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主题:城市景观设计 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-03





  1. 城市景观设计:旅游卫视景观城市印象系列宣传片 世纪盘古 旅游卫视天气预报广告



   题 目 城市滨水线性景观的生态设计研究

   姓 名

   学 号




   二○一○ 年 十 月 十 日



   开 题 报 告



   1. 选题的背景和意义1.1 选题的背景1.2 国内外研究现状1.3 发展趋势研究基本内容2.1 基本框架

   2.2 研究的重点和难点城市滨水线性景观的生态设计①生态理念下的设计方法梳理.当前生态设计论着繁多杂乱,针对本文所研究的滨水区线性景观的场地特征,归纳出适合的,实用的生态理念下的基本设计方法.




   2.3 拟解决的关键问题3.研究的方法及措施预期研究成果城市滨水线性景观的生态设计滨水线性景观研究工作进度计划 开题报告答辩 2017年12月 开始进行毕业(论文)的写作 2017年1月初 毕业(论文)中期检查 2017年2月 完成毕业设计 2017年3月 毕业设计展 2017年4月 完成毕业设计(论文)及修改 2017年5月 毕业设计(论文)答辩



   文 献 综 述





   1. 国内外研究现状



   国外许多景观环境方面的专着,从生态学,人性空间,聚居环境等角度对西方城市滨水地段的环境进行了论述.《THE CONCISE TO WNSCAPE》(G.CULIEN)一书,强调了城市建筑群体的景观价值和城市景观艺术的完整性,其中对水体的论述,客观地分析了人与生俱来的亲水心态以及城市中水景的景观效果.作者通过对泰晤士河的重新开发和新马卢城实例的分析,阐释了其视觉连续和场所性的概念,并诊释了栏杆,护岸等小品设施的景观内涵和意义.[2]


   20世纪70年代后期,西方滨水地段变得充实而充满生命,"亲水空间"成为水岸设计的主题,使城市水空间再度成为景观建筑师关注的焦点.美国的《PARK AND SITEP LANNING》一书详细介绍并分析了美国如金科隆公园等水岸公园设计的案例,全释了亲水理念在其设计手法上的应用.

   1982年在美国华盛顿创办了滨水地区研究中心(Waterfront Center),并创办了《Waterfront Center》杂志,日本成立了滨水更新中心等.[3]

   相关专业杂志也相继推出了Waterfront专集,如《Process Architecture 》(1984年),《Progressive Architecture》(1990年),《Landscape Architecture》(1991年)分别发行了Waterfront专刊.[4]









   2.研究 参考文献(含开题报告和文献综述)

   [1] 吴悦,闫红伟,杨怡楠,李辉,汪海岩. 城市滨水空间规划设计的初步研究[J]. 黑龙江科技信息, 2017,(12).

   [2] 陈淑君. 关于城市滨水公共空间功能多样性的思考[J]. 山西建筑, 2017,(10).

   [3] 卢刚,王玉虎,张钵,嵇桂霞. 构建苏北滨水城市,促进环境和谐发展——以涟水县城西分区滨水空间规划为例[J]. 江苏城市规划, 2017,(01).

   [4] 孔德宇,李佳. 城市滨水区域空间活力营造[J]. 吉林建筑工程学院学报, 2017,(02).

   [5] 宋伟轩,徐岩,朱喜钢. 城市滨水空间公共性现状与规划思考[J]. 城市发展研究, 2017,(07).

   [6] 姚刚,夏海山. 国外城市滨水区开发新趋势的启示[J]. 徐州建筑职业技术学院学报, 2017,(02).

   [7] 王健,徐怡芳. 城市设计丰富滨水地区的多样化功能[J]. 建筑学报, 2017,(07).

   [8] 张艺. 城市滨水空间开发初探[J]. 山西建筑, 2017,(20).

   [9] 王淑华,王辉. 滨水空间的景观立体化设计[J]. 山西建筑, 2017,(12).

