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  1. 学时:7月20日第二模块第2学时课程视频


   一,专业名称: 专业代码:

























   七,学习年限:3-6年 最低毕业学分: 授予学位:经济学学士

   课内总学时: 独立实践周数:27周+32学时


   类 别 必修学分 选修学分 合计 比例 通 识 课 程 +4 14 76 42.6% 学科基础课程 24+10 22 56 31.5% 专 业 课 程 16+15 12 43 24.2% 第 二 课 堂 3 3 1.7% 合 计 12 51 178 100% 比 例 71.3% 28.7% 实践教学 820学时 比 例 34.3% 九,专业特色





   国际经济与贸易专业按照经济学大类招生,实行"1.5+2.5"的培养模式,第一学期至三学期为经济学大类培养,主要修读通识课程和学科基础课程,第四学期进行专业分流,以学生自愿选择为原则进行择优录取. 浙江理工大学2017级国际经济与贸易专业教学计划表

   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程

   代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 通识教育 必修 计算机信息类 02524 计算机基础概论 1.0 16 16 1 2 ▲ 注1 02530 C程序设计 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 ★ 02537 VB数据库开发应用技术 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 ▲ 人文艺术类 26433 名着选读 1.0 16 8 8 1 2 思想政治理论类 74509 思想道德修养与法律基础 3.0 48 32 16 2 3 74510 中国近现代史纲要 2.0 32 28 4 1 2 74514 论文范文思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74516 马克思主义基本原理概论 3.0 48 42 6 1 3 语言类 73508 英语2 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ 注2 73510 英语4 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 73014 口语与写作 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ 自然科学类 63524 高等数学B1 5.0 80 80 1 5 ▲ 63525 高等数学B2 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 63564 线性代数A 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ 体育与健康类 03502 体育1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 体育2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 体育3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 04507 大学生心理健康教育 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 学科基础教育 必修 52518 B 2.0 32 32 1 2 ▲ 53514 管理学B 2.0 32 32 1 2 51543 经济法 2.0 32 32 2 2 54510 电子商务概论 2.0 32 32 2 2 51566 微观经济学A 3.0 48 48 2 3 ▲ 注3 59902 微观经济学* 3.0 48 48 2 3 ▲ 51535 宏观经济学A 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ 注4 59901 宏观经济学* 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ 51652 金融学基础 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ 51588 经济学学科导论 1.0 16 16 3 2 通识教育 必修 思想政治理论类 07501 形势与政策 2.0 128 注5 综合类 04503 职业发展与就业指导 2.0 38 6 2 通识教育 必修 思想政治理论类 74515 论文范文思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 语言类 英语拓展课 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ 自然科学类 63519 概率论与数理统计A 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 体育与健康类 03505 体育4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 08501 军事理论 1.0 36 21 15 4 3 注6 学科基础教育 必修 52529 B 2.0 32 32 4 2 51637 国际经济学 2.0 32 32 4 2 51605 计量经济学 2.0 32 32 4 2 选修 51673 2.0 32 32 7 2 51550 经贸英语 2.0 32 32 6 2 浙江理工大学2017级国际经济与贸易专业教学计划表

   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程

   代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 学科基础教育 选修 51521 国际贸易地理 2.0 32 32 4 2 53585 消费者行为学 2.0 32 32 4 2 51560 世界经济 2.0 32 32 5 2 51636 国际金融 2.0 32 32 5 2 54568 企业资源计划(ERP) 2.0 32 32 6 2 52503 财务管理B 2.0 32 32 5 2 52544 财务报表分析 2.0 32 32 6 2 51590 期货交易 2.0 32 32 6 2 54570 物流管理 2.0 32 32 7 2 53523 国际企业管理 2.0 32 32 6 2 53604 组织行为学 2.0 32 32 6 2 53812 创业管理 2.0 32 32 6 2 53547 人力资源管理 2.0 32 32 5 2 54523 管理信息系统 2.0 32 32 7 2 11520 纺织商论文范文 2.0 32 32 5 2 注 12541 纺织材料学C 2.0 32 32 6 2 94553 2.0 32 32 6 2 41656 时装鉴赏 2.0 32 32 5 2 专业教育 必修 51519 A 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 51525 国际贸易实务A 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 51634 国际结算 2.0 32 32 6 2 ▲ 51926 外贸函电* 2.0 32 32 5 2 51927 外贸洽谈* 2.0 32 32 6 2 51928 国际商法* 2.0 32 32 5 2 53525 国际市场营销B 2.0 32 32 5 2 选修 53576 网络营销 2.0 32 32 6 2 51681 外贸出口跟单实务 2.0 32 32 5 2 51527 国际贸易体制 2.0 32 32 6 2 51534 海关实务 2.0 32 32 5 2 51512 国际服务贸易 2.0 32 32 6 2 51505 对外贸易运输与保险 2.0 32 32 7 2 51513 国际技术贸易 2.0 32 32 6 2 国际商务 53594 营销渠道管理 2.0 32 32 6 2 53541 企业战略管理 2.0 32 32 6 2 51929 国际商务* 2.0 32 32 5 2 59536 国际投资学(双语) 2.0 32 32 5 2 51552 跨国经营概论 2.0 32 32 6 2 51682 国际商务礼仪 2.0 32 32 6 2 51059 国际经济合作 2.0 32 32 7 2 浙江理工大学2017级国际经济与贸易专业教学计划表

