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主题:大学必修学分 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-19





  1. 大学必修学分:沈春华Life秀-幸福婚姻的必修学分[2008-05-31]-1/2


   (201-01-04 二稿)

   Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Optoelectronic Information Engineering

   一,培养目标(Educational Objectives)

   The students are expected to enhance their ability entirely in moral, wisdom, physical and aesthetics in the area of optics and optoelectronics through the projector, and to be the 论文范文 practical talents with knowledge and skill of optoelectronics. This project contains the knowledge of modem engineering optics, optoelectronic, electronics, puter science, precision machinery. The students should h论文范文e solid foundations of mathematical logic, systematic and appropriate knowledge structure and strong practical ability. After graduated, most of the students will be fit into jobs as products development, production organization, customer services and marketing management in the fields of optoelectronic detection (apparatus), optical fiber munication, laser processing technology and image information processing technology, while some of them will get advanced education for the master degree in the relevant fields.

   二,基本规格要求(Skills Profile)








   The students of this program are expected to gain:

   1,Solid grounding in mathematics and physics;

   2,Wide-ranged basic theory, specialized knowledge and experimental skills in engineering optics, optoelectronics, electronics, puter science and precision machinery;

   3,Capability of products development and applications research in applied optoelectronic fields with innovation;

   4,Capability of using the English language and foreign literature reading specialized documents;

   5,Capability of puter operation, specialized software operation and simple software program design;

   6,Fine grounding in humanities and arts, organizational and team working ability.

   三,学制与学位(Length of Schooling and Degree)

   修业年限(Duration):四年(4 years)

   授予学位(Degrees Conferred):工学学士 Bachelor of Science (Engineering)四,学时与学分(Hours/Credits)

   总学分(Total Credits):学分(Credits)课内教学学时/学分(Curriculum Class Hours/Credits): /126.5

   占总学分的比例(Percentage in Total Credits): %

   完成学业最低课外学分要求(Minimum Extra-curricular credits):学分(Credits)Course Category 学时/学分

   Hours / credits 占总学分的比例

   Percentage in Total Credits 通识课程(A)

   Liberal Education Courses 640/40

   (其中课外128/8) 22.92% 通识选修课程(C1)

   Liberal Education Elective Courses 64/4 2.29% 专业基础课程(B1)

   Professional Disciplines of Basic Courses 952/59.5 34.09% 专业核心课程(B2)

   Professional Disciplines of Main Courses 352/22 12.61% 实践教学环节(B3)

   Aspect of Practice 340/17 9.74% 毕业设计(B4)

   Under Graduate Design 280/14 8.00% 专业方向课程(C2)

   Professional Disciplines of Curriculum Courses 144/9 选修满足:288/18以上即可 10.29% 专业提高课程(C3)

   Professional Disciplines of Higher Courses 232/12 专业技能课程(论文范文)

   Professional Skills Courses 128/8 跨专业选修课程(C5)

   Cross-Professional Elective Courses 160/10 其他课程(C6)

   Other Courses 0 0 合计Total 2872/179.5 100% 注:1.专业课有三种组成形式,分别是:①某一专业方向课程模块和专业技能课程模块组成;②某一专业方向课程模块和专业提高课程模块组成;③某一专业方向课程模块,部分专业技能课程模块和部分专业提高课程模块组成.

   2.集中安排的实践性教学环节,每一周合计为20学时,计1学分.五,主干学科(Major Disciplines)

   光学与光电子学Optics and Optoelectronics,电子信息科学Electronic information technology,计算机科学Computer Science,精密机械学recision Machinery