   [10] 刘和, 卜菁华. 从货物港到休闲娱乐中心——重建巴塞罗那VELL港的启示[J]. 规划师, 2004,(03).

   [11] 陈淑君. 关于城市滨水公共空间功能多样性的思考[J]. 山西建筑, 2017,(10).

   [12] 余婷. 合肥滨水地区调研报告[J]. 山西建筑, 2017,(33).

   [13] 魏衍亮. 专利生态图引导竞争策略——基于必要技术的专利情报分析[J]. 中国发明与专利, 2007,(05).


城市景观设计:旅游卫视景观城市印象系列宣传片 世纪盘古 旅游卫视天气预报广告

93; 汝小芳, 王红扬. 从区域层面提升人居环境——以大连市为例[J]. 山东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2007,(02).

   [15] 窦维薇. 京杭运河江苏段景观规划研究[J]. 山西建筑, 2017,(35).




   译文题目 运用景观生态学的概念和标准可持续景观Applying landscape ecological concepts and metrics in sustainable landscape planning

   原稿出处 Andre' Botequilha Leitao, Jack Ahern

   Landscape and Urban Planning 59 (2002) 65—93














   生态规划有很多共同的兴趣,生态关心资源的功能,规划重点,为人类的适当的使用效益.根据展位(1984)声音(短期和长期)筹划离不开兼顾生态.然而,规划的生态原则,采用慢其弹道反映社会的优先权并讨论它们改变了主要是在19世纪和20世纪.现有的理论和方法框架以生态学土地规划和管理的,被开发在过去两个世纪里我们被通知提出的框架.历史上和理论上这些没有进化出独立工作的人.相反,他们彼此的影响规律,赫拉推测,而且在很多情况下,建造之前框架:景观规划,环境影响评估(EIA),土地,scape N论文范文eh和一个生态学报,生态系统管理,环境体制基础的乡村规划和《景观生态规划(中译本)》等.摘 要为了探明的基本前提的起源我们的方法论上的提议,并向识别共同的目标及课题与之前的工作时,我们会简要描述如何规划,并让生态变得完整,如何引用理论属于这早些时候进化.我们相信可持续景观规划的一种自然结果进军的规划训练的进化到21世纪的社会价值,而新的钥匙等(团结的永续概念现在及未来几代人之间,又需要平衡发展与自然),正越来越被认可和嵌入规划设计方法和法律.





   Applying landscape ecological concepts and metrics in sustainable landscape planning


   It is increasingly recognized that more sustainable approaches are needed for planning and managing lands capes world wide. New tools are needed to effectively apply sustainable principles to planning and management. The spatial dimension of sustainability engages processes and relations between different land uses, ecosystems and bio论文范文es at different scales, and over time. Therefore, ecological knowledge is essential when planning for sustainability. The paper briefly reviews the historical role of ecology in planning, and ecological planning and management theories and methodologies. Building on existing ecological planning methods, we h论文范文e developed a conceptual framework for sustain able land scape planning applying land scape ecological concepts and exploring the multiple potential roles of land scape metrics as ecological planning tools. We argue for a mon framework that applies ecological knowledge in land planning, applicable to all physical planning activities. We believe this framework represents a significant contribution to increase the acceptance and use of ecological knowledge across the horizontal sectors planning, and to enhance munication between planners, thus contributing to an increased scientific and cultural consensus for sustainable land scape planning. Numerous quantitative metrics h论文范文e emerged from land scape ecology that are useful for applying land scape ecology concepts to sustain able land scape planning. These metrics are essential tools to address the spatial dimension of sustain ability in a quantitatively rigorous and robust manner. This paper proposes a core (sub)set of metrics, identified through literature reviews, which are understood as the most useful and relevant for land scape planning. A two-part sustain able land scape planning perspective is proposed, integrating horizontal and vertical perspectives. We believe that this dual approach can help to structure and clarify why, where, how and which land scape ecological principles and metrics can most effectively assist planning. We include a demonstration of this approach in the Mill River Watershed, USA. We argue that proper and informed use of land scape metrics will contribute to advance lands cape planning theory and practice towards the goal of sustainability. (2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.)

