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主题:英语语言学博士 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-03




  1. 五、中英作者博士论文英文摘要的主位选择和主位推进模式的对比研究论文提纲
  2. 四、英语摘要写作中模糊限制语使用研究论文提纲范文
  3. 三、英汉指示代词的对比研究论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、学术论文中*称代词的使用研究论文提纲范文
  5. 一、中国应用语言学专业英语博士论文文献综述的体裁分析论文提纲范文






Chapter One Introduction

1-1 The significance of this study

1-2 The organization of the present thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Studies on abstracts

2-2 Studies on thematic structure

2-3 Studies on TP patterns

2-4 Summary

Chapter Three Methodology

3-1 Research questions

3-2 Data collection

3-3 Measurement of thematic structure

3-3-1 Identification of themes and their markedness

3-3-2 Classification of themes

3-4 Measurement of thematic progression patterns

3-5 Data analysis

Chapter Four Results and discussion

4-1 Differences of thematic structure

4-1-1 The preferred type of theme in each corpus

4-1-2 Discussion of the results

4-1-3 Markedness of themes in English abstracts

4-1-4 Discussion of the results

4-2 Differences of thematic progression patterns

4-2-1 The preferred thematic progression patterns in each corpus

4-2-2 Discussion of the results

4-3 Summary of results

Chapter Five Conclusions

5-1 Major Findings

5-2 Implications

5-3 Limitations of this study


Appendix Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅱ

Appendix Ⅲ

Appendix Ⅳ




Chapter I Literature Review

1-1 Studies on Hedges

1-1-1 Lakoff’s Study on Hedges

1-1-2 Prince et al’s Study on Hedges

1-1-3 Varttala’s Study on Hedges

1-1-4 Wu Tieping’s Study on Hedges

1-2 Issues from Previous Researches

1-3 Theories Working in Present Research

Chapter II Hedges in English Abstracts Writing

2-1 Definition of Abstract

2-2 Four Elements of English Abstract

2-3 Linguistic Characteristics of English Abstract

2-3-1 Accuracy

2-3-2 Self-containedness

2-3-3 Compendiousness

2-4 Studies of Abstract Writing Abroad and at Home

2-5 Functions of Hedges in English Abstracts Writing

Chapter III Research Design

3-1 Purposes

3-2 Data Resources

3-2-1 Native English Speaker Corpus

3-2-2 Chinese English Learner Corpus

3-3 Research Procedure

3-4 Methods of Analysis

Chapter IV Results and Analyses

4-1 Full Verbs

4-2 Modal Auxiliaries

4-3 Adverbs

4-4 Adjectives

4-5 Nouns

4-6 Incidences of Hedges in Both Corpora

4-7 Distributions of Hedges in Both Corpora

Chapter V Discussion and Implication

5-1 Similarities of Hedges Application in Both Corpora

5-2 Differences of Hedges Application in Both Corpora

5-3 Explanations for the Similarities

5-4 Explanations for the Differences

5-5 Implication



Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III










1 Introduction

1-1 The Definition of the Demonstrative

1-1-1 The Definition of Chinese Demonstratives

1-1-2 The Definition of English Demonstratives

1-2 The Possibility and Necessity of the Study

1-2-1 The Possibility—Theoretical Issues

1-2-2 The Necessity—Application

1-3 The Goal of the Thesis

1-4 The Organization of the Thesis

2 Literature Review

2-1 Studies on English Demonstrative Pronouns

2-1-1 The Traditional Structuralism

2-1-2 Chomsky's Syntactic Analysis

2-1-3 Levinson's Syntactic and Pragmatic Analysis

2-1-4 Study in the Perspective of Discourse

2-1-5 Study on the Implicit Anaphora

2-2 Studies on Chinese Demonstratives Pronouns

2-2-1 Study in the Syntactic Perspective

2-2-2 Study in the Discourse Perspective

2-3 The Comparison Studies and Problems

2-3-1 Study by Xu Yulong

2-3-2 Study by Lǜ Jun

2-3-3 Study by Fang Chang

2-3-4 Study by Li Dan

2-3-5 Study by Quan Wei

3 Some Theoretical and Principles Concerned

3-1 Contrast Analysis

3-2 Synchronic vs-Diachronic

3-3 About Pronouns and Demonstratives

3-4 Cohesion & Coherence

4 Diachronic Study of English and Chinese Demonstratives

4-1 Historical Development of English Demonstratives

4-1-1 Demonstratives in Old English

4-1-2 Demonstratives in Middle English

4-1-3 Demonstratives in Modern English in idioms

4-2 Historical Development of Chinese Demonstratives

4-2-1 The Appearance of Demonstratives in Written Chinese

4-2-2 Chinese Demonstratives in the Ciyuan

4-2-2-1 "这"

4-2-2-2 "那"

4-2-2-3 "此"

4-2-2-4 "彼"

4-2-3 The Original Form of "这" and "那"

4-2-3-1 The Original Form of "这"

4-2-3-2 The Original Form of "那"

4-2-4 More Examples of Demonstratives in Classical Chinese

4-3 Summary

5 Synchronic Study of English and Chinese Demonstratives

5-1 Phonological Approach to Chinese Demonstratives

5-1-1 Study on the Sounds of "彼" and "此"

5-1-2 Study on the Sounds of "这" and "那"

5-2 Morphological Approach to the Comparison between English and Chinese Demonstratives

5-2-1 Morphological study of "彼" and "此"

5-2-2 Morphological study of "这" and "那"

5-2-3 Morphological study of"this" and "that"