   六,主要课程(Main Courses)课程课程名称

   Course Name Introduction to Computer Technology 微积分(一)(二) Calculus(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ) 线性代数 Linear Algebra 概率论与数理统计 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 复变函数与积分变换 Complex Function and Integral Tran论文范文orm 数理方程 Equations of Mathematical Physics 大学物理(一)(二) Physics (Ⅰ)(Ⅱ) 物理实验(一)(二) Physics Experiments(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ) 工程制图 Engineering Graphics C语言程序设计 C Language Programming Design 电路理论 Circuit Theory 电路测试实验Circuit Measurement Technology & Experiments 模拟电子技术Analog Electronics Technique 数字电路与逻辑设计 Digital Circuit and Logic Design 电子测试与实验技术 Electronic Test and Experiment 信号与系统 Signal and System 单片机原理与应用 Principle and application of Single-Chip puter 专业核心课程(B2) 应用光学 Applied Optics 物理光学 Physical Optics 激光原理与技术 Laser Principles & Technology 光电探测与信号处理 Photoelectric Inspect & Signal Processing 光纤光学 Fiber Optics 应用光学实验 Experiment on Applied Optics 物理光学实验 Optical-Physics Experiment 光电探测与信号处理实验 Photoelectric Inspect Experiment 激光实验 Laser Experiments 实践教学环节(B3) 军事训练 Military Training 金工实习 Mechanic Skills Training 电工实习 Electrical Engineering Practice C语言(光路计算程序)课程设计 C language (Optical Path Calculation Program) Course Project 单片机课程设计 Single chip microputer Course Project 光电探测与信号处理课程设计Photoelectric Inspect & Signal Processing Course Project 生产实习(暑假)Engineering Internship 光学软件(ZEMAX)实训 ZEMAX Software Training 光学系统设计课程设计 Optic System Design Course Project 光纤技术实训 Optical fiber technology training 光纤通信课程设计 Fiber Communication Technology Course Project 毕业论文(设计)(B4) 毕业设计 Under graduate Thesis 个性课程(C类) 通识选修课程 (C1) 应用写作Application Writing 演讲与口才Lecture and Eloquence 大学语文University language 大学生职业发展与就业指导College career development and employment guidance 当代世界经济与政治 Contemporary World Economy and Politics 创业基础 Business foundation 逻辑与批判性思维 Logic and critical thinking 社会调查方法 The method of social investigation 专业方向课程(C2) 光电检测原理与技术 Principles and technology of optoelectronic detection 像质评价技术 Image Quality Evaluation Technology 光学系统设计 Optical System Design 光纤通信技术 Fiber Optical Communication Technology 光电图像处理 Opt-electrical Image Processing 通信原理 Principle of Communication 光网络技术 Optical work technique 专业提高课程(C3) 光电显示技术 Technology of Optoelectronic display LED原理与技术 LED Principle and technology 信息光学 Information Optics 工程光学(考研辅导) Engineering Optics 激光加工技术 Laser-Processing technique 精密机械设计 Precise Mechani论文范文 Design 专业技能课程(论文范文) 光电专业英语 Optoelectronic Specialized English C++程序设计 C++ Language Programming Design FPGA与数字电路设计 FPGA and digital circuit design MATLAB程序设计 MATLAB Software Training 跨专业选修课程 (C5) 计算机网络技术及应用 Computer work Technology and Application AUTOCAD机械制图基础 AUTOCAD Base 市场营销 Marketing Management 其他课程(C6) 注:2.C类课程置换:





   七,主要集中安排的实践性教学环节(Main Internship and Practical Training)

   军事训练Military Training,金工实习Mechanic Skills Training,电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice,生产实习Engineering Internship,(光路计算程序)课程设计(Optical Path Calculation Program ) Course Project,光电探测与信号处理课程设计Photoelectric Inspect & Signal Processing Course Project,Electronics Circuit Course Project,光学软件(ZEMAX)实训 ZEMAX Software Training,光学设计课程设计Optic Design Course Project,光纤实训(方向A)Fiber Communication Technology Training(Direction A),Fiber Communication Technology Course Project,毕业设计Under graduate Thesis.八,教学进程计划表(Table of Teaching Schedule)

   学部(系)School (Department):光信息科学与技术系Optical Information Science and Technology

   专业pecialty:Optoelectronic Information Engineering 课程类别Course Category 课程


   Course Nature课程


   Course Code课程名称

   Course Name学时

   Hrs 学分

   Crs 其中


   Hours Distribution of in a Semester 课外 实验 上机 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 通识课程(A) 必修Required 思想道德修养与法律基础

   Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law 32 必修Required 中国近现代史纲要

   Survey of Modern Chinese History 32 必修Required 马克思主义基本原理

   Theory of Marxi论文范文 48 必修Required 96 必修Required 形势与政策

   Situation and Policy 4 4 4 4 4 4 必修Required 军事理论

   Military Theory 16 必修Required 大学生心理健康教育

   Mental Health Education 16 必修Required 大学英语(一~四)

   College English (Ⅰ~Ⅳ) 64 64 64 64 必修Required College English individual study (I)(II) 64 4 64 32 32 必修Required 体育 (一~四)

   Physical Education (Ⅰ~Ⅳ) 24 32 32 32 必修Required Introduction to Computer Technology 32 2 16 32 课程教学学时/学分 小计 768学时/48学分,其中课内学时640学时/40学分,课外128学时/8学分. 通识选修课(C1) 选修Elective 社交礼仪

   Social Convenance √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 选修Elective 应用写作

   Application Writing √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 选修Elective 演讲与口才

   Lecture and Eloquenc √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 选修Elective 大学语文

   University language 32 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 选修Elective 大学生职业发展与就业指导

   College career development and employment guidance 16 1 √ √ √ √ √ 选修Elective 当代世界经济与政治

