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主题:初中英语词汇教学 下载地址:论文doc下载 原创作者:原创作者未知 评分:9.0分 更新时间: 2024-04-07




  1. 五、任务型教学在初中英语词汇教学中的应用研究论文提纲
  2. 四、多媒体在初中英语词汇教学中的应用研究论文提纲范文
  3. 三、初中英语词汇教学现状调查研究论文提纲格式范文模板
  4. 二、论思维导图在初中英语词汇教学中的应用论文提纲范文
  5. 一、多模态教学模式在初中英语词汇教学中的应用论文提纲范文






第一章 文献综述

1-1 任务型教学研究现状

1-1-1 国外任务型教学研究现状

1-1-2 国内任务型教学研究现状

1-2 英语词汇教学研究

1-2-1 国外教学流派中的英语词汇教学

1-2-2 国内英语词汇教学研究

第二章 任务型教学理论

2-1 任务相关概念的界定

2-1-1 任务的定义

2-1-2 任务的构成

2-2 任务型教学

2-2-1 任务型教学的内涵

2-2-2 任务型教学的设计原则

2-2-3 任务型教学的学习评价

2-3 任务型词汇教学

第三章 实证研究

3-1 研究目的

3-2 研究对象

3-3 实验时间

3-4 研究工具

3-4-1 实验法

3-4-2 问卷调查

3-4-3 访谈法

3-5 研究步骤

3-6 数据收集

第四章 实验结果和分析

4-1 实验结果与分析

4-1-1 前测结果与分析

4-1-2 后测结果与分析

4-1-3 实验班前后测成绩对比分析:

4-2 问卷调查结果与分析

4-2-1 前问卷调查结果与分析

4-2-2 任务型教学活动

4-2-3 后问卷调查结果与分析

4-3 访谈的结果与分析

4-4 结论

第五章 研究启示

5-1 任务型词汇教学的启示

5-1-1 任务型词汇教学的优点

5-1-2 教师角色的改变

5-1-3 任务型教学对教师的要求

5-2 问题及解决策略

5-2-1 合理的小组划分

5-2-2 科学合理的任务设计



附录 1 前调查问卷

附录 2 后调查问卷

附录 3 前测试卷

附录 4 后测试卷

附录 5 任务型词汇教学访谈提纲

附录 6 任务型词汇教学访谈结果





List of Acronms


Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Research Background

1-2 Significance and Purpose of the Research

1-3 Outline of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Researches on Multimedia Teaching Abroad

2-2 Researches on Multimedia Teaching at Home

Chapter Three Theoretical Background for the Thesis

3-1 Learning Theory

3-1-1 Cognitive Learning Theory

3-1-2 Constructivism Learning Theory

3-2 Multimedia and Vocabulary Teaching

3-2-1 Multimedia Teacning

3-2-2 Vocabulary Teacning

Chapter Four Present Situation of Vocabulary Teaching in JuniorMiddle School

4-1 Problems of Vocabulary Teaching in Junior Middle School

4-2 Analysis of English Vocabulary in Textbook and Syllabus for Junior Middle School

4-2-1 English Vocabulary in Textbook for Junior Middle School

4-2-2 English Vocabulary in Syllabus for Junior Middle School

Chapter Five Research Design and Analysis

5-1 Subjects and Methods

5-2 Research Questions

5-3 Data Collection

5-3-1 Pre-survey

5-3-2 Post-survey

5-3-3 Vocabulary Test Paper Design

5-3-4 Class Evaluation Design

5-4 Process of Multimedia-based Vocabulary Teaching in EC

5-4-1 Multimedia-based Association Teaching Method in EC

5-4-2 Multimedia-based Context Teaching Method in EC

5-4-3 Multimedia-based Situational Teaching Method in EC

5-5 Analysis of Data

5-5-1 Analysis of Pre-survey and Post-survey

5-5-2 Analysis of Vocabulary Test

5-6 Summary

Chapter Six Conclusion

6-1 Summary of the Study

6-2 Implication of the Study

6-3 Limitations of the Study and Prospects for Future Research

Works Cited


Appendix Ⅰ Vocabulary List

Appendix Ⅱ Questionnaire Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅲ Questionnaire Ⅱ

Appendix Ⅳ Results of Questionnaires

Appendix Ⅴ Teaching Materials

Appendix Ⅵ Raw Scores of the Final Examination of EC and CC

Appendix Ⅶ Pre-test Paper

Appendix Ⅷ Mid-test Paper

Appendix Ⅸ Post-test Paper

Appendix Ⅹ Raw Scores of Pre-test, Mid-test and Post-test of EC andCC






List of Tables

Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Background of the Study

1-1-1 Importance of Vocabulary in Junior High School

1-1-2 Current Situation of Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in Junior High School

1-2 Purpose of the Study

1-3 Significance of the Study

1-4 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Studies on Lexical Competence

2-2 Studies on Vocabulary

2-3 Studies on Vocabulary Teaching

2-3-1 Contents of Vocabulary Teaching

2-3-2 Basic Principles of Vocabulary Teaching

2-3-3 Studies on Vocabulary Teaching at Home

2-3-4 Studies on Vocabulary Teaching Abroad

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3-1 Research Questions

3-2 Research Participants

3-3 Research Instruments

3-3-1 Questionnaires

3-3-2 Test

3-3-3 Textbook Analysis

3-3-4 Interview

3-4 Data Collection and Analysis

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4-1 Results and Discussion of Questionnaires

4-1-1 Results and Discussion of Teacher Questionnaires

4-1-1-1 Understanding of Vocabulary Teaching

4-1-1-2 Methods and Strategies of Vocabulary Teaching

4-1-2 Results and Discussion of student Questionnaires

4-1-2-1 Current Situation of Vocabulary Learning

4-1-2-2 Methods and Strategies of Vocabulary Learning

4-1-2-3 Factors Affecting Vocabulary Learning

4-2 Results and Discussion of Tests and Examination Papers

4-2-1 Results and Discussion of English Examination Scores

4-2-2 Results and Discussion of the Correlation between English Vocabulary Size and English Overall Ability

4-2-3 Results and Discussion of the Correlation between English Vocabulary Competence and English Overall Ability

4-3 Vocabulary Input in the Textbook

4-3-1 Definition of the Textbook

4-3-2 Functions of the Textbook

4-3-3 Characteristics of the Textbook Go for it!

