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  1. 学时:7月20日第二模块第2学时课程视频









   论文范文思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论,英语,高等数学,建设法规,管理学基础,工程经济学工程施工工程项目管理七,学:3-6年 最低毕业学分授予学位:

   课内总学时实践+ 32学时45.1% 学科基础课程 32+6 14 52 30.1% 专 业 课 程 10+18 12 40 23.1% 第 二 课 堂 / 3 3 1.7% 合 计 130 43 173 100.0% 比 例 75.1% 24.9% 实践教学 50学分 比 例 28.9% 九,专业特色



   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 通识教育 必修 计算机信息类 02524 1.0 16 16 1 2 1 02531 VB程序设计 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 ▲ 02537 VB数据库开发应用技术 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 经济管理类 53695 2.0 32 16 16 4 2 26433 1.0 16 8 8 2 2 74509 3.0 48 32 16 1 3 74510 2.0 32 28 4 2 2 74514 1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74515 2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 74516 3.0 48 42 6 2 3 07501 2.0 128 2 语言类 73508 2 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ 3 73510 英语4 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 73014 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ 63519 A 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 63564 A 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ 63524 B1 5.0 80 80 1 5 ▲ 63525 B2 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 04503 2.0 38 体育与健康类 03502 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 03505 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 04507 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 08501 1.0 36 21 15 3 3 学科基础教育 必修 23535 1.0 16 16 1 2 22599 3.0 48 48 1 3 ▲ 22524 B 2.0 32 24 8 3 2 22616 A 5.0 80 80 3 5 ▲ 21505 3.0 48 48 4 3 23559 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ 23513 2.0 32 32 2 2 ▲ 22612 5.0 80 80 4 5 ▲ 23538 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 22628 4.0 64 64 5 4 ▲ 22553 2.0 32 32 6 2 22630 (双语) 2.0 32 26 6 2 2 22613 3.0 48 42 6 5 3 51598 2.0 32 32 5 2 23554 2.0 32 32 3 2

   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 学科基础教育 选修 15505 建筑设备B 2.0 32 32 5 2 21503 2.0 32 32 5 2 22510 B 2.0 32 32 7 2 22508 3.0 48 48 7 3 23558 3.0 48 48 3 52518 B 2.0 32 32 5 2 52529 B 2.0 32 32 5 2 23530 2.0 32 32 7 2 23560 2.0 32 32 9 2 22590 2.0 32 32 9 2 23561 FIDIC(双语) 2.0 32 32 7 2 必修 23701 2.0 32 32 5 2 ▲ 23539 2.0 32 32 5 2 ▲ 23562 4.0 64 64 6 4 ▲ 23508 2.0 32 32 6 2 ▲ 23502 2.0 32 32 6 2 23504 2.0 32 32 7 2 23506 2.0 32 32 7 2 23546 2.0 32 32 6 2 23557 (双语) 2.0 32 32 7 2 23543 2.0 32 32 7 2 23547 房地产经济学 2.0 32 32 6 2 23501 2.0 32 32 7 2 23540 工程项目管理Ⅱ 2.0 32 32 6 2 23545 2.0 32 32 7 2 23563 工程造价与管理 2.0 32 32 7 2 23564 2.0 32 32 6 2 Access应用(02526) VB数据库开发应用技术(02537) 优秀生 免修 VB数据库开发应用技术(02537) 新生入校后进行计算机水平测试,学生根据不同分级修读相应的课程,其中优秀生第一学期选修"计算机应用与提高(02529)"课程.




   浙江理工大学2017级工程管理专业 选修课最低修读学分一览表

   课程类别 课程归属大类 最低修读学分 是否指定教学计划表内课程选修 备注 通识教育 自然科学类 2 否 工程技术类 2 否 人文艺术类 2 否 经济管理类 4 否 计算机信息类 语言类 2 否 综合类 2 否 体育与健康类 思想政治理论类 学科基础教育 14 是 专业教育 12 是


   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 通识教育 必修 计算机信息类 0252.0 32 32 1 2 1

