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主题:城市规划专业 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-04





  1. 城市规划专业:百鸟之都 阳光之城—威宁旅游城市规划设计(最新)

国外城市规划本期主题:规划与政府管治? THEME: Planning and Government Governance? ? 1 法国城市规划与可持续发展的分析与借鉴? 1 The Analysis and Revelation from French Urban Planning and Sustainable Development? 仇保兴 戴永宁 高红? ? 6 事权明晰 主体明确 责任落实——瑞士城乡规划体系的启示? 6 Clearly Established Authority, Well Defined Main Body and Responsibility: Revelation from Urban-rural Planning System in Switzerland? 张勤? 摘 要:在城镇化的时代背景下,健全的规划制度不仅要有利于促进个体城镇的健康发展,更要有利于保障个体城镇与所在区域的协调发展.瑞士以《空间规划法》为依据,划定建设区域与非建设区域,从论文范文,州和市镇三个层面对城镇和乡村城区建设开发活动实行分级调控,每个地域层次,每种地域类型都有明确的规划和管理的责任主体和调控手段;并通过公众参与,维护规划与公正性,提高规划的科学性,监督规划的实施.在兼顾地方发展和整体协调方面,瑞士的城乡规划体系值得我们深入研究和借鉴.? Abstract: Under the background of Urbanization, plete set of planning system not only foster the healthy development of individual town, but also assure the harmonious development of individual town and the region it belongs. Based on "Spatial Planning Law", Switzerland divided the constructed area from unconstructed area, adopting classified control on construction of urban and rural areas at federal, state and municipal levels. Each level and type of area has specific responsible body and control method on planning and management. Also, through public participation, Switzerland maintains the justness and promotes higher scientific level of planning, and supervises the implementation of planning. Swiss urban planning system gives attention to both regional development and overall coordination, which is worthy of studying and referencing by us.? 关键词:瑞士;城乡规划;事权? Keywords: Switzerland; Urban-rural Planning; Authority? ? 10 日本国土规划的发展及借鉴意义? 10 The Development of Japan's Territorial Planning and Its Enlightenment? 潘海霞? 摘 要: 日本的国土规划以问题为导向,解决不同时论文范文展背景下的发展问题,促进了日本的国土开发和地区发展.本文回顾了日本国土规划的演进和最新的发展情况,并以论文范文为例分析了城市规划发挥的作用.针对我国目前区域发展的现状和条件,分析日本国土规划对我国的借鉴意义.? Abstract:

   Japan's territorial planning is problemoriented, which solve the problems emerged under the background of different developing stages, balances both national and regional developments. This paper reviews the evolution and latest position of Japan's territorial planning, setting the example of the metropolitan area of Tokyo to analyze the influence of urban planning. This paper also concludes its enlightenment to China under the current regional development and condition in China.? 关键词:国土规划;论文范文圈;借鉴意义? Keywords: Territorial Planning; the Metropolitan Area of Tokyo; Enlightenment? ? 15 英国"地方发展框架"的监测机制及其借鉴意义? 15 The Monitoring Mechani论文范文 of Local Development Framework in UK and Its Experiences? 顾翠红 魏清泉? 摘 要:英国的城市规划体系在长期的发展完善过程中,逐步摸索建立了一套成熟的城市规划动态监测机制,其工作方法,技术路线,监督软件系统以及对于监管工作重点和难点的把握和处理经验,为我国建设城市城市规划动态监测机制系统提供了宝贵经验.本文对英国城市规划体系的新变化作了简要介绍,重点对地方发展框架的监测机制进行了分析研究,总结了英国的经验对我国正在建设的城市规划动态监测系统的借鉴意义.? Abstract:

