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  1. 英语在线翻译:英语在线翻译带发音 英语在线翻译及发音 英语翻译发音 英语发音翻译器 英语翻译发音软

英 语 专业 2004 级毕业论文课题汇总表

   学号 姓 名 指导教师 论 文 题 目 选题类型 评定等级 备 注 200407010101 刘余 熊 欣 On Charm of English Teacher's Personality in English Teaching英语教学中教师的人格魅力 200407010102 皮玲玲 刘淑芳 Contrast of Negative Usage in Translation Between English and Chinese英汉互译中否定用法的对比 200407010103 王晓琳 刘开军 A Brief Analysis of the Horrible Atomsphere in Jane Eyer浅析《简爱》中的恐怖气氛 200407010104 夏芬 刘开军 A Brief Analysis of the Contraditions of the two Heroes in Pride and Prejudice简析《傲慢与偏见》中两主人公的矛盾性 200407010105 徐静平 杨革新 Cultural Differences Untranslatability of English to Chinese Translation英汉翻译中的文化差异 200407010106 王立阳 何敏慧 A Comparison of the Formation and Usage English–Chinese Compounds论中英文复合词的比较 200407010107 梅丽君 刘开军 Verbification of English to Chinese Translation英汉翻译中的词语动化现象 200407010108 周敏婕 张杨莉 On the Conflict Between Wildness and Civilization in Wuthering Heights论《呼啸山庄》中野性与文明的冲突 200407010109 祝思敏 刘肇云 The Scarlet Letter—Conflict Between Social Man and Natural Man论《红字》中社会论文范文自然人的冲突 200407010110 王凤 李金姝 The Application and Translation of Passive Voice in Business English商务英语中被动语态的应用与翻译 200407010111 郭曼 熊云甫 Femini论文范文 in the Taming of the Shrew《驯悍记》中的女权主义 200407010112 韩桂英 刘肇云 Contrast Between Femini论文范文 of Jane Eyer and American Femini论文范文 from the 20th century《简爱》中的女权主义和20世纪以来美国女权主义的对比 200407010113 皮敏 刘波 An Analysis of Henry's Character in A Farewell to Arms评析《永别了,武器》中亨利的人物形象 200407010114 王芳 郭炜峰 On the Black Humor in Catch—22论《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默 200407010115 孔婕 焦爱勇 Skills of the Translation of Chinese and English Film Titles中外电影片名的英汉互译技巧 200407010116 赵丹 焦爱勇 Language Skills in Business Negotiation商务谈判的语言艺术技巧 200407010117 文静 张杨莉 A Study of Robinson's Philosophy of Life and Creativity鲁宾逊的人生观与创新意识探究 200407010118 刘艳艳 刘波 Analysis of the Hero'Characteristics in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn谈《哈克贝里费恩历险记》主人公的性格特征 200407010119 曾环石 刘肇云 Writing Style of English News and the Characteristics of Its Title英语新闻的文体风格及其标题特色 200407010121 卢艺丹 张杨莉 On the Didactic Critici论文范文 in Gullivers' Tr论文范文els论《格列佛游记》中的批评性与教义性 200407010122 庄理惠 谭习刚 Cultural Diversity and Business Management多元文化和企业管理 200407010123 李敏 熊云甫 An Inquiry into the Tragedy of Herzog赫索格的悲剧探因

英语在线翻译:英语在线翻译带发音 英语在线翻译及发音 英语翻译发音 英语发音翻译器 英语翻译发音软

200407010124 张伟 熊琳芳 A Comparison of American Dream Between Franklin and Gatsby富兰克林和盖茨比的美国梦的对比 200407010125 王婷 谭习刚 Skills of Cross-cultural Communication Between East and West东西方跨文化交际技巧 200407010126 任莹 熊云甫 On Characterization of Emma《爱玛》小说中爱玛的人物塑造 200407010127 盛梦丽 宗乐善 Wording Feature and Writing of Foreign Trade Correspondence外贸函电的语言特征与写作 200407010128 李娟 李智 On the Pragmatic Function of Euphemi论文范文 in Business谈委婉语在商务活动中的语用功能 200407010129 何姗姗 熊云甫 Analysis of the Tragic Fate of LinDaiyu论林黛玉的悲剧命运 200407010130 张亚 熊云甫 The Characterization of the Blackman in Uncle Tom's Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑人形象的塑造 200407010131 刘丽蓉 杨革新 Love and War –An Analysis of A Farewell to Arms爱情与战争—论《永别了武器》 200407010132 张美珍 杨革新 Transcendentali论文范文 in The Scarlet letter超验主义在《红字》中的体现 200407010133 马妮 刘波 On the Causes of Tess's Tragedy—on Reading Tess of the D'Urbervilles论苔丝悲剧的原因—读《德伯家的苔丝》

