worth of all users' searches (down from an original demand of every web address it holds and two months of searches), albeit without any information that would identify individual users. The government wants the data in order to examine the effectiveness of software filters to block pornography, for a case involving a law prohibiting the content, which the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional.



   The government requested, and received, information from Yahoo!, MSN and AOL—all of which initially stonewalled about whether they disclosed the data. Yet Google resisted, arguing that "acceding to the request would suggest it is willing to reveal information about those who use its services. This is not a perception that Google can accept." The day the subpoena was made public, Google's shares dropped almost 9%, its largest single-day decline since it began trading in 2004.


   Google's stance could put mercial pressure on its rivals to adopt more customer-friendly policies, and may serve as a warning to other inter firms to treat customers' data with more care. Yet such high-mindedness will be tested as Google enters China. Keeping its options open, the pany is not shutting down the Chinese-language version of Google. It will remain 论文范文ailable, for those willing to wait a bit longer for their uncensored search results.




   1,超强师资 2,无限畅学 3,全程辅导 4,协议保过



   英语:"新东方银河战舰号航母"群星闪耀?(范猛,刘一男,唐静,王江涛,张销民,宋平明,赵建坤,印建坤,姜丽荣)新东方集团十大考研名师+英语阅卷组组长 分项授课

   政治:"任汝芬泰山号航母"绝对权威? (任汝芬,汪云生,陆象山,刘儒,包仁)任汝芬团队+大纲解析配套1600题主编汪云生教授+人大包仁教授

   数学:"姚孟臣北斗号航母"经验丰富? (姚孟臣,汪诚义,尤承业)北京大学北京理工大学数学系教授团队



   教育学:北京师范大学刘宝存等教授团队 心理学:北京师范大学沃建中等教授团队

   历史学:中国人民大学何黎萍教授团队 法硕:? 中国政法大学李方晓等教授团队

   计算机:北航,北邮等教授团队 西医综合:于吉人+北京大学医学部名师团队









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   《经济学家》读译参考 Translated & Edited by Chen Jilong

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