   In the long-term development process, the planning authorities of UK h论文范文e gradually explored to establish a mature urban planning dynamic monitoring mechani论文范文. The working methods, technical line, software systems as well as the experiences to grasp focus and difficulties during monitoring will provide valuable experiences. The new changes of urban planning system in UK has been introduced in brief, then the monitoring mechani论文范文 of local development framework has been analyzed and researched mainly in the context, finally, the experience of dynamic monitoring system in UK has been summed up which we can access valuable means when we are building the urban planning dynamic monitoring mechani论文范文.? 关键词:英国; 地方发展框架; 监测机制? Keywords: UK; Local Development Framework; Monitoring Mechani论文范文? ? 21 英国大伦敦市政府的组织机构及启示? 21 The Structure of the Greater London Authority and Its Illumination? 生小刚 李婷 张锦云 艾晓峰? 摘 要:欧洲大都市政府自上世纪60年代以来,经历了三个发展时期.面对全球化和国内地方自治的客观要求,英国政府在1990年代组建了大伦敦市政府,成为欧洲新时期大都市政府改革的成功典范.其成功之处就在于大伦敦市政府的组织结构有许多独到之处,值得学习和借鉴.? Abstract:

   Since 1960s, metropolitan governments in Europe h论文范文e experienced three stages of development. Facing the globalization and the demand for the regional autonomy, British government set up the Greater London Authority (GLA) in 1990s, which is the paradigm for the metropolitan government reform. GLAs success is the innovations in the structure of authority, which is an illumination for us.? 关键词:大都市政府; 大伦敦市政府; 组织机构? Keywords: Metropolitan Government; the Greater London Authority; the Structure of Authority? ? 25 英国城乡规划督察制度的新发展? 25 The Latest Development of British Planning Inspectorate System? 张险峰? 摘 要:英国规划督察制度始于1960年代,是英国规划申诉制度下的特殊产物.它是一种由政府主导的规划救济手段,有严格的职业规范和工作程序,是保证开发过程公平,公正,公平的有力工具.? Abstract:

   British planning inspectorate system (PINS) was initiated in 1960s. It is a characteristic production under British planning appeal system. It is also a planning aid which led by government and there are strict professional standards and working procedure, which ensuring justice, equity and openness in developing process.? 关键词:英国;规划督察;规划申诉? Keywords: UK; Planning Inspectorate; Planning Appeal? ? 快速公交? Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)? ? 28 快速公交(BRT)在中国的发展? 28 BRT Development in China? 摘 要:发展可持续交通系统可以帮助国内城市跨越过于依赖小汽车,过度耗能和高度污染的交通发展过程,使城市的发展更加繁荣和安全,促进城市和谐,加强社区的凝聚力,保护人民的健康和生存环境.BRT所具有的低廉和应用灵活的特点对国内城市尤为适合.通过介绍快速公交及其优势,以及国内城市发展快速公交的进展情况,希望越来越多的地方政府,市政和交通专家以及城市居民能够了解快速公交系统和其他的可持续交通模式,从而让可持续交通模式在中国成为城市发展的自然选择,成为城市居民日常生活的一部分.? Abstract:

   Developing sustainable transportation systems will enable China to leapfrog past a cardependent, energy- and pollution-intensive development path, making it more secure and prosperous, maintaining a sense of munity and cohesion in its cities, and protecting the environment and the health of its citizens. BRT's cost-effectiveness and flexibility makes it particularly suitable for development in China. It is our hope that as more researchers, government policymakers, and citizens learn about BRT and other sustainable public transportation options, our vision of sustainable transportation systems as the norm in China will bee a reality.? 关键词:快速公交(BRT);公共交通;可持续城市交通? Keywords: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT); Public Transport; Sustainable Urban Transportation? ? 32 国外快速公交系统发展概况? 32 An Overview of the BRT Development Abroad? 赵杰 叶敏 赵一新 盛志前? 摘 要:自1974年巴西库里蒂巴市建成第一条快速公交线以来,在世界范围内,各种类型的快速公交系统得到广泛的应用.在欧洲,北美以及澳大利亚等发达国家,虽然小汽车私人拥有率非常高,并且已有较完善的轨道交通系统,但是快速公交系统根据各个城市的交通需求,城市土地规划以及城市的财政状况,仍有成功的推广.我国快速公交缺乏实践,尚处于初级阶段,很好地研究和借鉴国外城市快速公交发展的经验,特别是当时的城市概况,决策背景等,对我国快速公交健康发展有重要的意义.? Abstract:

