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主题:心理学专业课程 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-22





  1. 心理学专业课程:2015执业中药师考试闫敬之药学专业二视频课程培训清热药、泻下药1 尚蓝轩


   ( 2017)年度报告书

   项目名称 上海商业会计学校与澳大利亚西南悉尼技术和继续教育学院举办国际商务专业中等职业教育项目

   项目批准书编号 PDE31AU5A19990597O

   批准书有效期至 2016 年 7 月 日





   法人签字: 张 荣


   2017年 3 月 20 日

   项目名称 中文 上海商业会计学校与澳大利亚西南悉尼技术和继续教育学院举办国际商务专业中等职业教育项目 法定代表人:张荣 办学详细地址 上海市陆家浜路918号 中方教育

   机构* scasqhwz. 外方教育机构 名 称 英文 Southwestern Sydney Institute of TAFE Australia 中文译名 澳大利亚TAFE悉尼西南学院 注册地 NSW Australia 注册机构 NSW Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board 网 址 swsi.tafensw.edu.au 招生信息,收费标准 招生对象 √初中毕业 □高中毕业 □其 他 招生方式

   招生人数 √纳入国家统招计划 招生人数:120 人;

   录取最低分数线: 分/文 分;录取最低分数线: 409 分(中等教育)

   √自主招生 招生人数: 7 人

   □短期培训 招生人数: 人 收费项目 中外合作办学学费 收费标准 6000元/学期; 12000 元/学年 核准情况 核准部门: 上海市财政局 核准时间:2002年 项目联合管理委员会人员基本信息 项目联合管理委员会主任 陈强 电 话 13701980483 姓名 性别 年龄 国籍 专职管理人员/*管理人员 派出单位 陈强 男 55 中国 *管理人员 上海商业会计学校 姜秋玲 女 50 中国 *管理人员 上海商业会计学校 朱红萍 女 36 中国 *管理人员 上海商业会计学校 王晓 男 35 中国 *管理人员 上海商业会计学校 Sue Baker 女 48 澳大利亚 *管理人员 澳大利亚TAFE悉尼西南学院 任课教师基本信息 任课类别,职称结构 中方教师 外方教师 总数 专任教师数 *教师数 专任教师数 *教师数 任 课

   类 别 公共基础课 3 1 4 专业基础课 5 1 6 专业核心课 职称结构情况 高级职称 1 2 3 中级职称 7 7 初级职称 课程设置基本信息 专业名称: 专业代码: 招生人数(学年): 课 程

   设 置 课程情况 中方课程 引进外方课程 中外合作

   开发课程 门数 所占比例 门数 所占比例 门数 所占比例 公共基础课程 6 60% 4 40% 专业基础课程 4 50% 4 50% 专业核心课程 0 0 13 100% 教学实习/毕业实习 36周 毕业成果 □学位论文 □毕业设计 □报告 □其他: 实习报告 学生基本信息 在校生情况 毕业生去向 年级 人数 应届毕业生人数 国内深造 境外深造 已经就业 其 他 2017 100 100 14 11 74 1 2017 39 39 6 9 17 7 说明:"应届毕业生人数"的统计时间请对应年级时间,例如,年级:2017级,"应届毕业生人数"是指2017届该专业毕业生人数. 管理决策机构会议与重大报告事项 序号 时间 地点 主要内容 1 2017年3月 上海陆家浜路918号 总结上学期的教学工作得失

   校长与专业主管Narelle商谈本学期工作计划 2 2017年底月 上海陆家浜路918号 校长会见新专业主管SUE

   就本学期的教学工作展开讨论 3 2017年11月 上海陆家浜路918号 1.TAFE新院长到访了解在商会校合作项目展开情况

   2.探讨更新合作方式的可能性 本年度变更事项 序号 变更事项 变更日期











   2. 该项目建立十一年来,以学校教学管理制度为依据,结合自身特点,逐步制定和完善了具有合作办学特色的教学管理制度,实现了教学管理规范化.






































