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主题:妈妈的心阅读答案作业 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-14





  1. 妈妈的心阅读答案作业:【电视日播】因孩子不会做作业 年轻妈妈打死亲生女儿



   今论文范文气很好.为什么不出去散散步?It's fine today. go out for a walk?

   该考虑一下我们的暑假计划了.It's to think about our the summer vacation.

   那时他正努力算出这道数学题.He was trying hard to this math problem at that time.


   We are our to plant more trees to s论文范文 the desert from expanding.

   你学习越努力,你就越会得到更好的结果.The you work at your lessons, the results you will get.

   把电视关上,马上做作业. the TV and do your homework right now.

   多吃蔬菜和水果对身体有好处.It's our health to eat more fruit and vegetables.


   Mother always takes her own cloth bag when shopping using plastic bags

   我们的老师衣着随意,平易近人.Our teacher casually and is easy to with.

   一定要认真对待这个问题.Be sure to be this problem.


   The earthquake has great difficulties to us, but we are confident to them.

   老师还没来.她怎么了?Our teacher hasn't e yet. What's with her?

   很多同学太忙了,顾不上看电视. Many students are to watch TV.


   Something must be done to this kind of accident from in our school.

   你认为你最愿意学那一门学科?Which of the subjects do you think you would to ?

   所有参展的东西我都感兴趣.I am all the things on show.

   飞机半个小时后就要起飞了,咱们做好准备吧!The plane will in half an hour. Let's get ready.

   我很高兴他们同意了我的建议.I'm glad that they h论文范文e me.

   直到考试结束,学生们才会觉得轻松.The students until the exam is over.

   戴红帽子的那个女孩是我的妹妹.The girl a red is my sister.

   出去野餐怎么样?What for a piic?

   多么有用的一本书啊! a book it is!

   在67岁时,他在睡梦中平静地去世了. the of 63, he passed away peacefully in his .

   你能把你的手机借给我吗?Can you your mobile phone?

   我爸爸既不会做饭,也不会开车.My father can cook drive a car.

   谢谢你帮助我完成这份作业.Thank you me finish the project.

   我对别人的秘密毫无兴趣. I h论文范文e in others' secrets at all.

   房屋前有许多小汽车停在那.There are many cars in of the house.

   今天我像往常一样步行去上学.Today, I go to school as usual.

   当你长大后,你想做什么.What do you want to be when you ?

   请就学生喜爱看的书籍做一项调查.Please do a what books students like reading.

   他在外面,修理汽车.He is outside, the car.

   当心.这个时间交通很繁忙.Be careful. The is very at this time.

   求职面试你得穿得体面一些.You h论文范文e to look 论文范文art for your .

   当你听说日本地震时,你正在干什么?What you when you heard that an earthquake hit Japan?

   你对这样单调的生活感到厌倦吗?Are you tired of life?


   We were his good grades because he never worked hard.

   我确实能想到他那么说!I can just him that!

   或许你担心不能取得好成绩.Maybe you that you won't be to get good grades.

   努力从经验中学习是重要的. to try and learn from .

   他跟着老师进了办公室.He the teacher the teacher's office.

   五月十二号那个日子对于大多数中国人来说很有意义.The date--- May 12th--- has most Chinese.

   他喜欢收集邮票.他有大量的邮票*品.He likes stamps and he has a great stamp .

   冲浪非常有意思.你想试试吗?Suring is great . Do you want a go?

   他说的听起来是个不错的主意 What he said a good idea.

   46. 你能猜出我的另一只手里有什么吗? Can you guess what is in hand?

   47. 你现在可以点菜了吗?May I your ?

   48. 你介意再给我解释一遍吗?我不太懂.Would you that to me? I don't understand it.

   49. 他很淘气.你怎么忍受他一直在这儿?He is naughty. How can you him here all the time?.

   50.一周的时间过去了.什么都没有改变.A week and nothing had changed.

   51. 他中等身高,黑头发.He is medium height and has black hair.

   52. 谁能帮助我提高英语?Who can help me my English?

   52. 那个小偷从窗户爬了进去.The thief climbed the window.

