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论生活高质量的基础 开题报告范文有关写作资料

主题:论生活高质量的基础 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-04-06





 , , , 生活的高质量不开产品、服务和环境,而企业正是提供这些产品和服务的客体,企业提供的最终产品或者服务直接关系到是否满足人们实际需求和感受,这种需求的满足与否,直接关系到生活的高质量的基础,本文根据企业与人们生活的这种联系,分小点的论述了生活的高质量与那些因素有关,共包含有六个小标题,分别为:生活的高质量、生活的高质量与质量方面的关系、生活的高质量与技术方面的关系、生活的高质量与顾客满意方面的关系、生活的高质量与环境的关系以及结论,通过这些关系的论证,来解释生活的高质量的基础.

 , , 本文通过上述这种关系一步一步加以论述,最后总结出生活的高质量的基础.

关键字:生活 质量管理 技术 顾客满意 环境

 , , , High quality of life not open products, services and environment, and panies providing these products and services is the object of enterprises to provide the final product or service is directly related to the satisfaction of people's actual needs and feelings, such demands will be satisfied or not, a direct bearing on the basis of quality of life, this paper enterprises and people's lives, according to this link, sub-dot high quality of life discussion of those factors, containing a total of six subheadings
They are: quality of life, quality of life and quality of the relationship between the quality of life and technical aspects of the relationship between the quality of life and customer satisfaction in the relationship between the quality of life relationship with the environment as well as the conclusions, Through these relationships arguments to explain the basis for the high quality of life.
Why are associated with this article were selected to demonstrate the high quality of life basis Of course, there is a certain inherent connection, first we need to know what life is Then to understand that people's basic needs that Only in this way can see the high quality of life is based on what kind of basis, and then discussed the basis for the high quality of life, this process is the people's pursuit of a natural process, only when people meet the basic needs of the future People would go for the high quality of life.
In this paper, the above relationship to be addressed step by step and finally summed up the basis for the high quality of life.


Life 、Quality control 、Technology、Customer Satisfaction、Environment




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