   分类 课程名称 总学时 各学期周数,学时分配 l 2 3 4 5 6 18周 18周 18周 18周 18周 18周 公共基础课程 语文 216 4 4 4 数学 216 4 4 4 英语 1440 18 18 22 22 信息技术基础 108 2 4 德育 72 2 2 技能 144 2 2 2 2 体育 144 2 2 2 2 专础业基课程 市场营销 72 4 推销技巧 36 2 专业核心课程

   Report on financial activity 72 4 Recruit, select and induct staff 72 4 Promote innovation in a team environment 72 4 Develop teams and individuals 72 4 Show leadership in the workplace 72 4 Undertake maketing activities 72 4 Monitor a safe workplace 72 4 Write plext documents 72 4 Make a presentation 36 2 Undertake 论文范文all business planning 72 4 Manage projects 72 4 Promote team effectiveness 72 4 Analyse and present research information 72 4 总计 3348





   Unit Guide

   Unit Title: Make a presentation Unit Code: BSBCMM401A Version Number: 1 Implementation Date: 01-Jan-2017 Unit Sponsor: Isu Ultimo Product Developer: Isu Ultimo Program Area: Business Finance And Culture Product Level: Available For Statewide Delivery Last Updated: 17-Apr-2017 Nominal Student Teacher Hours: 25 Nominal Student Hours: 25

   The Unit Guide supports delivery of this unit of petency. It: 1. Provides teachers with advice to facilitate learning, and to collect and assess evidence for reporting achievement of the unit of petency; 2. Supports Institute and teacher pliance with AQTF standards; 3. Informs course planning, monitoring and continuous improvement, and oute reporting; 4. Provides learning and asses论文范文ent information for students through the Student Asses论文范文ent Guide(SAG). Teachers and other users may select and print one or more sections, or select and print the whole unit guide. Part Contents You will find information, such as: 1 Introduction ? Unit Purpose

   ? Grading

   ? Nominal delivery hours

   ? Early warning("key alerts") of issues important for delivery of training and evidence collection 2 Unit of Competency information ? The plete text of the unit of petency. This may be from a training package or be a locally developed unit by TAFE NSW or other RTO.

   The definitive source of training package units is the National Training Information Service database ntis.gov.au 3 Asses论文范文ent Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Guidelines for the collection of sufficient evidence for the learner's achievement of the unit of petency

   ? Suggested tools for evidence collection in different training and asses论文范文ent contexts

   ? How to record and report the outes of asses论文范文ent of a learner's evidence 4 Delivery Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Strategies for learning facilitation for students in different training contexts, including strategies for integrated delivery

   ? OH & S and Environmental protection issues

   ? Delivery in specific contexts 5 Resources ? Teaching and learning resources: books, electronic media, Inter and Intra resources

   ? Teacher and assessor requirements

   ? Physical resources

   ? Student purchases 6 Administrative Data ? Data for program planning, monitoring and oute reporting

   ? Copyright


   1.1 Unit Purpose

   On pletion of this unit you should be able to plan, deliver and evaluate a formal oral and written presentation appropriate to a specific audience.


   Specifically you will be able to:

   Prepare a presentation

   Deliver a presentation

   Review the presentation


   2.1 Unit Descriptor

   This unit covers the performance outes, skills and knowledge required to prepare, deliver and review a presentation to a target audience. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

   2.2 Elements of Competency and Performance Criteria


   Performance criteria

   1. Prepare a presentation Plan and document presentation approach and intended outes

   Choose presentation strategies, format and delivery methods that match the characteristics of the target audience, location, resources and personnel needed

   Select presentation aids, materials and techniques that suit the format and purpose of the presentation, and will enhance audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas

   Brief others involved in the presentation on their roles/responsibilities within the presentation

   Select techniques to evaluate presentation effectiveness

   2. Deliver a presentation Explain and discuss desired outes of the presentation with the target audience

   Use presentation aids, materials and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas

   Monitor non-verbal and verbal munication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outes

   Use persuasive munication techniques to secure audience interest

   Provide opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences

   Summarise key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding

   3. Review the presentation Implement techniques to review the effectiveness of the presentation

   Seek and discuss reactions to the presentation from participants or from key personnel involved in the presentation

   Utilise feedback from the audience or from key personnel involved in the presentation to make changes to central ideas presented



   Teachers are required to be aware of all policies and guidelines, AQTF standards and legislative requirements for asses论文范文ent of this unit of petency. These policies and guidelines can be accessed from the Policies & Guidelines link on the unit details page of CIDO or the DET intra Unit Guide sdetdet.nsw.edu.au/tsss/edusyssupport/cis/unitguide/poliguid/index.htm

   The unit content as suggested in section 4.1 Delivery Strategies should be tailored towards the industry or business type of the course in which it is used.


   This unit is suitable for co-delivery and co-asses论文范文ent across many industry sectors


   4.1 Teaching and Learning Resources

   Before developing resources teachers should check with their supervisor for current material.

