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主题:信息技术与课程整合 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-04-07





  1. 信息技术与课程整合:股票技术分析基础课程 股市心理学实战 股票黑马 天下财经


   一,专业名称:测控技术与仪器 专业代码:080301





   1. 知识结构





   2. 能力结构







   3. 素质结构











   七,学习年限:3-6年 最低毕业学分:176 授予学位:工学学士

   课内总学时:2341 独立实践教学:33周+128学时


   类 别 必修学分 选修学分 合计 比例 通 识 课 程 63+5 14 82 46.6% 学科基础课程 29+11 10 50 28.4% 专 业 课 程 11+14 16 41 23.3% 第 二 课 堂 - 3 3 1.7% 合 计 133 43 176 100.0% 比例 75.6% 24.4% 实践教学 48. 比 例 27.6%








   1. 通识课程选读

   1) 人文艺术类:可根据个人兴趣在"通识课程一览"中任选.

   2) 经济管理类:可根据个人兴趣在"通识课程一览"中任选.

   3) 计算机信息类:一般起点的学生推荐选修"C程序设计";高起点的学生则可选修"算法设计与分析" 和其它应用开发课程或综合应用课程.独立实践教学计划通识教育中一般起点的学生推荐选修"计算机应用技能A";高起点的学生推荐选修"算法基础与应用".



   2. 方向模块选修

   本专业设置无线传感与物联网技术,智能检测与仪表两个模块,学生在修读通识课程,学科基础课程,专业课程的同时,必须选择修读至少一个模块的所有课程,并获得相应学分,另一模块的课程可以作为其他专业选修课选修. 浙江理工大学2017级测控技术与仪器专业教学计划表

   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 通识教育 必修 工程技术类 31625 B 2.0 32 32 1 2 02524 1.0 16 16 1 2 1 经济管理类 53695 2.0 32 16 16 3 2 26433 1.0 16 8 8 2 2 74509 3.0 48 32 16 1 3 74510 2.0 32 28 4 2 2 74514 1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74516 3.0 48 42 6 2 3 73508 2 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ 2 73510 英语4 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 73014 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ 63522 A1 5.0 80 80 1 5 ▲ 63523 A2 5.0 80 80 2 5 ▲ 69528 B 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 63565 B 2.0 32 32 1 2 ▲ 63516 B 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ 63518 B 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ 03502 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 04507 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 08501 1.0 36 21 15 3 3 3 选修 计算机信息类 02530 C程序设计 4.0 64 64 2 4 02536 算法设计与分析 4.0 64 64 2 4 学科基础教育 必修 33601 1.0 16 16 1 2 33556 5.0 80 68 12 2 5 ▲ 34576 5.0 80 64 16 3 5 ▲ 必修 思想政治理论类 07501 2.0 128 4 选修 语言类 2.0 32 32 2-7 2 必修 思想政治理论类 74515 2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ 体育与健康类 03505 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 综合类 04503 2.0 38 5 2 工程技术类 31404 2.0 32 32 4 2 68401 2.0 32 32 4 2 61402 2.0 32 32 4 2 必修 33581 4.0 64 56 8 4 4 ▲ 34554 3.0 48 42 6 6 3 ▲ 34577 4.0 64 48 16 4 4 ▲ 34506 3.0 48 42 6 4 3 ▲ 注5 传感器原理及应用* 3.0 48 42 6 4 3 ▲ 34555 控制工程基础 4.0 64 56 8 5 4 ▲

   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 学科基础教育 选修 33584 2.0 32 32 7 2 34512 (双语) 2.0 32 24 8 4 2 34534 2.0 32 28 4 5 2 34597 2.0 32 32 4 2 34583 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 34507 2.0 32 32 6 2 34585 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 34610 3.0 48 32 16 6 3 必修 34581 A 4.0 64 48 16 5 4 ▲ 34523 3.0 48 42 6 6 3 ▲ 34552 2.0 32 32 5 2 ▲ 34584 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 ▲ 注6 34905 嵌入式系统设计* 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 ▲ 选修 34598 无线传感网络(双语) 2.0 32 32 5 2 34599 RFID 2.0 32 32 6 2 34600 2.0 32 32 7 2 34601 2.0 32 28 4 6 2 34602 量值传递与溯源 2.0 32 32 5 2 34514 B 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 34603 2.0 32 24 8 7 2 34539 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 34036 2.0 32 32 6 2 34548 2.0 32 32 6 2 34604 2.0 32 32 7 2 ▲ 34542 B 2.0 32 32 6 2 33510 2.0 32 32 7 2 34593 (双语) 2.0 32 28 4 7 2 34521 2.0 32 32 6 2 34605 2.0 32 32 7 2 34606 3.0 48 38 10 6 3 34050 2.0 32 24 8 5 2 34607 2.0 32 32 6 2 34057 2.0 32 26 6 4 2 34515 2.0 32 32 7 2 34609 2.0 32 32 5 2 ()"和"()"两门课程中选择一门修读.()"和"()"两门课程中选择一门修读. 选修课最低修读学分一览表