   0252Access应用 2.0 32 32 1 2 03501 1.0 2W 2W 1 2W 04501 社会实践 1.0 2W 2W 4 2W 见前注1 学科基础教育 必修 22623 1.0 1W 1W 2 1W 22624 1.0 1W 1W 3 1W 21807 1.0 1W 1W 4 1W 22805 1.0 1W 1W 4 1W 22631 2.0 2W 2W 5 2W 必修 23549 1.0 1W 1W 3 1W 23556 2.0 2W 2W 5 2W 23565 4.0 4W 4W 7 4W 23552 2.0 2W 2W 7 2W 23566 (论文) 9.0 16W 16W 8 16W 课程归属大类 最低修读学分 是否指定教学计划表内课程选修 备注 通识教育 学科基础教育 专业教育


   1. "第二课堂教育"共3学分,学生可通过参与科研项目,参加各类学科竞赛或科技文化艺术活动,发表学术论文或文学作品,设计作品,获得发明专利,参加课外自主实验,社会调查,社团活动,获得国家颁布的各类资格证书等多种途径获得第二课堂学分.具体可参见《学生手册》中《浙江理工大学本科生第二课堂学分管理办法》文件.

   2. 体质健康测试:学生每学年测试一次(五年制学生只参加前四年测试),具体测试时间,内容,测试方式,成绩评定等可参见《学生手册》中《浙江理工大学关于落实<国家学生体质健康标准>实施办法》文件.

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   2017 Program Outline of Project Management

   Ⅰ Name of Major: Project Management Code for Major: 120173

   Ⅱ Objectives:

   This program aims to train high-quality interdisciplinary technical talents with practical orientation who develop fully in a variety of aspects such as virtue, intellect, physical education and artistic appreciation in response to the construction of socialist modernization. Students are cultivated to acquire solid foundation of civil engineering technology, basic knowledge of management and economics, strong practical ability, basic theories, methods and techniques of modern management science, and be acquainted with project construction technology and relevant construction regulations. Graduates of this program can be employed in doing project decision-making and life cycle management in the field of project construction.

   Ⅲ Basic Requirements on Knowledge and Abilities

   Requirements of knowledge structure

   (1):Obtain a solid foundation of natural science, good theoretical knowledge of humanities and social science, and humanistic acplishment.

   (2):Master the basic theory and knowledge of management and economics; grasp the organization theory, planning methods and implementation of target control of construction management.

   (3):Master the technical knowledge of civil engineering and the regulations and policies of project construction; be armed with the knowledge of investment decisions, cost accounting and life cycle management in civil engineering projects.

   (4):Master the puter applications knowledge, a foreign language, the basic method of literature query and reading, as well as knowledge of scientific writing.

   Requirements of ability structure

   (1):Acquire the ability of self-study, puter and information technology application, and social munication.

   (2):Exhibit team spirit and practical ability of dealing with project using the professional knowledge of project management.

   (3):H论文范文e the creative thinking ability and an initial capacity of scientific research.

   Requirements of quality structure

   (1):With high ideological and moral qualities, legal awareness and a strong sense of social responsibility.

   (2):With high literary and artistic acplishment and spirit of humane care, h论文范文ing a strong modern sense, awareness of interpersonal munication and awareness of contemporary society and culture.

   (3):Master the method of scientific researches, and focus on the cultivation of creative thinking, ability of prehensive analysis, and awareness of value benefits of the project.

   (4):H论文范文e healthy physical and good mental qualities.

   Ⅳ Main Disciplines

   Management and Civil Engineering.

   Ⅴ Core Courses

   Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics 1, English 4, Advanced Mathematics B1, Construction Rules and Regulations, The Base of Management, Engineering economics, Structures of building, Civil Engineering Construction, Project ManagementⅠ, Project EvaluationⅠ, Real Estate Development and Management, Engineering Construction Bidding and Contract Management.

   Ⅵ Special Courses

   Research Course: Evaluation of Construction Projects

   Bilingual Course: International Project Management,FIDIC Contract and Management,Civil Engineering Materials

   Ⅶ Length of Courses: 3-6 years

   Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Management

   Minimum Credits Required for Graduation: 173

   In-Class Hours: 2325

   Separate Practice Teaching: 34 Weeks+32 Hours

   Ⅷ Proportion of Course Credits

   Course Classification Compulsory Credits Optional Credits Total credits Percentage General Studies 60+4 14 78 45.1% Basic Discipline-related Courses 32+6 14 52 30.1% Major-related Courses 10+18 12 40 23.1% Extracurricular Activities / 3 3 1.7% Total Credits 130 43 173 100.0% Percentage 75.1% 24.9% Practice Teaching 50credits Percentage 28.9% Ⅸ Characteristics of the Major

   This program aims to cultivate high-quality management talents in civil engineering with strong sense of innovation, practical ability and social adaptability. The graduates are equipped with solid foundation in the specialty, knowledge of management, economics and law, as well as strong practical orientation, which make the graduates qualified for the work of project management, evaluation management and real estate management for the construction industry and real estate industry in Zhejiang province.