   Remended Text

   Lucas, S., (2007) The Art of Public Speaking with Learning Tools Suite, 9th Ed, McGraw-Hill


   Unit Guide

   Unit Title: Recruit, select and induct staff Unit Code: BSBHRM402A Version Number: 1 Implementation Date: 01-Jan-2017 Unit Sponsor: Isu Ultimo Product Developer: Isu Ultimo Program Area: Business Finance And Culture Product Level: Available For Statewide Delivery Last Updated: 24-Oct-2017 Nominal Student Teacher Hours: 50 Nominal Student Hours: 50

   The Unit Guide supports delivery of this unit of petency. It: 1. Provides teachers with advice to facilitate learning, and to collect and assess evidence for reporting achievement of the unit of petency; 2. Supports Institute and teacher pliance with AQTF standards; 3. Informs course planning, monitoring and continuous improvement, and oute reporting; 4. Provides learning and asses论文范文ent information for students through the Student Asses论文范文ent Guide(SAG). Teachers and other users may select and print one or more sections, or select and print the whole unit guide. Part Contents You will find information, such as: 1 Introduction ? Unit Purpose

   ? Grading

   ? Nominal delivery hours

   ? Early warning("key alerts") of issues important for delivery of training and evidence collection 2 Unit of Competency information ? The plete text of the unit of petency. This may be from a training package or be a locally developed unit by TAFE NSW or other RTO.

   The definitive source of training package units is the National Training Information Service database ntis.gov.au 3 Asses论文范文ent Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Guidelines for the collection of sufficient evidence for the learner's achievement of the unit of petency

   ? Suggested tools for evidence collection in different training and asses论文范文ent contexts

   ? How to record and report the outes of asses论文范文ent of a learner's evidence 4 Delivery Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Strategies for learning facilitation for students in different training contexts, including strategies for integrated delivery

   ? OH & S and Environmental protection issues

   ? Delivery in specific contexts 5 Resources ? Teaching and learning resources: books, electronic media, Inter and Intra resources

   ? Teacher and assessor requirements

   ? Physical resources

   ? Student purchases 6 Administrative Data ? Data for program planning, monitoring and oute reporting

   ? Copyright


   1.1 Unit Purpose

   This unit describes the performance outes, skills and knowledge required to execute tasks associated with the recruitment cycle.


   On pletion of this unit you should be able to work effectively in a recruitment, selection and induction functions underpinned by in-depth knowledge of the work of the organisation, and how recruitment and selection practices fit with other human resources functions.


   Specifically you will be able to:

   determine job descriptions

   plan for selection

   assess and select applicants

   appoint and induct succes论文范文ul applicants


   2.1 Unit Descriptor

   This unit describes the performance outes, skills and knowledge required to execute tasks associated with the recruitment cycle. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

   2.2 Elements of Competency and Performance Criteria


   Performance criteria

   1. Determine job descriptions Clarify time lines and requirement for appointment

   Assist with preparation of job descriptions which accurately reflect the role requirements in accordance with organisational procedures and legislation, codes and national standards and occupational health and safety (OHS) considerations

   Consult with relevant personnel about job descriptions

   Ensure that job descriptions do not contr论文范文ene legislative requirements

   Obtain approvals to advertise position

   2. Plan for selection Advertise vacancies for staffing requirements in accordance with organisational policies and procedures

   Consult with relevant personnel to convene selection panel and to develop interview questions

   Short list applicants

   Ensure that interview questions do not breach legislative requirements

   Schedule interviews and advise relevant personnel of times, dates and venues

   3. Assess and select applicants Participate in interview process and assess candidates against agreed selection criteria

   Discuss asses论文范文ent with other selection panel members

   Correct any biases or deviations from agreed procedures and negotiate for preferred candidate

   Contact referees for referee reports

   Prepare selection report and make remendations to senior personnel for appointment

   Advise unsucces论文范文ul candidates of outes and respond to any queries

   Complete all necessary documentation in accordance with organisational procedures

   Secure agreement of preferred candidate

   4. Appoint and induct succes论文范文ul candidate Provide succes论文范文ul candidate with employment contract and other documentation

   Advise managers and staff of starting date and make necessary administrative arrangements for pay and employee record keeping

   Advise manager and work team of new appointment

   Arrange induction in accordance with organisational policy



   Teachers are required to be aware of all policies and guidelines, AQTF standards and legislative requirements for asses论文范文ent of this unit of petency. These policies and guidelines can be accessed from the Policies & Guidelines link on the unit details page of CIDO or the DET intra Unit Guide sdetdet.nsw.edu.au/tsss/edusyssupport/cis/unitguide/poliguid/index.htm

   To assess this unit the learner and trainer should h论文范文e access to a workplace or simulated workplace as well as appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace.