   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程

   代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 专业教育 选修 文化贸易 51683 国际文化营销 2.0 32 32 6 2 51684 版权贸易 2.0 32 32 6 2 51685 传媒经济学 2.0 32 32 5 2 51686 文化产业经济学 2.0 32 32 5 2 51687 国际文化贸易理论与政策 2.0 32 32 6 2 51688 国际文化贸易实务 2.0 32 32 6 2 51689 文化经典案例分析 2.0 32 32 7 2 1. 考核方式栏"▲"为集中笔试,"★"为集中机试.

   2. 备注栏说明



   层次 第一学期 第二学期 必修 必修 一般起点 计算机基础概论(02524) 计算机应用技能(02505) C程序设计(02530) 高起点 计算机基础概论(02524) Access应用(02526) VB数据库开发应用技术(02537) 优秀生 免修 VB数据库开发应用技术(02537) 新生入校后进行计算机水平测试,学生根据不同分级修读相应的课程,其中优秀生第一学期选修"计算机应用与提高(02529)"课程.






   注7: 4门跨学科课程中必须选择2门修读.

   浙江理工大学2017级国际经济与贸易专业 选修课最低修读学分一览表

   课程类别 课程归属大类 最低修读学分 是否指定教学计划表内课程选修 备注 通识教育 自然科学类 4 否 通识选修课至少完成14学分,除表内所列课程归属大类学分必须修读完成外,其他6学分可在九个大类中任意选择课程修读. 工程技术类 人文艺术类 4 否 综合类 经济管理类 计算机信息类 语言类 体育与健康类 思想政治理论类 学科基础教育 22 是 含跨学科课程4学分 专业教育 12 是 浙江理工大学2017级国际经济与贸易专业独立实践教学计划表

   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程

   代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 通识教育 必修 计算机信息类 02505 计算机应用技能 2.0 32 32 1 2 见前注1 02526 Access应用 2.0 32 8 24 1 2 体育与健康类 03501 军训 1.0 2W 2W 1 2W 选修 计算机信息类 02529 计算机应用与提高 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 见前注1 通识教育 必修 综合类 04501 社会实践 1.0 2W 2W 4 2W 学科基础教育 必修 51633 1.0 1W 1W 6 1W 51661 市场行情调研 1.0 1W 1W 4 1W 51667 学年论文 1.0 1W 1W 5 1W 51676 专业论文文献综述 1.0 1W 1W 4 1W 51668 国际贸易模拟 2.0 2W 2W 6 2W 51662 国际结算模拟 2.0 2W 2W 6 2W 51694 证券交易模拟 2.0 2W 2W 7 2W 专业教育 必修 51622 1.0 1W 1W 7 1W 51663 毕业实习 4.0 4W 4W 7 4W 51690 毕业论文 10.0 16W 16W 8 16W

   浙江理工大学2017级国际经济与贸易专业 独立实践教学选修课最低修读学分一览表

   课程类别 课程归属大类 最低修读学分 是否指定教学计划表内课程选修 备注 通识教育 学科基础教育 专业教育


   1. "第二课堂教育"共3学分,学生可通过参与科研项目,参加各类学科竞赛或科技文化艺术活动,发表学术论文或文学作品,设计作品,获得发明专利,参加课外自主实验,社会调查,社团活动,获得国家颁布的各类资格证书等多种途径获得第二课堂学分.具体可参见《学生手册》中《浙江理工大学本科生第二课堂学分管理办法》文件.

   2. 体质健康测试:学生每学年测试一次(五年制学生只参加前四年测试),具体测试时间,内容,测试方式,成绩评定等可参见《学生手册》中《浙江理工大学关于落实<国家学生体质健康标准>实施办法》文件.