   53. 在第二个路口左转,你会看到超市在你的右侧.

   left the first turning and you will see the supermarket your right.

   54. 这是我的第一次纽约之行,我有点兴奋.This is my first to New York and I am of excited.

   55. 他给我打电话,问我作业的事.He called to me the homework,

   56. 我花光了所有的零花钱,所以我不得不跟妈妈再要一些.

   I h论文范文e used all my pocket money so I h论文范文e to ask mum .

   57. 我知道成为专业演员不容易.I know a actor isn't an easy thing.

   58. 考试之后我将花一周的时间去北京旅游.It will one week to tour Beijing after the exam.

   59. 你觉得这部新电影怎么样?What do you the new film?

   60. 这些东西一点也提不起他们的兴趣.These things don't at all.

   61. 昨天晚上你还吃了什么? did you h论文范文e last night?

   62. 我希望你能来参加我的生日聚会.I hope e to my birthday party.

   63. 顾客抱怨说土豆不够咸.The customers plained that the potatoes weren't .

   64. 请把照片给我看一下.Please me the photo.

   65. 我们所有人都想抓一条大鱼. of want to catch a big fish.

   66. 那个小孩停止哭,听起音乐来.The baby s论文范文ped and to the music.

   67. 谁在谈论那部肥皂剧?Who is the soap opera?

   68. 我们每周去俱乐部锻炼两三次.We go to the club to exercise or a week.

   69. 他极有可能是忘了.He has forgotten/

   70. 尽管天下雨了,他们仍然在外面踢球. it rained, they still played soccer outside.

   71.时代改变了.我也变了.Times h论文范文e changed. I.

   72. 咱们一直等到比赛结束吧!Let's the match is over!

   73. 他的作品影响了数百万人.His works h论文范文e of people.

   74. 这件事是我亲眼所见.I saw it my eyes.

   75. 我希望他们没出什么事.I hope nothing has them.

   76. 我打算用这笔钱要么买一部相机,要么买一台影碟播放机.

   I am going to buy a camera a DVD player with the money.

   77.这两张海报你拿那张都可以.You can take of the posters.

   78. 我喜欢和妈妈在一起.I enjoy mom's .

   79. 昨晚的聚会很成功.Last night's party was a great .

   80. 结果所有的活儿都是我一个人干了.I all the work myself.

   81. 我发觉和孩子们一起聊天很有趣.I find interesting chat with kids.

   82. 你的友谊对我们很有意义.Your friendship a lot to me.

   83. 我们每个人都喝了一整瓶.We drank a bottle .

   84. 这房子太贵了,我买不起.The house is expensive that I can't it.

   85. 我看今晚要下雨.It me that it is going to rain tonight.

   86. 妈妈听到这个好消息禁不住笑了.Mother when she heard the good news.

   87. 我打算浏览报纸找一份假期工作. I am going to the newspaper for a holiday job.

   88. 过马路之前要小心地看两边.Be careful to look ways before you the road.

   89. 如果你已经完成了作业,你可以帮忙做饭.If you h论文范文e finished homework, you can cooking.

   90. 你已经决定放学后想做什么了吗?H论文范文e you you want to do after school?

   91. 他是一名导游.他已经游遍欧洲.He is a tour guide. He has toured Europe.

   92. 我的鞋很便宜.只花了5美元.My shoes are cheap. They only 5 dollars.

   93. 选择你发觉很有趣的学科很重要.It is important to subjects you find interesting.

   94. 电影太乏味.我中途睡着了.The movie was boring. I half way through it.

   95. 我半小时前点的食物.现在还没上.I the food half an hour ago and it hasn't yet.

   96. 如果我不打扫房间,妈妈就不让我去见朋友.If I clean the room, my mother won't me meet my friends.


   今论文范文气很好.为什么不出去散散步?It's fine today. Why not go out for a walk?

   该考虑一下我们的暑假计划了.It's time to think about our plan for the summer vacation.

   那时他正努力算出这道数学题.He was trying hard to work out this math problem at that time.


   We are trying our best to plant more trees to s论文范文 the desert from expanding.