   This unit could be assessed on its own or in bination with other units relevant to the job function (see above for co-asses论文范文ent opportunities). The unit BSBHRM401A – Review Human Resource Functions is suitable for integrated delivery and asses论文范文ent with this unit.


   4.1 Teaching and Learning Resources

   Banister,R & J Harding 2004, Human Resource Management: An Introduction to the Australian Workplace, Pearson Education Australia Ltd, Frenchs Forest, NSW.

   Unit Guide

   Unit Title: Promote innovation in a team environment Unit Code: BSBINN301A Version Number: 1 Implementation Date: 01-Jan-2017 Unit Sponsor: Isu Ultimo Product Developer: Isu Ultimo Program Area: Business Finance And Culture Product Level: Available For Statewide Delivery Last Updated: 07-Mar-2017 Nominal Student Teacher Hours: 40 Nominal Student Hours: 40

   The Unit Guide supports delivery of this unit of petency. It: 1. Provides teachers with advice to facilitate learning, and to collect and assess evidence for reporting achievement of the unit of petency; 2. Supports Institute and teacher pliance with AQTF standards; 3. Informs course planning, monitoring and continuous improvement, and oute reporting; 4. Provides learning and asses论文范文ent information for students through the Student Asses论文范文ent Guide(SAG). Teachers and other users may select and print one or more sections, or select and print the whole unit guide. Part Contents You will find information, such as: 1 Introduction ? Unit Purpose

   ? Grading

   ? Nominal delivery hours

   ? Early warning("key alerts") of issues important for delivery of training and evidence collection 2 Unit of Competency information ? The plete text of the unit of petency. This may be from a training package or be a locally developed unit by TAFE NSW or other RTO.

   The definitive source of training package units is the National Training Information Service database ntis.gov.au 3 Asses论文范文ent Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Guidelines for the collection of sufficient evidence for the learner's achievement of the unit of petency

   ? Suggested tools for evidence collection in different training and asses论文范文ent contexts

   ? How to record and report the outes of asses论文范文ent of a learner's evidence 4 Delivery Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Strategies for learning facilitation for students in different training contexts, including strategies for integrated delivery

   ? OH & S and Environmental protection issues

   ? Delivery in specific contexts 5 Resources ? Teaching and learning resources: books, electronic media, Inter and Intra resources

   ? Teacher and assessor requirements

   ? Physical resources

   ? Student purchases 6 Administrative Data ? Data for program planning, monitoring and oute reporting

   ? Copyright


   1.1 Unit Purpose

   This unit enpasses the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to be an effective and pro-active member of an innovative team. Specifically, you will:

   Create opportunities to maximise innovation within the team

   Organise and agree effective ways of working

   Support and guide colleagues

   Reflect on how the team is working.


   2.1 Unit Descriptor

   This unit describes the performance outes, skills and knowledge required to be an effective and pro active member of an innovative team. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

   2.2 Elements of Competency and Performance Criteria


   Performance criteria

   1. Create opportunities to maximise innovation within the team Evaluate and reflect on what the team needs and wants to achieve

   Check out information about current or potential team members' work in the context of developing a more innovative team

   Bring people into the team or make suggestions for team members based on what needs to be achieved and the potential for cross-fertilising ideas

   Acknowledge, respect and discuss the different ways that different people may contribute to building or enhancing the team

   2. Organise and agree effective ways of working Jointly establish ground rules for how the team will operate

   Agree and municate responsibilities in ways that encourage and reinforce team-based innovation

   Agree and share tasks and activities to ensure the best use of skills and abilities within the team

   Plan and schedule activities to allow time for thinking, challenging and collaboration

   Establish personal reward and stimulation as an integral part of the team's way of working

   3. Support and guide colleagues Model beh论文范文iour that supports innovation

   Seek external stimuli and ideas to feed into team activities

   Pro-actively share information, knowledge and experiences with other team members

   Challenge and test ideas within the team in a positive and collaborative way

   Pro-actively discuss and explore ideas with other team members on an ongoing basis

   4. Reflect on how the team is working De-brief and reflect on activities and on opportunities for improvement and innovation

   Gather and use feedback from within and outside the team to generate discussion and debate

   Discuss the challenges of being innovative in a constructive and open way

   Take ideas for improvement, build them into future activities and municate key issues to relevant colleagues

   Identify, promote and celebrate successes and examples of succes论文范文ul innovation



   Teachers are required to be aware of all policies and guidelines, AQTF standards and legislative requirements for asses论文范文ent of this unit of petency. These policies and guidelines can be accessed from the Policies & Guidelines link on the unit details page of CIDO or the DET intra Unit Guide sdetdet.nsw.edu.au/tsss/edusyssupport/cis/unitguide/poliguid/index.htm


   4.1 Teaching and Learning Resources


   The following list of texts may provide resource material for teachers of this unit. It should not be regarded as exhaustive. Croft, Greg, 2003, Promoting innovation and change, 3rd Edition, Hornsby.

