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The Cats of Roxville Station (Excerpt IV)罗克斯维尔火车站的猫(节选四)

主题:火车站 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-02-23



Several days passed without food, and Rachet was renous. She climbed out of the tire late in the afternoon and scanned the field. Something moved in a cluster of old milkweeds. A mouse? She stalked it. But it wasn’t a mouse. It was a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis that was hanging from a dried leaf. Rachet watched it pull its The Cats of Roxville Station (Excerpt IV)


文/琼·克雷格黑德·乔治 译析/吴文安

By Jean Craighead Georgesix black legs out of the chitin box in which it had been changing from caterpillar to butterfly for the past two weeks. She gathered her feet under her for a pounce, but suddenly the tan creature shook its nubbin wings. They filled with fluid and expanded. The orange-and-black wings grew like a Japanese water flower. In moments Rachet was looking at a monarch butterfly. The cat in her wanted to play with this creature, but instead she purred. She purred only in the presence of a living creature, be it just a butterfly.

This pleasant purr filled the butterfly’s world. It had no ears, but it felt the vibrations on its antenna and lifted its wings. The young butterfly hesitated, then took a bearing on the angle of the sun’s rays and flew off. It was on a ruler-straight line for Mexico. As it went it would fly around buildings and tall obstacles and come back to that straight-line course until it finally arrived in the mountains of Mexico. Hanging from a pine needle, it would spend the winter with millions of other monarch butterflies that had migrated from North America, making the mountainside glow.

Watching it fly over the died milkweed patch, Rachet was aware of a slight tremor in the grass nearby and pounced! She had a mouse.

This time holding it tightly in her teeth, she carried the mouse back to her tire and ate. It was delicious. She could hunt. She would live.

Rachet curled up tightly in the tire and closed her eyes. At dusk she went out prowling again.

She did not go very far before a storm blew in from the south, bringing rain. Cheeks, the chipmunk, stopped gathering acorns at the first drops and ran to his home in a stone pile by the bridge. He took a trail he had made through and around the rocks, went down a long tunnel in the earth below them, and stopped in his pantry. He stored his acorns, then scrambled down his runway for a visit to his tidy latrine. When the rain began to fall heily he was in his bedroom/living room.

Mike, who headed home still looking for Rachet, climbed over his fence and ran up the back steps of the Victorian house where he lived. It was known as the “haunted house.” An older woman, Mrs. Dibber, lived there. Before her husband had died of cancer two years ago, she had taken in Mike, who was then an eleven-year-old orphan. The state paid her for fostering him, and he did the chores.









【第一段】这里有一种英汉语言的差别值得注意,即英语的不定冠词翻译方法.英语中的不定冠词加名词组合(a + noun)翻译为中文时不宜全部转换为“一个+名词”.有时候中文可以灵活表达.比如,for a pounce,就不必翻译为“为了扑一下”,这是少见的中文表达,译文是“作势欲扑”,更符合中文习惯.原文有一个短语chitin box(角质素盒子),实际指毛毛虫的茧壳.原文有科普意义,译文中要灵活对待.原文中还使用了三次creature(生物),借助猫咪视角,传递一种科普含义,也是有趣的视角,因为作为一只小猫咪,对周遭的事物并不了解,充满了好奇.倒数第二句中的the cat in her(她身上的猫性)意思是她有猫的好奇本能,译文没有直译,明晰化为“出于猫的本能”.




【第六段】这一段借助猫咪引出她的邻居花栗鼠,又是科普作品的特点之一.第一句中bringing rain的译文为“风雨交加”,稍加增益.原文后面描写花栗鼠不慌不忙地回家,有条不紊地生活,从容而优雅,字里行间充满了作者对大自然以及野生动物的喜爱和赞美.花栗鼠有自己的专用小道、长长的隧道、储藏室、自家整洁的厕所、自家的跑道,以及客厅和卧室.译文“光顾了一次自家整洁的厕所”意在再现原文隐含的幽默感.





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