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Chinese Etiquette 中国人的礼节

主题:中国人 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-01-09



There is an intricate etiquette system in China that has developed over thousands of years. While mastery of its twists and turns may be out of reach for most foreigners, it is a good idea to at least attempt to understand it.

Miànzi—Sing face

Face is a complicated system of shame and stature measurement. “To he face”, you mianzi, means to be respected by your peers. In China, one must always protect their “face” but also take care to se the “face” of others.

The “loss of face”, diu mianzi, is one of the worst things that could happen to a Chinese person. To oid this “loss” it is recommended that you don’t insult, yell at or criticize someone in public. Critici—even if constructive—should be given in private in a very calm manner.

Guānxi—You are who you know

Directly translated guānxi means “relationship”, and it is basically how much “pull” you he in society.

About 2,500 years ago Confucius preached a system of morals and ethics designed to bring order to the then rather hedonistic1 and chaotic times. These rules he stuck around and he come a long way in defining guānxi. Confucius broke it down into five key relationships: ruler-subject, father-son, friend-friend, husband-wife and brother-sister. These are the core relationships and offer some insight as to who gets top say. The relationship that isn’t defined by this, but plays most heily into guanxi is that of your “connections”.

While visitors will likely not need much knowledge of this culture point, long-term residents are sure to hit it full force—whether it be visiting a hospital, starting a business, or just getting the best seat in a restaurant.


Kèqì, or politeness, is another area where Chinese culture differs a bit from Western norms. It can be a bit off-putting2 and confusing to foreign visitors that “thanks” is not as casually or frequently said. In the West we tend to say ‘thank you’ for everything. It’s become an instinctive courtesy in English. It will often baffle a waitress or shop assistant when you thank them for something that is part of their job or “duty”.

As such, foreigners tend to hear the phrase “bú kèqì” quite a lot. This is the appropriate response to “xiè xie/thank you” but does not quite mean “you’re welcome.” Rather it translates more like “no need to be so polite.” This is particularly so between family members, where too much politeness can be seen as treating family in an overly formal way, which can be a sign of disrespect.

Generally speaking, Chinese people strive for modesty or humbleness, and boasting or bragging will not win you any fours in China.

What’s in a name?

Addressing people the proper way is made doubly hard by language barriers coupled with a complete reversal of how we look at names in English. In China the family name comes first—and though there are about 3,000 surnames in use, nearly a quarter of the country’s large population use “Lǐ”, “Wáng” or “Zhào”. The second part of the name is the given name, of which there is usually much pride attached to. It is a parent-honouring tradition for the owner of a name to know precisely its meaning.

Unless you are on quite close terms with someone, it is best not to refer to them by their given name, but rather by their whole name. For example, unless you are good friends with a guy named Li Yaqin, you would not refer to him by either “Li” (surname) or “Yaqin” (given name); but rather call him “Lǐ Xiānshēng” or the complete “Li Yaqin”.


Though attitudes of physical interaction are changing quickly among China’s youth, traditional society still prevails. It’s no problem to shake someone’s hand when you meet them, but a hug or kiss is reserved only for close friends and family members. Also note that you need not give that big, from-the-waist bow—though close in geography, China is very much not Japan. Nor is it Thailand, so lotus-bud hand3 thing will also lee your Chinese hosts feeling awkward and confused.

Public displays of affection are sometimes frowned upon between Chinese people.

Should you get your romance on with a Chinese person, be sure to at least consider that the cultures are different. Chinese people are generally much more reserved than Westerners are used to. Guys, expect to do most of the groundwork with Chinese females, and girls, bet on being considered quite forward if you initiate things with a Chinese man. Also be aware the position you put your Chinese partner in if you break social norms and initiate affection in public. Of course your partner may not mind, but it is sure to get them a lot of possibly unwanted attention from looky-liu’s4.

“No” is uncommon

It’s no coincidence that there is no Chinese word for “no”, only the rather open ended “not yes/búshì”. Chinese etiquette tends to be such that unless the circumstances are extreme you would generally not be so direct as to say “no”. Being direct is just not how communication is done in China, Chinese prefer to talk indirectly, or around the issue. For example, instead of giving a direct “no”, a Chinese person would prefer to say keneng you xie xiao wenti, or “maybe there’s a little problem”), or wo kaolü kaolü (, or “I’ll think it over”). This can seem frustrating and inefficient to outsiders, but in the reverse, English speakers are sometimes considered brutish for their forcefulness and lack of sue5.











同样地,外国人似乎经常会听到“不客气”,这是对“谢谢”的合适的回答,但又不完全等同于“不用谢”(You’re welcome),而是更接近于“不需要这么礼貌”.这在家庭成员之间尤其突出,过多的礼貌会显得对于家人过于正式,而这是一种失礼的表现.












1 hedonistic享乐主义的. 2 off-putting使人懊恼的.


4 looky-liu’s是英语单词looky-loos的变形,意指逛街时只看不买的人;也指喜欢围观(尤其是交通事故等)的人. 5 sue温和的;文雅的.



[1] 中国人论文范文 关于中国人相关专升本论文范文2万字
[2] 中国人论文范文 关于中国人毕业论文怎么写2万字
[3] 中国人论文范文 中国人相关自考开题报告范文2000字
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