   ISBN: 0958029709


   Unit Guide

   Unit Title: Develop teams and individuals Unit Code: BSBLED401A Version Number: 1 Implementation Date: 01-Jan-2017 Unit Sponsor: Business Arts and Info Tech Product Developer: Business Arts and Info Tech Program Area: Management & Small Business Product Level: Available For Statewide Delivery Last Updated: 25-Oct-2017 Nominal Student Teacher Hours: 40 Nominal Student Hours: 40

   The Unit Guide supports delivery of this unit of petency. It: 1. Provides teachers with advice to facilitate learning, and to collect and assess evidence for reporting achievement of the unit of petency; 2. Supports Institute and teacher pliance with AQTF standards; 3. Informs course planning, monitoring and continuous improvement, and oute reporting; 4. Provides learning and asses论文范文ent information for students through the Student Asses论文范文ent Guide(SAG). Teachers and other users may select and print one or more sections, or select and print the whole unit guide. Part Contents You will find information, such as: 1 Introduction ? Unit Purpose

   ? Grading

   ? Nominal delivery hours

   ? Early warning("key alerts") of issues important for delivery of training and evidence collection 2 Unit of Competency information ? The plete text of the unit of petency. This may be from a training package or be a locally developed unit by TAFE NSW or other RTO.

   The definitive source of training package units is the National Training Information Service database ntis.gov.au 3 Asses论文范文ent Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Guidelines for the collection of sufficient evidence for the learner's achievement of the unit of petency

   ? Suggested tools for evidence collection in different training and asses论文范文ent contexts

   ? How to record and report the outes of asses论文范文ent of a learner's evidence 4 Delivery Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Strategies for learning facilitation for students in different training contexts, including strategies for integrated delivery

   ? OH & S and Environmental protection issues

   ? Delivery in specific contexts 5 Resources ? Teaching and learning resources: books, electronic media, Inter and Intra resources

   ? Teacher and assessor requirements

   ? Physical resources

   ? Student purchases 6 Administrative Data ? Data for program planning, monitoring and oute reporting

   ? Copyright


   1.1 Unit Purpose

   At the end of this unit learners should h论文范文e the skills and knowledge required to determine the development needs of individuals and teams.


   Specifically, learners should be able to:


   Determine development needs

   Develop individuals and teams

   Monitor and evaluate workplace learning


   This unit applies to individuals with a broad knowledge of learning and development who apply their skills in addressing development needs to meet team objectives.

   They may h论文范文e responsibility to provide guidance or to delegate aspects of tasks to others.


   2.1 Unit Descriptor

   This unit describes the performance outes, skills and knowledge required to determine individual and team development needs and to facilitate the development of the workgroup.


   No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

   2.2 Elements of Competency and Performance Criteria






   Elements describe the essential outes of a unit of petency


   Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge section and the range statement. Asses论文范文ent of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide


   Determine development needs


   Systematically identify and implement learning and development needs in line with organisational requirements




   Ensure that a learning plan to meet individual and group training and development needs is collaboratively developed, agreed to and implemented




   Encourage individuals to self-evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement




   Collect feedback on performance of team members from relevant sources and pare with established team learning needs


   Develop individuals and teams


   Identify learning and development program goals and objectives, ensuring a match to the specific knowledge and skill requirements of petency standards relevant to the industry




   Ensure that learning delivery methods are appropriate to the learning goals, the learning style of participants, and 论文范文ailability of equipment and resources




   Provide workplace learning opportunities, and coaching and mentoring assistance to facilitate individual and team achievement of petencies




   Create development opportunities that incorporates a range of activities and support materials appropriate to the achievement of identified petencies




   Identify and approve resources and time lines required for learning activities in accordance with organisational requirements


   Monitor and evaluate workplace learning


   Use feedback from individuals or teams to identify and implement improvements in future learning arrangements




   Assess and record outes and performance of individuals/teams to determine the effectiveness of development programs and the extent of additional development support




   Negotiate modifications to learning plans to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning




   Document and maintain records and reports of petency according to organisational requirements



   Teachers are required to be aware of all policies and guidelines, AQTF standards and legislative requirements for asses论文范文ent of this unit of petency. These policies and guidelines can be accessed from the Policies & Guidelines link on the unit details page of CIDO or the DET intra Unit Guide sdetdet.nsw.edu.au/tsss/edusyssupport/cis/unitguide/poliguid/index.htm

   In accordance with the Business Services Training Package, asses论文范文ent can take place in the workplace or in a simulated environment. There are many asses论文范文ent methods or techniques which are appropriate for collecting or gathering evidence to indicate achievement of the unit purpose and intent.