   Contemporary World Economy and Politics 16 1 √ √ √ √ √ 选修Elective Business foundation 32 2 √ √ √ √ √ 选修Elective Logic and critical thinking 24 1.5 √ √ √ √ √ 选修Elective The method of social investigation 32 2 课程教学学时/学分 小计 /14学分,学生选修不得少于4学分. 专业基础课程(B1) 必修Required 80 必修Required 96 必修Required 40 2.5 40 必修Required Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics(Ⅰ) 48 3 48 必修Required 40 2.5 40 必修Required Equations of Mathematical Physics 32 2 32 必修Required 56 必修Required 56 必修Required 24 24 必修Required 24 24 必修Required Engineering Graphics 40 2.5 40 课程教学学时/学分 小计 必修Required C Language Programming Design 56 3.5 24 56 必修Required 电路理论 Circuit Theory 56 必修Required 电路测试Circuit Measurement Technology 32 2 32 32 必修Required 模拟电子技术Analog Electronics Technique 56 3.5 56 必修Required Digital Circuit and Logic Design 56 3.5 56 必修Required Electronic Test and Experiment 56 3.5 56 32 24 必修Required Signal and System 48 3 48 必修Required Principle and application of Single-Chip puter 56 3.5 16 56 课程教学学时/学分 小计 课程教学学时/学分 小计 必修Required Applied Optics 48 3 48

   (上) 必修Required Physical Optics 72 4.5 72

   (上) 必修Required Laser Principles & Technology 64 4 64

   (上) 必修Required Photoelectric Inspect & Signal Processing 64 4 64

   (上) 必修Required Fiber Optics 32 2 32

   (下) 必修Required Experiment on Applied Optics 16 1 16 16

   (下) 必修Required Optical-Physics Experiment 24 1.5 24 24

   (下) 必修Required Photoelectric Inspect Experiment 16 1 16 16

   (下) 必修Required Laser Experiments 16 1 16 16

   (下) 课程教学学时/学分 小计 必修Required 20 1 20 必修Required Mechanic Skills Training 40 2 40 必修Required Electrical Engineering Practice 40 2 40 必修Required C language (Optical Path Calculation Program) Course Project 40 2 40 必修Required Single chip microputer Course Project 40 2 40 必修Required 光电探测与信号处理课程设计Photoelectric Inspect & Signal Processing Course Project 40 2 40 必修Required 生产实习Engineering Internship 40 2 40 课程教学学时/学分 小计 选修Elective 1,光学系统设计课程设计

   Optic System Design Course Project 40 2 40 选修Elective 2,光学软件(ZEMAX)实训

   ZEMAX Software Training 40 2 40 选修Elective 3,光纤技术实训

   Optical fiber technology training 40 2 40 选修Elective 4,光纤通信课程设计

   Fiber Communication Technology Course Project 40 2 40 课程教学学时/学分 小计 课程教学学时/学分 小计 必修Required 毕业设计Graduation project 280 14 280 专业方向课程(C2) 方向一:光电检测(仪器)方向 选修Elective 光电检测原理与技术

   Principles and technology of optoelectronic detection 40 2.5 40 选修Elective 像质评价技术

   Image Quality Evaluation Technology 32 2 32 选修Elective 光学系统设计

   Optical system design 32 2 32 选修Elective 光电图像处理

   Opt-electrical Image Processing 40 2.5 40 方向二:光纤通信方向 选修Elective 通信原理

   Principle of Communication 40 2.5 40 选修Elective 光纤通信技术

   Fiber Optical Communication Technology 64 4 64 选修Elective 光网络技术

   Optical work technique 40 2.5 40 课程教学学时/学分 小计选修Elective 信息光学

   Information Optics 40 2.5 40 选修Elective 工程光学(考研辅导)

   Engineering Optics 40 0 40 选修Elective 激光加工技术

   Laser-Processing technique 32 2 32 选修Elective 光电显示技术

   Technology of Optoelectronic display 32 2 32 选修Elective 精密机械设计

   Precise Mechani论文范文 Design 56 3.5 56 选修Elective LED原理与技术

   LED Principle and technology 32 2 32 课程教学学时/学分 小计选修Elective 光电专业英语

   Optoelectronic Specialized English 32 2 32 选修Elective C++程序设计

   C++ Language Programming Design 32 2 16 32 选修Elective FPGA与数字电路设计

   FPGA and digital circuit design 32 2 32 2 16 32 选修Elective MATLAB程序设计 MATLAB

   Software Training 32 2 16 32 课程教学学时/学分 小计选修Elective 计算机网络技术及应用

   Computer work Technology and Application 56 3.5 24 56 选修Elective AUTOCAD机械制图基础

   AUTOCAD Base 48 3 16 48 选修Elective 市场营销

   Marketing Management √ √ 课程教学学时/学分 小计①C2~C5模块中,给出多门课程供学生选择,体现了个性化教学的特点;②学生根据自己就业,考研的意愿和兴趣,选择相应的课程;③专业选修课从第四学期开始,至第七学期止,涵盖了四个学期;

