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主题:省级刊物发表论文 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-02





  1. 2.017年公开发表的代表性学术论文
  2. 省级刊物发表论文:论文范文每日电讯:英国一群小学生,玩着就在国际学术刊物发了论文


   序号 论文名称 作者 发表刊物名称 刊物类别 1 马氏环境复合二项模型的条件概率计算 肖临 高校应用数学学报 CSCD,CSCI核心库 2 Endpoint Boundedness for Multilinear Commutator of Littlewood-Paley Operator 曾甲生 《Miskolc Mathematical Notes》 国际一般刊物 3 Endpoint Boundedness for Multilinear Commutator of Littlewood-Paley Operator 曾甲生 《Miskolc Mathematical Notes》 SCI 4 Existence of Nonconstant Periodic Solutions for a Nonlinear Discrete System Involving the p-Laplacian 罗智明 BULLETIN of the MALAYSIAN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES SOCIETY SCI 5 Fast Evaluation of Canonical Oscillatory Integrals 刘莹 Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences SCI 6 低碳消费方式的模糊综合评价 辛玲 消费经济 CSSCI 7 Exceptional family and solvability of copositive plementarity problems 胡清洁 Journal of Mathematical Analysis ang Applications SCI源刊 8 An improved QP-free algorithm for inequality constrained optimization problem 胡清洁 Applied Mathematics and Modelling SCI源刊 9 Second-order duality for non


-differentiable minimax fractional programming 胡清洁 International Journal of Computer Mathematics SCI源刊 10 Mixed type second-order symmetric duality for nonlinear Programming problems involving -bonvex functions 胡清洁 Journal of Computational Analysis and Application SCI源刊 11 基于数字校园的高校管理创新与应用 胡桔州 中国教育信息化 CNKI 12 Approximate controllability for stochastic delay systems with Lévy noise 肖晴初 Proceedings - 2017 5th International Conference on Information and Computing Science, ICIC 2017 EI期刊(会议论文) 13 "苹果"型产品的库存模型与应用 谢小良 湘潭大学学报自然科学版 CSCD 14 信息与计算科学专业人才培养模式与特色研究 胡桔州 创新商科人才培养模式湖南商学院教研教改论文集 社会科学文献出版社 15 Approximate controllability for stochastic delay systems with Lévy noise 肖晴初 Proceedings - 2017 5th International Conference on Information and Computing Science, ICIC 2017 EI期刊(会议论文) 16 On Optimal Inventory Model for Obsolescence Perishable Products under Unpermitted-Stockout. 谢小良 Advanced Manufacturing Systems EI期刊(会议论文)



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