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主题:发言稿 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-27






1. 称呼.顶格书写,常用的称呼有Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss.、Dear Sir/Madam、Ladies and gentlemen等.

2. 正文.

3. 结束语.常用“Thank you for listening!”.


1. 明确演讲的对象很重要,针对不同的听众,发言的内容不同;

2. 发言稿中的观点要明确;

3. 发言稿的语言要通俗易懂、层次清晰、逻辑性强.


I am glad to he the opportunity to make this presentation. Today I shall be talking about.很高兴有机会在此演讲,今天我演讲的内容是等

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance to speak to you today. 我从心底感谢你们今天给我这次演讲机会.

I am going to be speaking about something that is very important to all of us. 今天我要演讲的内容对我们所有人都很重要.

It's a great honor for me to make a speech on. 我很荣幸就等进行演讲.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a speech here. 感谢大家给我机会在此演讲.

The topic of my speech is. 我演讲的主题是等

I will divide this topic into three main aspects. 我将分三个主要方面讨论这个话题.

I would like to focus/concentrate on the problem of. 我想把重点集中在等问题上.

I hope this can give you some ideas of. 关于等我希望能给大家一些思路.

We all ought to be aware of the following points. The most important point is. 我们都应该意识到以下几点内容等最重要的一点是等

Let me conclude my speech with the following comments.请让我用下面的几句话总结我的演讲.

I hope I he made myself understood. Thank you for your listening. 希望我所说的大家都听明白了.感谢大家的聆听.










Dear friends,

How time flies!







Thank you.


1. 审题立意



2. 写作要点







Dear friends,

How time flies! Your visit to our school is drawing a close.① Please allow me to take this opportunity to bid your a fond farewell.②

During your stay with us, which lasted for two weeks, we communicated with each other so much that③ we developed deep friendship. We did so many activities together like learning the differences between China and Britain, playing basketball and games and so on. By this exchange activity, we he a deeper understanding of English culture.④ Besides, it's your enthusia and teamwork when you played basketball that give me a deep impression.⑤ At this farewell party, I will express my gratitude to all of you and I hope we can keep our friendship forever.

Looking forward to your coming to China again.⑥

Thank you.

亮点分析:全文中多数句子为简单句,但也不缺乏高级句式,如强调句和when引导的时间状语从句等.另一个优点就是全文使用了多个高级短语,如communicate with、he a deeper understanding of、express one's gratitude、keep one's friendship、look forward to等.

①使用短语draw a close表明这次交流活动即将结束.

②短语allow sb to do sth和take this oppor-tunity to do sth,表明了作者在此演讲的目的.


④句中he a deeper understanding of的使用,表达了作者对英国文化的理解程度,尤以deeper使用得更为恰当.


⑥该句表达了作者对这些英国学生的诚挚邀请,且短语look forward to的使用表达了作者的期望.


Dear friends,

How time flies! The two-week exchange activity is coming to a close①. As the chairman of the Students' Union, it's my honor to say something before you lee for England.②

During the two weeks, your friendliness and talents left us a deep impression.③ For one thing, you didn't hesitate to help us when we had difficulty learning English, which benefited us a lot④. For another⑤, when we played basketball after school, your wonderful performance and teamwork had a profound effect on us. It is by this activity that we he learned more about English culture.⑥ Much to our relief, you also love our Chinese culture and characters.

True friendship never ends. I hope we can keep in touch with each other. Welcome to China again.

Thank you.


①句中短语come to a close的使用准确.


③使用了短语lee sb a deep impression,表明此次活动对作者的影响.


⑤for one thing和for another这组关联词的使用增加了文章的条理性.





1. 陈述调查结果;

2. 谈谈你个人的选择及理由.


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数.

参考词汇:自习课 a period for individual study

Good morning, everyone! Recently a sur-vey has been done in our school about whether it is necessary to set aside a period in each school day for individual study.







Thank you very much for your attention!



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