5-2-4 Full words or Particles

5-2-5 Summary

5-3 Syntactic Approach to the Comparison between English and Chinese Demonstratives

5-3-1 Demonstrative Pronouns and Demonstrative Determiners

5-3-2 Demonstrative Adverbs

5-3-3 Demonstrative Identifiers

5-3-4 Demonstrative Determiner

5-3-5 Definite and Indefinite

5-3-6 Summary

5-4 Semantic Approach to the Comparison between English and Chinese Demonstratives

5-5 Pragmatic Approach to the Comparison between English and Chinese Demonstratives

5-5-1 The Exophoric Use

5-5-2 The Comparison of Anaphora and Cataphora between English and Chinese Demonstratives

5-6 Application and Practice of Demonstratives

6 Conclusion



有关论文范文主题研究: 关于英语语言学博士论文提纲范文素材 大学生适用: 2500字电大毕业论文、8000字专科毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 428 写作解决问题: 论文大纲怎样写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文模板、论文题目 职称论文适用: 期刊发表、职称评副高
所属大学生专业类别: 英语语言学博士课题 论文提纲推荐度: 优质大纲



Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Research Background

1-2 Motivation and Objectives of the Research

1-3 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Introduction to Interpersonal Metafunction and Personal Pronoun System

2-1-1 Metafunctions in Systemic Functional Grammar

2-1-2 Interpersonal Metafunction

2-1-3 Personal Pronoun System

2-2 Introduction to Research Articles

2-3 Introduction to Academic Writing

2-4 Writer Role and Writer Identity in Academic Writing

2-5 The Use of First Person Pronouns in RAs

2-5-1 Previous Research on Identities behind the First Person Pronouns in RAs

2-5-2 Previous Research on Discourse Functions of the First Person Pronouns in RAs

2-5-3 Previous Research on the Use of First Person Pronouns in RAs across Disciplines and Cultures

2-6 The Concern of the Present Study

Chapter Three Corpus and Methodology

3-1 Research Questions

3-2 Corpus Construction

3-2-1 Data Collection

3-2-2 Corpus Compiling

3-3 Research Instruments

3-4 Methods of Analysis

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4-1 Research Results

4-1-1 Results of First Person Pronouns in Sub-Corpus A

4-1-1-1 Distribution of First Person Pronouns across the Three Disciplines

4-1-1-2 Overall Frequencies of First Person Pronouns in Sub-Corpus A

4-1-2 Results of First Person Pronouns in Sub-Corpus B

4-1-2-1 Distribution of First Person Pronouns and Their Determiners across the Three Disciplines

4-1-2-2 Overall Frequencies of First Person Pronouns and Their Determiners in Sub-Corpus B

4-2 Discussion

4-2-1 Contrastive Analysis of First Person Pronouns in Two Sub-Corpora

4-2-1-1 Similarities

4-2-1-2 Differences

4-2-2 Functional Analysis of First Person Pronouns in Two Sub-Corpora

4-2-2-1 Functional Analysis of I and We in Sub-Corpus A

4-2-2-2 Functional Analysis of 我_1 and 我们_1 in Sub-Corpus B

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Major Findings

5-2 Implications for Academic Writing

5-3 Limitations of the Research

5-4 Suggestions for Future Research











List of Figures and Tables

Chapter1 Introduction

1-1 Statement of the problem

1-2 Research questions

1-3 Methodology

1-4 Overview of the thesis

Chapter2 Literature Review

2-1 Terminology

2-1-1 Discourse community

2-1-2 Genre

2-1-3 Genre analysis

2-1-4 Genre moves,steps and strategies

2-2 Genre traditions

2-3 Ph-D-thesis as a genre

2-4 Previous LR work

2-4-1 Macro perspective

2-4-1-1 Kwan(2006)

2-4-1-2 O'Connell and Jin(2002)

2-4-2 Micro perspective

2-4-2-1 Thompson(2001)

2-4-2-2 Chen(2006)

2-4-3 Comprehensive perspective

2-4-4 Other studies on LR

2-5 Contrastive analysis

Chapter3 Methodology

3-1 Corpus-based method

3-2 Data collection

3-3 Coding

Chapter4 Findings

4-1 Introductory texts and concluding texts

4-2 Thematic units

4-3 The starting move:establishing a thematic territory

4-3-1 Strategy 1A:surveying the existing state of knowledge and non-research practices

4-3-2 Strategy 1B:Claiming the centrality of the theme reviewed

4-3-3 Strategy 1C:Surveying research activities

4-4 The second move:evaluating the state of the field

4-4-1 Negational strategies

4-4-2 Affirmative strategies

4-4-2-1 Strategy 2C:making confirmative claims

4-4-2-2 Strategy 2D:relevancy-claiming

4-4-2-3 Strategy 2E:synthesizing the theoretical framework/position

4-5 Move 3:announcing one's own research as the third move

Chapter5 Discussion

5-1 Introductory texts and concluding texts

5-2 Thematic units

5-2-1 Move 1:establishing a thematic territory

5-2-2 Move 2:evaluating the state of the field

5-2-3 Move 3:announcing one's own research

5-3 Analysis of the results and possible reasons

5-3-1 Summary of results from comparisons

5-3-2 Possible reasons for the differences

Chapter6 Conclusion

6-1 Summary of the findings

6-2 Significance and implications

6-3 Limitations of the research

6-4 Suggestions for further research




[1] 关于英语语言学博士的论文题目 英语语言学博士论文标题怎样定
[2] 英语语言学博士论文集 英语语言学博士核心期刊参考文献有哪些
[3] 英语语言学博士论文提纲样本大全 英语语言学博士论文大纲怎么写
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