4-3-4 Merits of Vocabulary Input in the Textbook Go for it!

4-3-5 Demerits of Vocabulary Input in the Textbook Go for it!

4-4 Results and Discussion of Interview

Chapter Five Conclusion

5-1 Major Findings

5-2 Pedagogical Implications

5-3 Limitations of the Study


Appendix Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅱ

Appendix Ⅲ

Appendix Ⅳ

Published Paper


有关论文范文主题研究: 关于初中英语词汇教学论文提纲文章 大学生适用: 2000字高校大学论文、2000字学位论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 417 写作解决问题: 论文框架怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文前言 职称论文适用: 核心期刊、高级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 初中英语词汇教学专业 论文提纲推荐度: 免费大纲





第一章 绪论

1-1 研究背景

1-2 研究目的及意义

1-3 论文结构

第二章 文献综述

2-1 思维导图

2-1-1 思维导图定义

2-1-2 思维导图与概念图的关系

2-1-3 思维导图组成要素及绘制方法

2-2 思维导图的国内外研究现状

2-2-1 国外研究现状

2-2-2 国内研究现状

2-3 英语词汇教学相关介绍

2-3-1 英语词汇教学的内涵

2-3-2 词汇教学的原则

2-3-3 词汇学习记忆法

第三章 理论基础

3-1 知识可视化理论

3-2 激活扩散模型

3-3 建构主义学习理论

第四章 研究设计

4-1 研究问题

4-2 研究对象

4-3 研究方法

4-3-1 访谈

4-3-2 问卷调查

4-3-3 教学实验

4-4 研究过程

4-4-1 实验前期准备

4-4-2 实验的实施

4-5 数据收集

4-5-1 实验前数据收集

4-5-2 实验中数据收集

4-5-3 实验后数据收集

4-6 教学案例

第五章 研究结果与讨论

5-1 教师访谈结果

5-2 问卷调查结果

5-2-1 前期调查结果

5-2-2 后期调查结果

5-3 实验样本结果

5-3-1 单词默写结果

5-3-2 过程性听写结果

5-4 讨论

5-4-1 研究问题一的讨论

5-4-2 研究问题二的讨论

5-4-3 研究问题三的讨论

第六章 结论与展望

6-1 研究发现

6-2 研究的局限性

6-3 对未来研究的启示



附录 1 初一学生英语词汇学习状况调查问卷(一)

附录 2 教师访谈提纲

附录 3 初一学生英语词汇学习状况调查问卷(二)

附录 4 学生作品展示

附录 5 课堂展示





Chapter One Introduction

1-1 Research Background

1-2 Purpose and Significance of the Study

1-3 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Research on Multimodal Discourse Analysis

2-1-1 Definition and Criteria of MDA

2-1-2 Research on Multimodal Teaching at Home and Aboard

2-2 Research on English Vocabulary Teaching

2-2-1 Definition of English Vocabulary Teaching

2-2-2- Significance and Purpose of English Vocabulary Teaching

2-2-3 Research on English Vocabulary Teaching at Home and Abroad

2-3 Research on Multimodal English Vocabulary Teaching

2-3-1 The Choices of Multimodal Codes in English Vocabulary Teaching

2-3-2 The Operation Patterns of Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching

Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation

3-1 Theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics

3-2 Theory of Multimodal Discourse Analysis

Chapter Four Research Methodology and Procedures

4-1 Research Purpose

4-2 Research Questions

4-3 Subjects

4-4 Instruments:

4-4-1 Questionnaire

4-4-2 Interview

4-4-3 Tests

4-5 Research Procedures

4-5-1 Pre-test

4-5-2 Traditional Vocabulary Teaching Approach Practice

4-5-3 Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching Approach Practice

4-5-4 Post-test

Chapter Five Discussion and Analysis

5-1 Analysis on Questionnaire

5-1-1 Questionnaire Analysis about the Students’ Attitude towards Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching Approach

5-1-2 Questionnaire Analysis about the Influence of Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching Approach on the Students’ Vocabulary Acquisition, Application and Memory

5-1-3 Discussion

5-2 Analysis on Interviews

5-3 Analysis on Tests

5-3-1 Analysis on the Final Exam—the Pre-test

5-3-2 Analysis on the Vocabulary Test—the Post-test

5-3-3 Analysis and Discussion about Vocabulary Test

Chapter Six Conclusion

6-1 Findings

6-2 Findings of Multimodal Class

6-2-1 Advantages of Multimodal Class

6-2-2 Features of Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching Approach

6-2-3 The Problems in Multimodal English Vocabulary Teaching

6-2-4 The Main Function of Multimodal Teaching

6-3 Implications

6-3-1 Strategies of Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching Approach

6-4 Limitations of the Study

6-5 Further Study

6-6 Summary


Appendix I

Appendix II





[1] 最新初中英语词汇教学论文选题参考 初中英语词汇教学专业论文题目怎样拟
[2] 初中英语词汇教学论文提纲范本大全 初中英语词汇教学论文大纲怎么写
[3] 初中英语词汇教学论文摘要怎么写 初中英语词汇教学论文摘要范文参考
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