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主题:摘要英文翻译 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-30





  1. 摘要英文翻译:医学论文英文摘要撰写

科技论文摘 要的重要性突出既读者阅览起引导作用为文献汇编,计算机储存,检索做好准备成为科技情报的重要来源.摘 要更是进行交流的唯一途径直接反映我国科学研究和杂志的质量水平是让世界了解中国的一个窗口.的写作摘 要的要素简洁,具体的摘 要反映论文的实质性内容,展示论文内容足够的信息,体现论文的创新性,展现论文的重要梗概,一般由具体研究的,方法,结果,结论四要素组成.,是结果的总结,显示研究结果的可靠性,实用性,创新性,体现论文研究的价值与学术水平,是决定论文被检索的窗口.摘 要的写法摘 要首先正确全面地掌握论文研究的主题范围,从摘 要的四要素出发,找出每部分专指度高的关键词,然后正确地组织好这些反映主题内容的关键词,用逻辑性强的关联词将其贯穿起来,力求使摘 要简明扼要,逻辑性强,结构完整就构成一篇完整的摘 要.选择关键词是写好摘 要的关键,关键词可以根据论文内容自由给定,毫无约束,但是必须简单,常用,概念明确,专指度高(具体),尽量避免使用生僻,复杂的词汇,否则影响论文被检索的概率.中文摘 要的写作要求 总结国内外各大着名检索系统对摘 要写作要求及同行期刊制订的摘 要写作规范,一般中文摘 要写作应符合以下要求:摘 要以主题概念不遗漏为原则,字数为00~400字,重复论文标题叙述要完整,清楚,简明扼要,逻辑性要强,结构完整,删去背景与过去的研究信息,不应包含作者将来的计划,杜绝文学性修饰与无用的叙述摘 要中涉及他人的工作或研究成果的,尽量列出他们的名字摘 要中不能出现"图××","方程××"和"参考文献××"等句,不用特殊字符及由特殊字符组成的数学表达式,必要时可改用文字表达和叙述用第三人称写,连续写成,不分段落由于英文读者一般看不懂中文,英文摘 要成了他的信息源因此,这里要特别提出并强调英文摘 要的完整性,即英文摘 要所提供的信息必须是完整的.这样,即使读者看不懂中文,只需要通过英文摘 要就能对论文的主要目的解决问题的主要方法,过程及主要的结果,结论和文章的创新,独到之处,有一个较为完整的了解.在写作英文摘 要时,要避免过于笼统的,空洞无物的一般论述和结论要尽量利用文章中的最具体的语言来阐述你的方法,过程,结果和结论,这样可以给读者一个清晰的思路,使读者对你的研究工作有一个清晰,全面的认识. at a temperature of 250 ℃ to 300 ℃ at 250~300 ℃ at a high pressure of 1.2 MPa at 1.2 MPa (7)以量的国际单位符号表示物理量单位(例如,以"kg"代替 "kilogram").

   (8)以标准简化方法表示英文通用词(以"NY"代替"New York").


   "A method is described","In this work","It is reported that","This paper is concerned with" ,"Extensive investigations show that" 又如:用increased代替has been found to increase,用the results show代替from the experimental results,it can be concluded that

   2. 英文摘 要的写作风格

   要写好英文摘 要,就要完全地遵


从通行的公认的英文摘 要写作规范.其要点如下:





   正:"Thickness of plastic sheet was measured"

   误:"measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made"


   正:"Pressure is a function of the temperature"

   误:"The pressure is a function of the temperature";

   正:"The refinery operates 等"

   误:"Refinery operates等"


   应写为"The chlorine-containing propylene-based polymer of high melt index",

   而不写为"The chlorine containing high melt index-propylene based polymer"


   (8)使用主动语态而不使用被动语态. "A exceeds B"读起来要好于"B is exceeded by A".使用主动语态还有助于避免过多地使用类似于"is", "was", "are"和"were"这样的弱动词.


   "The decolorization in solutions of the pigment in dioxane, which were exposed to 10 hr of UV irradiation, was no longer irreversible."


   "When the pigment was dissolved in dioxane, decolorization was irreversible, after 10 hr of UV irradiation."

   (10)避免使用那些既不说明问题,又没有任何含意的短语.例如: "specially designed or formulated", " The author discusses", "The author studied" 应删去.




   (1)中文摘 要(2)英文摘 要esearch on the grading of soft rock crumbling pellets

   Abstract: Soft rock samples used as filling material for a speedway roadbed were collected, the mineral ponents and the mechanical properties of which were determined. Natural crumbling process of soft rock in atmosphere was simulated through cyclic tests of drenching, wind beating, and sun baking. In the testing process, the crumbling pellets were first sifted, and then the change in mass of various size-range was plotted into curves. It was found that the curves were self-similar and fractal statistically. Fractal dimension values of the curves were calculated by box dimension method. The fractal dimension values tended to stabilize toward a constant as the soft rock finally ceased crumbling. Excellent quality was achieved by using that constant value as a control index for construction of soft rock speedway roadbed and dyke. The results show that fractal geometry is an effective way to study crumbling mechani论文范文 for soft rock, and the constant fractal dimension value of the mass distributing curve can be used as a criterion to judge whether the crumbling process of water absorbing soft rock has ceased.

   Keywords: soft rock; swelling collapse; fractal dimension; construction technics



[1] 翻译英文论文摘要怎么写 翻译英文论文摘要范文参考
[2] 英文翻译论文摘要怎么写 英文翻译论文摘要范文参考
[3] 医学英文论文写作翻译框架 医学英语论文摘要——求范文一篇(英文原文+中文翻译)