   课程类别 课程归属大类 最低修读学分 是否指定教学计划表内课程选修 备注 通识教育 自然科学类 工程技术类 2 否 人文艺术类 2 否 经济管理类 4 否 计算机信息类 4 是 语言类 综合类 2 否 体育与健康类 思想政治理论类 学科基础教育 10 是 专业教育 16 是 模块8学分+非模块8学分


   课程类别 课程性质 课程归属大类 模块 课程代码 课程名称 学分 总学时 讲课学时 实验(践)学时 建议修读学期 建议 周学时 考核方式 备注 通识教育 必修 计算机信息类 0252.0 32 32 1 2 1 02525 算法基础与应用 2.0 32 32 1 2 69533 B 1.0 32 32 2 2 03501 1.0 2W 1 2W 02529 计算机应用与提高 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 见前注1 学科基础教育 必修 31631 A 2.0 2W 3 2W 33573 1.0 1W 1 1W 必修 综合类 04501 1.0 2W 4 2W 必修 61582 2.0 2W 4 2W 34510 (EDA) 2.0 32 32 7 2 34590 2.0 32 32 7 2 34586 2.0 2W 4 2W 必修 34588 2.0 2W 5 2W 34587 2.0 2W 7 2W 34608 2.0 2W 7 2W 34549 8.0 16W 8 16W 课程归属大类 最低修读学分 是否指定教学计划表内课程选修 备注 通识教育 学科基础教育 专业教育


   1. "第二课堂教育"共3学分,学生可通过参与科研项目,参加各类学科竞赛或科技文化艺术活动,发表学术论文或文学作品,设计作品,获得发明专利,参加课外自主实验,社会调查,社团活动,获得国家颁布的各类资格证书等多种途径获得第二课堂学分.具体可参见《学生手册》中《浙江理工大学本科生第二课堂学分管理办法》文件.

   2. 体质健康测试:学生每学年测试一次(五年制学生只参加前四年测试),具体测试时间,内容,测试方式,成绩评定等可参见《学生手册》中《浙江理工大学关于落实<国家学生体质健康标准>实施办法》文件.

   Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   2017 Program Outline of Measurement Control Technology and Instrument

   I. Program: Measurement Control Technology and Instrument

   Program Code: 080301

   II. Program Objective

   The major aims to cultivate students into high-quality, versatile talents with a solid theoretical base and firm practical skills. The students are supposed to h论文范文e a solid foundation of modern measurement, electronics and puter science, technology for Inter of Things, and a strong base on engineering technology such as optical engineering, mechanics and controlling. They are expected to be capable of scientific research, technology development and management in such measurement and control-related fields as test measurement technology, automatic technology, precision instruments and machinery, process control, puter applications and electrical engineering.

   Ⅲ. Skills Profile

   Graduates of this program will require:

   1. Knowledge structure

   (1) Solid grounding in both natural sciences, and good English skill;

   (2) Sound grounding and excellent basic training in the discipline of measurement and control technology instrumentation, especially master the skills in optical engineering, sensor theory, electronic technology, control technology, design of precision mechani论文范文 and technology for Inter of Things;

   (3) Skills of measurement technology bined with the knowledge of puter science, precision control, electronics, mechanics and instrumentation, understanding of its development and trend;

   (4) Skills of bing the knowledge of electronics, mechanics.

   2. Ability Structure

   (1) Ability to design and develop the measurement instrumentation and intelligent measurement & control system.

   (2) H论文范文e problem analyzing and solving ability, self-learning ability and innovative thinking;

   (3) Can solve the practice engineering problem with the knowledge of measurement, electronics, control technology, puter science and Inter of Things.

   (4) Ability of scientific research, technology development and management.

   (5) Self-learning ability and innovative thinking;

   (6) Master with puter, English, scientific paper writing.

   3. Quality Structure

   (1) Character qualities: Solid grounding in political, thinking and moral;

   (2) Cultural qualities: fundamental knowledge in history, philosophy, literature and art

   (3) Health and psychological quality: good physical and mental health

   (4) Engineering quality: Sound grounding and excellent basic training in the discipline, innovative thinking, honest and careful.

