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主题:中文稿件 发表 杂志 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-01-23



中文稿件 发表 杂志论文


  1. 中文稿件 发表 杂志:论文范文曝汪峰及团队干预报道 亲自致电修改稿件


   (2017年8月29—31日,中国 天津)




中文稿件 发表 杂志:论文范文曝汪峰及团队干预报道 亲自致电修改稿件

;应用Linear Algebra and Applications

   数值分析及其应用Numerical Analysis and Applications

   微分方程理论与应用Differential Equations: Theory and Applications

   优化及其应用Optimization and Applications

   概率统计与运筹Probability, Statistics and Operational Research

   计算方法与算法,离散数学,控制理论与应用Algorithms Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Systems and Control

   应用数学教育 Applied Mathematics Education

   数学建模与数理金融Mathematical Modeling and Mathematical Finance

   会议征稿:原则上采用英文稿件, 经程序委员会审稿录用的稿件将全部安排在《WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics》(EI 检索)正刊发表.若是中文稿件将推荐到国内期刊正刊上发表.

   论文写作要求:英文稿件(双栏)不少于10页不超过30 页;论文基本上具有自完备性.参考文献要求完整:作者,文章名,期刊,年, 期,页码.需经由网站worldses.org/transactions/ 的投稿系统投稿(选择regular paper).中文稿件,则需符合中文期刊要求.(附件:会议论文模板)


   投稿截止:2017年6月30日. 参会注册:2017年6月30日

   会议召开:2017年8月29—31日. 论文录用通知:2017年8月29日

   刘徽应用数学中心 天津大学数学系

   Title of the Paper (16pt Times New Roman, Bold, Centered)

   AUTHORS' NAMES (Capital, 12pt Times New Roman, centered)

   Department (12pt Times New Roman, centered)

   University (12pt Times New Roman, centered)

   Address (12pt Times New Roman, centered)

   COUNTRY (Capital, 12pt Times New Roman, centered)

   youremailaccount@xxx.xxx.xx yourwebaddress.xxx.xx (12pt Times New Roman, centered)

   Abstract: - This is a sample of the format of your full paper. Use Word for Windows (Microsoft) (or equivalent Word Processor with exactly the same "printing results") by tuning -1.3 cm from right and -1.3 cm from left in the Microsoft Word package, or equivalently by keeping 1.8 cm, real distance, from right and 1.8 cm, real distance, from left. Use single space. Use double-column format after the Key-Words. Use 11pt, Times New Roman. For the words Abstract, Key-Words and References use Italics.

   Key-Words: - Le论文范文e one blank line after the Abstract and write your Key-Words (6 - 10 words)

   1 Introduction

   As you can see for the title of the paper you must use 16pt, Centered, Bold, Times New Roman. Le论文范文e one blank line and then type AUTHORS' NAMES (in Capital, 12pt Times New Roman, centered), Department (in 12pt Times New Roman, centered), University (in 12pt Times New Roman, centered), Address (in 12pt Times New Roman, centered), COUNTRY (in Capital, 12pt Times New Roman, centered). Then you must type your e-mail address youremailaccount@xxx.xxx.xx and your Web Site address yourwebaddress.xxx.xx (both in 12pt Times New Roman, centered).

   The heading of each section should be printed in 论文范文all, 14pt, left justified, bold, Times New Roman.

   You must use numbers 1, 2, 3, 等 for the sections' numbering and not Latin numbering (I, II, III, 等)

   2 Problem Formulation

   Please, le论文范文e two blank lines between successive sections as here.

   Mathematical Equations must be numbered as follows: (1), (2), 等, (99) and not (1.1), (1.2),等, (2.1), (2.2),等 depending on your various Sections.

   2.1 Subsection

   When including a subsection you must use, for its heading, 论文范文all letters, 12pt, left justified, bold, Times New Roman as here.

   2.1.1 Sub-subsection

   When including a sub-subsection you must use, for its heading, 论文范文all letters, 11pt, left justified, bold, Times New Roman as here.

   3 Problem Solution

   Figures and Tables should be numbered as follows: Fig.1, Fig.2, 等 etc Table 1, Table 2, 等.etc.

   If your paper deviates significantly from these specifications, our Publishing House may not be able to include your paper in the Proceedings. When citing references in the text of the abstract, type the corresponding number in square brackets as shown at the end of this sentence [1].

   4 Conclusion

   Please, follow our instructions faithfully, otherwise you h论文范文e to resubmit your full paper. This will enable us to maintain uniformity in the conference proceedings as well as in the post-conference luxurious books by WSES Press. The better you look, the better we all look. Thank you for your cooperation and contribution. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Conference.


   [1] X1. Author, Title of the Paper, International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.X, No.X, 20XX, pp. XX-XX.

   [2] X2. Author, Title of the Book, Publishing House, 19XX


中文稿件 发表 杂志引用文献:

[1] 投给中文杂志的文章要查重吗
[2] 发表中文文章要不要查重呀
[3] 晋升职称发表中文综述查重率要求
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