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主题:翻译英语怎么说 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-28





  1. 翻译英语怎么说:英语在线翻译带发音 英语在线翻译及发音 英语翻译发音 英语发音翻译器 英语翻译发音软




   序号 专业

   班级 题 目 1 200509300101(1班) On the Interpersonal and Textual Functions of Ugly Duchling《丑小鸭》中人际功能与语篇功能 2 102 The Application of CL in Oral English Classes合作学习在英语口语课堂上的应用 3 103 The Journey Metaphoric Thinking Pattern in Constructing Innovation and Conventionalization of College English Speeches;大学生英语演讲辞创新性与规约性建构的旅程式隐喻思维模式 4 104 A Contrastive Study of American and Chinese Family Education 中美家庭教育之比较研究 5 105 A Study of English and Chinese Appellations from the Perspective of Cultural Differences 从文化差异角度看英汉称谓语 6 106 On Hawthorne's Vision of Love-----From the Ascetici论文范文 in The Scarlet Letter 从宗教禁欲主义看《红字》中霍桑的爱情观 7 107 A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Traditional Views on Marriage —— Different Destinies of Elizabeth and Lin Daiyu中西传统婚姻观的跨文化对比--林黛玉和伊丽莎白的不同命运 108 A Comparative Study on the Main Characters' Views on Love in Jane Eyer and Wuthering Heights 《简爱》和《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公爱情观的比较分析 9 110 On the Translation of Mark Twain's Political Humor 论马克? 吐温的政治幽默的翻译 10 111 On American Family Values in Desperate Housewives 论电视剧《绝望的主妇》中的美国家庭观 11 112 A Comparison of Two Translations of A Dream of Red Mansions in Terms of Color Terminologies 12 113 An Analysis of the Irony Speech Act in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽言语行为? 13 114 A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Wittici论文范文 英汉俏皮话对比分析 115 On Natural Imagery and Symboli论文范文 in The Bluest Eye 论《最蓝的眼睛》中的自然意象与象征 15 116 No Advocacy of the Tough Man Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》没有提倡硬汉精神 16 117 Horrible Elegance — An Analysis of the Character of Dr. Hannibal Lecter Created by Thomas Harris 恐怖的优雅——托马斯?哈里斯笔下汉尼拔?莱克特博士人物分析 17 118 On the Comparison of Life Philosophy between Walden and Moment in Peking 《瓦尔登湖》和《京华烟云》中生活哲学的对比思考 18 119 ?On Xuchi's American Essay Translation --- A Research into Thoreau's Walden 徐迟的美国散文翻译-—以梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》为例 19 120 "Viewing" ?A?Room?with?a?View 小说的视觉美——"看"《看得见风景的房间》 20 121 The Influence of Chinese on English as a Foreign Language 21 122 On the Chinese college students' understanding and application of?non-sexist English language 论中国大学生对英语非性别歧视语言的了解和应用 22 123 The Pragmatic Use of Irony in Oliver Twist 试论《雾都孤儿》里的反语的语用功效 23 124 The Application of Sense-based Theory in Translating Poems 释意理论在诗歌翻译中的运用 24 125 On English Village Customs in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》中的英国乡村风俗习惯研究 25 126 On Orientali论文范文 in the English Movie The Painted Veil 浅析英文电影《面纱》中的东方主义视角 26 127 An Overlook at the Moral Concept in The Scarlet Letter from the Red Letter"A" 从红字"A"看《红字》的道德主题 27 128 A Great Detective's Memoir---The Analysis of Poirot from Agatha Christie 大侦探小传--阿加莎克里斯蒂笔下的波洛形象分析 129 A Study of Visual Thinking in The Moon and Sixpence 论《月亮与六便士》的视觉思维 29 130 Manifestation of Femini论文范文 in Daphne du Maurier's Novel Jamaica Inn 达芙妮小说《牙买加客栈》女权主义的表现 30 200520300121(1班) On the Influence of the Translator's Cultural Background on Translation --- a Comparison of Translations of The Old Man and the Sea by Yu Guangzhong and Zhang Ailing