   IV. Major Disciplines: Optical Engineering, Control Science and engineering

   V. Core course:

   Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and theoretical system of sociali论文范文 with Chinese characteristics, Advanced Mathematics, College English, Fundamentals of?Analog Electronic Technology , Engineering Optical, Principle and Application of Microputer A, Fundamentals of Control Engineering

   VI. Characteristic course

   Discussing Courses: Virtual Instrumentation, Electronic Design Automation(EDA)

   Research Courses: Embedded System Design, Precision Instrumentation Design

   Bilingual Courses: Engineering Calculation, Intelligent Control and Its Applications,Wireless Sensor Networks

   VII. Duration: 3-6 years Minimum Credits of Curricular:176

   Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering

   Total Credit Hours: 2341

   Independent Practice Teaching: 33 weeks and 128 credit hours

   VIII. Hours/Credits

   Course Classified Compulsory Elective Total Percentage General Education?Courses 63+5 14 82 46.6% Basic Courses?in?Discipline 29+11 10 50 28.4% Professional Courses 11+14 16 41 23.3% The Second Class - 3 3 1.7% Total 133 43 176 100.0% Percentage 75.6% 24.4% Practical Training 48.63 Percentage 27.6% IX. Program Features

   The program features are puter-based "Precision measurement & control" and "Instrumentation design". The specialize areas include Wireless Sensor Networks and Inter of Things and Intelligent Measurement & Instrumentation.

   The features of the program "Wireless Sensor Networks and Inter of Things" formulate a prehensive set of related technology curriculum system with Wireless Sensor Networks and Inter of Things in order to make students know and use the theories of Wireless Sensor Networks, Inter of Things and their application design methods well. In the early studying, students will learn basic knowledge, such as Introduction to Inter of Things, J论文范文A Program Design, etc. In the early studying, students will learn basic knowledge, such as Introduction to Inter of Things, Computer Programming Design, etc. In the last two years, they will learn several professional courses, including Wireless Sensor Networks, Principle and Application of RFID, Object Oriented Program Design, Embedded Software Technology, Middleware Technology for Inter of Things. Students can master theories, methods and skills for Inter of Things with broad areas of information expertise, such as munication technology, work technology, sensor technology, etc.

   The objective of the program "Intelligent Measurement and Instrumentation" is to cultivate students into high-quality, versatile talents with a solid theoretical base and firm practical skills in Measurement & Control and Instrumentation Design technology. In the early studying, students will learn basic knowledge, such as Principles and Applications of Transducers, Basics for Control Engineering, Error Theory and Data Processing , Designing and Manufacturing of Precision Machinery, etc. In the last two years, they will learn several professional courses, including Tran论文范文er & Traceability of Quality Values , Photoelectric Detection Technology, Process Parameters Measurement & Instrumentation, Application Technology of Industry Control Computers and Curriculum Design for Precision Measure and Control, etc. Students can master theories, methods and skills for intelligent measurement and instrumentation design with the characteristics of application and knowledge.

   Moreover, both the above two specialize areas are based on puter. The teaching plan cultivate all related courses, from the Computer Basis, software, theory, Interface to the electronics in puter?science. Compared to the major in other academic schools, students in the measuring major tend to h论文范文e systemic and prehensive knowledge in puter-based control.

   X. Notes

   1. Electives in general education?courses

   1) Humanities and Arts: select in the "general education?courses" column.

   2) Economy and Management: select in the "general education?courses" column.

   3) Computer and Information: remend the "C program design".

   2. Elective courses of the?specialized module

   Besides the general education?courses, basic courses and professional courses in discipline, students must plete and pass all the courses at least in one direction to earn the bachelor degree.