   2017 Teaching Schedule of Project Management

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note General Education C Computer Sciences 02524 Introduction to Computer Basics 1.0 16 16 1 2 ★ N1 02531 Visual Basic Programming 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 ▲ 02537 The Development and Applications Technology of Database Based on VB 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 Economics and Management 53695 Foundation of Entrepreneur 2.0 32 16 16 4 2 Humanities and Arts 26433 Introduction to Classical Literary Works 1.0 16 8 8 2 2 Ideology and Politics 74509 Ideological and Ethical Cultivation and Foundations of Law 3.0 48 32 16 1 3 74510 The Outline of Modern Chinese History 2.0 32 28 4 2 2 74514 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics 1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74515 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics 2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 74516 Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxi论文范文 3.0 48 42 6 2 3 07501 Current Issues and Policies 2.0 128 N2 Languages 73508 College English 2 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ N3 73510 College English 4 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 73014 English Speaking and Writing 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ College English for Advanced Learners 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ Sciences 63519 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics A 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 63564 Linear Algebra A 3.0 48 48 3 3 ▲ 63524 Advanced Mathematics B1 5.0 80 80 1 5 ▲ 63525 Advanced Mathematics B2 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ Comprehensive 04503 Career Development and Employment Guidance 2.0 38 Physical and Healthy 03502 Physical Education 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 Physical Education 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 Physical Education 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 03505 Physical Education 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 04507 Students' Mental Health Education 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 08501 Military Theory 1.0 21 15 3 3 N 2017 Teaching Schedule of Project Management

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Basic Discipline-related Courses C 23535 Introduction to Project Management as a Discipline 1.0 16 16 1 2 22599 Civil Engineering Drawing 3.0 48 48 1 3 ▲ 22524 Engineering Surveying B 2.0 32 24 8 3 2 22616 Architectural Mechanics A 5.0 80 80 3 5 ▲ 21505 Building Architecture 3.0 48 48 4 3 23559 Essentials of Economics in Project Management 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ 23513 The Base of Management 2.0 32 32 2 2 ▲ 22612 Building Structure 5.0 80 80 4 5 ▲ 23538 Engineering Economics 3.0 48 48 4 3 ▲ 22628 Civil Engineering Construction 4.0 64 64 5 4 ▲ 22553 Construction Rules and regulations 2.0 32 32 6 2 O 22630 Civil Engineering Materials(Bilingual) 2.0 32 26 6 2 2 22613 Soil Mechanics and Soil Foundation 3.0 48 42 6 5 3 51598 Finance and Insurance 2.0 32 32 5 2 23554 Economic Law 2.0 32 32 3 2 15505 Building Equipments B 2.0 32 32 5 2 21503 Principles of Urban Planning 2.0 32 32 5 2 22510 Underground Construction B 2.0 32 32 7 2 22508 Introduction to Roadways and Bridges 3.0 48 48 7 3 23558 Operational Research in project management 3.0 48 48 3 52518 Accounting B 2.0 32 32 5 2 52529 Statistics B 2.0 32 32 5 2 23530 Specialty English 2.0 32 32 7 2 23560 Project Financial Management 2.0 32 32 9 2 22590 Prevention and Reduction of Disasters for Urban and Rural Construction 2.0 32 32 9 2 23561 FIDIC Contract and Management(Bilingual) 2.0 32 32 7 2 Major-related Courses C 23701 Real Estate Development and Operation 2.0 32 32 5 2 ▲ 23539 Engineering Project Management 2.0 32 32 5 2 ▲ 23562 Construction Project Budgeting 4.0 64 64 6 4 ▲ 23508 Construction Biding and Contract Management 2.0 32 32 6 2 ▲ 2017 Teaching Schedule of Project ManagementZhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Major-related Courses O 23502 Finance of Real Estate 2.0 32 32 6 2 23504 Marketing of Real Estate 2.0 32 32 7 2 23506 Introduction of Project Construction Supervision 2.0 32 32 7 2 23546 Construction Information Management 2.0 32 32 6 2 23557 International Project Management(Bilingual) 2.0 32 32 7 2 23543 Construction Project Budgeting 2.0 32 32 7 2 23563 Engineering Cost and Management 2.0 32 32 7 2 23564 Project Financing 2.0 32 32 6 2 23540 Engineering Project Management 2.0 32 32 6 2 23545 Evaluation of Construction Projects 2.0 32 32 7 2 23547 Real Estate Economics 2.0 32 32 6 2 23501 Value Asses论文范文ent of Real Estate 2.0 32 32 7 2 Cost Management PM: Project management RE: Real estate