   ④安排每个学期的短计划之前,由任课老师做课程介绍,只有选课人数超过一定数量,才能正式开课. 其他课程(C6) 课程教学学时/学分 小计 总计Total 专业课程(B类)学分 113(其中B1为59.5,B2为22,B3为17,B4为14) 个性课程(C类)学分 22(其中通识课4,专业课8) 总计学分:174.5 课外学分(Extra-curricular credits)


   No. 课外活动名称

   Name of extra-curricular activities 要求

   Requirements 学分

   Crs 1 操行

   Beh论文范文ior 参照相关管理实施细则执行

   完成学业最低课外学分要求为5学分 2 社团活动

   Consortium 3 公益劳动

   Commonweal work 4 社会实践

   Social practice 5 学科竞赛

   Tournament 6 科学研究训练

   Scientific research training 7 创新实验

   Innovative experiment 8 研究论文

   Research paper 9 从业资格认证考试

   Qualification certification exam 10 人文素质教育课程

   Humanistic Education course 考试合格者,其成绩予以记载,学分与毕业无关

   课内教学上课学时分配情况Table of Teaching Hours Distribution


   Semeste 一

   1st 二

   2nd 三

   3rd 四

   4th 五

   5th 六

   6th 七

   7th 八

   8th 上课周数

   Teaching weeks 课内总学时

   Total hours 毕业设计Under graduate

   Thesis 周学时

   Hours in a week 注:①表中上课周数是学期总周数扣除每学期考试周数(2周)及实训周数(1周),实习与课程设计均按每周20学时计算在课内总学时内;




   制定人: 光电信息工程辅修专业培养计划

   Undergraduate Program for Auxiliary Specialty in Photoelectric nformation Engineering

   一,培养目标(Educational Objectives)


   The students are expected to enhance their ability entirely in moral, wisdom and physical through the projector. The program provides the students with the systemic knowledge structure specialized in the fields of fiber munication, opto-electronic detection and signal processing, laser and puter technology. The graduated students are expected to be engineers with professional and practical ability.


   授予学位Degrees Conferred:工学学士Bachelor of Science (Engineer)


   完成学业最低学分要求Minimum course credits:25


   学科基础课学时/学分Class Hrs/Crs of Basic Courses of Disciplines:192/12

   专业课学时/学分Class Hrs/Crs of Specialized Courses:/13

   四,教学进程计划表(Table of Teaching Schedule)

   学部(系):光信息科学与技术系 专业:School (Department): Optical Information Science and Technology Specialty: Photoelectric Information Engineering


   Courses Classified 课程


   Courses Nature 课程


   Course Code 课程名称

   Course Name 学时/


   Hrs/Crs 其中

   Including 各学期学时

   Hours Distribution of in a Semester 课外

   Extracur. 实验

   Exp. 上机

   Operation 一

   1st 二



   3rd 四

   4th 五

   5th 六

   6th 七

   7th 八

   8th Basic Courses of Disciplines 必修Required 01041 应用光学

   Applied Optics 48/3 48 必修Required 01042 应用光学实验

   Experiment on Applied Optics 16/1 16 16 必修Required 0104物理光学

   Physical Optics 72/4.5 72 必修Required 0104物理光学实验

   Optical-Physics Experiment 24/1.5 24 24 必修Required 0104光纤光学

   Fiber Optics /2 32

   (下) 课程教学 学时数/学分 小计 /12 40 64 128 专业方向课程Professional Direction of Curriculum 选修Elective 0104008 激光原理与技术

   Laser Principles & Technology /4 64

   (下) 选修Elective 0104009 激光实验

   Laser Experiments 16/1 16 16

   Elective 0104010 光电探测与信号处理

   Photoelectric Inspect & Signal Processing 64/4 64 Elective 0104011 光电技术实验

   Experiments in Optoelectronic Technology

   16/1 16 16 Elective 0104012 光纤通信技术

   Fiber Optical Communication Technology 64/4 64 Elective 0104014 激光加工技术

   Laser-Processing technique 48/3 48 Elective 0104015 光电图像处理

   Opto-electrical Image Processing 40/2.5 40 Elective 0104013 光电检测原理与技术

   Principle and Technology of Optoelectronic Sensing 40/2.5 40 Elective 像质评价技术

   Image Quality Evaluation Technology 32/2 32 选修Elective 0104027 光学系统设计

   Optical System Design 32/2 32 课程教学 学时数/学分 小计 /26 32 96 280 40 备注:专业方向13学分学时



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