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   2017 Program Outline of International Economics and Trade

   ⅠName of Major: International Economics and Trade Code for Major:

   Ⅱ Objectives

   The International Economics and Trade program is to cultivate students with solid knowledge of economics and management theory, the knowledge of International trade, international business, and marketing, and capable of international market business development, foreign trade operations, and international business practice and implementation capacity. The students would be grown up to be international posite applied personnel in foreign economic and trade departments, financial institutions, foreign and domestic enterprises and other related fields to perform foreign trade, customs, storage, international financing, international settlement, international business, business management, corporate marketing affairs.

   Ⅲ Basic Requirements on Knowledge and Abilities

   1 Knowledge objectives

   The students in the program can grasp the basic principles of economics, management, the basic theoretical knowledge of international economy, international trade, international business, business management and marketing, and frontier development of the major of International Economics and Trade, be familiar with prevailing international trade rules and business practices, with China's foreign trade and business laws and regulations, and with economic and trade policies and operation of major trading countries and regions prehensively, systematically, through this program. The students in the program would be acquainted with basic theories and methods in economics, management and marketing, and be capable of basic and specific skills in economic law and international mercial law, accounting, business management , e-merce, import and export business, customs, storage and insurance, international business.

   2 Competency objectives

   Through this program, students can obtain the following capabilities: ability to judge economic performance and analysis, market credit collection and processing capabilities, international business negotiations and munication skills, organizational management and implementation capacity, marketing ideas and implementation capacity, ability of foreign trade business operations , business English reading and writing skills, as well as numerical, graphical, verbal and written munication skills.

   3 Quality objectives

   (1) Physical and mental qualities

   Physical and mental health, with strong interpersonal munication skills, adaptability of stress resistance.

   (2) Humanities qualities

   A good moral character, legal awareness, artistic acplishments, the logic of aesthetic taste and language.

   (3) Professional quality

   Knowledge of basic literacy and professional skills of interdisciplinary theoretical foundation; capability of cross-cultural munication, business information processing, economic analysis and judgments, market analysis and decision-making, marketing ideas and implementation, organizational management and foreign trade business operations and implementation; ability to understand market development, business munication, contract execution, organization and operation, risk management approach.

   (4) Career quality

   Pragmatic, innovative, honest and trustworthy, teamwork.

   IV Main Disciplines: economics

   V Core Courses

   Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics, Advanced Mathematics, English, Introduction to Computer Basics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Management B, Introd


uction to E-Commerce, International Economics, International Trade A, International Trade Practice, Foreign Trade, International Settlement, International Commercial Law.

   VI Special Courses

   Major directions: International Trade, International Business, Chinese business ( all in English )

   Self-study curriculum: Economics and reading

   Research curriculum: Introduction to the Discipline of Economics

   The plex curriculum: Textile goods, Textile design, brand management, fashion appreciation

   Full English teaching course: Foreign Trade, Trade Negotiations, International Commercial Law, International Business

   Innovation and Entrepreneurship Courses: Entrepreneurial Management, Network Marketing, Marketing Channel Management

   VII Length of Courses: 3-6

   Minimum Credits Required for Graduation: 178

   Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Economics

   In-Class Hours: 2389

   Separate Practice Teaching: 27 weeks+32hours

   VIII Proportion of Course Credits

   Course Classification Compulsory Credits Optional Credits Total credits Percentage General Studies 58+4 14 76 42.6% Basic Discipline-related Courses 24+10 22 56 31.5% Major-related Courses 16+15 12 43 24.2% Extracurricular Activities / 3 3 1.7% Total Credits 127 51 178 100% Percentage 71.3% 28.7% Practice Teaching 820 Percentage 34.3%

   Ⅸ Characteristics of the Major

   1 Wide: 3 professional directions of international trade, international business, China business (courses taught in English).

   2 Composite: set interdisciplinary curriculum of textile and apparel industry, product, technology and process.

   3: International: set Chinese International Business ( all in English ) professional direction, and 4 English curriculums of correspondence of foreign trade, foreign trade, international mercial law, international business negotiations.

   Ⅹ Notes

   Major of International Economics and Trade enrolls under business management big class,adopts cultivation mode as"1.5+2.5".Students are cultivated as Economics big class,studying general courses and discipline basic courses in the first to the third terms. In the fourth term, they will be distributed into different majors by petitive selection based on self-selection.