   200407010134 邹红 陈兴 The Application of Pictures in EnglishTeaching 图片运用与英语教学 200407010135 袁美荣 何敏慧 Influence of Biblical Language on the English Glossary圣经语言对英语词汇的影响 200407010136 陈艳 宁云中 A Cultrural Analysis of the Diffrences Between Chinese and EnglishCommunicative Languages 从文化角度分析英汉社交的差异 200407010137 郭琼 刘波 A Study of Femine Consciousness Reflected in Pride and Prejudice论《傲慢与偏见》中女性意识的体现 200407010138 覃勤 宁云中 On Wordsworth's View of Nature论华兹华斯的自然观 200407010139 阳兰兰 陈兴 On Foreign Language Testing's Influence On English Teaching论外语测试对英语教学的影响 200407010140 张利 何敏慧 The Application of Metaphors in EnglishTeaching隐喻在英语教学中的运用 200407010141 娄珂 鲍 静 Task Teaching in Spoken English in Junior Middle School :Problems and Solutions任务型教学法在初中口语教学中所出现的问题及对策 200407010142 林琳 宗乐善 Comparison Between Chinese and American Basketball Culture中美篮球文化比较 200407010143 李俊宏 李智 The Euphemi论文范文 in Western Political Comics西方政治漫画中的委婉语 200407010144 许俊 熊云甫 The Characterization of The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》人物性格分析 200407010145 曾小霞 熊欣 Impact of Social Values on Tragic Character :A Comparion of Tess and Yuanyang 社会价值观对悲剧人物的影响对比苔丝与鸳鸯 200407010146 覃黎黎 张杨莉 On the Artistic Features of Thomas Gray's Elegy论托马斯·格雷挽歌的艺术特色 200407010201 刘玲 娄胜平 On Inter-translation of Chinese and English Idioms from the perspective of the Translaton Aesthetics从翻译美学角度谈中西语互译 200407010202 肖肖 陈兴 Cooperative Learning and Recitation Language Input in English Language Teaching论合作学习法和背诵语在英语教学中的运用 200407010203 刘冬 娄胜平 A Comparison? of Animal's Symbolic Meaning between Chinese and English英汉词汇中动物象征意义的比较 200407010204 石晓鸣 范丽娜 Comparation of family education between China and America中美家庭教育的比较 200407010205 肖木兰 陈兴 Linguistics development and content of culture in English language teaching从语言学的发展看文化语境与英语教学 200407010206 伍芳 鲍静 On Analysis of CultureIntroductiion in high School English Reading论高中英语阅读教学中的文化导入 200407010207 罗菲 刘肇云 The Proprieties in Business Negotiation 商务谈判中的礼仪 200407010208 吴丽娟 熊云甫 The Heroi论文范文 of The Old Man and the Sea 论《老人与海》的英雄主义 200407010209 陈玲 吴传凤 How to Develop Students' Cross-cultural Communicative Competence怎样培养学生的跨文化交际能力 200407010210 胡繁 吴传凤 Some Problems and the Contermeasures in Vocabulary Teaching of English英语教学中的词汇问题与措施 200407010211 周然 吴传凤 On the Function of Chinese in Listening and Speaking Teaching in Senior High School汉语在高中英语听,说教学中的作用 200407010212 吴倩 吴传凤 On the Application of Task-based Teaching in College Englsih Teaching任务型教学在大学教学中的应用 200407010213 任家仪 莫善清 On the Female Characters in Hemingway's Novel关于海明威小说中的女性角色 200407010214 张红 吴传凤 Application of cooperative learning in college English teaching合作学习在大学英语教学中的应用 