   Asses论文范文ent methods or techniques can include:


   Case studies

   Role plays






   Self asses论文范文ent

   Direct observation


   Oral questioning


   Written tasks


   Structured activities

   Third party feedback

   Review of products



   4.1 Teaching and Learning Resources

   There are many remended book(s) that cover some or all aspects of this unit of petency. A list is provided below.


   It should be noted that there are many new and excellent books that are constantly being published which relate to this unit of petency. This is by no means an exhaustive list and only represents publications reviewed at the time of preparing this Unit Guide.


   Resources are listed below as 'hard copy' items (texts and references) and also information 论文范文ailable via the inter. Learners are strongly encouraged to utilise the inter as a source of information which is, on the whole, reliable.


   Texts and References (by author)


   Most of the following texts are held by NSW TAFE Libraries. Some texts can be accessed online (indicated below):


   Unit Guide

   Unit Title: Show leadership in the workplace Unit Code: BSBMGT401A Version Number: 1 Implementation Date: 01-Jan-2017 Unit Sponsor: Isu Ultimo Product Developer: Isu Ultimo Program Area: Business Finance And Culture Product Level: Available For Statewide Delivery Last Updated: 25-Oct-2017 Nominal Student Teacher Hours: 40 Nominal Student Hours: 40

   The Unit Guide supports delivery of this unit of petency. It: 1. Provides teachers with advice to facilitate learning, and to collect and assess evidence for reporting achievement of the unit of petency; 2. Supports Institute and teacher pliance with AQTF standards; 3. Informs course planning, monitoring and continuous improvement, and oute reporting; 4. Provides learning and asses论文范文ent information for students through the Student Asses论文范文ent Guide(SAG). Teachers and other users may select and print one or more sections, or select and print the whole unit guide. Part Contents You will find information, such as: 1 Introduction ? Unit Purpose

   ? Grading

   ? Nominal delivery hours

   ? Early warning("key alerts") of issues important for delivery of training and evidence collection 2 Unit of Competency information ? The plete text of the unit of petency. This may be from a training package or be a locally developed unit by TAFE NSW or other RTO.

   The definitive source of training package units is the National Training Information Service database ntis.gov.au 3 Asses论文范文ent Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Guidelines for the collection of sufficient evidence for the learner's achievement of the unit of petency

   ? Suggested tools for evidence collection in different training and asses论文范文ent contexts

   ? How to record and report the outes of asses论文范文ent of a learner's evidence 4 Delivery Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Strategies for learning facilitation for students in different training contexts, including strategies for integrated delivery

   ? OH & S and Environmental protection issues

   ? Delivery in specific contexts 5 Resources ? Teaching and learning resources: books, electronic media, Inter and Intra resources

   ? Teacher and assessor requirements

   ? Physical resources

   ? Student purchases 6 Administrative Data ? Data for program planning, monitoring and oute reporting

   ? Copyright


   1.1 Unit Purpose

   At the end of this unit learners should h论文范文e the skills and knowledge required to work with teams and individuals.


   Specifically, learners should be able to:


   Model high standards of management performance and beh论文范文iour?

   Enhance organisation's image

   Make informed decisions


   This unit applies to people who are making the transition from being a team member, to taking responsibility for the work and performance of others.


   2.1 Unit Descriptor

   This unit describes the performance outes, skills and knowledge required to work with teams and individuals, their standard of conduct and the initiative they take in influencing others. At this level, work will normally be carried out within routine and non routine methods and procedures which require the exercise of some discretion and judgement.

   No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

   2.2 Elements of Competency and Performance Criteria




   Performance Criteria


   Elements describe the essential outes of a unit of petency


   Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge section and the range statement. Asses论文范文ent of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.