   2017 Teaching Schedule of International Economics and Trade

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note General Education C Computer Sciences 02524 Introduction to Computer Basics 1.0 16 16 1 2 ★ N1 02530 C Programming 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 ★ 02537 The Development and Applications Technology of Database based on VB 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 Humanities and Arts 26433 Introduction to Classical Literary Works 1.0 16 8 8 1 2 Ideology and Politics 74509 Ideological and Ethical Cultivation and Foundations of Law 3.0 48 32 16 2 3 74510 The Outline of Modern Chinese History 2.0 32 28 4 1 2 74514 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics 1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74516 Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxi论文范文 3.0 48 42 6 1 3 Languages 73508 College English 2 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ N2 73510 College English 4 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 73014 English Speaking and Writing 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ Sciences 63524 Advanced Mathematics B1 5.0 80 80 1 5 ▲ 63525 Advanced Mathematics B2 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 63564 Linear Algebra A 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ Physical and Healthy 03502 Physical Education 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 Physical Education 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 Physical Education 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 04507 Students' Mental Health Education 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 Basic Discipline-related Courses C 52518 Accounting B 2.0 32 32 1 2 ▲ 53514 Management B 2.0 32 32 1 2 51543 Economic Law 2.0 32 32 2 2 54510 Introduction to E-Commerce 2.0 32 32 2 2 51566 Microeconomics A 3.0 48 48 2 3 ▲ N3 59902 Microeconomics* 3.0 48 48 2 3 ▲ 2017 Teaching Schedule of International Economics and Trade

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Basic Discipline-related Courses C 51535 Macroeconomics A 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ N4 59901 Macroeconomics* 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ 51652 Basics of Finance 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ 51588 Introduction to Economics 1.0 16 16 3 2 General Education C Ideology and Politics 07501 Current Issues and Policies 2.0 128 N5 Comprehensive 04503 Career Development and Employment Guidance 2.0 38 6 2 General Education C Ideology and Politics 74515 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics 2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 Languages College English for Advanced Learners 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ Sciences 63519 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics A 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ Physical and Healthy 03505 Physical Education 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 08501 Military Theory 1.0 36 21 15 4 3 N6 Basic Discipline-related Courses C 52529 Statistics B 2.0 32 32 4 2 51637 International Economics 2.0 32 32 4 2 51605 Econometrics 2.0 32 32 4 2 O 51673 Foreign Exchange Theories and Practice 2.0 32 32 7 2 51550 Business English 2.0 32 32 6 2 51521 Geography of International Trade 2.0 32 32 4 2 53585 Consumer Beh论文范文ior 2.0 32 32 4 2 51560 World Economy 2.0 32 32 5 2 51636 International Finance 2.0 32 32 5 2 54568 Enterprise Resource Planning 2.0 32 32 6 2 52503 Financial Management B 2.0 32 32 5 2 52544 Financial Statements Analysis 2.0 32 32 6 2 51590 Futures Trading 2.0 32 32 6 2 54570 Logistics Management 2.0 32 32 7 2 53523 International Enterprise Management 2.0 32 32 6 2 2017 Teaching Schedule of International Economics and Trade

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Basic Discipline-related Courses O 53604 Organizational Beh论文范文ior 2.0 32 32 6 2 53812 Entrepreneurial Management 2.0 32 32 6 2 53547 Human Resource Management 2.0 32 32 5 2 54523 Management Information System 2.0 32 32 7 2 11520 Textile Commodity Study 2.0 32 32 5 2 N7 12541 Textile Materials C 2.0 32 32 6 2 94553 Fashion Brand Management 2.0 32 32 6 2 41656 Appreciation of Fashion 2.0 32 32 5 2 Major-related Courses C 51519 International Trade A 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 51525 Practice of International Trade A 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 51634 International Settlement 2.0 32 32 6 2 ▲ 51926 International Business Communication* 2.0 32 32 5 2 51927 International Business Negotiation* 2.0 32 32 6 2 51928 International Business Law 2.0 32 32 5 2 53525 International Marketing B 2.0 32 32 5 2 O IT 53576 Network Marketing 2.0 32 32 6 2 51681 Practice for Export Documentary Handling 2.0 32 32 5 2 51527 International Trade System 2.0 32 32 6 2 51534 Customs Practice 2.0 32 32 5 2 51512 International Service Trade 2.0 32 32 6 2 51505 Transportation and Insurance in Foreign Trade 2.0 32 32 7 2 51513 International Technical Trade 2.0 32 32 6 2 IB 53594 Marketing Channel Management 2.0 32 32 6 2 53541 Corporate Strategic Management 2.0 32 32 6 2 51929 International Business 2.0 32 32 5 2 59536 International Investment (Bilingual) 2.0 32 32 5 2 2017 Teaching Schedule of International Economics and Trade