   The BRT system is experiencing a remarkable sprout in planning and construction as a burgeoning transportation mode since the first line developed in Curitiba, Brazil, 1974. Despite of the high ownership of the private auto and the sophisticated metro system in Europe, North America and Australia, BRT still has been succes论文范文ully implemented in many developed counties according to various traffic demands, land usages and different financial situations. Domestic

城市规划专业:百鸟之都 阳光之城—威宁旅游城市规划设计(最新)

BRT practice is limited, so it is vitally important and urgent to investigate the lessons and experiences of different cases abroad, particularly about the city economic characters, trip mode structure, implementation effects as well as the most direct reasons led the city to BRT systems.? 关键词:快速公交;公交导向的土地开发模式;主干线/饲喂线? Keywords: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT); Transit Oriented Development (TOD); Trunk Line; Feeder line? ? 38 我国城市快速公交发展策略研究? 38 BRT Development Strategy in China? 叶敏 赵杰 赵一新 盛志前? 摘 要:交通,环境与能源的巨大压力,使优先发展公共交通从理念逐步转变为政府的公共政策乃至具体行动.传统公交存在结构性缺陷,导致公交服务水平长期徘徊不前,已经成为持续提高公交分担率的瓶颈.积极稳妥地推进城市快速公交建设是全面提升公交服务品质,满足现代居民出行多元化,高质化需求,构建城市居民合理出行方式结构,应对城市交通,环境和能源危机,实现城市可持续发展的重要手段.系统地进行城市快速公交适应性研究,提出快速公交规划建设指导标准,建设复合型的城市快速公交系统是我国城市快速公交发展的正确策略.? Abstract:

   The urban public transport system receives extensive attention as a way out of both increased traffic congestion and severe environment pollution in almost every mega-city of China. However, the regular bus system stunts further growth of the market share with its low level of service. The BRT system brings a remarkable reform in regular public transport industry administration with its massive capacity, high service, low investment, and quick effectiveness. The high service quality of the BRT system meets the diversified and high level of service needs of current public transport passengers. Methodically investigations on BRT adaptability for various situations hence are urged by a 论文范文ooth development of BRT system. Standards, as well as guidelines, must be premeditated, confirmed and fulfilled before the real project implementation. Construction the BRT system as a prehensive ponent of public transport system is a proper strategy which leads the mega-cities in China to a sustainable developing way.? 关键词:快速公交;常规公交;优先权;专有权;服务水平? Keywords: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT); Regular Bus; Priority; Exclusive Right; Level of Service? ? 42 济南快速公交系统规划实践? 42 The Practice of Bus Rapid Transit Planning in Jinan? 盛志前 赵杰 赵一新? 摘 要:本文在介绍济南快速公交系统规划背景的基础上,阐述了济南发展快速公交系统的必要性.进而总结济南快速公交规划的流程和主要内容,并简单介绍了规划方案.最后归纳了济南快速公交规划的主要特点以及BRT得以实施的关键要素.? Abstract:

   On the basis of the background of bus rapid transit planning in Jinan, this paper introduces the necessity of developing bus rapid transit planning in Jinan. Then applications in the process of planning, the content and the corresponding programming is put forward, include the project of bus rapid transit planning. Finally, characteristics of BRT planning and key elements of implementation in Jinan are concluded.? 关键词:快速公交系统;规划流程;规划特点;实施关键? Keywords: Bus Rapid Transit; Planning Process; Characteristics of BRT Planning; Key of Implementation? ? ? 城市研究? URBAN STUDY? ? 48 空间句法:从图论的角度看中微观城市形态? 48 Space Syntax: Meso- and Micro- Urban Morphology under the View of Graph Theory? 杨滔? 摘 要:如何从整体的角度研究城市形态的复杂性?空间句法在城市形态领域中关注城市形态空间之间的整体联系,运用图论的数学理论和方法建立了城市形态的模型,发现了不同城市具有相似的城市空间拓扑关系,以及特定城市空间之间复杂的整体关联在很大程度上决定了中微观层面的人车流和用地的分布,给城市形态复杂性研究提供了坚实可行的理论基础和方法程序,也给整合交通规划和用地规划的城市规划和设计提供了一种具体的实践角度.本文简要回顾了城市形态研究中关于要素和关联的研究发展,详细解释了空间句法从图论的角度研究城市形态的整体关联,最后分析了空间句法在伯明翰Brindleypalce案例中的应用.? Abstract:

   How to study plexity in the urban morphology under a holistic view? Space Syntax firstly gives the emphasis on the global configuration of spatial morphology and creates urban morphological model through the technique of graph theory; secondly, it has proved that there exists the similar global 论文范文ological structure across various cities in the world, and the urban spatial configuration shapes the movement rates and the distribution of land use at the meso- and micro- urban levels, to some extent; thirdly, it sheds the light on the theoretical and methodological researches in urban morphology, and further provides a new perspective in the urban planning integrating transportation and land use. This paper gives a brief review on the debate between pattern and relation in the field of urban morphology, explains the study of urban morphology in Space Syntax, and provides a case study of Brindleyplace in Birmingham.? 关键词:空间句法;图论;城市形态;整体联系;复杂性? Keywords: Space Syntax; Graph Theory; Urban Morphology; Global Configuration; Complexity? ? 53 当代英国建筑与城市文脉发展? 53 Contemporary Architecture and City Context Development in UK? 余颖 余辉? 摘 要:通过亲历,作者对英国当代建筑与城市文脉发展进行现象学意义上的梳理,指出英国城市文脉的历史性与建筑的开创性之间,存在着创造性的对话.这种对话正渐渐失去着历史性的宏大叙事,而当代因素正渐渐形成着强势地位,这就是当代英国建筑与城市文脉发展的趋向.? Abstract:

   By the personally experience, the thesis primps phenomenally the contemporary architecture and city context development in UK, and points out that it exists creative dialogues within the historicity of city context and the inauguration of architecture. These kinds of dialogues are losing their historic spectacle narrative, but the contemporary sectors are gradually in the ascendant. This is the tendency of the contemporary architecture and city context development in UK.? 关键词:英国;建筑与城市;文脉发展;趋向? Keywords: UK; Architecture and City; Context Development; Tendency? ? ? 规划研究? PLANNING RESEARCH? ? 58 中国城市中心改造中的参与者冲突:城市规划师有何作用?? 58 Stakeholder Conflicts in Inner-city Redevelopment in China: Are There Some Roles for the Urban Planner to Play?? 周江评 孙明洁? 摘 要:本文回顾了现有关于城市中心改造中参与者冲突和规划师角色的文献,探索了中国城市中心改造中的参与者冲突和在这些冲突中的规划师的角色问题.在此基础上,作者指出,多种因素导致了这些冲突,并且规划师应该在化解这些冲突上有所作用.具体说,在新的城市中心改造形势下,规划师应该重新思考自己的服务对象,重新审视与冲突有关的(政治,经济)结构性问题和能够容纳新的形势的规划模式.? Abstract:

   This paper provides a review of the existing literature on the stakeholder conflicts in inner-city redevelopment and planners'role in them. Within the framework provided by the review, the stakeholder conflicts and the planners'role are reexamined accordingly. Multiple factors are found to h论文范文e contributed to the conflicts and the planners are argued to h论文范文e some role to play. Specifically, the Chinese planners are remended to rethink about their clients, the structural problems in the political and economic systems associated with the conflicts and the new planning modes to acmodate the current redevelopment situations.? 关键词:城市中心改造;参与者冲突;城市规划师;角色;中国? Keywords: Inner-city Redevelopment; Stakeholder Conflicts; Urban Planner; Role; China? ? 66 第46届美国规划院校联合会(ACSP)年会论文述评? 66 The Evaluation of the Papers of the 46th Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning? 陈婷婷 赵守谅? 摘 要:对第46届美国规划院校联合会年会收录的论文进行综述与评价,指出交通,可持续发展,为特殊人群的规划研究,经济与产业,公共政策等14个主题是当前国际规划界最关注的问题.并分析了其对我国当前规划研究的借鉴意义.? Abstract:

   This paper summarizes the paper of the 46th annual conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, and evaluates these papers. It also demonstrates there are 14 important themes in the conference, such as transportation, sustainable development, planning for the special groups, economy and industry, public politics, etc. The paper analysis the beneficial experiences of the conference, which can be used in research of China urban planning.? 关键词:美国;城市规划;年会;论文? Keywords: America; Urban Planning; Annual Conference; Papers? ? 70 解读巴黎世界博览会选址规划与城市发展历程之关系? 70 Deciphering the Relationship Between Paris Exposition Site Planning and the Development Process of the City? 许懋彦 赵曾辉? 摘 要:本文通过比较1855至1900年代,1925和1937年,1958和1989年三个时期巴黎世界博览会选址规划与其城市的发展历程,分析解读从古典主义到现代主义城市规划进程中,由博览会单方面影响城市向两者相互影响,协调发展的转变过程.? Abstract:

   Through the parative study of the site planning of Paris world expositions between three periods, 1855-1900, 1925-1937, and 1958-1989, this paper traces the urban development history of the city from traditional to modern planning, and analyses the influence and impacts between world exposition site planning and the development process of the city.? 关键词:巴黎;世界博览会;城市规划;场址规划;发展历程? KeywordsParis; World Exposition; Urban Planning; Site Planning; Development History? ? 77 相互作用模型在城市规划中的运用? 77 Interaction Model Application for Urban Planning? Christiane Weber 着 罗彦 陈素素 译? 摘 要:城市增长是未来几个世纪备受关注的问题.为了保证城市可持续发展,有必要对城市的发展进行监控,但预测城市的发展趋势需要一些空间信息的支持.卫星图像能够提供可靠的信息用来评定城市增长的不同状态,而预测未来的建设区段则更加重要,本文构建了相互作用模型(interaction models),或者更精确地说叫潜力模型(potential model),以确定城市空间的扩展方向.该模型被运用于法国斯特拉斯堡地区的分析,采用了两张遥感数据影像,一张用于模型处理,一张用于检验结果.另外,模型还运用GIS技术以提高准确度,同时还考虑到了交通网络.? Abstract:

   Urban growth is a terrific issue for the next centuries. Monitoring the urban development in order to assure sustainable cities in the future is an absolute necessity. Decision support in this domain needs some spatial information enabling to forecast the urban development trends. Satellite imagery may provide reliable information assessing different states of urban growth, but it is necessary to anticipate where future built areas might be located. This paper presents the interest of interaction models, more precisely the potential model, to define future development zones. This model is applied to the Strasbourg area (France) using remotely sensed data. Two images are used, one to initiate the model processing and the other to validate the results. GIS capabilities are applied to refine the results, adding traffic work in the study.? 关键词:卫星数据;相互作用模型;发展趋势;城市规划? Keywords: Satellite Data; Interaction Model; Development Trends; Urban Planning? ? 83 美国三座城市的设计审查制度比较研究————波特兰,西雅图,旧金山? 83 Compared Study On Urban Design Review in Three American Cities? 黄雯? 摘 要:设计审查制度是美国城市开发控制体系中针对城市形态,环境质量等城市设计问题的控制政策.设计审查以区划法为法律平台,以设计导则为评判依据.本文以波特兰,西雅图,旧金山三座城市的设计审查制度为例,对三座城市的设计审查制度的程序,参与人员,决策过程,审查标准等方面的基本情况进行了比较研究.? Abstract:

   Design review is an important policy in development control system which pays attention to the urban form and urban environment. Design review is depended on Zoning code as legal bases and Design guideline as main criteria. The thesis studies urban design review in three American cities: Portland, Seattle and San Francisco. It tries to pare goals, processes,contents and implementation of Design review in these cities.? 关键词:设计审查;设计导则;区划法? Keywords: Design Review; Design Guidelines; Zoning Code? ? 实践综述? PRACTICE REMARKS? ? 88 百年规划————一位城市规划师的梦想和一座城市的兴建? 88 One Hundred Years Planning———A Planner's Dream & A City's Planning History? 杨小奕? 摘 要:通过对一位城市规划————托马斯·墨森(Thomas H. Mawson)在近100年前为卡尔加里市(Calgary)所做的城市总体规划及其实施结果的分析,试图总结出北美城市建设快速,且卓有成效的内外成因.文章认为原因有四:(1)政策引导,(2)公众参与,(3)前瞻性规划设计,(4)法律保障执行.? Abstract:

   This paper analyzes the master plan and its practice of Calgary drawn by Thomas H. Mawson, an urban planner, nearly 100 years ago. Therefore, it sums up the internal and external reasons for the rapid and efficient urban construction of North American cities. This paper argues that the reasons are policy guidance, public participation, perspective planning design and regulations which support the implementation.? 关键词:卡尔加里;百年规划? Keywords: Calgary; One Hundred Years Planning? ? 94 美国的自行车友好社区及其启示? 94 American BFC and Its Inspiration for China? 苏建忠 魏清泉 游细斌? 摘 要:美国大力推广自行车友好社区(BFC),并且有具体的评估内容.自行车的推广对促进社区发展,改善城市生态环境,改善城市交通状况以及对公众的健康等方面都有积极的作用.自行车友好社区的活动对我国有借鉴意义.它对于我国城市发展政策的制定和城市人居环境的改善有重要参考价值.? Abstract:

   In America, BFC is popularized vigorously, which has ideographic valuation contents. Bicycle spread has many positive functions in promoting munity development, improving urban ecoenvironment, meliorating munication conditions etc. It can be used for reference to our country in constituting urban development policies and improving urban residential environment.? 关键词:自行车;社区;BFC;环境;健康? Keywords: Bicycle; Community; BFC; Environment; Health? ? 98 不能让规划成为跑马圈地的挡箭牌————对一些小城镇在规划管理和土地利用方面的问题剖析? 98 Planning Can Not Shield the Arbitrary in Land Utility————Analysis on Planning Management and Land Utility in Towns? 杨晓东? 摘 要:作者在调研中发型,一些小城镇在规划管理工作中出现了一些不正常现象,例如盲目建设,规划"朝写夕改"以及不切实际的规划导致土地资源的粗放使用等问题,已经严重影响了小城镇的建设和发展.为此,本文在调研基础上探讨了一些小城镇政府制定规划的行为动机,规划执行效果和土地利用等方面问题,并就产生这些问题的根源进行了分析,进而提出了解决这些问题的一些办法.? Abstract:

   Through survey, the author found there are several unusual phenomenon in planning management in some local towns, such as unguided construction, frequent changes in planning and unrealistic planning, which already put bad influence on construction and development of local towns. Therefore, this article discusses a series of problems such as intention, operative effects and land utility of planning in some local governments, analyses the root of the problems, and then proposes some solutions to these problems.? 关键词:小城镇;规划管理;土地资源? Keywords: Town; Planning Management; Land Resource? ? 资讯中心? RESOURCES BASE? ? 101 海外简讯 / 孙娟 许景权 朱郁郁 盛况? 101 Briefs External / Sun Juan, et al? 103 国内简讯 / 夏玉军? 103 Briefs Internal / Xia Yujun? 107 专题研究 / 王静 刘佳燕 陈宇琳 阮晓村? 107 Topic Focus / Wang Jing, et al? 112 期刊导航 / 干靓? 112 Jourals' Digest / Gan Jing? 114 网站推介 / 干靓? 114 Web Site / Gan Jing? 114 会 讯 / 王纺? 114 Conference / Wang Fang? 115 案例集粹 / 张燕玲? 115 Cases / Zhang Yanling? ? 封面:伦敦梅菲尔地区的高级居住区? COVERAGE: London Mayfair High-Profile Living District ? 张险峰? by Zhang Xianfeng? ? 本期责任编辑:孙志涛? EDITOR: Sun Zhitao



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