200407010215 胡娇 吴传凤 On Cultivating and Stimulating Students' Motivations in Middle School English Teaching论中学英语教学在学生学习动机的培养与激发 200407010216 龙丽丽 吴传凤 Analysis of the affective factors in college English teaching对大学生英语教学中情感因素的分析 200407010217 覃宇芸 徐明初 The Relationship between the Translation and the Context翻译与语境的关系 200407010218 李湘虹 刘淑芳 On the Theme of Love and Death in Harry Potter论《哈利波特》中关于爱与死亡的主题 200407010219 陈冰玉 刘开军 The Difference and Reasons of Chinese and American Culture in Trading中美贸易过程中的文化差异及原因 200407010220 任慧 范丽娜 The difference of family education between China and America浅谈中美家庭教育的差异 200407010221 谢敬 刘淑芳 On the Skills and Strategies of Improving English Listening Comprehension论提高英语听力理解能力的策略和技巧 200407010222 刘畅 范丽娜 American movies and culture美国电影与文化 200407010223 姚丽 范丽娜 On the Origin of the Gothic's Novel论哥特式小说的历史渊源 200407010224 付娜 谢佳宾 The awakening and opposition of individuali论文范文-analysis on the image of Hester in The Scarlet Letter 个人主义的觉醒与反抗—对《红字》中赫思黛形象的分析 200407010225 宋媛 李海军 Advertising Translation:Perspective of Skopos Theory广告翻译的目的论视角 200407010226 吴霞 李海军 Logic thinking and traslation逻辑思维与翻译 200407010227 周贤 莫善清 The American Spirits in Letarary Works论文学作品中的美国精神 200407010228 陆剑云 娄胜平 Translation of Advertisements and Psychology of Acceptance广告翻译与接受心理 200407010229 陈海燕 李海军 Translation of Chinese culurally-loaded cxpression into English from translation of "fuwa" 从"论文范文"的英译变迁谈汉语文化负载词的英译 200407010230 钟琴 李金姝 Research on Branch Translation and It's language Characteristic商标翻译及其语言特点 200407010231 周羿纯 娄胜平 A Contrastive Study Iof the Usage of Metaphors in English and Chinese Cultures英汉文化中暗喻用法的比较研究 200407010232 刘芬 刘淑芳 A contrast between Chinese and America education中美教育比较与借鉴 200407010233 王健 娄胜平 Different Kinds of Love Revealed in the Film EIGHT BELOW 电影零下八度映射的各种爱 200407010234 王璐璐 娄胜平 Comment On the Feminine Consciousness of Scarlett in GONE WITH THE WIND 论飘斯嘉丽的女性意识 200407010235 王焕 袁妮 Foreinization and Domestication:an Examination from the Perspective of Cross-cultural Translation跨文化翻译中的异化与归化问题 200407010236 周翠平 袁妮 Faithfulness and Creative in Translation翻译的忠实与创造性叛逆 200407010237 刘艳 范丽娜 On the black humour in Catch 22 论《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默 200407010238 孙浩 娄胜平 A Constractive Study of the Use of Main Color Terms in English and Chinese英汉主要颜色词使用的比较 200407010239 贺碧辉 莫善清 Analysis of Four Kinds of Women Images on D.H. Lawrence's Novels劳伦斯小说中四种女性形象的分析 200407010240 冯青 娄胜平 On William Wallace's Freedom in BR论文范文EHEART论电影勇敢的心中威廉华莱士的自由观 200407010241 姚遥 李海军 The effect of the difference of thinking on translation中西思维差异及其翻译 200407010242 曹好 刘淑芳 Analysis of American transcendentali论文范文 based on Emerson's Nature从爱默生的《自然》分析美国超验主义 200407010243 王先超 袁妮 Translation on the Titles of English Films英语电影片名的翻译 200407010244 王涛 谭照亮 Stylistic Features of Business Correspondence商务英语信函语体分析 200407010245 向钊 杨玲 Translation of thr names of shops and government units城市街道商店单位名称的翻译 200407010246 赵萌 