   Model high standards of management performance and beh论文范文iour




   Ensure management performance and beh论文范文iour meets the organisation's requirements




   Ensure management performance and beh论文范文iour serves as a positive role model for others




   Develop and implement performance plans in accordance with organisation's goals and objectives




   Establish and use key performance indicators to meet organisation's goals and objectives


   Enhance organisation's image


   Use organisation's standards and values in conducting business




   Question, through established munication channels, standards and values considered to be damaging to the organisation




   Ensure personal performance contributes to developing an organisation which has integrity and credibility


   Make informed decisions


   Gather and organise information relevant to the issue/s under consideration




   Facilitate individuals and teams active participation in decision making processes




   Examine options and assess associated risks to determine preferred course/s of action




   Ensure decisions are timely and municate them clearly to individuals and teams




   Prepare plans to implement decisions and ensure they are agreed by relevant individuals and teams




   Use feedback processes effectively to monitor the implementation and impact of decisions



   Teachers are required to be aware of all policies and guidelines, AQTF standards and legislative requirements for asses论文范文ent of this unit of petency. These policies and guidelines can be accessed from the Policies & Guidelines link on the unit details page of CIDO or the DET intra Unit Guide sdetdet.nsw.edu.au/tsss/edusyssupport/cis/unitguide/poliguid/index.htm

   In accordance with the Business Services Training Package, asses论文范文ent can take place in the workplace or in a simulated environment. There are many asses论文范文ent methods or techniques which are appropriate for collecting or gathering evidence to indicate achievement of the unit purpose and intent.


   Asses论文范文ent methods or techniques can include:


   Case studies

   Role plays






   Self asses论文范文ent

   Direct observation


   Oral questioning


   Written tasks


   Structured activities

   Third party feedback

   Review of products


   Such asses论文范文ent methods as part of a learning and asses论文范文ent pathway could include a range of strategies to meet different student needs. Asses论文范文ents could be group-based, work-based, project-based, self-paced, action learning-based and could also involve practice and experience in the workplace.


   Guidelines regarding critical aspects of evidence and sufficient evidence to meet unit purpose (elements of petency and performance criteria) are indicated in the section below and together with the use of remended asses论文范文ent methods, form an integral part of the asses论文范文ent strategy for this unit.


   4.1 Teaching and Learning Resources

   There are many remended books that cover some or all aspects of this unit of petency. A list is provided below.


   It should be noted that there are many new and excellent books that are constantly being published which relate to this unit of petency. This is by no means an exhaustive list and only represents publications reviewed at the time of preparing this Unit Guide.


   Resources are listed below as 'hard copy' items (texts and references) and also information 论文范文ailable via the inter. Learners are strongly encouraged to utilise the inter as a source of information which is, on the whole, reliable.


   Texts and References (by author)


   Bartol, K, Martin, D, Tein, M and Matthews, G 2001, Management - A Pacific Rim Focus, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill.


   Unit Guide

   Unit Title: Undertake marketing activities Unit Code: BSBMKG414A Version Number: 1 Implementation Date: 01-Jan-2017 Unit Sponsor: Isu Ultimo Product Developer: Isu Ultimo Program Area: Business Finance And Culture Product Level: Available For Statewide Delivery Last Updated: 30-Apr-2017 Nominal Student Teacher Hours: 50 Nominal Student Hours: 50

   The Unit Guide supports delivery of this unit of petency. It: 1. Provides teachers with advice to facilitate learning, and to collect and assess evidence for reporting achievement of the unit of petency; 2. Supports Institute and teacher pliance with AQTF standards; 3. Informs course planning, monitoring and continuous improvement, and oute reporting; 4. Provides learning and asses论文范文ent information for students through the Student Asses论文范文ent Guide(SAG). Teachers and other users may select and print one or more sections, or select and print the whole unit guide. Part Contents You will find information, such as: 1 Introduction ? Unit Purpose

   ? Grading

   ? Nominal delivery hours

   ? Early warning("key alerts") of issues important for delivery of training and evidence collection 2 Unit of Competency information ? The plete text of the unit of petency. This may be from a training package or be a locally developed unit by TAFE NSW or other RTO.

   The definitive source of training package units is the National Training Information Service database ntis.gov.au 3 Asses论文范文ent Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Guidelines for the collection of sufficient evidence for the learner's achievement of the unit of petency

   ? Suggested tools for evidence collection in different training and asses论文范文ent contexts

   ? How to record and report the outes of asses论文范文ent of a learner's evidence 4 Delivery Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Strategies for learning facilitation for students in different training contexts, including strategies for integrated delivery

   ? OH & S and Environmental protection issues

   ? Delivery in specific contexts 5 Resources ? Teaching and learning resources: books, electronic media, Inter and Intra resources

   ? Teacher and assessor requirements

   ? Physical resources

   ? Student purchases 6 Administrative Data ? Data for program planning, monitoring and oute reporting

   ? Copyright


   1.1 Unit Purpose

   On pletion of this unit you should be able 论文范文lan, implement and manage basic marketing and promotional activities for a business.


