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英文博士论文大纲 英文博士论文提纲怎么写有关写作资料

主题:英文博士 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-03-24




  1. 五、中美博士论文英文摘要中名词化使用对比研究论文提纲
  2. 四、博士学位论文英文摘要的主位推进模式研究论文提纲范文
  3. 三、基于工科博士学位论文英文摘要的主位研究论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、中英文博士论文英文摘要写作的比较分析论文提纲范文
  5. 一、中英作者博士论文英文摘要的主位选择和主位推进模式的对比研究论文提纲范文





Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Background of the study

1-2 Aim and significance of the study

1-3 Organization of the thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 The description of nominalization

2-2 The approaches to nominalization

2-2-1 Traditional approach to nominalization

2-2-2 Structural approach to nominalization

2-2-3 Transformational-generative approach to nominalization

2-2-4 Cognitive approach to nominalization

2-2-5 Systemic-functional approach to nominalization

2-3 Current studies on nominalization at home and abroad

2-3-1 Current studies on nominalization at home

2-3-2 Current studies on nominalization abroad

2-4 Summary

Chapter Three Methodology

3-1 Research questions

3-2 Data collection

3-3 Procedures

3-3-1 Identification of nominalization

3-3-2 Statistic results

Chapter Four Analysis and Discussion

4-1 The frequency and distribution of nominalization used in the abstracts by Chinesewriters and American writers

4-1-1 The frequency and distribution of nominalization used in the abstracts byChinese writers

4-1-2 The frequency and distribution of nominalization used in the abstracts byAmerican writers

4-1-3 The similarities and differences in the frequency and distribution of nominalization used in the abstracts by Chinese writers and the abstracts by Americanwriters

4-2 The types of nominalization used in the abstracts by Chinese writers and Americanwriters

4-2-1 The types of nominalization used in the abstracts by Chinese writers

4-2-2 The types of nominalization used in the abstracts by American writers

4-2-3 The similarities and differences in the choice of nominalization types betweenthe abstracts by Chinese writers and the abstracts by American writers

4-3 The functions achieved through the use of nominalization in the abstracts by Chinesewriters and American writers

4-3-1 The functions achieved through the use of nominalization in the abstracts byChinese writers

4-3-2 The functions achieved through the use of nominalization in the abstracts byAmerican writers

4-3-3 The similarities and differences on the functions achieved through the use of nominalization between the abstracts by Chinese writers and the abstracts by Americanwriters

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Major Findings

5-2 Implications of the study

5-3 Limitations of the study









Chapter1 Literature Review

1-1 The relevant concepts

1-1-1 Clause

1-1-2 Theme and Rheme

1-1-3 Classification of Them

1-2 Models of Thematic Progression Patterns

1-2-1 Thematic Progression Patterns

1-2-2 TP Pattern Models Overseas

1-2-3 TP patterns In China

1-3 Application of TP patterns

Chapter2 Methodology

2-1 Framework of the study

2-1-1 Xu Shenghuan’s seven logical semantic relations

2-1-2 Huang Guowen 's six TP patterns

2-2 Data collection

2-3 Research procedures

Chapter3 Data Analysis

3-1 Sample analysis

3-1-1 Analysis on one sample of Art

3-1-2 Analysis on one sample of Science

3-1-3 Analysis on one sample of Engineering

3-1-4 Analysis on one sample of Administration

3-2 Data Analysis

Chapter4 Results and Discussion

4-1 TP patterns in groups

4-1-1 TP patterns in group One

4-1-2 TP patterns in group Two

4-1-3 TP patterns in group Three

4-1-4 TP patterns in group Four

4-2 Similarities and Differences of TP patterns of the four groups

4-2-1 Similarities

4-2-2 Differences


5-1 Summary of the study

5-2 Limitations of the study

5-3 Recommendations


Appendix Ⅰ




Abstract (in English)

Abstract (in Chinese)

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Literature review

2-1 Previous study on abstracts

2-2 The shortage of current research

Chapter 3 Methodology

3-1 Theoretical approach

3-2 Research design

3-3 Data collection

3-4 Instrument

3-5 Procedure

Chapter 4 Data and analysis

4-1 Analysis of types of themes

4-2 Analysis of Experiential Themes

4-3 Analysis of Textural Themes

4-4 Analysis of Markedness of Themes

4-5 Analysis of Clausal Relationships

Chapter 5 Conclusion


Sources of English abstracts



有关论文范文主题研究: 关于英文博士论文提纲范文素材 大学生适用: 8000字学院学士论文、5000字学校学生论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 180 写作解决问题: 论文提纲如何写
毕业论文开题报告: 标准论文格式、论文总结 职称论文适用: 刊物发表、职称评初级
所属大学生专业类别: 英文博士科目 论文提纲推荐度: 优秀提纲




Chapter 1 Introduction

1-1 The Background Information of Abstracts Writing

1-1-1 Definition of Abstract

1-1-2 The Significance of Writing a Good Abstract

1-1-3 Study of Abstract Writing at Home and Abroad

1-2 Significance of the Study of Abstract Writing

1-2-1 Features of the Present Study

1-2-2 Significance of the Present Study

1-3 Overview of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2-1 A Critical Survey of Abstract Writing

2-1-1 Types/Patterns of Abstracts

2-1-2 Structure/Contents of Abstracts

2-1-3 Qualities of a Good Abstract

2-2 Thematic Progression

2-2-1 Danes' Concept of Thematic Progression

2-2-2 Other Theories on Thematic Progression

2-3 Lexical Richness

2-3-1 Lexical Variation

2-3-2 Lexical Frequency Profile

2-3-3 Lexical Density

Chapter 3 Method

3-1 Research Questions

3-2 Data Collection

3-3 Instruments

3-4 Data Processing

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

4-1 General Survey

4-1-1 Length of the Abstracts

4-1-2 Number of Sentences per Abstract

4-1-3 Mean Sentence Length

4-2 Type and Structure

4-2-1 Type

4-2-2 Structure

4-3 Analysis of Thematic Progression

4-3-1 Five Types of Thematic Patterns Identified in CWD and NSWD

4-3-2 Imperfectly Formed Thematic Progression Patterns in CWD

4-3-3 Well Formed Thematic Progression Patterns in NSWD

4-4 Lexical Richness

4-4-1 Lexical Variation

4-4-2 Lexical Frequency Profile

4-4-3 Lexical Density

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5-1 Findings

5-2 Pedagogical Implications

5-3 Limitations of the Study









Chapter One Introduction

1-1 The significance of this study

1-2 The organization of the present thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Studies on abstracts

2-2 Studies on thematic structure

2-3 Studies on TP patterns

2-4 Summary

Chapter Three Methodology

3-1 Research questions

3-2 Data collection

3-3 Measurement of thematic structure

3-3-1 Identification of themes and their markedness

3-3-2 Classification of themes

3-4 Measurement of thematic progression patterns

3-5 Data analysis

Chapter Four Results and discussion

4-1 Differences of thematic structure

4-1-1 The preferred type of theme in each corpus

4-1-2 Discussion of the results

4-1-3 Markedness of themes in English abstracts

4-1-4 Discussion of the results

4-2 Differences of thematic progression patterns

4-2-1 The preferred thematic progression patterns in each corpus

4-2-2 Discussion of the results

4-3 Summary of results

Chapter Five Conclusions

5-1 Major Findings

5-2 Implications

5-3 Limitations of this study


Appendix Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅱ

Appendix Ⅲ

Appendix Ⅳ



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[3] 英文博士论文大纲 英文博士论文提纲怎么写
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