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Major-related Courses O IB 51552 Introduction to Multinational Corporations 2.0 32 32 6 2 51682 International Business Etiquette 2.0 32 32 6 2 51059 International Economic Cooperation 2.0 32 32 7 2 ICT

   51683 International Cultural Marketing 2.0 32 32 6 2 51684 Copyright Trade 2.0 32 32 6 2 51685 Media Economics 2.0 32 32 5 2 51686 Cultural and industrial economics 2.0 32 32 5 2 51687 International Cultural Trade Theory and Policy 2.0 32 32 6 2 51688 International Cultural Trade Practice 2.0 32 32 6 2 51689 Case Study In Cultural Industry 2.0 32 32 7 2 IT: International Trade IB: International Business

   ICT: International Cultural Trade

   C等于Compulsory, O等于Optional

   1. In evaluation mode column, "▲"means a collectively written examination is required, "★" means a collectively puter examination is required.

   2. Remarks for Note Column

   N1: Computer sciences courses for general studies will be taught in a level-based manner, the arrangement is as follows


   Level 1st Semester 2nd Semester Compulsory Compulsory Basic Level Introduction to Computer Basics (02524) Computer Skills Training (02505) C Programming (02530) Higher Level Introduction to Computer Basics (02524) Applications of Access (02526) The Development and Applications Technology of Database Based on VB (02537) Excellent student Exemption The Development and Applications Technology of Database Based on VB (02537) All freshmen are required to take a puter level test after enrollment, the student can select corresponding courses based on his (her) level. And the excellent student can take "Computer Applications and Improvement (02529)"as an optional course in the first semester.

   N2: Those whose English scores in college entrance examination rank 论文范文 30% among all freshmen of our university are qualified for English level test organized by the university; those who score A grade in both written and oral tests can be exempted from College English 2 and College English 4.

   N3: One course should be selected from "Microeconomics A (51566)"and "Microeconomics*(59902)"One course should be selected from "Macroeconomics A (51535)"and "Macroeconomics*(599)""Current Issues and Policies" will be lectured for 16 periods and evaluated once each semester, the score of this course will be the 论文范文erage of scores obtained in all academic years.

   N6: Apart from 21 periods in class, 15 periods of Military Theory will be given during military training.

   N7: Two courses should be selected from the interdisciplinary course.

   The List for Required Minimum Credit of Optional Courses

   2017 International Economics and Trade

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification Course Category Required Minimum Credits Whether Only Those Courses Listed in Teaching Schedule Can Be Selected Note General Education Sciences 4 N Students should obtain at least 14 credits for optional courses in General Studies; 8 credits should be obtained from the designated course category, the rest 6 credits can be obtained freely from 9 course categories. Engineering Humanities and Arts 4 N Comprehensive Economics and Management Computer Sciences Languages Physical and Healthy Ideology and Politics Basic Discipline-related Courses 22 Y 4 credits should be selected from the interdisciplinary course. Major-related Courses 12 Y

   2017 Schedule of Separate Practical Teaching for International Economics and Trade Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note General Education C Computer Sciences 02505 Computer Skills Training 2.0 32 32 1 2 Check N1 for detail 02526 Applications of Access 2.0 32 32 1 2 Physical and Healthy 03501 Military Training 1.0 2W 1 2W Computer Sciences 02529 Computer Applications and Improvement 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 Check N1 for detail General Education C Comprehen-sive 04501 Social Practice 1.0 2W 4 2W Basic Discipline-related Courses C 51633 Practice on Econometrics Softwares 1.0 1W 6 1W 51661 Market Investigation 1.0 1W 4 1W 51667 Academic Year Thesis 1.0 1W 5 1W 51676 Literature Review of Major Paper 1.0 1W 4 1W 51668 Practice of International Trade 2.0 2W 6 2W 51662 Practice of International Settlement 2.0 2W 6 2W 51694 Securities Investment Simulation 2.0 2W 7 2W Major-

   related Courses C 51622 Professional Practice 1.0 1W 7 1W 51663 Graduation Practice 4.0 4W 7 4W 51690 Graduation Thesis 10.0 16W 8 16W

   The List for Required Minimum Credit of Separate Practical Teaching 2017 International Economics and Trade Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification Course Category Required Minimum Credits Whether Only Those Courses Listed in Teaching Schedule Can Be Selected Note General Education Basic Discipline-related Courses Major-related Courses Extracurricular Activities 3

   Note:Students can obtain certain extracurricular credits through a variety of approaches such as participating in research programs, academic petitions, science and cultural arts activities, publishing papers, literary works or design works, obtaining patents, participating in independent experiments, social surveys, club activities, obtaining national certificates of various types, etc.




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