   序号 专业

   班级 题 目 1 201(2班) Lexical Features of Journalist English 新闻英语的词汇特征 202 On the Feminist Narrative Voice in Jane Eyre 论《简爱》中的女性主义叙述声音 3 203 Analysis of the Causes of Hurstwood's Tragedy in Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》中赫斯特伍德的悲剧形象分析 4 204 Cultural Differences Between Chinese Advertisements and American Advertisements 中美广告体现的文化差异 5 205 A Comparative Study of two Translations of the Monologue in Lolita《洛丽塔》心理独白两种译文的比较研究 6 206 A Study on the Translation of the Culture Elements in Source Language 翻译中的源语文化因素研究 7 207 Application of Color Psychology in Multimedia Courseware Design多媒体课件设计中色彩心理的应用 8 208 An Analysis of the Low Passing Ratio of BEC and Considerations on Business English Teaching 商务英语考试低通过率分析和商务英语教学思考 9 209 A Study of Intertextuality in The Lord of the Rings 《指环王》中的互文性研究 10 210 An Analysis of Abbreviations in Online Chatroom网络聊天中的缩略语分析 11 211 A Cognitive Comparison of Temporal-Spatial Expressions in English, Chinese and Japanese 英语,汉语和日语中时空表达的认知对比研究 12 213 On the Symboli论文范文 in The Old Man and the Sea论《老人与海》里的象征主义 214 On the Translation of Political News from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 从目的论角度论政治新闻的翻译 14 215 The Effect of Intercultural Communication Competence on Succes论文范文ul International Marketing跨文化交际能力对成功营销的作用 15 216 A Study of Racial Discrimination in Light in Agust 论《八月之光》的论文范文问题 16 217 Feng yidai's American Drama Translation and E. Hemingway's The Fifth Column 冯亦代的美国剧本翻译与E.海明威的《第五纵队》 17 218 An Analysis on Eric's Loniness in Phantom of the Opera对《歌剧魅影》中男主人公埃里克孤独面的分析 18 219 A Study of Puns: Translability and Untranslability 探析双关语的可译性与不可译性 19 220 Translation of Kinship Terms in A Dream of Red Mansions 从《红楼梦》看亲属称谓的翻译 20 221 An Analysis of the Image of China in the Nieenth Centurys--The Interpretation of Chinese Characteristics by Arthur Henderson Smith十九世纪中国的形象—论明恩溥《中国人的脸谱》 21 222 An Exploration of Chinglish Through the English Translation of Chinese Public Signs 从公示语的英译探析中国式英语 22 223 Rhetoric Features of John F. Kennedy's Political Speeches 美国总统肯尼迪政治演说词的修辞特征 23 224 Cooperative Learning in EFL Writing? 谈英语写作中的合作学习 24 225 The Differences between Chinese and American Family Education Culture -- By the Comparison of Home with Kids and Growing Pains 中美家庭教育文化的差异-----《家有儿女》与《成长的烦恼》的比较 25 226 On Foreignizating Translation Around the May Fourth Movement from the Pe

翻译英语怎么说:英语在线翻译带发音 英语在线翻译及发音 英语翻译发音 英语发音翻译器 英语翻译发音软

rspective of Skopos Theory 从目的论看五四运动时期翻译的异化 26 227 A Study of Teachers' Role in Autonomous Learning 教师在自主学习中的角色的研究 27 228 On the Relationship between Language and Culture from the Perspective of Chinese and Western Values 从中国和西方价值观看语言与文化的关系 28 229 The Influence of Mother Tongue and Englisn on English Majors' Acquisition of Japanese Lexem 英语专业学生的母语和英语对日语词汇学习的影响 29 230 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Inter Vocabulary Coinage 中英网络词汇的造词法对比研究