刘肇云 A Conpatrastive Study of the Cultivating Creativity of Sino-American Studends中学生创造力培养的对比研究 200407010301 王婷 杨玲 Analysing and Appreciating the Gothic in Black Cat论《黑猫》中的哥特艺术 200407010302 李勤 胡蓉 The Difference of Taboos Between Western and Eastern Culture东西方文化下禁忌的差异 200407010303 杨艳 宗乐善 Applification and Significance of Schema Theory in English Listening Teaching论图式理论与听力教学 200407010304 张范 宗乐善 Visual and Situational Approach in English Teaching 形象教学与情景教学在英语教学中的应用 200407010305 许卉 莫善清 Appreciation of the Cothing the Phantom of Opera歌剧魅影哥特元素 200407010306 刘柳 熊琳芳 A Comparison Betwwen Byron's and Hemingway's Heroes 拜伦式与海明威式英雄之比较 200407010307 陈田 胡蓉 A Tentative Study of Culture Teaching in Middle School English初中英语文化教学探讨 200407010308 刘霞 谢佳宾 Eight Effective Ways to Practice Oral English训练口语的八种有效方法 200407010309 彭群花 杨革新 A Comparison of Characters of Becky and Amelia's Characters in Vanity Fair<<名利场>>中 蓓基与爱米丽亚的性格 200407010310 唐继芳 郑红霞 Translation of Adverbial Clauses简析状语从句的翻译 200407010311 李泽玉 张杨莉 Analysis of the Development of Buck's Character in The Call of Wild <<野性的呼唤>>中巴克成长的过程 200407010312 许婷 谭习刚 On Non-verbal Communication in Cross-cultural Communication论跨文化非语言交际 200407010313 曹妮娜 陈兴 Charitiarity in Uncle's Cabin As Seen Form character Analysis通过认为分析思考<<汤姆叔叔的小屋中>>的基督教的理念分析 200407010314 任晓莉 何敏慧 On Popularity of Da Vinci Code in China浅析<<达.芬奇论文范文>>在中国流行的原因 200407010315 蒋素芬 何敏慧 Effects of Hippie on the American Culture嬉皮士对美国文化的影响 200407010316 刘露 郑红霞 A Comparison of Thinking Models Between English and Chinese Discourse and Extensive Reading英汉语篇思维模式对比及英语阅读 200407010317 唐姣 徐明初 Translation of Shop Names and Signs 城市街道与单位名称的翻译 200407010318 梅灿 张杨莉 View on Scarlette's Love and Marriage of Gone with the Wind 论<<飘>>中斯嘉莉的爱情观与婚姻观 200407010319 唐敏 何敏慧 On the Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Taboo Words 200407010320 曹丽青 谢佳宾 On the Symboli论文范文 in Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms海明威《告别了武器》中雨的象征意义 200407010322 胡倩 刘开军 Differencesof English Vocabulary Teaching Methods Between Children and Adults 200407010323 张婷婷 杨玲 Application Scope of Euphemi论文范文 in English论英语委婉语的适应范围 200407010324 李慧 徐明初 On Cultural Loss in Translation and Its Solutions论译语文化缺失 200407010325 陈思 郑红霞 Difference and Similarity of English and Chinese Norms of Politeness从礼貌准则中看中英文化的异同 200407010326 段俏 焦爱勇 Translation Strategies of Brand Names from the Perspective of Cross-Cultured Communication从跨文化角度论商标翻译的策略 200407010327 李珍 宗乐善 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Address Forms英汉称呼语的对比研究 200407010328 郑芳园 陈兴 A Chief Inquiry into Symboli论文范文 in The Scarlet Letter 200407010329 夏健敏 陈兴 Teacher's Language in English Teaching of Middle School中学英语教学中教师课堂用语的研究 200407010330 邹安 陈兴 On the Cultivation of Thinking Varieties in Listening Teaching 英语听力教学培养多样化思维的探讨 200407010331 周辉 陈兴 Effect of Emotional factors on in Middle School English Teaching情感因素对英语对中学英语教学的影响 200407010332 向丽霞 谭照亮 On Developing English Reading