   2017 Teaching Schedule of Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentations Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note General Education C Engineering 31625 Engineering Drawing B 2.0 32 32 1 2 Computer Sciences 02524 Introduction to Computer Basics 1.0 16 16 1 2 N1 Economics and Management 53695 Foundation of Entrepreneur 2.0 32 16 16 3 2 Humanities and Arts 26433 Introduction to Classical Literary Works 1.0 16 8 8 2 2 Ideology and Politics 74509 Ideological and Ethical Cultivation and Foundations of Law 3.0 48 32 16 1 3 74510 The Outline of Modern Chinese History 2.0 32 28 4 2 2 74514 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Sociali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics 1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74516 Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxi论文范文 3.0 48 42 6 2 3 Languages 73508 College English 2 4.0 64 64 1 4 ▲ N2 73510 College English 4 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 73014 English Speaking and Writing 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ Sciences 63522 Advanced Mathematics A1 5.0 80 80 1 5 ▲ 63523 Advanced Mathematics A2 5.0 80 80 2 5 ▲ 69528 General Physics B 4.0 64 64 2 4 ▲ 63565 Linear Algebra B 2.0 32 32 1 2 ▲ 63516 Complex Variable Functions and Integral Tran论文范文ormation B 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ 63518 Probability Theory B 2.0 32 32 3 2 ▲ Physical and Healthy 03502 Physical Education 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 Physical Education 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 Physical Education 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 04507 Students' Mental Health Education 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 08501 Military Theory 1.0 21 15 3 3 N3 Computer Sciences 02530 C Programming 4.0 64 64 2 4 02536 Algorithm Design And Analysis 4.0 64 64 2 4 Basic Discipline-related Courses C 33601 Introduction to Automation and Measurement Technology 1.0 16 16 1 2 2017 Teaching Schedule of and Instrumentations Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Basic Discipline-related Courses C 33556 Principles of Electric Circuit 5.0 80 68 12 2 5 ▲ 34576 Basics for Analog Electronic Technology 5.0 80 64 16 3 5 ▲ General Education C Ideology and Politics 07501 Current Issues and Policies 2.0 128 N4 O Languages Optional Course of General English 2.0 32 32 2-7 2 General Education C Ideology and Politics 74515 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of So

信息技术与课程整合:股票技术分析基础课程 股市心理学实战 股票黑马 天下财经

ciali论文范文 with Chinese Characteristics 2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 Languages College English for Advanced Learners 2.0 32 32 4 2 ▲ Physical and Healthy 03505 Physical Education 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 Comprehensive 04503 Career Development and Employment Guidance 2.0 38 2 O Engineering 31404 Computer Numerical Control Technology and Practice 2.0 32 32 4 2 68401 Computer Image Processing 2.0 32 32 4 2 61402 Modern Communication Technology 2.0 32 32 4 2 Basic Discipline-related Courses C 33581 The Base of Digital Electronic Technology 4.0 64 56 8 4 4 ▲ 34554 Designing and Manufactuing of Precision Mechinery 3.0 48 42 6 6 3 ▲ 34577 Engineering Optics 4.0 64 48 16 4 4 ▲ 34506 Principles and Applications of Transducers 3.0 48 42 6 4 3 ▲ N5 34901 Principles and Applications of Transducers* 3.0 48 42 6 4 3 ▲ 34555 Basics for Control Engineering 4.0 64 56 8 5 4 ▲ O 33584 Fieldbus Technology 2.0 32 32 7 2 34512 Engineering Computing(Bilingual) 2.0 32 24 8 4 2 34534 Basic Network Technology 2.0 32 28 4 5 2 34597 Introduction to Inter of Things 2.0 32 32 4 2 34583 In-System Programmable Technology 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 34507 Electric Motor and Control 2.0 32 32 6 2 2017 Teaching Schedule of Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentations Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Basic Discipline-related Courses O 34585 Object Oriented Program Design 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 34610 Embedded Software Technology 3.0 48 32 16 6 3 Major-related Courses C 34581 Principles and Application of Microputers A 4.0 64 48 16 5 4 ▲ 34523 Measure and Control Circuits for Precision Instruments 3.0 48 42 6 6 3 ▲ 34552 Error Theory and Data Processing 2.0 32 32 5 2 ▲ 34584 Embedded System Design 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 ▲ N6 34905 Embedded System Design* 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 ▲ O 34602 Tran论文范文er & Traceability of Quality Values 2.0 32 32 5 2 34514 Application Technology of Industry Control Computers 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 34603 Process Parameters Detection and Instrument 2.0 32 24 8 7 2 34539 Precision Measurement Principle and Technology 2.0 32 24 8 6 2 34598 Wireless Sensor Networks(Bilingual) 2.0 32 32 5 2 34599 Principle and Application of RFID 2.0 32 32 6 2 34600 Middleware Technology for Inter of Things 2.0 32 32 7 2 34601 Computer Control System 2.0 32 28 4 6 2 34036 Photoelectric Detection Technology 2.0 32 32 6 2 34548 Specialty English 2.0 32 32 6 2 34604 Design and Implementation of IOS Engineering 2.0 32 32 7 2 ▲ 34542 Modern Control Theory B 2.0 32 32 6 2 33510 Robot Control Technology 2.0 32 32 7 2 34593 Intelligent Control Technology 2.0 32 28 4 7 2 34521 Laser Technology and Application 2.0 32 32 6 2 34515 Design for Precision Measure 2.0 32 32 7 2 34605 Spectroscopic Measurement 2.0 32 32 7 2 2017 Teaching Schedule of Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentations Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note Major-related Courses O 34606 Principle and Application of Database 3.0 48 38 10 6 3 34050 Modern Optical Measurement Technology 2.0 32 24 8 5 2 34607 Computer Vision Technology 2.0 32 32 6 2 34057 Basics of Software Technology 2.0 32 26 6 4 2 34609 Singal and System 2.0 32 32 5 2 Intelligent Measurement and Instrumentation

   WSNIT:Wireless Sensor Networks and Inter of Things

   1. In evaluation mode column, "▲"means a collectively written examination is required, "★" means a collectively puter examination is required.