   序号 专业

   班级 题 目 1 301(3班) On the "Three Beauty" Principles in Translating Song Ci 浅议宋词英译中的三美原则 2 302 A Probe into Pragmatic Compensatory Strategies for Passive Words in English Impromptu Speeches;英语即席演讲中消极词汇的语用补偿策略探析 303 On the Function of Chunk Theory in Vocabulary Acquisition 谈词块理论在词汇习得中的作用 4 304 Effective Teacher-written Feedbacks in Writing Classes 英语写作中教师有效的书面反馈 5 305 On Chinese-English Translation of University Websites—Viewed from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 从功能目的理论看高校网站英译 6 306 Effects of Social and Cultural Background on the History of Chinese Literary Translation 论社会文化背景对中国文学翻译史的影响 7 308 An Interpretation of the Art of the Absurd of Waiting for Godot 论《等待戈多》的荒诞艺术 8 309 A Brief Study of American Individuali论文范文 浅谈美国个人主义 310 The Theory of Functional Equivalence Applied in Translating English Literary Essays - A Case Study Based on Of Study Translated by Wang Zuoliang 功能对等理论在英语文学散文翻译中的适用性--对<<论读书>>王佐良译本的个案分析 10 311 On Translation of? English?Film Titles from the Perspective of Chinese Culture 中国文化视野下的英文片名的汉译? 11 312 A Study of the Informative Function of? Body Language 体态语信息功能研究 12 313 Listening Comprehension in Interpretation口译中的听力理解 13 314 The Differences of Willingness to Communicate (WTC) between English majors and Non-English Majors 英语专业和非英语专业学生交际意愿的差异 14 315 A Study of Self-regulated Vocabulary Learning Capacity of Non-English Major Students 非英语专业学生词汇自主学习能力研究 15 316 On the Moral Theme of Lolita 论《洛丽塔》的道德主题 16 317 A Tentative Analysis of the Wandering of Augie March in Two Worlds 试析奥吉·马奇在两个世界的流浪 17 318 A Study of Body Language in Cross-Cultural Communication 身势语的跨文化研究 18 319 A Study on the Motivation in English-Majors' Writing 英语专业学生的写作动机分析 19 320 A Study of Chinese Folk Culture and Its Translation 民俗文化及其翻译研究 20 321 An Analysis of the Interpersonal Function in Obama's Speeches 奥巴马演说辞的人际功能分析 21 322 A Cross-Cultural Study of Differences of Time Conception Between China and Western Countries 从跨文化角度看中西方时间观差异 22 323 A Comparative Study Of Different Versions Of The Analects《论语》各个译本的比较 23 324 A Study of Creative Treason in Advertisement Translation 广告翻译中的创造性叛逆 24 325 The Metaphorical Use of "Heart" in Ancient Poetry — A Study of Embodiment of Mind 透过"心"在古诗词中的隐喻运用看心智的体验观 25 327 On the Scenario Distribution of Figures of Speech in College English Speaking Corpora 修辞格在大学生英语演讲文本中的图谱分布说略 26 328 A Brief Study of Femini论文范文 in Lousy and Coure 试论《末路狂欢》中的女性主义 27 329 An Analysis of Relevance of Parody in English Advertisement英语广告中彷拟的相关性 28 330 An Analysis of the Linguistic Features of the Political News in The Washington Post 华盛顿邮报中政治新闻的语言特征分析 29 200519100130(3班) An Analysis of the Redemption and Puritani论文范文 in The Shawshank Redemption 论《肖申克的救赎》中的救赎观及清教主义

   序号 专业

   班级 题 目 1 402(4班) Gulliver's Tr论文范文els in Ecological Perspective 生态视野下的《格列佛游记》 2 403 A Study of Femini论文范文 in The Grapes of Wrath 《愤怒的葡萄》中的女权主义研究 3 405 An Ecocritical Interpretation Of Rappaccini's Daughter 从生态批评的角度解读《拉巴契尼的女儿》 4 406 The Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Weddings (中西方婚礼文化异同探究) 5 407 On the Translation of Appellations from a Cultural Perspective 从中西文化差异的角度探析称谓语翻译 6 408 The Ecological Consciousness Reflected in The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》中反映的生态意识 7 409 The Plight of Survival under Black Humor——An Analysis of Joseph Heller's Catch-22 黑色幽默下的生存困境——浅析约瑟夫?海勒的小说《第二十二条军规》 8 410 Law of Survival — On Coloniali论文范文 in Robinson Crusoe 生存之法——论《鲁宾逊漂流记》中的殖论文范文义 9 411 On the Symbolic Functions of the Environment in Tess of the D'Urbervilles 论《苔丝》中环境的象征功能 10 412 Zhu Weizhi's English Literary Translation--- A Study of John Milton's Paradise Lost 朱维之的英国文学翻译——以弥尔顿的《失乐园》为例 11 413 A Study of Euphemi论文范文 in English Idioms 英语习语中的委婉语研究 12 416 An Interpretation of the Truth and Fiction in Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence 解读毛姆小说《月亮与六便士》中的真实与虚构 13 417 "Beauty of Death" and "Death of Beauty"——A Discussion on Allan Poe's Opinion of Death "死亡之美"与"美人之死"——爱伦坡死亡观的再谈讨 14 418 A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Cultures Reflected by Euphemi论文范文 on Death从死亡委婉语看中西文化异同 15 420 On the Image of Hester ——A Social Reflection of the Improving Ideas of Christianity in the 19th Century America 《红字》女主人公海斯特的形象分析——作为十九世纪美国基督教信仰变化的社会反映 16 421 On Cooperation Rebuilding in Zhang Guruo's Translation Of Tess of the D'Urbervilles 从合作原则角度析张谷若《苔丝》译本 17 422 An Analysis of Different Translations of Libai's Poems对李白诗歌不同翻译版本的分析研究 18 423 A Study of Conversational Implicature from the Perspective of Relevance Theory 从关联理论看会话中的隐含义 19 424 Tess as a Comedy 《苔丝》的喜剧性分析 20 425 An Analysis of the Psychological and Moral Growing of Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 试析《哈克贝利·芬》中哈克的心理和道德成长 21 426 On the Traslation of Names of Government Organizations 政府机构名称的英汉互译 22 427 From Hong Lou Meng to The Story of the Stone---A Postcolonial Perspective on the Translation of Hong Lou Meng 从红楼梦到石头记---以后殖论文范文义视角看红楼梦的翻译 23 428 On the Use of?Domestication and Foreignization in Translating Subtitles---A Case Study of Kungfu Panda 24 429 On Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from Idioms 从习语看中西文化差异 25 430 A Studyof Anti-Sl论文范文ery Literature Through Uncle Tom's Cabin 从《汤姆叔叔的小屋》看废奴文学 26 200520300118(4班) A Study of Slang's Application in Celebrity Speeches and its Cultural Characteristics and Social Functions 俚语在名人演说辞中的应用及其反映的文化特征和社会功能