Skills论英语阅读技能的培养 200407010333 徐洲 鲍静 On the Creation of Acquisitional Environment Outside Classroom in Junior Middle Schools初中课外英语习得环境的创设 200407010334 李鲜花 何敏慧 Cohension and Coherence in Text Translation语篇翻译中的衔接与连贯 200407010335 杨亚青 郑红霞 200407010336 彭晓红 娄胜平 The British Colonial Impact on China HongKong ---English Language Culture and Society 200407010337 杨红平 熊琳芳 A Contrastive Study of the Concept of Nature Between Wordsworth and Robert Frost 200407010338 何采滢 鲍静 多元智能理论在小学英语教育中的应用 200407010339 阳淑贞 刘波 英国殖民对中国香港的影响---英语文化与社会 200407010340 周绵绵 莫善清 200407010341 刘明 谢佳宾 Analysis of the Characterization of Main Characters in D论文范文id Copperfield 200407010342 任旭 李海军 Diction and Translation of English Trademark英语商标用语与标记 200407010343 田野 鲍静 The Application of Interactive Language Teaching in High School 交互式教学在高中教学的应用 200407010344 王彦 杨玲 On the Retorical Role of Repetition in Translation 浅谈重复修辞格在翻译中扮演的角色 200407010345 王兮轩 莫善清 Rhythm and Blues:Its Origin and Development节奏蓝调的前世今生 200412017133 汤素娟 吕艳 Symboli论文范文 in English Idiomatic Expressions 论习语中的象征手法 200407010401 彭琴 刘开军 Humors and Its Practical Application In English Teaching幽默的运行机制及其在英语教学中的应用 200407010402 朱芳超 刘淑芳 The Metaphorical Meaning of Animal and Plant Words in English英语中动植物词的喻义 200407010403 陈晶晶 李诗平 A Study of Chinese-English Translation on Scenic Spots旅游景点汉英翻译研究 200407010404 夏艺婧 熊琳芳 Hemingway's Views on Life On Santiago圣地亚哥身上体现的海明威的人生观 200407010405 宋燕明 刘淑芳 Development of English Vocabulary from the Evolution of Proper Names

   从专有名词的演变看英语词汇的发展 200407010406 肖婧 谭习刚 Comparison Study of Sexist Language in Chinese and English英汉性别歧视语比较研究 200407010408 张莉 牛张莉 On Human Rights Progress---A Study of University Students' Marriage and Childbaring 从中西方大学生婚育现象看人权进步 200407010409 程田 谭习刚 The Feature and Translation Skills of Business Letter浅析商贸函电的特征及翻译 200407010410 宋旋子 李诗平 On the Expression of Culturally-loaded words in Context论语境中文化负载的表达方式 200407010411 杨梅 刘开军 A Comparison Between Chinese English Language Teaching And American English Language Teaching中美两种英语教学法之比较 200407010412 杨颖 刘波 View on Three Types of Female Characters in Lawrence's Works 论劳伦斯笔下的三种女人形象 200407010413 周兰芳 刘波 Views on Human Nature's Development of Chinese and Western Education Reflected in Robinson Crusoe and Confuciani论文范文从《鲁滨逊漂流记》和中国儒家思想看中西教育中人性的发展 200407010414 谢迎美 李智 On the Pragmatic Functions of English Inversion英语倒装语序之语用功能分析 200407010415 林玲 焦爱勇 Consistency of Translating Terms in Business Documents论商贸文档译名的统一性 200407010416 龚明 刘波 A Comparison of Eastern and Western Time Concepts in Inter -Cultural Communication在跨文化交际中比较东西方时间观 200407010417 熊一颖 焦爱勇 Diction of Business Correspondence Translation商务函电翻译的用词技巧 200407010418 易军方 牛张莉 The Development of Tea Culture In the West西方茶文化的发展 200407010419 李琼 牛张莉 AComparison of Family Education between China and Western Countries中西方家庭教育对比 200407010420 李亚霖 刘开军 How to Improve the Students'Speaking Ability With Pictures and Cards如何运用图卡提高学生的会话能力 200407010421 陈歌 