   1. In evaluation mode column, "▲"means a collectively written examination is required, "★" means a collectively puter examination is required.

   2. Remarks for Note Column

   N1: Computer sciences courses for general studies will be taught in a level-based manner, the arrangement is as follows


   Level 1st Semester 2nd Semester Compulsory Compulsory Basic Level Introduction to Computer Basics(02524) Computer Skills Training(025) Programming(02531) Higher Level Introduction to Computer Basics(02524) The Development and Applications Technology of Database Based on VB(02537) Excellent student Exemption The Development and Applications Technology of Database Based on VB(02537) All freshmen are required to take a puter level test after enrollment, the student can select corresponding courses based on his (her) level. And the excellent student can take "Computer Applications and Improvement (02529)"as an optional course in the first semester.

   N2: The course "Current Issues and Policies" will be lectured for 16 periods and evaluated once each semester, the score of this course will be the 论文范文erage of scores obtained in all academic years.

   N3. Those whose English scores in college entrance examination rank 论文范文 30% among all freshmen of our university are qualified for English level test organized by the university; those who score A grade in both written and oral tests can be exempted from College English 2 and College English 4.

   N4: Apart from 21 periods in class, 15 periods of Military Theory will be given during military training.

   C等于Compulsory, O等于Optional

   The List for Required Minimum Credit of Optional Courses

   2017 Project Management Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification Course Category Required Minimum Credits Whether Only Those Courses Listed in Teaching Schedule Can Be Selected Note General Education Sciences 2 N Engineering 2 N Humanities and Arts 2 N Economics and Management 4 N Computer Sciences 2 Y Languages Comprehensive 2 N Physical and Healthy Ideology and Politics Basic Discipline-related Courses 14 Y Major-related Courses 12 Y

   2017 Schedule of Separate Practical Teaching for

   Project Management Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note General Education C Computer Sciences 02505 Computer Skills Training 2.0 32 32 1 2 Check N1 for detail 02522.0 32 32 1 2 Physical and Healthy 03501 Military Training 1.0 2W 2W 1 2W Comprehensive 04501 Social Practice 1.0 2W 2W 4 2W Computer Sciences 02529 Computer Applications and Improvement 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 Check N1 for detail Basic Discipline-related Courses C 22623 Curriculum Design for Civil Engineering Drawing 1.0 1W 1W 2 1W 22624 Engineering Surveying Practice 1.0 1W 1W 3 1W 21807 Curriculum Design for Building Architecture 1.0 1W 1W 4 1W 22805 Curriculum Design for Building Structure 1.0 1W 1W 4 1W 22631 Curriculum Design for Civil Engineering Construction 2.0 2W 2W 5 2W Major-r


elated Courses C 23549 Cognition Practice 1.0 1W 1W 3 1W 23556 Production Practice 2.0 2W 2W 5 2W 23565 Construction Project Budgeting 1: Curriculum Design and Software Practice 4.0 4W 4W 7 4W 23552 Curriculum Design for Construction Biding and Contract Management 2.0 2W 2W 7 2W 23566 Graduation Design (Thesis) 9.0 16W 16W 8 16W The List for Required Minimum Credit of Separate Practical Teaching 2017 Project ManagementZhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification Course Category Required Minimum Credits Whether Only Those Courses Listed in Teaching Schedule Can Be Selected Note General Education Basic Discipline-related Courses Major-related Courses Extracurricular Activities 3 Note:Students can obtain certain extracurricular credits through a variety of approaches such as participating in research programs, academic petitions, science and cultural arts activities, publishing papers, literary works or design works, obtaining patents, participating in independent experiments, social surveys, club activities, obtaining national certificates of various types, etc.





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