   你学习越努力,你就越会得到更好的结果.The harder you work at your lessons, the better results you will get.

   把电视关上,马上做作业.Turn off the TV and do your homework right now.

   多吃蔬菜和水果对身体有好处.It's good for our health to eat more fruit and vegetables.


   Mother always takes her own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags

   我们的老师衣着随意,平易近人.Our teacher dresses casually and is easy to get along with.

   一定要认真对待这个问题.Be sure to be serious about this problem.


   The earthquake has caused great difficulties to us, but we are confident to get over them.

   老师还没来.她怎么了?Our teacher hasn't e yet. What's the matter with her?

   很多同学太忙了,顾不上看电视. Many students are too busy to watch TV.


   Something must be done to s论文范文 this kind of accident from happening in our school.

   你认为你最愿意学那一门学科?Which of the subjects do y

妈妈的心阅读答案作业:【电视日播】因孩子不会做作业 年轻妈妈打死亲生女儿

ou think you would like most to learn ?

   所有参展的东西我都感兴趣.I am interested in all the things on show.

   飞机半个小时后就要起飞了,咱们做好准备吧!The plane will take off in half an hour. Let's get ready.

   我很高兴他们同意了我的建议.I'm glad that they h论文范文e agreed with me.

   直到考试结束,学生们才会觉得轻松.The students won't/ can't feel/be relaxed until the exam is over.

   戴红帽子的那个女孩是我的妹妹.The girl in a red hat is my sister.

   出去野餐怎么样?What about going for a piic?

   多么有用的一本书啊!What a useful book it is!

   在67岁时,他在睡梦中平静地去世了.At the age of 63, he passed away peacefully in his dream .

   你能把你的手机借给我吗?Can you lend me your mobile phone?

   我爸爸既不会做饭,也不会开车.My father can neither cook nor drive a car.

   谢谢你帮助我完成这份作业.Thank you for helping me finish the project.

   我对别人的秘密毫无兴趣. I h论文范文e no interest in others' secrets at all.

   房屋前有许多小汽车停在那.There are many cars parking in front of the house.

   今天我像往常一样步行去上学.Today, I go to school on foot as usual.

   当你长大后,你想做什么.What do you want to be when you grow up ?

   请就学生喜爱看的书籍做一项调查.Please do a survey of what books students like reading.

   他在外面,修理汽车.He is outside, working on the car.

   当心.这个时间交通很繁忙.Be careful. The traffic is very busy at this time.

   求职面试你得穿得体面一些.You h论文范文e to look 论文范文art for your job interview.

   当你听说日本地震时,你正在干什么?What were you doing when you heard that an earthquake hit Japan?

   你对这样单调的生活感到厌倦吗?Are you tired of such boring life?


   We were surprised at his good grades because he never worked hard.

   我确实能想到他那么说!I can just imagine him saying that!

   或许你担心不能取得好成绩.Maybe you fear that you won't be able to get good grades.

   努力从经验中学习是重要的.It's important to try and learn from experience.

   他跟着老师进了办公室.He followed the teacher into the teacher's office.

   五月十二号那个日子对于大多数中国人来说很有意义.The date--- May 12th--- has meaning to most Chinese.

   他喜欢收集邮票.他有大量的邮票*品.He likes collecting stamps and he has a great stamp collection.

   冲浪非常有意思.你想试试吗?Suring is great fun . Do you want a go?

   他说的听起来是个不错的主意 What he said sounds like a good idea.

   46.你能猜出我的另一只手里有什么吗? Can you guess what is in my other hand?

   47. 你现在可以点菜了吗?May I take your order ?

   48. 你介意再给我解释一遍吗?我不太懂.Would you minding explaining that to me? I don't quite understand it.

   49. 他很淘气.你怎么忍受他一直在这儿?He is naughty. How can you stand him being here all the time?.

   50.一周的时间过去了.什么都没有改变.A week went past and nothing had changed.

   51. 他中等身高,黑头发.He is of medium height and has black hair.

   52. 谁能帮助我提高英语?Who can help me improve my English?

   52. 那个小偷从窗户爬了进去.The thief climbed in through the window.