谭习刚 Analysis of Fuzziness in Advertising English浅析广告英语的模糊性 200407010422 王良伟 张杨莉 The Language Style in Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》中的语言魅力 200407010423 黄婷冰 胡蓉 A Comparison of Natural Poets Between William Wordsworth and Robert Frost自然诗人华兹华斯和弗罗斯特的比较 200407010424 黄蕊 徐鑫敏 Tactics and Cross-cultural Problems in International Business and Negotiation国际商务谈判中的策略及跨文化问题 200407010425 翟弘 文钧剑 A Study on the Significance of Hardship Through the Comparison of Book of Job and Chinese Traditional View比较约伯记与生于忧患死于安乐,谈苦难的意义 200407010426 乔畅 文钧剑 Woman and Cat—Interpretation of the Symbolic Meaning of Cat in the Rain女论文范文猫-浅析海明威短篇小说《女论文范文猫》的象征意义 200407010427 金培 文钧剑 Hemingway's Contradictory Attitudes Towards Fate Mirrored in the Old Man and the Sea 海明威对命运的矛盾态度如何在老人与海中得以体现 200407010428 张娟 李智 The Sexi论文范文 in English Lexicon and Its Tendency英语词汇中的性别歧视和发展趋势 200407010429 张丹 杨革新 A Brief Analysis of the Writing of Joyce's Counterparts浅析乔伊斯《对手》的创作艺术 200407010430 贺慧芬 杨革新 View on Woman's marriage in Pride and Prejudice-Wealth,Etiquette or Love《傲慢与偏见》中看女性婚姻-金钱,礼仪还是爱情 200407010431 李霞 文钧剑 English and Chinese Metaphors and their Translation英汉隐喻及其互译 200407010432 刘蓓 文钧剑 A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》两种译本的比较 200407010433 黄文丹 牛张莉 The Spirit of the Western Culture in America 美国牛仔文化的精神实质 200407010434 胡晓燕 张杨莉 On the Inevitability of the Tragedy of Martin Eden论马丁·伊登的悲剧之必然性 200407010435 罗湘艳 熊琳芳 A Momentary Stay Against Confusion -The naturalistic View in Robert Foster's Poems一种瞬间清醒的停伫—论罗伯特·福罗斯特诗中的自然观 200407010436 田薇 陈勇 Subversion of Modality and Content ---Appreciation of the Writing Skills in Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook形式与内容的彼此颠覆---莱辛《金色笔记》的写作手法赏析 200407010437 傅桥 徐鑫敏 On Trademark Translation商标翻译 200407010438 周頔 张杨莉 Analysis of the Theme in The Great Gatsby Beneath the Uses of Symbolic Images从象征意向的运用看《了不起的盖茨比》的主题 200407010439 刘芬 李海军 Idealogical Factors in Translation论意识形态对翻译的操纵 200407010440 罗盛花 张杨莉 The "Dream of Cinderella" in Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》中的灰姑娘梦 200407010441 杨毅 高绍祥 Applying Task-based Teaching Method To Organize Oral Classroom Activities 基于任务教学法的口语课堂组织活动研究 200407010442 丁尧 李海军 Translation of Football Terms浅谈足球术语翻译 200407010444 田丰 文钧剑 Study on Figurative Meanings of Animal Words in English and Chinese Cultures and Their Translation动物词在汉英文化中喻义及其翻译研究 200407010445 梁经欣 高绍祥 Interaction In Oral English Teaching浅析语义翻译与交际翻译 200407010501 沈琳琳 吕艳 On the Origin of English Euphemi论文范文 and Its Social Communicative Function英语委婉语的起源及其社会交际功能 200407010502 付苇 吕艳 On the Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice论《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克 200407010503 周珍 吕艳 A Study of Cultural Conciousness in English Teaching 浅谈英语教学中的文化意识 200407010504 刘孟 张英慧 The Study of American Body Language美国身势语的研究 200407010505 童川 吕艳 On the Women Characters of Hemingway's Works论海明威作品中的女性形象 200407010506 周瑶 丁文 The Communicative