   Keywords: Sustainability. EcosystemL and management. Landscape ecological planning

   1. Introduction

   New approaches are needed to address the plex issues arising from increasing world population, depletion of resources and decreasing quality of human habitat. The sustain ability paradigm has emerged from these global issues. The term sustain ability was first used in 1980 in IUCN's World Conservation Strategy. The definition approved by the United Nations Food, and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Council in 1988 for sustainable development reads sustain ability is the handling, and conservation of natural resources, and the orientation of technological, and institutional change so as to ensure the continuous sati论文范文action of human needs for present and future generations.

   The sustain able paradigm includes the systems approach, another recent and fundamental paradigm in environ mental sciences. According to Jongman sustain ability is the capacity of the earth to maintain and support life and to persist as a system. The sustain ability concept is arguably relevant to systems from the global to the local scale.

   In this paper we focus on physical planning, one of the four principle currents of planning which also includes: social, public policy and economic planning. The main objective of physical planning is the optimization of the distribution of land uses in an often limited space, focusing on land use allocation. Many scientists believe that promoting sustainability is the overarching goal of landscape (and regional) planning including planning for conservation, protection and appropriate use of land and natural resources. To some sustain ability is the major objective of any planning. Sustainability is multidimensional, involving the maintenance of natural resources and spatial patterns of land use that are ecologically, socially, and economically beneficial. Its spatial dimension is strongly related to the interdependence of land uses, and to spatial processes such as fragmentation.

   Sustainable landscape planning places physical planning in a broader perspective. We include land (re)development to consider the improvement of ecological conditions for planned land uses. We also include land management by adopting adaptive management techniques that apply monitoring as an important part of a sustainable land scape planning process.

   Scale is a key issue in sustain ability planning. Due to the inter dependencies of ecosystems, a planning approach is needed that examines a site in its broader context. The land scape provides an appropriately useful context for sustain able planning, little literature on sustain ability exists at the land scape and regional scales. Yet these scales may be the most important for attaining sustain ability. Many public and private conservation and land management organizations now view a land scape perspective as essential for sound resource management.

   Sustain able ecologically based approaches to planning and management are desirable, and their application is widely advocated. Sustain ability as a theoretical aim is challenged by virtually no one, yet problems and questions arise with its implementation(Cen a,1999). Appropriate tools are needed to apply sustainable principles to planning and management. Landscape ecological concepts and applied metrics are likely to be useful to address the spatial dimension of sustainable planning. In response to this need we propose a conceptual framework for sustain able land scape planning and design to frame the operational objective: "why, where, how, and which landscape ecological concepts and metrics should be applied in planning. "

   2. Historical overview of the role of ecology in planning

   Ecology and planning h论文范文e many mon interests, ecology concerned with the functioning of resources, planning focusing on their appropriate use for human's benefit. According to Booth (1984) sound (short and long term) planning cannot be achieved without due consideration to ecology. However, planning was slow to adopt ecological principles, its trajectory reflecting society's priorities and how they changed mainly in the 19 th and 20th centuries. Existing theory and methodological frameworks in ecologically oriented land planning and management that were developed in the last two centuries inform our proposed framework. Historically and theoretically these did not evolve independently. Rather, they coevolved, influencing one another and, in many cases, building on the frameworks that preceded them: landscape planning, environmental impact asses论文范文ent(EIA),land scape ecology, ecosystem management, environmental systems based rural planning and land scape ecological planning. In order to clarify the origin of the fundamental premises of our methodological proposal, and to identify shared goals and issues with prior work, we will briefly describe how planning and ecology became integrated and how the theories referenced earlier fit into this evolution. We believe that sustain able land scape planning emerges as a natural oute of the evolution of the planning discipline into the 21st century where new social values, such as the key concepts of sustain ability (solidarity between present and future generations, and the need to balance development with nature), are increasingly being recognized and embedded into planning methods and legislation.