   序号 专业

   班级 题 目 1 501(5班) A Sino-Western Cross-Cultural Study of Education in the Moral Domain中西道德教育的跨文化研究 2 502 The Application of English Euphemi论文范文 in International Business Communication 国际商务沟通中英语委婉语的运用 3 503 On the Themes and the Writing Techniques of The Snows of Kilimanjaro 论《乞力马扎罗的雪》的主题思想和写作手法 4 504 The Subversion of Gender Dichotomy--Virginia Woolf's Androgynous Vision性别二元对立的消融--弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙的双性同体思想 5 505 The Impacts of Linguisitic Ambiguity on Translation/ 论语言的歧义性对翻译的影响 506 The?Main Linguistic Features of Wenzhou Dialect?and its?Due Position in?Chinese Society 温州话的主要语言特点及其在中国社会应有的地位 7 507 A Study of Semantic Vacancy of Emotional Tran论文范文ission and its Translation Strategies(论翻译中情感传达的语义缺失及其翻译策略) 8 508 The Distortion and Corruption of American Dream: A Reading of The Godfather 论《教父》中美国梦的扭曲和幻灭 9 509 The Impact of Cultural Differences on Sino-US Business Negotiations 文化差异对中美商务磋商的作用 10 510 An Analysis of Consumeri论文范文 Reflected in Sister Carrie 浅析消费主义观念在《嘉莉妹妹》中的体现 11 511 An Analysis of the Chinese Images in The Good Earth 《大地》的中国人物形象分析 12 512 A Reading of Lolita from the Perspective of Consumeri论文范文 从消费主义角度解读《洛丽塔》 13 514 Factors of Greek Mythology in English Vocabulary/ 英语词汇中的希腊神话要素 515 Refusal Strategies in International Business Communication国际商务沟通中的拒绝策略 15 516 An Analysis of Rebel Images in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的反叛者形象分析 16 517 On the Cultural Mistranslating in Lin Shu's Translation of The Record of Jokes in the Light of Reception Theory 17 518 The Cinderella Complex in?Reality -- Jane Austen's Romantic Reali论文范文 现实中的灰姑娘情节 --- 简·奥斯汀的浪漫现实主义 18 519 On Western and Chinese Cultural Differences in the Use of Non-Verbal Taboos 论中西文化在非语言禁忌上的差异 19 520 On The Last Cowboy in The Bridges of Madison County 《麦迪逊桥》最后的牛仔 20 521 On the Origin and Formation of Abbreviations in Business English and Their EC Translation Strategies商务英语缩略语的起源,构成及其英译中的翻译策略 21 522 English Vocabulary Teaching on the Basis of Morphologican Analysis/基于词形分析的英语词汇教学 523 On the Westernization of the Connotation of Chinese Face?with Globalization全球化背景下中国面子内涵的西化 23 524 On Chinese Translation of Headlines of Business News经济类英语新闻标题的汉译 24 525 Voice from the Margin: the Exploration of Discourse Power of Chinese American Women in The Women Worrior 来自边缘的声音:《女勇士》中华裔女性对话语权的探索 25 526 The Dragon Culture ------An Analysis of Its Differences between China and Western Countries 龙文化—中西方龙文化不同点分析 26 527 The Interpretation of the Mother Image and Mother-daughter Relationship in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club解读谭恩美《喜福会》中的母亲形象与母女关系 27 528 A Tentative Approach to the Image of Wolf in Jack London's Works 试论杰克·伦敦作品中狼的意象 28 529 On How to Handle the Fuzzy Imformation in Interpretation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 从目的论角度研究口译中的模糊信息处理 29 529 On How to Handle the Fuzzy Imformation in Interpretation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 从目的论角度研究口译中的模糊信息处理 30 530 An Analysis of Black Women's Tragedy and Rebellion in Beloved解析《宠儿》中黑人女性的悲剧性与抗争性 31 200509300531(5班) The Art of Negotiation – A Case Study of The Apprentice 谈判的艺术 — 以《学徒》为例