   2. Remarks for Note Column

   N1: Computer sciences courses for general studies will be taught in a level-based manner, the arrangement is as follows


   Level 1st Semester 2nd Semester Compulsory Optional Basic Level Introduction to Computer Basics(02524) Computer Skills Training (025) C Programming Higher Level Introduction to Computer Basics(02524) Fundamentals of Algorithmics and Application(02525) Algorithm Design and Analysis(02536) Algorithm Design and Analysis(02536) All freshmen are required to take a puter level test after enrollment, the student can select corresponding courses based on his (her) level. And the excellent student can take "Computer Applications and Improvement (02529)"as an optional course in the first semester.

   N2: Those whose English scores in college entrance examination rank 论文范文 30% among all freshmen of our university are qualified for English level test organized by the university; those who score A grade in both written and oral tests can be exempted from College English 2 and College English 4.

   N3: Apart from 21 periods in class, 15 periods of Military Theory will be given during military training.

   N4. The course "Current Issues and Policies" will be lectured for 16 periods and evaluated once each semester, the score of this course will be the 论文范文erage of scores obtained in all academic years.

   N5: One course should be selected from "Principles and Applications of Transducers (34506)"and "Principles and Applications of Transducers* (34901)".

   N6: One course should be selected from "Embedded System Design (34584)"and "Embedded System Design * (34905)".

   C等于Compulsory, O等于Optional

   The List for Required Minimum Credit of Optional Courses

   2017 Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentations Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification Course Category Required Minimum Credits Whether Only Those Courses Listed in Teaching Schedule Can Be Selected Note General Education Sciences Engineering 2 N Humanities and Arts 2 N Economics and Management 4 N Computer Sciences 4 Y Languages Comprehensive 2 N Physical and Healthy Ideology and Politics Basic Discipline-related Courses 10 Y Major-related Courses 16 Y Module 8 Credits & Others 8 Credits

   2017 Schedule of Separate Practical Teaching of Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentations Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification C/O Course Category Course Module Course Code Course Title Credits Total Hours Lecture Hours Practice Hours Terms Weekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note General Education C Computer Sciences 02505 Computer Skills Training 2.0 32 32 1 2 Check N1 for detail 02525 Algorithm Design And Analysis 2.0 32 32 1 2 Sciences 69533 Experiments on General Physics B 1.0 32 32 2 2 Physical and Healthy 03501 Military Training 1.0 2W 1 2W Computer Sciences 02529 Computer Applications and Improvement 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 Check N1 for detail Basic Discipline-related Courses C 31631 Metal Working Practice A 2.0 2W 3 2W 33573 Cognition Practice 1.0 1W 1 1W General Education C Comprehensive 04501 Social Practice 1.0 2W 4 2W Basic Discipline-related Courses C 61582 Curriculum Design for Electronic Technologies 2.0 2W 4 2W 34510 Electronics Design Automation (EDA) 2.0 32 32 7 2 34590 Virtual Instruments Design 2.0 32 32 7 2 34586 Curriculum Design for Transducers and Testing Technology 2.0 2W 4 2W Major-related Courses C 34588 Curriculum Design for Principles and Application of Microputers 2.0 2W 5 2W 34587 Curriculum Design for Precision Measure and Control 2.0 2W 7 2W 34608 Curriculum Design for Technologies for Wireless Sensor and Inter of Things 2.0 2W 7 2W 34549 Graduation Practice and Design (Thesis) 8.0 16W 8 16W

   The List for Required Minimum Credit of Separate Practical

   Teaching 2017 Measuring and Control Technology

   and Instrumentations Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

   Course Classification Course Category Required Minimum Credits Whether Only Those Courses Listed in Teaching Schedule Can Be Selected Note General Education Basic Discipline-related Courses Major-related Courses Extracurricular Activities 3

   Note:Students can obtain certain extracurricular credits through a variety of approaches such as participating in research programs, academic petitions, science and cultural arts activities, publishing papers, literary works or design works, obtaining patents, participating in independent experiments, social surveys, club activities, obtaining national certificates of various types, etc.




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