   53. 在第二个路口左转,你会看到超市在你的右侧.

   Turn left at the first turning and you will see the supermarket on your right.

   54. 这是我的第一次纽约之行,我有点兴奋.This is my first visit to New York and I am kind of excited.

   55. 他给我打电话,问我作业的事.He called to ask me about the homework,

   56. 我花光了所有的零花钱,所以我不得不跟妈妈再要一些.

   I h论文范文e used up all my pocket money so I h论文范文e to ask mum for more.

   57. 我知道成为专业演员不容易.I know being a professional actor isn't an easy thing.

   58. 考试之后我想花一周的时间去北京旅游.It will take me one week to tour Beijing after the exam.

   59. 你觉得这部新电影怎么样?What do you think of the new film?

   60. 这些东西一点也提不起他们的兴趣.These things don't interest them at all.

   61. 昨天晚上你还吃了什么?What else did you h论文范文e last night?

   62.我希望你能来参加我的生日聚会.I hope you can e to my birthday party.

   63. 顾客抱怨说土豆不够咸.The customers plained that the potatoes weren't salty enough.

   64. 请把照片给我看一下.Please show me the photo.

   65. 我们所有人都想抓一条大鱼.All of us want to catch a big fish.

   66. 那个小孩停止哭,听起音乐来.The baby s论文范文ped crying and listened to the music.

   67. 谁在谈论那部肥皂剧?Who is talking about the soap opera?

   68. 我们每周去俱乐部锻炼两三次.We go to the club to exercise two or three times a week.

   69. 他极有可能是忘了.He has probably forgotten/

   70. 尽管天下雨了,他们仍然在外面踢球.Although it rained, they still played soccer outside.

   71.时代改变了.我也变了.Times h论文范文e changed. So h论文范文e I.

   72. 咱们一直等到比赛结束吧!Let's wait until the match is over!

   73. 他的作品影响了数百万人.His works h论文范文e influenced millions of people.

   74. 这件事是我亲眼所见.I saw it with my own eyes.

   75. 我希望他们没出什么事.I hope nothing has happened to them.

   76. 我打算用这笔钱要么买一部相机,要么买一台影碟播放机.

   I am going to buy either a camera or a DVD player with the money.

   77.这两张海报你拿那张都可以.You can take either of the posters.

   78. 我喜欢和妈妈在一起.I enjoy mom's pany.

   79. 昨晚的聚会很成功.Last night's party was a great success.

   80. 结果所有的活儿都是我一个人干了.I ended up doing all the work myself.

   81. 我发觉和孩子们一起聊天很有趣.I find it interesting to chat with kids.

   82. 你的友谊对我们很有意义.Your friendship means a lot to me.

   83. 我们每个人都喝了一整瓶.We drank a whole bottle each.

   84. 这房子太贵了,我买不起.The house is so expensive that I can't afford it.

   85. 我看今晚要下雨.It seems to me that it is going to rain tonight.

   86. 妈妈听到这个好消息禁不住笑了.Mother couldn't help laughing when she heard the good news.

   87. 我打算浏览报纸找一份假期工作. I am going to look through the newspaper for a holiday job.

   88. 过马路之前要小心地看两边.Be careful to look both ways before you cross the road.

   89. 如果你已经完成了作业,你可以帮忙做饭.If you h论文范文e finished homework, you can help with cooking.

   90. 你已经决定放学后想做什么了吗?H论文范文e you decided what you want to do after school?

   91. 他是一名导游.他已经游遍欧洲.He is a tour guide. He has toured all over Europe.

   92. 我的鞋很便宜.只花了5美元.My shoes are cheap. They only cost 5 dollars.

   93. 选择你发觉很有趣的学科很重要.It is important to choose subjects that you find interesting.

   94. 电影太乏味.我中途睡着了.The movie was boring. I fell asleep half way through it.

   95. 我半小时前点的食物.现在还没上.I ordered the food half an hour ago and it hasn't arrived yet.

   96. 如果我不打扫房间,妈妈就不让我去见朋友.If I don't clean the room, my mother won't let me meet my friends.


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