   序号 专业

   班级 题 目 1 601(6班) A Cultural Interpretation of the Image of Needlework in The Scarlet Letter 《红字》中针线意象的文化解读 2 602 The Influence of American TV Series on the Acquisition of EFL (论美剧对英语学习的影响) 3 604 On the Playful Use of Words in Alice in the Wonderland and Its Ironical Critici论文范文 toward Victorian Society 浅析爱丽斯漫游仙境中的文字游戏及其对维多利亚时期社会的讽刺 4 605 The Management of Conflicts between Individuali论文范文 and Collectivi论文范文 In the Culturally Diversified Workforce 多元文化背景工作团队中个人主义与集体主义冲突的管理 5 606 The Influence of Translators' Different Cultural Backgrounds on the Translation of Chinese Classics——An Analysis of Two Translations of Sun Tzu's Art of War 译者文化背景差异对古籍翻译的影响--论<<孙子兵法>>的两个译本的差异 6 608 The Important Role of Cultural Competence in Learning English Idioms 文化能力在英语习语学习中的重要性 7 609 Farewell to New York--A Study of Alienation of Holden's Characteristics and His Self-rescue in The Catcher in the Rye 永别了,纽约—论《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿性格的异化和自我救赎 8 610 An Analysis of Consumeri论文范文 In The Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》的消费主义分析 9 611 On the Phenomenon of Non-equivalence of Color Words in Translation 颜色词在翻译中的非对应现象 10 612 An Analysis of Translating Manipulation in the Original English Work Moment in Peking 论《京华烟云》英文原着中的翻译痕迹 11 613 The Impact of Language on the Intercultural Corporation Management 语言对跨文化企业管理的影响 12 614 The Analysis of the Interaction Between English and Chinese Language?and Religious Culture 浅析英汉语言与宗教文化的互动性 13 615 On the Interpersonal Function of Idioms 论习语的人际功能 14 616 A Study of English Slang's Influences on College English Learners in China 对英语俚语在中国大学英语学习者中影响的研究 15 617 A Comparative Study of Three English Versions of Congcong《匆匆》三个英译本的对比赏析 16 618 Uncle Tom:a Christian Spirit 汤姆叔叔的基督教精神分析 17 619 An Analysis of Body Language Through Bill Clinton 以克林顿为例 解析体态秘语 18 620 ?On the Image of the Mad Narrator?in The Yellow Wallpaper 论《论文范文壁纸》中的疯癫叙述者形象 19 621 A Cognitive Analysis of Dynamic Context 动态语境的认知分析 20 622 An analysis of The Hundred Secret Senses from the Perspective of Orientali论文范文 试析《灵感女孩》的东方主义 21 623 A U论文范文ia for Children: A Tentative Reading of J.M.Barrie's Peter Pan 孩子们的乌托邦:论巴里的小说《彼得潘》 22 624 Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English Reflected from" Ass Kissing" 从拍马屁中反反映出来的汉英语言文化差异 23 625 A Tentative Study of Chinglish in Translation 翻译中的中式英语现象 24 626 Exploration on the Development of Chinese Names and English Names From a Cultural Aspect. 汉英姓名演变探究 627 The Ignored Mr.Chatterley: A Psychoanalytical Reading of Clifford in Lady Chatterley's Lover 被忽视的查泰来先生:《查泰来夫人的情人》中克利福德的心理分析 26 628 On the Interpersonal Functional Meaning of Double Discourse Markers in the Construction of English Speaking Text 试论双重话语标记语在英语演讲语篇建构中的人际功能意义 27 629 An Ecofeminist Interpretation of The Good Earth 《大地》的生态女性主义解读 28 200520300312(6班) Decoding the Chinese from Russell's Perspective 破译中国人---谈罗素笔下的中国人 29 200519100112(6班) A Study of Visuality in William Blake's Poems 威廉布莱克诗歌的视觉性研究



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