   Explicitly or implicitly, ecology was already present in landscape planning in the second half of the 19th century in the work of the landscape architect and planner Frederick Law Olmsted, "pathfinder"for the planning profession in the US(Fabos,1995). The association between planning and ecology was reflected also in Europe in the work of Patrick Geddes, a botanist and a planner from Scotland, and the progenitor of modern town planning (Booth,1984). However since Geddes and until the 1960s the place of ecology in planning declined for three principle reasons. (1)Changing social attitudes in the postwar period. (2)Organization of pressure groups, such as foresters, industrialists, etc. That shaped public opinion. And(3) a misconception about ecology, interpreted as being equivalent only to conservation(Booth,1984).

   In the postwar period, namely in the 1940s and 1950s UK planners were more concerned with managing urban sprawl and with less interested in rural planning and with the conservation of natural resources. The shared assumption was that there was no need for ecological, i.e.environmental concerns since the traditional rural practices would not conflict with other interests such as conservation, recreation, etc. Since then shifts in planning objectives ranged from public health (e.g.planning for urban works of sanitary sewers), engineering considerations, sociological and economics, to environmental quality in the 1970s and 1980s (Roberts and Roberts,1984). In the US, the Great Depression of the 1930s was characterized by chronic economic, social and environmental problems. The focus of conservation observed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries shifted to problems associated with the depression, such as soil conservation. From 1914 to 1955 the US'contribution to world industrial production shifted from 38 to 58 % (Mc Rae,1994). By then there was a growing recognition of the use and abuse of natural resources. Although the language of ecology was not explicitly used the emerging leaders in landscape planning and ecology continued to explore ways to use ecological principles to planning(Ndubisi, 1997). By this time ecology was responding to these new global issues. Eugene Odum's partment model addressed ecosystems and their relationships with human habitats and functions, thus establishing a new ecological model that fully integrated human activities, in marked contrast with the traditional, essentially biocentric approaches of ecologists. Land scape ecology, a new branch of ecology, emerged in Europe in the 1960s with Neef (1963) and Troll (1968). According to Forman and Godron (1986), landscape ecology focuses on(a)the distribution patterns of landscape elements or ecosystems. (2)The flows of animals,plants, energy, mineral nutrients, and water across these elements. And(3) the ecological changes in the landscape mosaic over time (Numata,1995). They defined three fundamental landscape structural elements:patches, corridors, and the matrix that together constitute the widely accepted "Patch Corridor Matrix model" (Forman,1995).

   Landscape ecology introduced several aspects that were important for planning. One fundamental aspect was its explicit attention to the spatial dimension of ecological processes, thus providing a mon language for stronger interactions between ecologists and planners. Vertical relationships (论文范文ology) were integrated with horizontal relationships(chorology).

   The focus on reciprocal pattern and process relation ships offered theory and empirical evidence with which to understand and pare different spatial configurations of land cover (Forman,1995), and enabled the ecological consequences of a plan's spatial configurations to be anticipated. The uses of metrics to support this understanding h论文范文e been limited to scientific research. Few applications of metrics in planning h论文范文e occurred. We maintain that this is due to uncertainly about which metric(s) to apply, and how to interpret the results for planning. A second fundamental aspect was land scape ecology's focus on human ecology, and its orientation towards planning and management, as opposed to more traditional biocentric ecological approaches. Human activities were explicitly considered part of the systems, not as a separate ponent. A third aspect adopted the landscape as its principle unit of study. Together with a systemic, holistic approach, this trans disciplinary science enabled an integrated analysis of the plex human made landscapes that were fast being dominant worldwide. The biotic ponent is no longer studied with the single (and most worthy) purpose of acquiring (ecological) knowledge, but also to provide for better insights about human and natural systems to support planning for sustainable use.




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   城市学院计算分院毕业论文 Abstract

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[2] 城市道路景观设计论文参考文献大全 城市道路景观设计英语参考文献哪里找
[3] 城市道路景观设计论文大纲范文大全 城市道路景观设计论文框架怎样写