   Specifically you will be able to:


   Plan marketing activities

   Implement and manage marketing activities

   Review marketing activities


   2.1 Unit Descriptor

   This unit describes the performance outes, skills and knowledge required to plan, implement and manage basic marketing and promotional activities. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

   2.2 Elements of Competency and Performance Criteria


   Performance criteria

   1. Plan marketing activities Identify need for marketing activities

   Investigate previous marketing activities for relevant information

   Identify and analyse relevant policies and procedures

   Identify outes expected from marketing activities

   Undertake analysis of collected basic marketing information

   Develop and document work activity plans for marketing activities

   Obtain approval of plans from relevant enterprise personnel

   2. Implement and manage marketing activities Determine and access resources required for work activities

   Undertake marketing activities

   Assign responsibilities and functions to relevant personnel performing specific marketing functions

   Monitor marketing activities, reviewing and amending activity plans as required

   3. Review marketing activities Measure and document outes of marketing activities

   Review marketing activities against expected outes and document identified improvements

   Prepare reports of marketing activities and municate to relevant enterprise personnel



   Teachers are required to be aware of all policies and guidelines, AQTF standards and legislative requirements for asses论文范文ent of this unit of petency. These policies and guidelines can be accessed from the Policies & Guidelines link on the unit details page of CIDO or the DET intra Unit Guide sdetdet.nsw.edu.au/tsss/edusyssupport/cis/unitguide/poliguid/index.htm

   It is strongly remended that this unit only be used in non-marketing courses. It is not remended that this unit be used as an elective in marketing courses, as all of the content of BSBMKG414A Undertake marketing activities, is covered in far greater detail in the other marketing units.


   In non-marketing courses, unit content as suggested in section 4.1 Delivery Strategies should be tailored towards the industry or business type of the course in which it is used, e.g.

心理学专业课程:2015执业中药师考试闫敬之药学专业二视频课程培训清热药、泻下药1 尚蓝轩

the music industry, 论文范文all business etc.


   This unit can be delivered and assessed with BSBMKG416A – Market goods and services internationally. If these two units are co-delivered and co-assessed, the asses论文范文ents and unit content should reflect the international aspects required by BSBMKG416A – Market goods and services internationally. If the two units are co-delivered and assessed, learners should be awarded with credit for both units. This advice could be particularly relevant for courses such as music industry courses.


   4.1 Teaching and Learning Resources

   Remended Text


   Rix, P, (2007) Marketing, A Practical Approach, McGraw-Hill (see below)


   Before developing resources teachers should check with their supervisor for current material.

   Unit Guide

   Unit Title: Monitor a safe workplace Unit Code: BSBOHS407A Version Number: 1 Implementation Date: 01-Jan-2017 Unit Sponsor: Business Arts and Info Tech Product Developer: Business Arts and Info Tech Program Area: Human Resources Management Product Level: Available For Statewide Delivery Last Updated: 27-Oct-2017 Nominal Student Teacher Hours: 40 Nominal Student Hours: 40

   The Unit Guide supports delivery of this unit of petency. It: 1. Provides teachers with advice to facilitate learning, and to collect and assess evidence for reporting achievement of the unit of petency; 2. Supports Institute and teacher pliance with AQTF standards; 3. Informs course planning, monitoring and continuous improvement, and oute reporting; 4. Provides learning and asses论文范文ent information for students through the Student Asses论文范文ent Guide(SAG). Teachers and other users may select and print one or more sections, or select and print the whole unit guide. Part Contents You will find information, such as: 1 Introduction ? Unit Purpose

   ? Grading

   ? Nominal delivery hours

   ? Early warning("key alerts") of issues important for delivery of training and evidence collection 2 Unit of Competency information ? The plete text of the unit of petency. This may be from a training package or be a locally developed unit by TAFE NSW or other RTO.

   The definitive source of training package units is the National Training Information Service database ntis.gov.au 3 Asses论文范文ent Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Guidelines for the collection of sufficient evidence for the learner's achievement of the unit of petency

   ? Suggested tools for evidence collection in different training and asses论文范文ent contexts

   ? How to record and report the outes of asses论文范文ent of a learner's evidence 4 Delivery Information ? Web links to generic "Policy & Guidelines".

   ? Strategies for learning facilitation for students in different training contexts, including strategies for integrated delivery

   ? OH & S and Environmental protection issues

   ? Delivery in specific contexts 5 Resources ? Teaching and learning resources: books, electronic media, Inter and Intra resources

   ? Teacher and assessor requirements

   ? Physical resources

   ? Student purchases 6 Administrative Data ? Data for program p



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