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英语论文格式要求 本科生毕业论文格式有关写作资料

主题:英语论文格式要求 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-17




  1. (一)引用基本常识
  2. 1.如引用到某作者的话语或观点,需在句中或括号内注明该作者姓氏(last name) .
  3. 2.直接引用的,需在直接引用话语部分加双引号(quotation marks),并注明页码.
  4. 3.在所引用的话语后加括号(parentheses)需在其后加句号(period).
  5. 4.中文作者在正文中夹注要求用作者姓氏汉语拼音,按英文 APA规范夹注.
  6. (二)具体规范和示例
  7. 1.间接引用


一、文献引用(统一按 APA 格式规范夹注)


1.如引用到某作者的话语或观点,需在句中或括号内注明该作者姓氏(last name) .

2.直接引用的,需在直接引用话语部分加双引号(quotation marks),并注明页码.


4.中文作者在正文中夹注要求用作者姓氏汉语拼音,按英文 APA规范夹注.



A. 引用单一作者的著作的(Single author),可有以下几种引用方式:

In 1989, Jensen pared formal interviews to carefully constructed questionnaires. OR

Jensen (1989) pared formal interviews to carefully constructed questionnaires. OR

Jensen pared formal interviews to carefully constructed questionnaires (1989). OR

Jensen stated, Formal interviews produced optimal results in several situations (1989, p. 23).

Smith (2017) surveyed this phenomenon.

A famous survey of this phenomenon (Smith, 2017) showed that..

In 2017, Smith demonstrated that.

B. 引用两位共同作者著作的(Citing Works by Two Authors),如用括号则需在两作者之间加表示and的符号();如无括号则 用 and.,如:

According to the study, 25% of people prefer cats over dogs (Smith Brown, 2004). OR

Smith and Brown (2004) surveyed this phenomenon.

In 1992, Leonard and Trent argued that interviews have produced reliable information. OR

Leonard and Trent (1992) argued that interviews have produced reliable information. OR


The Arawaks had been living on the island for several thousand years (Leonard Trent, 1992).

C. 引用文献为三到五位作者的(Citing Works by Three, Four, or Five Authors.), 第一次引用的需注明所有作者,接下来再引用的则只需注明第一位作者的姓(surname)并加 et al.表示,注意加句号(with a period),如:

#8226; A recent survey (Smith, Brown, Black, 2005) showed.. [first reference]

#8226; Smith et al. (2005) showed [second reference]

#8226; Bourne et al. (1994) found that this kind of activity pares favorably to the national level of outdoor recreation (p. 83).

D. 文献来源为不同时期多位作者的,按主要作者姓氏字母顺序列出,并用分号;(semicolons)分开,如:

These data are consistent with other studies concerning this topic

(Greenfield, 1990; Patterson, 1997; Smith Jones, 1992).

Several studies (Balda, 1980; Kamil, 1988; Pepperberg Funk, 1990)

E. 引用团体作者(corporate author)的作品,括号夹注中应使用团体的名称,如:

Retired officers retain access to all of the university's educational and recreational facilities (Columbia University, 1987, p. 54).

F. 引用文献源自采访、邮件、电话等观点或文字的(Personal munication: interviews, letters, e-mails, phone conversations, etc.)属不可追溯检索信息,不必在参考文献中列出,如:



[1] 英语论文格式模板参考 关于论文的格式
[2] 人文学科英语论文格式 论文文献格式
[3] 英语论文格式 硕士论文引用格式
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