Approach in English Language Teaching交际法在英语教学中的应用 200407010507 朱曼 袁妮 Language Characteristics of News English新闻英语的语言特色 200407010508 龙丹 袁妮 Translation on Public Signs公示语翻译 200407010509 粟晶平 熊琳芳 A Comparison of Love Value Between The Peony P论文范文ilion and Romeo and Juliet《牡丹亭》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的爱情观比较 200407010510 沈娟 李海军 Functions of Cultural Tran论文范文ission inTranslation论翻译的文化传播功能 200407010511 彭蓉 刘开军 Discussion on the Multimedia-aided English Teaching浅谈英语多媒体辅助教学 200407010512 何玲 丁文 A Cross-cultural Translation of Euphemi论文范文委婉语的跨文化翻译 200407010513 蓝珂 吕艳 On the Application of Communicative Language Teaching in College English Writing Class交际教学法于大学英语写作课堂 200407010514 曾梦梦 宁云中 The Translation of Advertising English广告语的翻译 200407010515 肖丽娟 丁文 Application of Games in Middle School English Teaching游戏在中学英语教学中的应用 200407010516 周阳 吕艳 The Influence of TPR on the English Learners全身反应教学法对英语学习者的影响 200407010517 钟慧 熊琳芳 A Comparison Between Scarlett O'Hara and Lin Daiyu—Analyzing Different Inward Personalities and Their Origins斯佳丽与林戴玉的对比—分析不同的内在特征并溯其根源 200407010518 覃婉玲 宁云中 The Tragic Meaning of Hardy's Novels哈代长篇小说的悲剧性 200407010519 廖淑仁 牛张莉 Chopsticks and Knife-and-fork: A Comparative Study of the Difference Between Chinese and Western Food Culture筷子和刀叉,中西饮食文化差异 200407010520 舒尔怡 宁云中 Love and Money—The Notion of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 爱情与金钱—论《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观 200407010521 邓波 莫善清 The American Family美国家庭 200407010522 杨秋丽 徐鑫敏 Innovation in Business Letter Writing Teaching《外贸函电》教学的突破与创新 200407010523 戴娟 牛张莉 On the Symbolic Meaning of Color Words Between Chinese and Western Countries试论中西文化中颜色词语的象征意义 200407010524 强健 徐鑫敏 The Influence of Western-Chinese Cultural Difference on Exports Packing中西文化差异对出口包装的影响 200407010525 赵娟 吕艳 On Interactive Classroom and Teaching论课堂互动与教学 200407010526 张雪 张英慧 Cross-cultural Discrepancy and Language Study跨文化差异与语言学习 200407010527 李平 宗乐善 A Comparison of Sino-American Undergraduate Enrollment Systems中美大学本科招生差异比较 200407010528 邓玮 张英慧 The Culture Shock of Western Festival on Chinese Traditional Festivals西方节日对中国传统节日的文化冲击 200407010529 徐美丽 张英慧 Analysis of the Culturally-loaded English Words英语中的文化负载词探析 200407010530 代政 袁妮 Comperative Study of Image in Chinese-English Poetry论中英文诗歌中的意象对比 200407010531 陈霞 熊欣 Schema Theory in Primary School English Teaching 图示理论在小学英语教学中的运用 200407010532 刘慧敏 徐鑫敏 Adopting Blue Ocean Strategy to Explore National Luxury Industry采用蓝海战略开拓中国本土奢侈品产业 200407010533 向洁 吴传凤 Lead-in Activity in Reading Instruction in Senior Middle School 浅谈高中英语阅读教学的导入 200407010534 陈丽娟 徐鑫敏 The Team and Personal Style in Business Negotiation商务谈判中的团队和个人风格 200407010535 阳勇超 张英慧 A Tentative Study of English Euphemi论文范文 and Its Social Functions 试论英语委婉语及其社交功能 200407010536 王丽娟 袁妮 Language Characteristics in English Commerical Contracts商务合同英语的语言特点 200407010537 胡伟 鲍静 The Enlightment of Individual Diffrence in High School Listening Teaching个体差异对高中英语听力教学的启示 200407010538 关芳 张英慧 Difference Between Chinese and Western Custom Culture中西方礼仪文化差异 200407010539 陈冰梅 陈勇 Application of Total Physical Response in High-School English Teaching 全身反应法在中学英语教学中的应用 200407010540 李彦妤 张英慧 Difference of Taboo and Privacy Between China and Western Countries浅谈中西方禁忌与隐私的差异 200407010541 裴奥 谭习刚 Functions of Affixes for Increasing Vocabulary in Reading 词缀对在阅读扩大词汇量的帮助 200407010542 简岩 何敏慧 Influence of American Slangs on American English 美国俚语对美式英语的影响 200407010543 易思君 高绍祥 Cultural Difference Between China and the Occident from the Point of View从颜色看中西方文化差异 200407010544 赵一 陈勇 Expression of Euphemi论文范文 in Foreign Affairs外事用语中的委婉表达 200407010545 龙丁 谭照亮 Incorrespondence in the Translation of Business English商务英语翻译中的不对等性 200407010546 黄明明 牛张莉 A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Table Manners比较中西方餐桌文化 200407010601 王晓敏 焦爱勇 Question-answer Technique and the Development of Speaking ability问答技巧与口语能力培养 200407010602 王泽全 杨革新 An Approach to the Translatability of Poetic Translation诗歌翻译的可译性探讨 200407010603 任柳洁 刘肇云 Influence of Slangs on Cicerone Language俚语对导游语言的影响 200407010604 王艳 熊琳芳 On Symboli论文范文 in The Great Gatsby论《了不起的比尔盖茨》象征手法的运用 200407010605 胡芳 杨革新 Learner Strategies in Inferring the Meaning of Unfamiliar Words in Reading Texts学习者策略及文章中不熟悉单词含义的推测 200407010606 石丽丽 徐鑫敏 Principles of Good Manners in International Negotiation商务谈判中的礼貌原则 200407010607 杜凯娟 郑红霞 On the Dynamic Functioning of Cultural Adaptation in Brand Name Translation论文化顺应在品牌名称翻译中的动态作用 200407010608 徐鑫雨 刘肇云 On Sexual Discrimination in English Lexicon论英语词汇中的性别歧视现象 200407010609 钱亚林 谭照亮 Comparison And Contrast On Personanities Between Jane Eyre And Elizabeth 简爱与伊莉莎白的人物对比 200407010610 唐文俊 熊云甫 Comparion and Analysis of Tow Heroines in Vanity Fair对比分析《名利场》的两位女主人翁 200407010611 汤玲 杨玲 Implications and Edification of the Seas in Robinson Crusoe ,Moby Dick ,The Old Man and the Sea《鲁宾逊漂流记》《白鲸》《老人与海》中海洋的蕴含和启示 200407010612 肖辉 谭照亮 Analysis of Formulaic Expression in Foreign Trade Contract外贸合同套语分析 200407010613 张家凤 张英慧 Cultural Connotations and Differences of Animal Words in English and Chinese Language 论中英文中动物词汇的内涵与区别 200407010614 李蓉 谢佳宾 On Taboos of Chinese and English论英汉语言禁忌 200407010615 尹伏莲 郑红霞 Analysis of Cultural Faithfulness and Cultural Tran论文范文ormation in E-C Translation Through Color Words从颜色词看英汉互译中的文化忠实与文化转换 200407010616 刘贤慧 熊云甫 Research on the Leading Character of Scarlett of Gone with the Wind研究《飘》中主人公思佳丽的性格特点 200407010617 杨晗 李智 On the Understanging and Application of English Idioms浅说英语成语的理解与应用 200407010618 周英 范丽娜 The Characteristics of Carrie in Sister Carrie《格列佛游记》里格列佛的人物特征 200407010619 吴维 郑红霞 Influence of the Bible on English Literature圣经对英国文学的影响 200407010620 何子昕 谭照亮 Analysis of the Male Characters in Great Gatsby浅析《了不起的盖茨》中的男性形象 200407010621 黄懿 谢佳宾 Limitations and Contermeasures of Communication in English 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